Show TUI CORRECT VERSION Officer Shot Down In Bru Irit Brutal tal lal Manner Is Now in Jail Special to the News New Thompson Springs Jan 12 the he county seat lI nt of ot this Grant county AUS va as the th scene of oC a I murder last night Town Marshal Joseph Holmy who was iva recently elected has attempted 1 to re reform reform form tonn the th city with the result that the thC tougher element of at the place pIn co have hao It Il In for Cor him ho being the third marshal lie Iho town liati ia had luul since nee Its Incorporation about a year ago At about It 11 last night Marshal Bohny entered Col Cot Colliers CollIers Cothers liers hers saloon and ordered Jesse Jcsse Mux x veil ell a minor out of at the saloon The Tho bartender A A 1 commonly as Sandy Sindy began to quarrel with the tho th marshal and struck Mm him upon the tho forehead with a u Hohn left lert the saloon at nt once and ie IC turned In a short time with H II Day Un In and Ind Newell whom ho he had deputised to mist insist him In placing Emile under or ar arrest rut rest Impey to come out Oil t front from behind the tho bar saying that ho he would not bo be locked up The Iha marshal left lert tho the saloon Baloon At 1 1 n a m in and andt A t Day were walking down the street treet toward tho the W IV 0 W V hall u a wedding Bedding dunce dance WOK was ns III In progress ress Ms ta U heard to say ay n that ho did not lIOt have haveIt It In for the marshal In Iii particular when hen Bohny camo caino up 1111 behind them nud pall Mid Then Th why did ua you OU me inc with th pool ball bail only laughed lau nt at his hi query shen Ihen the te pulled pullet ot Olt a II 41 call lr her r six alx shooter and tired fired tho the bull bail en enIng Ing the tho right shoulder nM com COlli In InK ing out on o Iho e left Ct 1 dying Instantly WAS w a 1 member of the tho W IV 0 O and will wll bo h burled with their hon lion honit orp it Ho j vai at the of at his hl hi death 26 6 years of ot ago ugo and unmarried Marshal was sva placed under tinder U nr Qt Iut at al 0 C this thin morning by b Shei Sher lit Iff J C C tind nd cannot bo be inter d until ho tho Inquest Is I 1 held after the of at County Ally All Ait front from rein it III 6 G elock this 1118 even Ing leg was wall married months uso tIo to 10 a n daughter of Jlona Mons l a well known fruit titan man Mm Mma ho hin va a I member of the Constitutional convention anti nt t present n a member P pE pC the Ine state Mate hoard |