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Show A. o, TrinrgTtnmrroTvm'rc b For Sale Automobiles i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 50c insertion Minimum 10c per line Over 5 lines (5 words per line) Boldface type .... 20c a line 15c a line Reader ads double rate Blind ads a Card of Thanks One insertion .... 10c a line Two insertions 17c a line All Classified Ads are payable in advance. To Place Classified Ads By Mail Write your ad plainly figure the cost by the rates above, then enclose stamps, check or money order in the envelope when you mail it to The San Juan Record. No advertising from outside the trade are will be accepted unless paid in advance. The Record assumes no responsibility for errors after the first insertion. R & Pan American B America's Finest 40-t- value. You can afford this combination unit 1954 40 ft. Kit with 1953 Chev. Pick$4995.00 up. Only TERMS TO SUIT YOU Mesa Trailer Sales Hi-wa- For Sale FT. HOUSETRAILER See Mr. Griffin. ' Dove Creek . o a 2o v cn M ts. n ON o o J2 JS alls " fa fj J XI toJS O i u 0,0 "0 S oOh O . M n oiA 33 FOR tc mi, ; -- t above-describ- ed 12-l- tc Wanted To Lease H'aH CLARENCE D. knvu and M. KING. Plaintiffs vs FLOYD E. MEDLEY and Wanted- Employment RttboLhi NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice la hereby given that O. for Azarlah Frost Black. Agent Brown & Company. Blanding. Utah, has filed with the State Engineer a reauest for extension, of time from to January. January 15. 1954. 1956. in which to make and submit unof appropriation of water proof for the der Application No. 10350 of water 320 ac.-f- t. appropriation of Draw to Recapture from Lem's Juan Creek In San County. Utah, to be used for the Irrigation of 120 acres of land. It - is represented that approximately $9,500.00 has been expended on completion of works. It is estiapproximately mated it will cost $200.00 annually for repairs. Additional time is requested in which to prepare and submit proof. All protests resisting the granting of said reauest with reasons therefor must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the fitate Site Capitol. Salt Engineer. 403 Lake City 1. Utah, on or before March 13. 1954 A hearing will be held on this re pjitens'on of time before at 403 State Ca- te the Sa!t Lake Cltv. Utah, 18.at 1954 ,our' 0 2:00 D. m. March at the appear Protestants mav bearing and adduce testimony tn their protests. of support Joseph M. TracV State Engineer "Published in the San Juan 28Rec-to Ut. from Jan. cello. ord Mont' 15. A. D. 1954. T. R. HARVEY Sheriff of San Juan County Terms of sale cash. Date of first publication January February FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department of The Interior Bureau of Land Management Land and Survey Office Bait Lake City, Utah NOTICE February 1, 1954. Under provisions of section 2455 R. , as amended by section 14 of the aot of June 28, 1934 ( 48 6tat, 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of Ancil Elliott Redd of Blanding, Utah Serial No. U07241, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less toth&n be $9.50 per acre, at a public sale held at 10 A. M., on the 1st day oi S-- I I yneer April 1954 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: Feb. NE14SEV4 Sec. 20, T 32 S. R 25 East., S.L.M. 40 acres. resLand will be sold with a ervation of oil and gag to the Department 4.- United States. Bldg may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail. Bldg sent by mail will be considered only If received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be In sealed envelopes ac-or companied by certified checks pay- money orders made able to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envelopes must be marked in comer Public the lower sale bid. Serial No. U07241. Sale, 10 A. M. Apr 1. 1954 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately tne amount thereof. of the Any adverse claimants Lie land should or beon their claims, or objections, sa.e for fore the time designated The Bureau of Land Management has not searched the records of San Juan County to ascertain the of- any adverse claim. a claiming Any contiguous owner assert suen must preference right right within 30 days from the above ce nd ed -- ce - sale date. ERNEST E HOUSE. Manager. San Juan Record. First publication February Last publication March H, The Rud dvertSsemenls--I- l 1954. pay year-rou- notice forofpublication the Inferior Bureau of Land Management Land and Survey office Salt Lake City, Utah January 29, 1954 is hereby given that James Andrew Randles, of Dove Creek, Colorado, who, on Sept NOTICE Homestead Entry, for Lots 3 and 4, NWiSEtt Section 27, Lots 361 and 2, Section 34, Township South, Range 26 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Pearl Butt, NoUtah, tary Public, at Monticello, on the 31st day of March, 1954. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Tevault, Homer Dale, Zack Dixon and Robert Dean, all of Dove Creek, Colorado ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. 1949, made No. SL 068648, 9 San mumps are getting better. pupils signing up. Dorothy Dalton of Blanding Snarky Halls wasnt feeling was visiting relatives m town on good Tuesday, just learning to roller skate. Saturday. Mrs. llortense Sieher received The Robert Bryan children are word from her son Phillip saying out again, after having scarlet he had enlisted in the Air Force fever. at San Antonio, Texas. County nurse Fern Wood was Mark, young son of Mr. and ill a day or two with the flu, but Mrs. Heber Frost, is a pneumonia is out again. patient at the hospital. Mrs. Thelma Walton was in Gone Morris, nephew of the LaSal on business Thursday. C. L. Lewis is visiting his uncle and family from California. Charles Redd of Provo and La Sal, spent the day in town on In a message to his mother, business Tuesday. Kirk Dalton said he was sailing from Okinawa for the U. S. on CARD OF THANKS Feb. 5th. He is in the Air Force We wish to thank all those who helped in any way during the June Pehrson is suffering death and burial of our husband and father, especially for the from a severe case of the flu. flowers, the contributions, the Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Christensen kind words and sympathy. Lelia Palmer, Lavell Palmer, and son Joe are enjoying a few Ardll JBlack, Gwenivere Anddays at the Temple at Mesa. erson, Lela Black, Evelynn Terkins Butch Kinnamon and Phyllis City State Capitol, Salt Juan Second First publication Feb. 11,1954, Last publication Mar. 18, 1954. There's news in the advertisements, too-- FOR PIBLICATION PIHLXC bALE United States Interior Department of Tne Bureau of Land Management Land and Survey on ice Balt Lake City,7. Utah January 2 1954 Under provisions of section 2455, R. B., as amended by section 14 of tne act of June 28. 1934 (48 Btat., 1274; 43 UB.C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of C. Alfred Frost of Monticello. Utah, Serial No. there will be olfered to the sale to nighest bidder, at a public be held at 10 o'clock A. M on the 23rd day of March, 1954 next, at this office, the following tracts of lanCSWV4SEii, Sec. 14, WV4NE14-NEV4SWSec 23, T 34S, R 24E. SLM. 160 acres, at not less than $3.00 per acre, NWVSE)4 Sec. 23, T 34 S. R. 24 E. S.LJd 40 acres, at not less than $6.15 per acre, or $726.00 for the entire tract. No part pf this tract will tie sold seperately. 0.1 and gas will be reserved to the United States. Bids may be made by the prln-clpal or hts agent, either personally at the gale or by mall. Bids gent by mail will be considered only if received at this office i for the sale, prior to the hour fixed Bldg must be in sealed envelope by certified checks accompanied or post-offimoney orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the bids. . The envelopesleft-han- dmust be marked in the lower corner "Public sale bid, Serial No. March 23, The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. of the Any adverse claimant rt oed land should file or their claim, or objections, toron tale. before the time designated The Bureau , of Land Management has not searched the record of San to ascertain the exjuan County istence of any adverse right. Anv contiguous owner claiming a such preference right must assert above right within 30 day from the sale date. Sale 10 A. Check every item in this sale and see what you save. Outstanding values from every department in the store have been selected make up a shopping list and save during this big salel P COLD CREAM Tooth Paste Walgreen Chlorophyll 2 - 69' Perfection Snowy-Whit- e $ .19 2 Jars t. .... ASPIRIN TABLETS 2 Walgreen bottles of ORLIS MOUTH WASH For Oral Hygiene 2 Bottles 16-o- s. . Formula 20 It' Lanolixed Rubr Balloons W-- A 2 16-o- x. 2 - 79 TOOTH BRUSH CONTAINER Handy Plastic T for 2 Needle Assortment "Grand Prize" 2 2 151 Fon (Limit 2) (Limit 2) Jar Giant Size. Variety Color 2 rR 8! 89 Petal Soft Velour $1- x. Brand MINERAL OIL Bottles 10c Powder Puffs 59( 1C3 CREAM SHAMPOO Witch Hazel "Worihmore," 16-o- s. Bottle 49' 2 I5 for M. Hair Brush' E Read th adverttttsie&ts-- Xi pays 2 Packs of 25 89 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 2 roa 65! Regular Size 2 for (Limit 2) 12c Toilet Tissue T Choice-Te- x 2 FREE SHOPPING BAG HOUSE. Manager. San Juan Record 1954 First Publication February 4. 4, 1954. Publication Mrch lastNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior Bureau of land Management Land and Survey office Sait Lake Cltv, Utah January 29. 1954. NOTICE Is hereby given that Joseph Robert Priddy, of Monticello. 28, 1950. made Utah, who, on July No. SL 071835, Homestead Entry, for NW1-;- . Section 10. Township 34 couth. Range 28 East. Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intent-on to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Pearl Butt. Notary RAZOR BLADES Feather Edge FLEXIES Guest Sis above-dese- ERNEST -M- onticello, Utah ce U09356, 1954.' & WALGREEN AGENCY nd stock-wateri- NOTICE Legal Notices t: above-describ- WVi-w- tc titan, ail tne rights, titles, claims and interest of tne Defendant, Fioyd E. Mecnev in and to tne following described real property site in Ban Juan County. State oi Utah, Tne North half of the NWV4 of Section 15 Township 3o South. Range 26 E. of the Sait Lake Meridian. Dated this 25th dav of January, left-ha- n. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER STATE ENGINEER. Work done evenings. Delores S. Published in The San Juan Stewart Call 27R3, Monticello, Monticello, Ut. from Feb. 11 to Mar. 11, 1954. Utah. medlkv Deiendants Civil No. 823 SHErOFFH BALE To be sold at Shenfi s Sale 22nd day of Feorury, 19o4 at two oclock. P. M. at tne front door of the County Court House in Monticello. San Juan County, State of post-offi- The water of 4 pipe a distance through from Mar. mile where it will he used 320 acres em1 to Nov. 30 to irrigate i. 34, braced in NVaNEV Sec. 35. T38S. Sec 26, NV4 Sec. incidental R25E. and for pur- R25E. domasUcand lent working conditions. Contact resisting the granting of Pro oT Jim Hunt, San Juan Trading any foregoing applications, the In reasons therefor, must be and Post, Mexican Hat, Utah. ' with extra copy af fidavit form, with filed with the State 1, Utah, Lake IN THE DISTRICT COl RT OF SAN JLaN COl MV. STALE OF u-ck- Friday Saturday February 11, 12 & 13 - -- County ty, (state of Utah, m Book K- -i of Lode Claims at pages 2os and 264. Dated this 3rd day 01 Nov., X9o3. Howard Himmerie WANTED TO LEASE- - New cafe Blanding, Utah First Publ. Nov. 19, la53 at Mexican Hat, Utah. Prefer Last Publ. Feb. ltt, 1904 couple with no children. ExcelBan Juan Record - I . t-- ' SALE Three bedroom modern home. Inquire Wallace 1 2tC CLAIMS Bailey. Monticello, Utah Leo Notice is hereby given to Winters that the undersigned co- FOR SALE Intermediate and owner has performed tne annual stiffhair grass seed. Phone labor required by law to hold Cotton wood mining claims No. 4 and 17R3, C. Alfred Frost, Monticello 6 in San Juan County, (state 01 U.ah. rtgation . Utah, lor tae year ending July Lr ' 25448LS K. Howard, Huntington, 1906, in the sum of $aou.oo and de- - FOR SALE Model 94 32 Winfor irrigation use from mand is made upon you to forthUt 10 sec.-f- t. Chester also rifle, collapsible a n well bet. 500 and 1000 ft. with contribute your pioportion thereof. Notices of Location of said Call 24R4, Monticlaims appear In the 011 ice 01 tne baby buggy. 2065 ft fromWVi Cor. Sec. 35. T383 will be oonveye recorder of (San Juan Coun- cello, Utah. of last publication 1 j For Sale Miscellaneous Tnlut 1 lO.N lit account of aanlal labor RENULKEU To HOLU MINING 11. 1954 i j ear-rou- h m o W u Nv vb KX FOR 1954 d i n. Sc ip H 6 hr- j stock-wateri- c Tv ON Date i diversion, place and nature NOTH E TOR P11U.IC41ION ! of of a total of S 5 sec -- ft of PlIU 1C Ml. water, as evidenced by Application I NltUk SI tlES No. 12671. The water a as to have Hrput meut of The lnterlr been diverted froni Warm Springs ' of Mat Management Hureuu and Colorado River at points as land 4 ml snrr orriee follows: Harm spring- - N 20 00 E Salt laki City. Utah 7020 ft: Colorado Klrr: N 18 00E fVbiuary X. 1954 7020 0 ft. both from NW Cor Sec o: sec tion 255. Vnder provision 36. T34S. RISE. the water to be R s as amended section 14 of commingled and used from Jan. 1 the act of June 28.byl.34. (48 lat In31 Dec. for placer mining and to 43 UjSC and pursuant to lhe application oi Junius Evan liee Pehrson of Monticello. Itah. there cidental Irrigation of 3 at.res ne to the highest bid- den. These uses will consume 1 5 der. at aoffered sale to be held at public sec. -- ft. and 2 sec ft wt returned 10 o'cl--lM.. on the 1st day of to the natural channel at a point i April. 1954 Anext, at this office, the 640 ft. and E. 1320 ft. from NW Cor following tracts of l.indsaid Sec. 36 U GJOOO. F,NWi, sc. berial Hereafter, it is proposed to divert 9 T. 34 S.. R. 24 E. SUM 80 acres, 1 5 sec -- ft from Warm Springs at a at not less than $2 50 per acre. 2 ft 2288 E 7072 N. and 9 ft. point NW Serial U 03001. SWkSEL Sec 4. Cor. said Sec 36, which from T. 34 R 24 E. 40 acres, the point of collection of a at notS less thanSIM point isarea H 00 per acre. followembraced In the spring No part of either tract will be Jack Dumbreek was a business Prom s.nd point of ing traverse: 45 sold seperately. The land will visitor in town from lus home 15 E 202 5 ft.. S collection N. be sold ith a reseriation of oil near UlmIo last week. 8442 W. 64 9 ft.. S 51 55W. 123 8 sncl gas to the United States. ft.. S. 1634E 63.1 ft. to beg. The Bids mav be made b the principal water wall be conveyed bv ditch and or lus agent, either personally at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jeppson used from Feb. 15 to Nov. 1 to Ir- the sale or by mall. children from Niphi were and L in Bids sent by mail vill be considrigate 2 acres embraced Sec. 24, T34S. R13E. , ered only if received at tht office weekend visitors at the Carlos To Appropriate: to the hour fixed for the sale Hyde home. 326 East prior 24671 Edith H. Redd. Bids must be in sealed envelopes South Temple, Salt Lake Cltv. Ut a; accompanied by certified checka or The Community church workers 6 sec. ft for irrigation use from post-offimoney ordera made pay10-t- n. well bet. 50 and 500 ft. deep able to the Treasurer of the United will meet m th church building Cor at a point S. 660 ft from E. States for amounts of the bids. The at 2:30 Feb. 17 with Mrs. Wilma ' Sec. 19. T30S, R24E. 1The water 1 will envelopes must be marked In the Krum as hostess. At the last to Nov, to Mar. be used from d corner "Public sale lower 200 acres embraced In Nt,-Sbid. Serial No U03000 or U03001, meeting it was voted to change lrrtgite said Sec. 19. and for Sale April 1. 1954 SEV4SWV4 the dav of the week for meeting Incidental domestic and year-roun- d The highest bidder will be re- from Tuesday to Wednesday. purposes. the quired to pay immediately 25212 Ted C. Bronson. Monticello, amount thereof. Mrs. Cuvla Rowle, popular post -Ut 2 sec ft. for irrigation use700from of adverse claimants the Any ft well bet. 300 and office clerk, is on the sick list a 10-lland file should 240 ft their claims, or objections, on or be- this week, deep at a point N. 110 ft from Ei Cor. Sec 23 T37S. fore the time designated few sale. from The Bureau of Land R24E. The water will be used acres Management 40 Kenneth Christensen, diced Mar. 1 to Nov. 1 to Irrigate NE'-.SEnot searched the records of San has , embraced In SEsNE1,. and Don Jit,an County to ascertain the ex- Hunt, Earl Johnson S! istence of any adverse claim. from Nielson crew White Blandsurvey 25341 Vincent L. Jones, Any contiguous owner clalmtng a -Canyon, spent the weekend in irrigation use prefrrenf., must assert such leg. Ut : 10-l-10 sec. ft for right well bet 300 an from a within 30 days from the above town n 8 ana w. ,right BfUe datp ft. deep at a point S. 200 100 tt from NE Cor Sec ERNEST E HOUSE. Mrs. Josephine Lewis visited from R21E. The water wiU be used acres Manager. 150 dentist in Cortez Tuesday. the 1 to imgate 1 to Oct San The Juan Record, Apr. and j SC embraced in EH 11, 1954, pjrst pubpeauon February Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pehrson March 11. 1954. E4 See. incidental watering iot v horses. 10 1003 sheep and S. vlriKer' 25353 George for mls-- ! Creek. Colorado; 1 ffe.-- ft Red Can from i neons purposes cell River Colorado to trib. Stream, yon In unsurveyed territory at a Castie bom S 2600'W. 1.12 miles approximately sur-12 which and if Ut. Hite. 'south of miles Sec. 14, T35sS, veyed would be in RISE. The water will be 'vertedch by by earth dam and conveyed for distance of 5500 ft. to be used TtfkrrAtlon&l purposes, swimming pool and the mining of uranium and vanadium in Whlte15 Oanyon as a sole sup from Feb 1 to Dec. acres and of ply for the Irrigation lr supply for the said a supplemental of 6 acres embraced in n. Legal Notices 28 , left-han- Auto Court Also 18' and 25' Available 2-l- tp to-wi- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hansen and Mrs. Herbert Newell and Janie of Cresswell, Oregon, children me :i Moab, visited at Uoraon three days with Mrs. HanSome of the church ladies work W'ovKl iiome while her father N. spent sen's Mrs. George Slavm ed at the Community church on W. Sitton was here from Arizona. and sister, last week. family Wednesday- ' Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jo,in.-.oThe Baxter Millers, Stephen Mrs. Ace Mo, don and children and Mrs. Max Johnson and childand Elwood Stroms went Maynes are spending the week at the ren were m town Tuesday. to Monument Valley Sunday. husHappy Jack mine with her The Baxter Millers have band and father. In the basketball game Wednes tJflir Chevrolet for a day night at Dolores between '52 Pontiac. Mr and Mrs. Grant Bronson Monticello and Dolores, . Montiand Fletcher Bronson will spend cello was victor by 11 points. Hyde, chief cieik at jthis week at the mine at White theMrs Nina sevpost office was off duty Canyon. Mr. aaid Mrs. Dell P. orman eral days on account of illness. are home from a trip to Tooele Mr. and Mrs. Stephen May no and Salt Lake. While away, Mr. S. M. R.wley wis over Iron Poorman had an entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph operation on his Robson. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Hold-- ! While Canyon for a little visit knee that will him on crutkeep Mr. and Mrs. Devere Halls with his family. ches for awhile. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper at Mrs. Cooper is improving from Hal and Terry Johnson were ina jnnor party last Saturday mte. a relapse at the home of her disposed for a few days during Mrs. Ann E. Hyde spent the sister, Mrs. O. E. Daniels m the the week. weekend with her son Lyle and Junction. The square dance class did not family on their ranch east of town. The snow of two ago meet Wednesday nig.it on achas almost disappeared and the count of several members aitend The Catholic people are hap- days are warm and sunny. ing the ball game in Miab. py to have a resident priest to lead them in their worship servFour of the six children of Mr. Raymond McAlister started his ices. and Mrs. Ed Black, who had the art instruction on Feb. 11 with 3 first of the week. n. - URANIUM HUNTERS You Stake 'Em We Will Make Em. Your properties drilled and developed if of merit, on a royalbasis. If ty or property proves up, we wish to reserve the right to develop it or to negotiate it to others. We are an equitable organization For field interview contact via wire or letter George Wright, 708 RailwayExchange Bldg., Denver, RailwayExchange Bldg., Denver, Colorado. Kathleen 4. 1954 1954. ; -- Electric Refrigerator tp CON Publication TVbruarv Publication March 4. George Slivin and infant girl Vickie, were on the sick, list the NE1-SW- $795 tc NOTICE OF CLAIM Trt ( New Fruita y Grand Junction, Colo. 21 ' pointuse fc Buy a Home on Wheels!!! Mesa Trailer Sales We irada for anything of SWISS AND AMERICAN watchrepairing. All work guaranteed. Dove Creek Jewelry. Dove Creek CORE DRILLS, for Uranium testing, Diamond bits, drill rods and supplies. Everything for coring and well drilling. Pressey & Son, Pueblo, Colo. WISH TO CONTACT party who can file uranium claims for a group of citizens. Write G. E. Wilson, 48 5th Street, Hrmosa part-ownersh- - North Avenue Phone 1S01 A Barrett. White Canyon. Ut proposes to change the! Grand Junction, Colorado of ft.0.ftft.ftftftft Calif. To Change- 2322 Miscellaneous Beach, l!2 -- i - LB.BJLB.ft ,? t Monticello Utah. on the Public. s.'tn cuv of Mtrch. ; is Claimant names a witnesses: NOTICE TO U ITER I sFRn Gro ve H Berry. The following applications hae Vbert Mourer and w C Huffman, ml. of Monticello. been filed with the St-tEngineer to change or appropriate mater in Utah and. O Dies Skidmore, of Dove Creek San Juan CVuntj. State Of Utah. throughout the entire year and ail Colorado. ERNEa. E locations being from SLBcfcM un'.ess Managtw otherwise designated. Home on Wheels Complete line, new, used trailers. Liberal terms, trades, free delivery. Trailer hitches installed. al (Mrs. II. E. Blake) Legal Notices W TRAILER SALES Mrs. Laura Pehrson and Mrs. THE SAN JUAN RECORD June Pehrson attended tne lun-er- Thursday, Feb. 11. 1334 Page 5 services in Grand junction Bailey missed a Jew days school Sunday for John Moore, a last week on account of illness. Monticello News 15 Strong, Sturdy, Heavy Kraft Paper ' Waste Basket Rolled Edge Included for your convenience with any purchase at big Buy 2 and SAVE our limited quantity our Drug Department during our Sale! This offer good only while lasts. (Limit Tooth Brushes Valudent 2 fob 59 2) Riley Drug 2 Monticello, Utah tTWMWaiWWWIM'IH Oval or Tufied for 19 I r rt p- - . |