Show Wants to 10 Toko A ay 11 Trade of ut Cur Curacao acao Trinidad York ork Aug 11 fa CaC ten tro of III Venezuela It In Is I reported in hit tiIe till dt it l Is formulating plans to 11 U take away the trade nate of he tie islands of oC and Trinidad of ot aid given elven by Until th m to II tin the h t the Venezuela The flue Unit I lehi ami Dutch Islands live In great do Io on lilt fl their trade with be bemi e eIng Ing mi In hurts of ot for tor and Huro This fills III Is trade It In ii understood r Castro Culm will vIll II cr to divert to Vene Venezuelan IW pot pits Th ro of at good from lucre here h te Is I of oC u a lack of lit facilities tacil I lee tu to reach gentile gome of ti t the lie small direct This or of trade require requires the tile use of at many atc vure s lighter and trucks utah and Trinidad Cui no culling II III ilK port por 5 Iou for molly st which otherwise e would I I I not nol stop atop there Decides several and li atei IB It kept employed t lie year round handling hue tha for tor Venezuela The rho dIf which h leh Is soon expected from from President 1 Ca Castro tn also will wili have havethe hn havethe the thu effect of or II a check on the wholesale that Is In now sian ou ly I on between the Ih J ami the small ports hirt of ot Venezuela In lii his hla hi President Clue au man it lL decree placing I Inn an nn additional duty dUlY of ot SO 30 ier cent on nil nih goods at t Curacao or Trini Trinidad dad These Italian Indian Islands Island al III always ways rays have havo been the of ot ud ind exile exiles and reels rebels While the Ihl recently re suppressed n being waged 1 the tho regime filibustering Ions of men anen und awl urn urine ore are Raid said to have been n to depart without u a word of ot protest The Decatur Wrecked New York Aug 13 An examination at lit the New York Of ot the tha tor tot torpedo torpedo boot boat Decatur which recently ran run aground on 1 Neck off arc liar Har lIne bor but lie Me ha has revealed the fact that the tho boat boal Instead of ot merely sustaining dam ago age to Its propeller r blades blad hunt hud nar narrowly rawly escaped being wrecked The uti Un dy had been by the th rook rode for almost It its entire length Tho Thu aInt had hud been taken oft off and In some places small IndentatIons had hal been made In the Ih bottom Plates plate Neck U is I composed of many sharp pointed rocks ii und and ml the boats Jonts e noe from damage was Ins miraculous It wits wnM found that lint the propeller shaft was WitS nio bent To Chelsea Naval MagazIne Chelsea Aug It 1 13 ments menta arc being completed for lor or the re ye removal moval of lit this the naval magazine here herp which li Is I In dangerous proximity lir to a n thickly populated district dl and nM shipping It U lo to 0 a point within easy caRY reach of the Charlestown aril which has hn not nol yet been bees announced It will supply both bothi the Charleston n and nM the Ports Portsmouth mouth yards anti and win will III accommodate 4 a tons of 01 explosives At leant a n equate quare mile mite of ot coast CORSt land In a sparsely settled nettled district having 11 Ing a n mile of o water walor front will be seized for tor tho ho purpose e under tinder condemnation A site elte had h d previously been selected on Cape API COIl Cod ol but the owner demanded 13 U worth less lew than OOOO when whoa he hI learned learnell the purpose for tor which It was sYnc wasu u wanted anted four Sinn Men Crushed to III Death neAth New York York Aug 13 miners en engaged engaged In placing timbers In n ii zinc mine at 01 Franklin furnace o N No J have hlll been to 10 death by b a rock neighing weIghing at least U 16 i ton Ion tiltS They The were crushed be he beyond yond recognItIon It 1011 Two of or the dead lIend nun were ere foreigners whose names are not nOl known nod and two 10 were wre Americans named Willis and und Stevens m I John Conro Heard Prom New York Aug II mysteriously disappeared last la t April 26 6 from coin his home In la N 4 J Jami Jand Jand and ami who had hall been mourned as OB dead by II his hie wife and two children n linn line been lJ tn heard from In St lit Louis Mo o where he heIs heIs Is employed on a R a railroad Conroy reseed himself April 20 in his hili best l clothes and accompanied by his big III MID lion 1111 went out for tor a walk When Who they th y had hall gone ne only n U short distance nee he kissed the lad had goodbye and bade him return home This the lad hid did H Jt was WAO supposed the Ih father had 1 ol f In the Morris canal tanal and HH its Waters were dragged several times time in the lie hope of ot recovering his ilia hi body llOd Sheehan to lu Hew York AUK Aug 13 John O 0 3 h I ban lian leader luder of the tb lie Greater New York ork democracy will u i to from Crom coin where several bl hsc vr been I held wills I of ot Hull hall re to reenter enter lust hat over ho III once ruled It Jt Is Ii I mild the n cs ca n between th and the have han boen up by b kt In t I leader with H Il view to 10 securing ct ci I In this the next nest presidential turn coin pain pa n The details of o the thie alleged d plan planor for Cor or t cn have han so far tilt bun bion guarded rum the Philippine Currency Aut 11 12 ery Root Knot b IlL ft today toda 1010 for New York lit lie will bp bf ab at sent lit until Saturday Belore he hind a n with Judge Henry r e Ide of ot the lb commission who Ii is on hut his way a to Ma Mit aIM nil The Tue currency mutation tU Ilu was Ia the die II l and III In vIew NW of lit tho lie near ap up to the time when tire the new lIew Philippine currency law will go fa unto into effect III t cable on the hue subject have han been exchanged with Goy 00 Taft Sept Hept 1 I h is I the lOt dut the new law luw will be I 1 put In force Coree something n happens in to oriental finance nuance to make a it delav lehy necessary n The Insular bureau of ot the war de dc his has b been en n th Chit it the price of at the Mexican dollar in Manila Is i In Wt and In New Ne Uc V It beet beer sag SUR g ed that the l between the tiit in Jo Manila aria ana will n re milt in n a large importation of ot and AntI th the hankers banker have suggested ed that an on Import tar lu I Ix be l hailed upon lI OlI the mini coins In order o et to 10 the tho Filipino people who ho hold The var 11 department nil no tAke taKo the vie view vIet that the Iho bankers probably hold more moro Mexican dollars dollarI than the he people and that bitt such a it tax I Is b I unnecessary These Mexican dollars dollar viii not be Ix received for tor public dues and stA idler after the lieu nen nl law lass la rot poe Into effect The positIon of the WAr department is ts Itt there should Iw II lio ho interference with the Ih Mexican dol 1101 lars lara M as they are Heating foreign nin ada It Jt Is te I probable that the Spanish silver cuter coins In circulation still be redeem tu uw the coins in lOtto Irto flea HIco I ns fill It Is U lurid held that halt Iho thu t Ir coins coin a It purl part of oC the lie government which true acquired by the cc jon JOIl ion Jen allies Hon Hots Arrested New No York Aug AUK riding on Iho lie without 51 license tag dIn diM ot of played upon Mi Ills son l Ion hen III Nelson A Miles retired I haw been arrested near Kant I allt Hampton i iI I Ii 1 I Upon learning that thai lie ho haul had just Ju t arrived trout from Washington and Will was tin un with the tho laws lulS tho the justice Ills dis dismissed missed the en cate to e Will New Plants Aug A u The tho lio hio that Nelson Morris MurrIll ft Cu Co will erect o C a 11 2100 packing plant nt at Kannai l City Olty Olt Mn Mu conies comes tho the statement ment Co contemplate the Ihu erection of n plant at itt St Joseph Mo lo to cost cot approximately arc nIe now floss In horse burse of ot preparation in IU the lie Ii depart theft of oC Armour Cu Co at III the lie Chicago tock stock yards It Is thought that hat In III Independent dependent movements of the tho big blK Chica Chum Chicago go Iucker In lit the tho Missouri cities ate duo duoto duoto to 10 tha thu Ih anti trust rust policy polley of at tho the Missouri authorities I Statement from Cobb Cobh Now New Nf York Aug lve Ives Cobb who m removed front from thu th iudice nf of I Iclal eps p architect of th thi ChIcago federal building 1 1111 III mode the hue following statement nt today vita I I 1 WI appointed annotated as no special sp architect under u a net act of 8 and served utah logo An Ah to the Iha rupture Secy and myself m elt I have only to say InV ny that his Oo do tb not nol with mr Ideas IlIen ant It t It Is I bettor Wat hu lie should work with someone with lees le at lit stake Killed by Shock vre Aug All It shocks of if t occurred at nt Mendoza Aug AugA UltA Ii A number of II and the tower lower of tho Iho ho church chulch of ot San lIan were do de cd Five 1111 persons were killed and many others Injured |