Show I Cherry herry C Pectoral I A In lI I 11 1 bid lac two patients In es e c ct S I iCa ny yeT I Pectoral arid and today they art ars well 1114 aa nd be ablo to do dO their dilly daily work Dr C C W V Va Vs VaY You Y can hardly find a home without this splendid splendid did cough c medicine Parents know what it does for children breaks up a cold in a single night wards off bronchitis prevents pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia monia Wise physicians advise parents to keep keepit it on hand wise vise parents follow the advice I E ISo GOo COG t 1 LII I a O a fC x tu tuU U ti IS COMING COMI I Every Catarrh dreads the coming cOIning of ol winter for lor with the th first breath of tip the this titis tit Is miserable Is Into life lICe owl and a all the tIle ing a return The Tue nostrils tire nrc stopped anti and the up throat cat can nil be bo kept clear leor of mucous secretion only by hy continual hawking ana spitting Catarrh isn and nud source of not only COULD not nor TIlE run OF O A to tit 0 otle who haa It out but everybody w Wj else The ilie thick yellow discharge Watsontown PI Pa July I 13 In Int from the tho head produces cs n a 1 feeling t ee I Ing of I h vo 88 S B 8 B El for far Catarrh of thu personal r defilement mid the odor of anti an nel luyo u u an n we the breath is Intolerable I II I e lent troubled remedy with for tor tame some I Z had hal been bean this tUli diu for tor y Jun rs The poison brings b on and tried enny n nr things In la an en effort to troubles trouble nud auci affects the Kid Kidneys K I d gel relief relict bu bus good nothing until did dM ml me say allY I and Bladder ma It attacks the thc a d from r m began oar sad B 0 8 5 B 8 soft Rolt t hones mid tissues of the head wee so l o dar f could not hur the bk of ofa D clock I u throat causing call lug total or partial in bid bed shape Imps when I beg your mod med deafness I t ea f the lie t I IC loss I ass of 0 f smell much Ule II nth I go I v bias H B U IJ li n hai bu done dOlls AWAY with the w lull call lilT hearing hal hai been bun ing log to the voice olce n a rasping nasal wonder ally dt to io ranch much 10 so twang No t of 0 f the tl IC body b Ot I y is I n a 15 en an J ordInary now CArr Carry ton tOil f OU On uAn a tion on from front its it a JOlt ravages mages Catarrh makes lf J this was you Ou sick nil All over for tor it ft is a n llis 1113 Your m J lies done ne toe Ino s a wo world lei ot of goat rOO II sail and I do fth not to ily It the eASe case of the thc blood nail and circulates all nil credit It deserves through the system S mId nud for tor this W T II reason sprays washes inhalers powders and nud salves calves have ha proven l roell NO fiO SIGN OP IN THi failures allures TEEN EN YEARS YEAR The way to euro cure thor thoro Ind lad T Ter r Aup AUr Au 1 1003 I is to cleanse Dose Doar BinI About thirteen the tho blood of the unhealthy remedy for tor years I had ago 0 beon beo I troubled your thin that keep keen the thc membranes of the body bolly with I I 1 SVa for tor about n nine n yeses yv but DUt since ta In IJ ii ri u a h hoys r neer l been nn worried I inflamed and nothing to Ices does this so ao with It I heel Itel us ibis B U 13 0 B ii BT Bad surely promptly na as S S S As as AI a sure auro cure curo for tor long Jong AS ns the blood Is poisoned with T 1 matter the dIscharge of mucus and other oIlier disgusting symptoms of the miserable disease will continue s S S 8 goes gocs to the fountain source of the Uta trouble and purifies anti enriches curIche I the blood and go so invigorates nod tones up the system that catching cold anti and all con cou Catarrh Ig i not so likely to occur Keep the blood in Iii It order nUll and winters Inters coming coining brings none nOlle of ot the discomforts 1 Iscom forts of Catarrh Write us particulars of or your case casc and 1 let our physicians Ann help you get got rid of this ad advice an anil stubborn i m Wc We inako no charge whatever for forWE I WE rilE SWIFT SPECIFIC co 00 ATLANTA GAo cAD Ii T L WEBSTERS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY We are offering Websters Un Unabridged Unabridged abridged Dictionary a B and Enlarged Edition l Published ut July 1903 1503 for tor 1360 Former price 1000 Call Calland Calland Calland and examine the work NEWS BOOK DOOK STORE STOnE G 0 Main Street WEBSTERS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY We are offering Websters Un Unabridged Unabridged abridged Dictionary a and Enlarged Edition Published July 1903 1003 for Former price JIOW 1050 IO Call Calland Calland and the tho work DESERET NEWS BOOK DODIC STOnE 6 G Main Street SALT DALT LAKE LAlm TURF TUm EXCHANGE I len Ken n Hotel California and Eastern naco 77 Olin Orin anti COLDS Prevents Pneumonia 1177 77 breaks brenke up Colds hang on and and do not yield to treatment 77 knocks out tho the Grip In nil all singes joa rind and In nil all forms forma 77 stops slops a n cold In tho the head hend and cures ouros Catarrh acute or 77 Sore Soro Thront Throat and pneumonia monia man In by tho chest cheat chestand and hun ja clear olear and tho the tom torn down Jubilee Edition of at Dr Hum Humphreys Manual Mailed Free Froe At j l X 25 cents coni or mailed mallet cOI Co Coo Cor t Julia John Birotte Nsw Now YorK 1 I GOING GOiNG GOIN GOI GONE e III eu 3 wn It WiLL WItt SAVE IT roo LATE FOR FOa An n Hair Dressing I THE ORIGINAL WillAL REMEDY THAT KILLS THE DANDRUFF GERM SOME BOMB MEN DONT DO NT CARE Some men are BO so Indifferent DISEASED lAm HAIR EFFECTS FACIAL eat ent to loss that they thoy pay no attention whatever to 10 WON SIoN The face tac I Is a I mirror of ot the tho mind mind But Dut later when Incurable and nn dandruff and Itching scalp w Woo wo baldness comes they will waste time and money mOMY In i a n vain oln men IMn lose their t b e I r youthful appearance by brooding oer endeavor to overcome e the result of their own neglect physical no that might be bo remedied ilu la THERE WAS WAB A rIME TIME There Thero was WI I n II time when It Il beauty comes front from tho the consciousness a Dr 5 was considered quite proper to ridicule and make light skin ki are aro perfectly healthy that both b 0 tb h a I r aDd an of ot the germ theory but It good Bood taste to do It now ROW as aa nature re gave them M sending for tor scientific this form torm of ot beauty shows through ee iJ when municipal governments are aro even cen tho the mo most t men to suppress germ contagion Prof Unna n ask k your ular features A woman may bo e perfect In form torm ISZ hg g discover dandruff a and n d h b e doctor about him was the first to the tha complexion may rival the tho color of ot the microbe and now dermatologists the th world over Iwo rose but I U t if tf t i It is b her h er misfortune m I t or t lne to t 0 have I scant or lifeless 1 that true dandruff Is u a I contagious disease caused by a hair that al tune will continually wound her pride germ TilE THE PROVED IT Doe Drs Lassar and her face tace To such women is i and a n Po positive be r reflected d d In Bishop both noted scientists took dandruff scales from tram It t gives confidence by quicklY producing producing the Ib the tho head he ad of ot a IL student who was waH losing his hair and hay har harIng ha effect Makes Make the hair light fluffy and gives It an a corr correct In ct Ing log made a pomade pom of ot them with vaseline rubbed the charm harm A single trial will Contains same tame upon a IL and the pIg pie became bald Sro Boo no oil 01 op or 0 grease will not stain or dy dye de DS George Thomas Jackson M I D on Diseases of ot Skin STOPS ITChING OF 0 TIlE THE SCALP INSTANTLY edition should be used at al the first suggestion of ot dandruff or Itching scalp It prevents scalp Infection robs the tho public hair brush bru h of ot Its power to do CURED DANDRUFF AND AN 0 FALLING FAILING HAl HA HAIR harm and never neer falls fails to cure euro dandruff and atop stop falling Wn v ar n pleased to state that doTS ro b hair III tahra r does nil 1111 that t you claim arn r It It cured TIm TIlE LADIES KNOW The ladles ladies are quick to die dis discover dandruff which was ot of long standi my hUsband ot of cover any diseased d condition of the hair for tor with wh them Ing hair Signed nI an rd myself of f tall fall the natural Impulse of preservation applies particularly Park City Utah ra F S Fox For to Natures Charming Adornment When the hair be becomes becomes becomes comes dull brittle or It shows that tho the dan dnn dandruff dandruff druff microbe Itself In the tho scalp and la in sap gap gapping A GOOD REPORTS ping the hairs vitality In time It IL will cause dandruff F S 4 Itching scalp and filing falling hair bair This I find your JoUr better and I condition calls for tor the Immediate use ue of ot more moro pleasant than any remedy on tho the The Th wonderful f t f market markets It the felling falling out of ot the tho 0 oCt feet fe t of ot the Very ven first application shows hair and aid the I lo e hall hair a 1 soft loft light that It will destroy dell troy the cause c after feeling My M dandruff Is a cUred I which tho the hair hll r will grow as nature In Intended Signed Den Bert Davie Dale tended Salt Lake Inke City Utah Z G C Oi M I DRUC DRUG CO COx COS S x Special Agents I At res Send lOc lOe In hi sl to THE TilE lIe CO Mich for A Healthy Hair Destroy the Cause C You Remove the Effect An Aft Unhealthy H U I r TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY I t DO CO YOU REMEMBER ER Iron county was up In arms over the tho proposed change chanKe of ot tin the county dividing It II from GarfIeld On account of at duty on wool nine hat factories In the cast east re wages 12 per pr p r cent 1090 I hands being concerned TEN EAI S AGO TODAY rOUA Y The Tho rumor that thal Glodstone had resigned the wn wu was rt tir P o oIn In London Wild reports were current in New York that n a vessel upon which President Irell ent Cleveland and Secretary were cruising lied had Ken bees overtaken by b disaster In a storm S AGO A raa at tho the point 01 o death kept k opt alive only by bytha the tho administration of or oxygen All England sorrowful The Paris larts police raided the headquarters arters of oC Royalist conspirators and ond an broke up the gang i iTHE I THE CHURCH m BURA Wn r Jt Bulletin Issued lly 11 do m IOp It H t I 11 11 1 1 1111 1 1 The Tho Utah Fuel company would Quid like to obtain o seine t I it met men Eng English lish speaking People preferred who will be taught coal ceal mining at the of ot tho the company Address Ad ress Dooly Block The Tho Utah vuel uel company havo hn employment for foi strong I rn m mesa English En speaking lp people preferred ot lit their cokA cok oven nt at Castl Gate O t Bishop James England Englund Union Oregon Union stake tAko ko says sayi there a m ae e ex n excellent e opportunities a for tor or purchasing good land In that neighborhood on rmon able nulo terms term Further details can be bo obtained hy by writing hUn him direct Bishop Nels J Hogan Hatch Idaho Bannock f take stake says lays there l is 18 a n fool opening for tor a n shoemaker ns as he would have the Ute work ot or several settlements In I that vicinity PERSONS SEEKING E Brother Herman Stells recently arrived from Germany a I competent ma machinist m by Jy trade tralle Is jue employment of ot any kind Address Addres him at 17 IT well vell St Bt Salt Snit Lake Lalle City Cli I Brother Joseph Joeph D DJ Hann recently arrived arrive l from Holland would woul like to 10 ob obtain o tain tairi employment of ot any kind him at al HO 40 west city Brother Samuel B H Hill lilli just returned from a mission to the ern would like any kind kIna of ot employment Address us him hint at 1113 south First I lr t We Sot t street bolt baIt Lake City Uy i Perfect beverage light and nd delicate invigorating and sustaining ft 2 O M MAA f AA noon tu all Oil is Struck in Utah x thi there will 11 bo be a n stampede and wo we will b be to so 0 busy boisy bul In ft a t tow dali JT unless unions you y hurry and send us your TOur order for tor h le cleaning you TOU yO be bo too late NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CO COin in flo Se Main St t T Telephone l phon o JoU House Cleaning wall all paper aup carpet t window oW tJ Janitor service Ea 8 I r II 9 W l IA W I C |