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Show GUNNISON VALLEY NEWS, GUNNISON, UTAH Economic Highlights jMartines Reelected Prepare Topics Ogden Show Will JHead of Civic Clubs1 Continued from page 1) Be Bigger, Better For Farm Talks elation Iwtween industry left LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST i ILrman-i'- MNs .some JnulJa Peterson, twenty-on- W h left months ago t0 j j e mission in Canada for the P. p g returned to her home in (ju J church, an.1 nison Sunday. Following her Under the terms of this ( Mr. and Mrs. X. L. me k rnoM can.iih (Continued from page ) Fcemc to be placed in a tour of southern points, and re- I 8 turned Monday. 'lliey attended the botch, information bureaus and other meeting of the Associated Civic clubs places wheie they may be Keen, Publication of a small pamphlet, of Southern Utah held at St. George, and later they continued their jour- Newe.puper advertising, of other 'ldua Shorthorn cattle, HoNtein cattle and, of operation. leaders Regular press releases. be realy early in January. ney to the Houlder dam, where they sen, a former Gunnison won. that DLtrilmtion of loohIet,4 now on Mate-ria- l ajHMit day inspecting the stiuctuie on local and state prob- - carload , of fat cattle will be judged. tries aeemg Washington, D. C.. Miss l tUr0n t . and seeing the sights at las Vegas, hand. Jems Is hing prepared hy the exten- - Tuesdays judging will include lleretren , once s e was a Christmas dinner guest at mi the - confined to lng Sale of stationery on which is'sion United States Senator . home 19 of staff, and the United States de- - ford and Jersey cattle and the judgbe gradually exte Mr. and Mia. Grant of Pay printed a map of Southern Utah. . . f program will be completed Wed- will and during her v.iit bert partment of agriculture is making Thomas, Business U afraid that p it An attiactlve membership insignia, available data to of the prize son, spent a few day i during the the nations capital she had the as supply foundation riesdsy with the selection ou" privi. and enterprise, holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 information relative to of winning carloads in the big feeder tiative of topics mi lege visiting many points of i I Niels I arson. . .tones, of the repubhc are national significance but with local cuttle show. tee - est in and about the capitol Laij. becomu democratic theory In explaining the program, Mr. application. The shows auction sales will start that our Miss act Peterson ing. thoroughly enjoy! Mr. and Mrs. Waldo illard and Punt assured the director and mein- 1 he subjects now in the purebred Shorthorn ed her mission work and declar-- d the JW preparation children, who were here to spend Legs that if properly handled the plan .'include, for Utah: . sale to begin at 1:00 p. m. Tuc . Canadian citizens to bo loyal pul people. Christmas with relatives, returned to n Kiv Utah the most comprehen- What Is the outlook for Utahs January 14. The auction of fat live- - erty and freedom in pol their home at St. George Sunday, sive and effective advertising that it agriculture? stock starts at 10 a. m. Wednesday, even a dictatorship in GIVES YlLETIDE PARTY. 'has ever received. He added that dur- - How may we more efficiently han the purebred Hereford cattle sale at horizon. tha Mrs. J. M. i Knighton charmingly Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen of jng the year other feature may be die our problems of health and medi- - 1 p. m. Wednesday, and the auction; It cannot be disputed that the old tioT a entertained at Yuletide party MonHoncyville, visited during the holi- - added, cal care? sale of carloads of feeder cattle at status of states rights, for exam- - day afternoon ago for sixteen with lady In and relatives friends days Alvin P. Adams, president of the IIow can we more efficiently util- - 10 a- " Thursday. Seventy head of pie, has been drastically changed friends. At t a delicious Gunnison and Mayfield. Air Transportation company, inform- ize the water resources? Hereford and 50 head of Shorthorn j that the federal power has crept i dinner was i turkey served, with the ed officers and diicctors that his What can be done to increase the bulls are enterei in those sales. (steadily into spheres that we used to tables cleverly decorated with fli 3 e Fred Jones, who is now residing at company would start An interesting amusement program . believe were the sole province of advertising in opportunities of our rural boys and try. colorings of holly and sprigs of Fait Ike, was here for the holidays the ,.Uht that air coujj giris to obtain a home and make a is lined up for the stock show' visit-- 1 state and local powers. This, whether cedar. Place cards were vote unique, be. visiting with his family. visit the parks en route to rx. which includes the annual stock-- : w lealize it or not, and whether ing souvenirs from Mexico. living? tegt The re How cam we use credit more effi- - mens dance Monday evening, Janu- - those responsible for the change providing it could be guaranbUhi were cards and on the back to is the first alize teed that the airport could be com- cently? or it step not, athletic are ry 13, Tuesday evening the of each a clever "jingle rhyme, all What should be Utahs part in the carnival and Wednesday evening the ward dictatorship. Under our const! pletes! at Bryce canyon by June 1. rega were inscribed by the hodifferent, of government, no stess J. E. Garn, regional supervisor of AAA program? annual stockmens lanqurt. These tutional set-u- p or 'i on each. Following the delicious n What should be UtahH part in the three features of the entertainment dictator could seize absolute power airports for the department of that janquet auction bridge was enjoyei accmpunied President Adams social security program? Don Chris- busii Bartholomew, program have been put on every year because the seats of power were pur- The contest was lively for the favors tenen and Victor Bartholomew are and attended the afternoon mewling, Howr may a better living be obtain- - since the show was initiated. Ogden's posely made many and w'iJespread Fc offered and the final count showed here from the H. Y. U. rending the! A WPA project will be sought to cd from our present money incomes? amusement houses will also present one each in the 48 states, and one Mrs. B. S. ly ii Egge risen as winner of kttVe Bie airport constructed ami a the As of Dr. powers Washington. that so town Wheatley out At vacation that of features reports their county Here holiday special I first resjavtive with Mrs. Charlo'v V prize, foruma and discussion groups have people will find plenty to interest states are abrogated or lessened, and I, . . home. cong 'lard winning second. Mrs. Harold been organized in 1? of the 29 coun- - them all during the week, Mr. and Mr. LymAn Mellor am opini Christenson won consolation. ties. Others will be set up by the first! The show officials believe that the1 the son, Sherrill, of Annabella, returnc He reports that 17th annual exhibition will be of un- -' for successfully establishing a part of January. home Tuesday after a week's visit what Only one person in the United enthusiasm is leing shown by usual interest and of sufficient value , tatorship whether it bears that with relative and friends. gres.s States last year got an income of the people of the state in the new from an educational standpoint to name or another is Immeasurably Ve The Relief society presidency en$5,000,000. What we would like to A report of the finances of the dSCU!,R'on program sponsored by the make it well worthwhile for the peo- - improved, the a tertained Monday evening at a socia know is how much the AAA him pail to allow civic the of to intermountain C. W. government It must be a not that pie given the! been group Love, by country forgotten for the visiting teachers, class lead for not raising so many hogs on his farmers to discuss their own prob- - attend. short time ago a number of men minis ! and their partners. The affair Ft. George, chairman of the finance country estates. Jems in organized groups under holding responsible positions in govvetoc was held at the meeting house and committee, showed them to be in from our local merchants. leadership. ernment advocated, either directly or I land was well attended. A splendid pro- good condition. Hi proof of the greatness of , At the of the Lake .nvenJSalt lontl request I.y coiutitu never intimation, was gram lhe rendered, games were gtate lhe G chamber of commerce, the group monu onJ changes winch have g.v- thirds played and a delicious lunch was City is Rapid. that it hu IWHcnUd, will cooperate with other bodSs in the en federal bill o government tmprece- 8urvisc1 thc dKhr- - ,, served. , Utah and western states in trying to dented powers over md.v, duals, look overit sli r(OTaira Thursday evening of last week the SCfn how industries, over agriculture, over all pay off a comm, officers of the Primary association get additional federal aid for forest or thirty-fiv- e billion thirty road construction. the rights and liberties for which our thougl wera hostesses at an elaborate dindoctor bnL Mr. Brockbank explained the neforefathers fought. Less is heard again, ner party for their partners and a from high sources of such changes AA, few special guests. The affair was cessity of having this done to keep A lerrier ,Mt U Demo tod f ttadnm that j last ,prine travelaJ 400 mieJ ge, held at the home of Ruby Olsen. the road construction work in the forest up with the other highways. first advocated them remains. Covers were laid for twenty-four- , They I nack to its master. Tha is more than E. C. Wright, serving a two-yelar in The fears and uncertainties men-- 1 a lot of wives will do. and the tables were attractively arterm as director for Sevier county L Dry.lot feedin? of cattle is rapidly fornia has been rapid during recent tioned which I here, plus too much politics rayed in holiday decorations. After and Mrs. Wrieht becoming more important in the far years and probably there is no other attended thn ' western livestock tkm. 1 a dinner games were played and a jolly factions, are the greatest California been11"0111 section where improvement has picture. act, w rea recovery, and to per- has the largest number of cattle on as great as in California. good time was enjoyed by all. The which manent stability. America still has feed in dry lots In the history of the special guests weje Roxie ChristenDepartment of agriculture figures POPULAR COUPLE MARRIED. soil ers, is fertile she insen, lUshop Henry L. Bartholomew, has to still her the Unitej States indicate a total of 14 000 cattle on'her state, according I If it is Victor Bartholomew, Annie F. RoSan Ml,, I inevita Be,., leechcr in the binson and Mr, and Mrs. Lyman aohi" of l 1U0O . year .go; 30,500 Bert d Washinglen public schools, be cree Mellor. h m the. the Ios Angeles area againatij Jensen, well known here in business ItI" ! l;lsst,! ,'reate j fed on hat ra,se he standard of f 67 r cmt Mr., and Mrs Norval Mellor are an, I a year ago; 20,000 in the Im- circles, were manie--l at fanning a11 5 provide living: of the PCOP1- She still has average. rejoicing over the arrival of a baby Xephi Saturday, and on their return! perial valley against 9,000 a year future. the American born faces that December Increasod 30. Mother and and the announcement of their tak- girl, interest in dry lot feed- ago; 41,500 in the San Francisco, great TV" gladlyspirit Socia that has been brou&ht about by the Stockton and Northern California the baby are doing fine. approaches the We take this opporing marriage vow's, proved a fected difficult mSt tasks Bernard Anderson, a student tat jubilation. to their hosts 0f raPidIy rawing demand for good and counties against 36,000 a year ago ' pleasant Let the clouds of doubt be scattered. I importe the B. P. U., came home Monday to friends. surprise in beef tunity of thanking These retail Quality do in-not centers,1 indicate r ' figures They were given a royal be tak Bnd Ca no New Years day and the re- - ception by a in spend way but f1,ward uthern California, creased numbers of cattle available g0 the people of Gungroup of intimate especiaIIy adequat niainder of the. week where 1,161,6 are around thre his rela- - friends. Mrs. Jensen is the for in market the but instead state, daughter nison and Neuti tives and friends here. Bernard of Mr. and Mrs. vicinity 10 feed The Influence of fat a larger proportion of grain-fe- d Nephi Bessey of leople tussle spent Christmas week with relatives for the splendid patand while residing in her sUck sbows such as the Great West-- j tie. Extremely dry weather in the White and friends in Provo. era show Los Liv,sttck at home town was popular in social, Angeles,-- southern counties of California has durus ronage given governn Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bartholomew educational factor in popu- - greatly retarded movement of cattle and church work, and ftls? ,ias be6n a Ask of L returned Monday from Ephraim, was a leader in the 1935 larizin production of better and Congress? ing hope quality to range feed and unless general younger set. where they had been enjoying the Since leef rains are received this month, there By RAYMOND PITCAIRN assuming the position as teach- they will all continholidays with relatives and friends. er in Gunnison she has become National Chairman be some of Development the cattle feeding niay cattle forced inrange popu-- 1 ue to keep healthy Don Christensen and Calvin Bar- - Mar and Sentinels of the Republic Med prominent. Mr. Jensen, son of indust,,y in California is greatly in- - to feedlots. H. Vernal olomew, c 'easing the market values of Roper and V. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jensen, has With new the and year comes a new seshappy by buygrain, spent sion of Congress. What does the averLloyd Bartholomew were the speak- many o and has been asso- - ,iay and various commercial years here, Trier Important Role M age American ask of it? ing their groceries ers at thc Sunday evening sacrament dated with his father in agricultural ducta such as dried beet pulp, cotton-wor- k Trier cannot escape an Important his Basically demands are modest meeting. and meats at on the Jensen acres at Clarion. seed mea, sesame meal, copra meal, role. Its very location determined that and few. All are in conformity with the The many friends of both Mr. and Iinsced meal, etc. Not only is the cat-- , It should be respected. In ancient times rights and powers granted him under store. The fi the Constitution. cc Pled a central Mrs. Jensen will extend to them the tIe feeIin program of immense value position behind for the l He wants those rights wish of happiness, prosperity and to the livestock industry but it is' flie Koman frontier on the Rhine and respected and Medical was a focus of routes preserved. radiating from health on their matrimonial voyage. Pcning the way for major industrial Gaul to He wants his collective field W Mainz, Coblenz, Andernach and interests, as a development in the manufacture and Cologne, it had an worker, earner and a contaxpayer, unusual Imnewly el The Store with the sidered above and ahead of the dedistribution of mixed feeds. In portance. later ARMY times It passed-bacRECRUITING RESUMED. chaise, 3i Shuttler Wagon for sale or mands of organized minorities operatFriendly Door. The basis of good quality cattle for and forth between nations like a will trade for good milk cow. See as political pressure groups. pawn, members ing now to France after the The Army Recruiting service, the feedflot is in the use of French revod He wants his national Joe L. Jensen, Clarion. present t 2tp a 3 months suspension, is again herd sires and purebred cows. lution and then to Prussia In 1S14. its exhibit those qualities of Legislators to with uni responsibility as the capital of a Prussian and FOR SALE 'vpting applicants for service with Tims the demand for good quality standing expected of the chosen Sparton ra. dinner at representatives of a free He has dio at a bargain price. Fee Mrs. M. the SSth Infantry, Fort Douglas, beef is of vast importance to the governmental district enhanced Its seen enough of rubber-stam-people p Conteresting M. Duggins. Utah. Applications will be accepted breeders of registered beef animals. gresses, eager and willing to enact tl from and seve hasty measures men between 18 and 35 years of) Expansion, in breeding herds in Cali- at the behest of appointed Lace Worn by Men given fro bureau chiefs, in whose selection age, unmarried, without dependents the In the Seventeenth voters 0. L. RC have no belace choice century and over whose To such men service at Fort Douglas came highly popular actions they exercise no controL among gentlemen, GOT A GOOD START? Nectar and Ambrosia rott, botl offers good pay with splendid He wants Congress to know Nectar and ambrosia means the particularly those in royal and aristoreand speakers, cratic circles. The peak of this fashspect the Federal Constitution to retunity for improved ea cation nourishment of the gods In Homer 1036 is coming in the visito pretty fine-l- ets and ion, writes Louise I.aker, frain from legislation which violates through the courses provided. Every In Greek literature generally. Prob- D. Washington, our Fundamental tion were C., in Colliers Weekly, was Law and its Bill of keep her going by always probfacility for physical welfare is fur- ably the two terms were not originally ably reached Rights. by Ring Charles I of meeting p nished without cost to the enlisted distinguished; but usually, both in Congress to remember that England keeping the face and hair tidy. who At the has Homer even his and in later writers, nectar Is debts created by reckless expendmen, as well as a chance for increasnight clothes trimmed with l.SOO feet public the ciation drink and m itures ambrosia and the food. On of fancy lace waste must be paid out of ed pay and promotion. Applicants are FOR A George can help a lot! ruffles. taxes clipped from the workers the other hand, in Aleman nectar is Moroni ir invited to call in perosn or write to the food REFRESHING of his children and and in I w ere elect the Army Recruiting Officer, Ness drides ambrosia Sappho and Anaxan- for Lead and Zinc Ue DRINK He grandchildren. wants to it t!e drink. The greatest part of the world's mortgaging our future. j Pear. Dr. Building, Salt Lake City, Utah; Tost lead and zinc is used for I son, was t members of Congress, Office Building, Ogden, Utah, or Post y protecting C- Genuine Leo Mi Bations. surfa,esto N,t!' as Paint pigments of Office Building, Pocatello, Ida. on ri a the Nation as a whole, rather think COURT KINGS '!l,te c than an1in ,n .,6adef the at (be case terms of ys ... ( ! 1 I he,asj ( - ,,. one-thir- ty yule-tid- An-gel- sou-veni- rs com-CaM- nir, dic-rnu- ch I Jr.,tra well-informe- d i u x ar " f Nm. f' 1920-103- Our f '"'SC f"' Dec-m- m 2.0 Appreciation - P 1 h cat-Man- ti, pir i I I by-pr- Elmers Market k well-bre- ! self-relian- ce 10-tu- The i (1000-1049- ) George's Barber Shop Washington. D. at Reduced Prices! Come early and .select your choice. GUNNISON BARGAIN STORE One-hil- f R1.m-- Fa t of ya:r, T.. e-- ta l'c? 1 pate Most for almost is pn.vinejj Eng ilsli. I lie former s any way; the latter, "i.aUli "well- t U'gh "tor ti e gi p rt abm vt da.ti. "M..st all t: he:,r n t.ri.e; M t at. i o ! to i. stone. Can't son ethu.jj be d"ne aboi t tn.? Wiites o,e of correspondent-- . It seeg-.- s an for the V.hv Hot !.ae a toil of I njndo.fIei s it tr.e t a foU'S tl!t a r P 1..; e : ' g ' . re e c. r..l .1 "1 (, !! 1 ! Mot, Almost 1 j'ice-presi- - zinc. In galvanizing. The use of mints containing metallic aluminum common. Sue,, paints have the a !ded advantages of bavin 'usulatin power. iv (. "INerv time we ve - city of Wilmington. Pel., w named ChrUtinaharn. In honor of the Queen of Sweden. In 1731 h I.h part of the present territory of tie city owned by Thomas Willing and tor him named W iliiiictt.n. ThU was it.-changed to Wilmington the city Pas inct'rjK'rated In 17:z.i. guy still believes in Santa (.Ians, but he has learned that the old fellow ha- - changed his resilience from the North Pole to on DRESSES gs what-part- 11)0 SILK eam-earnin- - I Closing Out Real Mixer! - ; no 1,-- m.-nr- ;,--- ! '' j r 1 Stra-'-.-- g f Contra - v th5, tht SEX nut"i lernre i , .-- j, conildenct upon which depends not Strasssburf Pie only our national b ''rz pie Is anotker name for to.e gfns. it js a joiieatelv pined mo.it. made of the a!- Even the unemployed seem to find ai, j fat livers of time for a good deal of unemploy ment. H1, x, of t!,e product VT, .. .r ..... I;. I: r" PRODUCTS LLME RICKEY GINGER ALE KINGS COURT SOUR f Manti prer. I 22-oun- ce ex an i; 7 UP he rr.emb I ken a de bottles a vie i ALSO The Cer I tion, in 20c or 2 for 35c -- :t the pMh cractitlone (ar.t topic.; Pessary li A : a.o 'of ') -- I i !e political groups and factions. In brief, he wants courage, reason and economy in government and he asks Congress to assure these things It Is a fair request. If the members' 0f r:; ' Greenwich. :! ;k -- t Conn., bridge ,nwl Uj- - i v in- - WISTARIA CAFE cgite-M. Kn tran-- a |