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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 15, 1980- - Page 5 Small business innovation program Oil well drilling Funding is available in the amount of $30,000 to $50,000 for innovative research and development projects from the Utah Small Business Innovation Program. Small businesses or individuals located in Utah, or whose efforts will benefit Utah, are Celsius Energy has set pipe to 5,866 feet at a Paradox Basin eligible. Projects are sought which apply scientific knowledge to innovations in newly created devices, products, processes, or systems with significant prospects for commercial success. These projects must involve new technologies or innovative adaptation of exhisting processes, products or services. These innovative adaptations or new technologies must have significant potiential for establishing or expanding a business in Utah, an essential objective being job creation. Selection of projects for funding is based on evaluations concerning the likelihood that the project will be the high-growt- h basis for a newly established business. Utah jobs which are created from the new business satisfy the objectives of the Small Business Innovation Program. Repayment of the funding will occur from a three percent royalty on gross sales of products which result from the project, thus making further funding available for future wildcat 19 miles southeast of Blanding. was The 1 Cedar, drilled to a total depth of 4,873 feet. No details on a drillstem test taken in the Desert Creek member of Paradox are available yet. The prospect is three quarters of a mile of Nancy field, an Ismay (Paradox) pool. E, north-northea- projects. Application deadline is 5 p.m. on March 28, 1989. Details and applications are available from: Utah Technology Finance Corporation, co Utah Engineering Experiment Sta- tion, Utah SBIP Program Manager, 104 Energy Minerals Research Office Building, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112; 801-583-883- 2. Coleman Drillings Rig Bees, a food franchise based in Boise, Idaho, will open a new restaurant at 29 East Center in Blanding. According to Danny Flannery and Morris Christensen, joint managers in the venture, the restaurant will open in Mr. late April. business, Mr. Bees has restaurants throughout Idaho. d of the base franchise, plans to open a Christensen, who purchased Mr. Bees at Fashion Place Mall in Provo. Mr. Bees menu features fried chicken, chicken fillets, french fries, baked potatoes, salad, and finger steaks. Pictured is Danny Flannery, sidewalk superintendent overseeing Ernie Sonderegger, who is digging footers for Mr. A three-year-o- ld one-thir- A stingray never sees food as it eats it, since the rays eyes are on top of its head, its mouth and nostrils on the bottom, says National Gro-graphi- c. Bees in Blanding. Tom Austin photo st 2, which drilled the Celsius 1 Cedar, was moved to the site of the BTA oil Producers 1 McCracken. This venture, projected to 6,330 feet in Akah (Paradox) is being drilled in a township four miles west of Ismay and gas production at Kiva field. In a San Juan County township to the north, Axem Resources, with Exeter Drillings Rig 68 on contract, is drilling a proposed 6,200-fee- t test to the Akah 27 miles southeast of Blanding. The non-produci- ng 7-2- 5 Black is approximately two and one-hamiles northwest of Kiva field. (Reprinted from the Montezuma Valley Journal.) Steer-Federa- l, E, lf Starting February 8 GD G Selected Hardware February is scouting month A message from the Boy Scouts of America: The real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. Be prepared in this way to live happy and to die happy. Stick to your Scout Promise always, even after you have ceased to be a boy, and God help you to do it. Baden-Powe- ll Founder of Scouting All Electrical and Plumbing Supplies SCHAFER TIRES Goodyear Dealer Open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Saturdays State Inspections BEST BUY AH Terrain 500 Our Specialty 4X4 Alignment 587-26- 31 697 East Central M0NTICEIL0 |