Show THE CORRECT 1 VERSION Officer Shot Down in Bru Ihu Brutal tal tat Manner Is Now in iii Jail Special to the News Thompson Springs Jan 12 Moab the khe county seat of this lila Grand county was nas the th scene ceno ot or a n murder last night Town Marshal Joseph Joseth Bohny Holm who was wag ava recently elected has attempted 11 to re reform reform reform form the th city elty with the result that the tougher element clement of the tho place have It In for tor him he being the third marshal the tho town has bag had since Its Ita Incorporation about a year ago At about 11 it last Jut night Marshal Bohny entered CoU col hers llers saloon and ordered Jesse Mux well a n minor out of oC the tho saloon The Tho bartender r A 4 A Krone I commonly known as Sandy Empey began to 10 quarrel with whim the marshal anti and struck him upon tho thu forehead with u II left the saloon BIloon at once naIl ic ye turned in a 11 short time with II 11 Day Iny nil and Ind J lert Ilert rt Newell whom horn he had deputised to him In placing under ar nr arest J est t refused to como come out from Cram behind the tho hal bar saying that lint ho he Would not bo be locked up Tho rho marshal 1 left leCt the tho saloon At AL AlIn 1 n a m in Empe and andt A t Day lay were walking down the tIme street treet toward tOllard Iho tho W 0 W V hall hail whet hert u a Bedding edding dunce was vas In III progress Mas as heard to say nay that ho he did not have haveIt It 1 In for Cor the th In III particular when hen camo up 1111 behind them mal and andraid malal raid pami al Then why did you ou me Inc with that IhM pool ball bail Empy only laughed at nt his query IllIer hen nen the marshal pulled ot olt u IL U 41 call caller lr ber er six si shooter and fired tho the ball bait en ent t brIng the tho right shoulder amid fOIl com log InK out on omi the left side aide dying drill Instantly Empey WAS WIS ws a n member of ot the tho W IV 0 M and Md will be ho burled buried burl d with their lion hOI w VT Ho wn at nt the tithe of ot his hili lentIl death JS 6 years of at ago ami unmarried Marshal woe was placed under nr nt list flit at nl 6 C this morning by b Slier Shet IK J 1 C C mind cannot bo lH Inter Viewed Mewed ies until tho the Inquest Is 1 held after the arrival of County Ally All Att Corbin from rom nt Il 6 G clock this even ing Bohny fl iy was WaR married about I ago to a n daughter of ot l a well veli known knowlI fruit man milan who Iho whoa 1 a I member of the Constitutional nail nt It t present a n member P pt the Mate board horticulture of |