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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 10, Editorial We know 1993- - Page 2 better than you Last week the CIB told the Monticello Community Center and city council representatives they knew what Southeastern Utah needed ... despite the fact the local citizens had developed a concept which was historically accurate and unique. The attitude that any intelligent life outside the Wasatch Front needs the guidance and forebearance from the big city is reputed by the fact that only dummies would live in an area with air you cant breath, sunshine you seldom see (especially in the winter) and with TOO many people. Intelligent life (?) does NOT reside in the Wasatch Front !! Rude, arrogant, authoritative and pushy life, yes ... but we really have to question ANY life living in those conditions being intelligent. As for their attitude of knowing what we need. One of the reasons many of us decided to live in k of the state is to get away from just the such attitudes. Besides, how do they know it wont work? They told Edison, Bell, the Wright brothers and others the same thing ... and of course they were totally out-bac- correct. Congrats to grapplers One of the least attended sports is wrestling. It is both an individual and team sport but one which many dont enjoy like football, baseball or basketball. San Juan County was well represented by wrestlers from Monument Valley, Whitehorse, Monticello and San Juan High School at the state tournament. Despite coming away with consolation crowns, and little else, the parents, residents and students of ALL of San Juan County can be proud of the effort and class they exhibited. Letters to The Editor Dear Editor, We would like to take this opportunity to thank every- one, for their friendship and generosity in helping us with medical expenses. We went to Houston, TX, to the M.D. Anderson Cancer and Tumor Hospital, where Ron received a second opinion concerning treatment. Ron was sent back to the University of Utah Medical Center to receive a week of Chemotherapy in February and then another week in March. If he tolerates the treatment we will return to Houston for further evaluation. We would like to thank Randy and Jeroldene Bayles for their generosity in donating the rifle that was given away during the Blanding-Montice- llo bas- ketball game. We would also like to thank those people who donated their time to help with the fundraiser. We would like to express our love and appreciation to all of you who are so kind and caring to us during this time of need. Ron and Karen Nieves Blanding . Dear Editor, I would like to take a few lines in the Record to ex plain why San Juan Health Care Services (the hospital as well as Urgent Care Center and Birthing Center in Blanding) offered a 20 percent discount to people paying their bills before December 31, 1992. This subject seems to be thoroughly misunderstood. The hospital is currently changing computer sys- tems; because of the excellent support of San Juan County residents, we outgrew our old one. It is very expensive for our business office staff to enter name, address, insurance company information, and account balances into the new computer. In order to encourage people to pay off their bills and not have our employees do all this extra work, we offered a 20 per- cent discount during De- cember. This was a special, one-tim- e deal. We do not to offer this discount plan again. San Juan Health Care Services appreciates the fine people of San Juan County who support and use the local health care system. The people who use our local medical facilities, for the most part, are very honest and dependable in taking care of their bills. We appreciate that. Larry Putnam Administrator of San Juan Health Care Services Dear Editor, I have sent the following letter to President Clinton and the entire Utah delegation to Congress. Any scientific definition of life as it pertains to a race or species must include the ability to self sustain its continuance. For example mules are not a species because they cannot procreate, if left to themselves they will die. A mule is an aberration of nature. Likewise, gays left to themselves will die as a species. It is a scientific fact, therefore, that to be gay is an unnatural and unacceptable state. It is not normal for a living being to wish to engage in behavior which will result in the extinction of the species. The truth is that this lifestyle is currently killing tens of thousands of people around the world more and more of whom are innocent victims rather than willing participants. This is criminal and should be treated as such. society not to mention the unspeakable which diseases arise from this here. lifestyle. implore the President and Congress to not force this on us. Oppose it with all your energy, if not for religious reasons than please do it based on the scientific facts. The behavior of gays is a real threat to public I health. Soldiers and medical personnel will have a legitimate reason to fear contraction AIDS from treating the wounded should the ban on gays be lifted in the military. Gays may flock to the armed forces as nothing other than a health insurance policy, a policy which will bankrupt this nation giveirthe spread of AIDS. Joe B. Lyman Blanding Dear Editor, There has been tremendous support from Moab, Monticello and Blanding. for the position I took re- garding the San Juan Health Care Board guaranteeing Dr. Redd an income as a returning physician. From a religious point of Apparently some of your view homosexuality is also readers had a problem with unacceptable. Gays cannot reading comprehension. At even obey the very first no time did I question Dr. commandment God ever Redds ability as a physigave to men on earth Be cian or the validity of his lifruitful and multiply and censes. Neither did I question his freedom to return to replenish the earth GeneSan Juan County as a prisis 1:28. vate practitioner, nor the In addition homosexuality is addressed specifically need for another M. D. in as an abomination in the the county. My question was the prueyes of God in numerous e bible. de, n.ce and legality of the passages in the Board in guaranteeing an claiming religious beliefs based on the Bible can income to a returning ignore the fact that this physician and the availlifestyle is unacceptable to ability of that physician on weekends assigned to ER. God. I said in my earlier letter There must be a reason I. was told by people in that for this. The Lord has warned us for centuries that Moab that Dr. Redd had homosexuality is a source of raised his office call to $40. misery and decadence in I have not been able to verify No-on- that information. If it was false information, I publicly apologize and retract it As far as who I am and where came from, most readers know this, but for the uninformed I will elaborate. I have a BS in FiI nance, two graduate degrees in insurance and have been in the life and health insurance business since 1981. Since that time I have seen the family cost for health insurance at age 40 go from $125month to over $385month with the same company for similar benefits. If your monthly health insurance premium doesnt exceed your home mortgage payment, sider yourself lucky. con- I am the one people yell at when their health insurance premiums go up each year. My clients in Grand and San Juan County number over 400. I built my business by traveling from Salt Lake each 12-3- 0 f L the San Juan Record ISSN 0894-327- ' j 3 Published weekly at 937 E. Highway 666 Monticello, Utah. Second class postage paid at Monticello, Utah 84535 (ISSN 0894-3273- ). Postmaster: address changes to 879, Monticello, Send all P.O. Box Utah 84535. GREG DUERDEN Managing Editor and Publisher PRODUCTION: Pat Richardson CIRCULATION: Marie Harris TYPESETTING: Delphine Whitehorse SUBSCRIPTION San Juan County Outside County - USA APO or FPO address RATES $11.00 $12.00 $12.00 30C Newsstand Senior Citizen $10.50 $11.50 |