Show Places and Worth Treading R About 1 OLDEST CONFEDERATE GEN OEN GENERAL ERAL Longstreet who Is IslOW t now lOW In his year enjoys the 1 distinction yf gr being the oldest living f gall officer df t thu Ihl Confederate a D ef or tho Mexican nr during which he 1 twice pi for tor bravery th v nt the battle battlo o of I 1 JIW T per Jn the civil war ho illI In command of at the right wing of o the Army Arm of ot Northern Virginia at the battle of or Gettysburg ond was waB looked upon M one of at the tho hardest fighters In th Confederate army Irm After Atter the war len Jen ai B his hili home 51 New Since 1897 1891 he has been United I 1 r Of Pacific roll rail railI I roads No o Q I ig street treet hilt 0 misfortune to lose an eye cr which had h d been tl en attacked by y the tho dread disease QUAINT CHINESE CEREMONY f r I I I 1 I The Tho rescue re cUo of or the sun Is the tho given to a curious ceremony In China following an nn eclipse During the passing of ot the moon across the suns face the chief c le o of or till the boards and of or Peking kneil In turn before beote 1 an und by prayer pm r endeavor to the devouring dragon which they tear fear Is III about to tho orb of or day At AI the same time the Chinese Bur sur surrounding I rounding tho attar m ur Uti a noisy howling with the Intention of or scaring the dl away 1111 In case the supplications do not quite strike hi ilIA fancy tancy 1 1 A WHEEL TRUNDLING CONTEST 1 J 3 l j Lovers of at are continual 1 new pastimes or harking back 1 k to OIO tit o ot 1011 ago IJO n wheel trundling 1111 held in by tho employees ees of o II carriage and T a toted a 0 J bu ug tot not only by b thore who ho took too part In it II but by the spectators The contestant trundled t lied by for wl for tor a IL distance of ot tour four and a 1 half miles the thi winner a man mall named Pullen finishing In 1 H 5 51 N cond condi it J i r rapid tile nature of ot his ta tuk k Our Illustration hc r r the v f 1 tart u MEMORIAL TO SIR ARTHUR SUL SULLIVAN SULLIVAN LIVAN An Interesting to tn the public statuary of ot has hR recently bern been placed In the Victoria embankment garden IS In th he form of or n I me memorial morial monument to 0 the late Sir Arthur I Sullivan er of 01 the well 11 known pf c I e Mikado ind other light operas Th takes tho form torm or a 1 bust bu t of U tin 11 Arthur on lilt a II supporting a 1 figure of o Orlef GrIer At one aide rest reat the mask mk of ot Comedy a acore core icor a lute lul till all executed In tn bronze bronzeIll Th Ill In facet tAC the Savoy theater with which the famous amoul composer was long Ion A WINDOW WITH A HISTORY A romantic Interest to the window shown In the accompanying Il II Illustration through U It III lit fated Charles I sought nought to n n nr r Pf while u IL r In Carl Cf rj Charles hare hit made good bis 1118 hall bail lio h not nol made the of ot thinking hl 11 could go 10 Ih through h the Ule Iron bar II of did window hi rould follow suit lull As AI It w wb Wit b be hail a hard time getting hi hll Md tuck t In the room where h wa 10 o tightly cued caged THE AMEER OF KANO I I I I t I i I I i il I l 1 r 7 7 I II The recent opening of ot Nigeria by the British has directed l atten attention lion tion to that African country about which comparatively ha wi been known Ono One of ot the most noet Important potentates of or the region la 1 the ameer 1111 of or Kano Rano dusky physiognomy is II well revealed d In the tho accompanying Illustration made from the only photograph of ot the th ameer In existence A MALLET WITH A HISTORY I i I IThe Th The shII lit n U Jf H 1 by King Edward In with tho rr upon th tb of or the new at in III Is ail noteworthy In it wun maje of ot wood taken front from nr n of iho of or the old bridge and lol in murly 1 years year old The wood la I thoroughly sound d fact t t that it in III the Ihl r for tor M 10 long I a time Sir V Barry Darr K R O II 11 uel Mr Cuthbert A are for tor the attractive nc of tilt maIt It wa made from their Hoy are I the engineers who built the new bridge e OUR NEW w MINISTER TO THE il ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Y John Johll the new lIew minister to the tho Argentine has had h d Nome Homo ex as os a tl diplomat From rom 1894 tn 1898 Mr Barrett WAD United t minister to Blum Is accounted nn t authority on nil matters relating to J I n J JOHN Asia Sumo months ugo lie ho wa Up pointed trl to hut but he de I dined d the j pot oit in order to complete his work a 1 to 10 Asia und for lor the St S Louie IX During the he war Mr Ir nerved a U a war Vat On HEIR TO THRONE The pf the Kem II Is hilI to the throne of tm of or the Iet molt an on dent kingdom Egypt Prince Mohammed med Abdul 1011 u the Wul I I I II j Ij I I v r I f to II named 1 w born In 1 tile the 1 h on rib 1 a It Ie ure not yet It A It oldest olde ou IOU ci t UM tit it dl |