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Show Economic Highlights Industrial New Review . ) Jy3ppenmg' that Affect the Dinner i Iaili Dividend Checks and Ta Nation- j BH of Every Individual. InProblems aj and International Local Welfare. from I - oOo I the facts we FACE Gunnison Valley News i , j unison" I he Sugar Li it i j THIRTY-SEVENT- YEAR. H Delinquent Tax Edition First Section licet and Caulijlower City." GUNNISON, UTAH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 Gunnison Joins In Monroe Courtiers NO. 27 Martines Again Elected Covers South Ulah President of Civic Clubs Snowfall Again the United States has come imto the end of a year of epochal again our portance in our history a new year enter people 125,000,000 ambition and and courage. with hope I indus-- ! closed the year just During giuriiic-?'Hilarity 111 hujq' hay, the elongated enter, and the sources Ntarting lu- -t Friday und continuand only agriculture, try greetings, happy hearts and smil.ng John-on- . Mon-lefor the plajing guard d recover-leLf wealth and employment, ing intermittently since, snowstorms faces by the thousands in the valley the Gunm-o- n courtiers, cau-esome of the ground lost during that welcomed hare in covering mother the New Year, Ri'.d. Bulldog- - ju-- t lot- - of trouble ill a the worst of depression. Most indus- weie featured in every quarter of battle played hoie Tuesday ewn.ng. earth with a blanket of snow, varysome even the Gunni-o- n tries made progress valley. Seldom m the 'I lie tall center for the as ing from six to eight inches over the came close to the production records history has the welcome been more well a- - in- - mate, Johnson, had little Sanpete and Sevier vulleys and other attained during 1929. Near the end of pronounced, and old an I voui-.jome trouble m putting the ball through L,rts of Southern Utah. The storms 1&15, business as a whole reached the in the The sound. ng ' the t. and each was cied.te have not of the bluuixl sort, highest point since early 1931. of the ringing bells and the Uia auh five With the superior but the snow has fallen gently and Business commentators are almost of guns at midnight, set the crowd-- j of tlu-.-two fu-- t men, playing the covered ground evenly. Drifting, One of the important acts at the directors voted to request the federal unanimous in expecting 1930 to and for more than a hour ive had little difficulty in taking the particularly in the valleys, has not 1935. Even over after the decrepit old l'.rt.Y w a honor with a scoie of 41 to 20. last meeting of the Associated Civic government to change iU regulations .phow improvement been noticeable. ! so, business does not feel the jubi-- J rent into oblivion the shouting ami Hubs of Southern t ub, for 1935, governing WPA and othar federal Eduards, with a count of 7, Reports from the Gunnison Sugar g lane it would normally feel under was continued. projects so tluvt workers who have Jen-owith 5, and with I. 1 weather station are to the was the reelect ion of Frank J. Mar-- so far stayed off the relief rolls and company such circumstances, nor does agri-- j Private wauh" parties had wen high note makeis for the Bullns president of the association. who are now in need of culture. The upturn in business is en-- 1 arranged for the early pail of the dog- in Tuesday's battle. The local- -, effect that through North Sevier and tines work, may Mr. now entering his third obtain It. the Guinmon Martines, more than is valley to little there eight and very couraging yet evening many of the homes en- though fighting a tough and battling inches of snow had resulted from the year as president, had one opponent, The decision followed a heated give a feeling of confidence that we tertained at dinner parties. Put with quint, bowed marked improvement, various storms. Thi water content (.. W. 1 Atve, Jr., of Ft. Georgs. Due discussion are approaching stability. While the the signal of the parsing of the old and as the sea-o- n over the of fedadvances sonu-Utt- er is mar the one inch nintk, varying, to his successful administration, eral relief funds. handling financial and industrial barometer year and the dawning of the new, thing "red tape" is looked for, and with Alleged in different of course, sections. latwever, Mr. Nartines won out by a mcthoLs were condemned continues its climb, unbiased and far- - hundreds gathered on the stieets and by directors South Sevier and North Sanpete, it big majority. Mr. love, serving as I. U. and sighted observers are gravely won- shouted a hearty welcome for 1936. Brockbnnk, presipresent is reported, received heavier falls of during the past year, dent of tin Provo chamber of canThe crowd, while noisy, was peaceful dering what the future holds. snow, with a greater water content. was again reelected to this office. ine reu. Why should this be so during a and joyful and thoroughly thrilled. Richfield reports hotter than eight The two officers, knowing the woik According to the reports of a speperiod that, measured in figures The imbibers, who believe it necesinches of snow, while parts of North that has been before the clubs, and cial to load ocbe for such an called other than a sary committee, the Utah congresup alone, cannot recorded about the same. Re- being familiar with the projects now sional Sanpete it delegation and others will b period of recovery? There are many casion, created little from the west deserts, where in working, will make a combination ports 1 answers was to use their influence In but this, to put forward a reported. will spell success in the en- requested tliat thousands of and cattle are sheep Gunni-on f The having federal projects changed so Valley h:gh school generality before approaching the ranged during the winter, are to the deavors they undertake. that was the real is true: attraction persons who have not called for gymnasium unquestionably specific, Other officers elected at the Ft. effect that a heavy blanket of snow for the big fete. The hall was filled is afraid! relief, but who are in government has fallen, thus making the range George meeting included John Redd need of will be able to obto capacity with tho-- e attracted by woik, It is afraid of governmental of lYiee, one of the organizers of conditions in splendid shape. it. tain dance. the the of federal of Following closing origin, principally While the snows in the valleys are the Associated Civic clubs, as second that seek to negate the spirit, and this dance the celebrators, who could ami Ray E Carr, reWork Reviewed. highly gratifying, the fall luis leii often the letter of the constitution. not be tired out, went to the Bowery Mr.! secretary-treasureelected In in the mountains. extremely heavy and continued celebrating until near In opening the convention of the It is afraid of a spending policy In Salina canyon, about 18 inches is Carr's report in commenting on tire? Associated Civic clubs, in which the federal government has daylight. In the gay dancing parties President followreported, while at the top of Twelve Su George meeting, was the Martines gave a review of work carled, and has been followed by many were visitors from all parts, north Mile canyon flats four feet of snow ing: local units of government that has and south, east and west. The New In addition to the annual reports ried on during the past year for the is reported. benefit of the new directors, many of caused our national debt to reach an Years eve dances proved real social The storm, according to reports given by the chairmen of the various the features whom were present for the first inholiday during high, that has greatly from different parts of the Btate, Is standing committees and their retime. inevit-f creased taxes, and that must general, and farmers, stockmen and commendations for next year, the That individual members and coun-- j ably make still higher taxes necesothers are higly gleeful with the ties contributing to the finances of sary. firat real snow of the season. the association will receive their It is afraid of political programs 'moneys worth was seen in the adopwhich, carried to logical conclusions, PROGRAM ANNOUNCED. tion of a resolution submitted by rVxnake it impossible for industry to G-- M Walter G. Lunt, Cedar City, on be-- I fearn profits. A number of industries An interesting program for the half of the advertising and publicity have had a taste of this already January 6th meeting of the Daughcommittee, that 50 per cent of all ters to held of the be Utah IMoneers, they have sold more goods, employed For the reason that all rights-of-waat commissioners, county funds received by the organization be Sanpete Gledhill. I more men, at the Washington grade school, has Referee, Anderson; ump., kept more factories in Gunnison-Mayfiel- d 1936 a the the highfor session, special passed been placed in a separate fund to carry announced. The primary feature yet have enjoyed no com- been have not as yet as had the for county a improvement way budget out CLASS HISTORY of the meeting will be the discussion FETEI). advertising program, parable increase in their earnings. was shown work on this submitted. Little interest been the prosettled, The L. D. S. church Members the of of Utah and Statehood." Mrs. program as outlined It is afraid of persecution of inof- anhave who the been has delayed, may by taxpayers necessarily includes: ject dustry, and of measures which, in ef- nounced the heads of the state road history class of the Gunnison ward Royal Buchanan, Mrs. M. D. Beaure-ger- d ferod suggestions, as none appeared Publication of a monthly paper to and Mrs. E. M. Jolley will give Sunday school were delightfully enfect, transfer management from the interviewed to discuss make or when by any changes. commission, advise the members of the club of tertained by the teachers at a Christ- talks on these topics. Other numbers owners and executives of industrial The announcement that the total who held a conference mas June Metcalf, activities and describe the Miss home Edna be the of on at will a the clarinet , properties js party program to officeholders in Washis $1517.41 lower tractions of the the road department Monday. Jensen Friday afternoon of last duet by Claire $81,062.80, with DeVon and territory, Bardsley ington, and, to a lesser extent, in The bethe actual expenditures of 1931, than the new cut-of- f for school Contest for children to bring surveys were The week. solo vocal Mrs. a and J. Larson, group entertaining by .state capitols. A notable' example of and in excess of the anticipated ex- out the advantages of each school and Mayfield were Mrs. E. M. Jolley, Mrs. Cyril Beck E. Metcalf. Officers for the Gunnison tween coming ithis is the public utility act of 1935, district. completed several weeks ago, and the and Miss Edna Jensen. Games, songs years will be elected at the meeting. penses for 1936 by $4245. Anow in the courts, which marks a The estimated receipts and burget-e- d sent to the state road depart- and other entertaining features were Road signs calling the attention of plans revolutionary departure from our adminis- travelers to Southern Utah. for each fund but delays have resulted in enjoyed by those present. An exexpenses ment, Mr. Mrs. Dow and Brian of Loa, concept of the proper the work, due to the fact change of gifts, followed by a treat visited last week-en- d home at (Continued on last page) of tered by the Sanpete county officials, the starting I (Continued on last page) y as set are the at Saturday meeting, that not all of the Mrs. of candy and nuts by the teachers, Charlotte Villard, mother to follows: have been closed. No reason was giv- closed an interesting event. Mrs. Brian. County general, receipts, en for the delay, only for the fact heads $45,532.80; Co. road expenditures, that the department fund, on other expen$3489.36, poor receipts, projects. have been busy was ditures, public support of wiMr. Metcalf assured, however, dowed mothers and let be would fund, receipts, $1730, that the contract than not later expenditures, $1605; county road active work started by Centerfield ward meeting house fund, receipts, $8600, disbursements, 1st. It has been expected that Every well owner in the state of March filled to capacity when former conwas and interest of and $7390; rights-of-wa- y redemption Atah must file application upon each approvals, dis-Manti road J residents of the valley held bonds, receipts, $25,254.60, The most entries in the history of Twelve farm men and women of .and every well which he expects to tracts let by th.e last of December, need Utah have social, and just been awarded prizes the Ogden Livestock show are assur- bursemenits, $20,810; county fair their annual use water from and to hold an undis- as there are many idle men who for the job in the rural essay contest sponsored ed for the 17th annual exhibition to fund, receipts, $1180, disbursements, from the opening number until the are and work clamoring puted title to before March 1, 1936, start in order to have supplies to by the federal housing administra- be held in Ogden January 10 to 16, $1030; and old age pension fund, re- concluding feature, the crowd min.according to information received to families. gled together, enjoyed visiting, danction, officials announce. Eight women according to information from the ceipts, $710, disbursements, $1235. A001 T. H. Hupmherys, state engi- care for their respective to as Itemize? toand offices in list. the week. included expenses ing and listening to a fine program. this show in the officials are men while and four city, Mr. Metcalf, neer. in The the festivities opened with a proinclude will over county The list Phelan from general Salina, Malouf, departments entry mayors They are: i The recent state law, which was gether with - gram. as follows: Commiscelisted follows: fund are as and Portland of Union Pleasant head Mt. 25 sacks livestock, large displays passed by the state legislature in Manti, Ephraim, e I. L. Henrie Invocation North ment; Burns Swapp, Enterprise, 25 of poultry, seeds and wool. The $2365; cheriff, $5050; in officials other municipal A 935, provides that every well, whe- C. Olsen Welcome H. Address.... animals $6900; Roberta clerk, the of $3875; of recorder, in the number thatjurer, sacks Utah Portland cement; ther Pump well, artesian well, or sur- Sanpete county, visited many over! Ida and Co. Violin Solo Edwards materThe $4205; be $4650; assessor, will on exhibition this year attorney, Green, Hooper school, roofing wholesale gasoline distributors. face well, must be filed upon. E. Met Vocal Mrs. Duet J. assois Dealers estimatshow the ial from Utah Lumber $1515; surveyor, $400; prosecutions any previous Ogden In order to acquaint the "well ow- group of officials put squarely fuel and and and calf Gilbert one ed at 50 per cent. Inquests, $500; Fjeldsted. lights, of the inequality of prices ciation; Vola Belnap, Hooper, ners with the importance of properly proposition Mrs. Duel Nielson Comic Kreading be will in and Cane $500; county and exhibits agent, Included the agricultural in faucets with by sink trap, Sanpete on gasoline charged filing upon their wells with the McEwan Voorhees and grounds, Vocal Solo....... Sevier counties, as compared with company; Verlie Loosli, Providence, some 800 head of purebred beef cat- $1000; courthouse meetprocedure, a series of and Mrs. Rulon Olsen health, $750; Reading..... The differential of 23 Vi one lavatory with faucets and trap, tie, 300 head of purebred dairy cat-- j $2000; quarantine ings will be held in Sanpete county other points. in the two counties as Dance... Mrs. and civil commissioners LaBumis Kearns juries, Tap given by N. O. Nelson company; Mrs. tie, 200 head of purebred sheep, 300 (jury 'according to the following schedule: cents charged insur-- 1 Clarinet Duet bee Laura Fae Jensen fire $50; individual material 200 inspector, M. cents 20 Clearfield, hogs, to 18 along purebred Moore, Hattie fatj$500; compared with Tuesday, January 7 10:00 a. m. and Voorhees. Rita $100; 20 $200; 50 Utah herds, ance, carloads feeder of main transitory the by was cattle, steers, one for complete fireplace, ' on highway 91, I Moroni City Hall, for Moroni, Foun- - points Mrs. Delbert Harris no satisfactory Brick association; Drucilla H. Mc- carloads of fat cattle, 15 carloads of appropriations, $700; elections, $3000; Guitar Solo..... While point. tain Green, Chester, Freedom and driving Dance court of elecrefunds and fees, of one 20 $20; carloads Tap fat Betty Peterson reporters no address the repbulls, hogs given, Farland, answer had been assured, AVales. and weed Selection. de$300; 15 fees, the of $300; Quartet auditing, fat carloads givwith lambs, making attachment, tric food mixer resentative mayors and officials ! Tuesday, January 7 2:00 p. m. Archie Buchanan and Co. & Light company; exhibition of its kind ever pest eradication, $500; compensation! not Power wa3 Utah matter largest en the if by that Nb Pleasant City Hall, for Mt. Pleas- clared W. M. tax served as master Anderson ordered $4500; deeds, for held $657; west stain of the paid, j Rocky mountains, consideration giv- Gilbert Tobler, Santa Clara, ant, Fairview, Milbum, Indianola and cleared up and due of ceremonies on the interest at in The look warrants, Brick Stain $50;, Monday evening officials a for registered charge en to the two counties, independent one old brick house, by Spring City. and and court Elmer the popuPleas-Mt. Nielson, Future $100; exhibits from reporter, gathering. judge j large display of would be installed and gasoline company; Ross Anderson, I Tuesday, was chosmerchant lar court $120. Gunnison, of January 7 7;30 p. m. tanks P. club and Fuller expense, Farmers members, with juvenile to the consum- ant, 10 gallons paint, W. Tphraim Library, for the Ephraim would be distributed also to en destinies were the Estimates of the asguide placed Paint company; Lois Jensen, Mtrimuch better quality even than has era at a price within reason. district difHe be 1936 in on made sociation will 1936. to select levies wa-the for his divisj been represented in the junior Pleasant, one automatic electric j Wednesday, m. 8 a. 10:00 Voorhees Reed follows: H. funds as assistant. C. and .ferent Morse Co.; ion at previous Ogden shows. January County gen, .. Mrs. Stanley Anderson of ter system, by Fairbanks Gunnison City Hall, for Gunnison, .4 2.0 Olsen are the chairman and mills; county poor fund, retiring Aere TuesJay enroute Mrs. Mary W. Johnson, Vernal, 100j The program calls for the students era!, Payette, Axtell, Mayfield and Cen- mo- wiJowed of and American the contests mill; public of support respectively. wire Yme fence, by judging judging to wovn rods They mere called to their tr.e!d. - thers fund, 2 mill; county road fund, take to exhibits John Jail Mr. friWire place junior company of 4 Steel fan M iss Geneal Beck, who is employe! Wednesday, January 8 0:00 P- - m Ephraim to. 10, the opening day of 8 mill; interest and redemption of mother to Borgoulst, Richfield, hollow tile for, day, Jan-iarAnn.e Manti Library, for the Manti 3.0 road bonds, mills; county fair, 2 at Salt Lake, came down Tuesday (? vmtinued on last page) Fire Hay com-- 1 Mon- - bathroom, by Utu-trict. Mr. Anderson, held a. r.pm rn.il ; old age pension fund, .1 mill; and was a guest at the home of her par.y. . day afternoon. About 1CK) esays were sub-- . special levies of 0.6 mill for public parents until Wednesday evening. Judges Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Talboe and -B. V. mlortna Ltar. .tale milted fiom all parts of the state buildings was also considered. , F.oJtr.-othdiren, who visited at the A. M. Mi. a:;d Mr 5. Nit! The assessed valuation of Sanpete above expenses, is $9,724,684. The and Edward o. and dealt with titles suggested by the resident: we: e heie Agricultural college Peterson borne several day3 during n.er Gjr.r.i-oarchiv-cturan to MTvice including utilities, on which levy for the current year for county mi-county, son, chief relatives A Cl rNt.a ' t ! New Yeai totaled 6.7 nulls. for the purj-o-ithe revenue are to be rai-week, returned to the:r n farm and home venti. Greetings lo 1936 1 it-- , Heavy Outscore Bulldogs , e .i Club Seeks Government Changes In Regulations of WPA and Other Federal Work and Relief Projects. 1 merry-makin- g. ba-ke- I ba-ke- t-. Mon-eheeiin- g j j n nome-ruikin- - n 1 U-ei- i -- vice-preside- poli-feie- s, vice-preside- 1 r. j , all-ti- Lu March 1st Set For Starting Road I y ten-poi- nt ten-poi- 'time-honore- nt d rights-of-wa- $67,-153.1- Filings Necessary, Sanpete Boy Wins Ogden Show Will In Essay Contest Be Bigger, Better SaysState Engineer Former Mantians 1, Hold Annual Med $3-160- ; get-togeth- er v Glen-woo- d, 4,-0- treas-creas- j I , 4-- II j j ran vice-chairma- n, , -- dis-jM- r-. , ; , n, n ? -- a'-nin- P.sxo TueeJay. - - i |