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Show GTOrr ll n m li II I 2L L!3 Former Blanding Woman Observes 90th Birthday Sunday - Lias!is3 A keen interest in young peo- and quilts and aprons for a hob-pl- e and an active hobby have by. DEVOTED TO THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SAN JUAN COUNTY. UTAH provided Mrs. Nancy Mann Kart-- j She was born February 7, 347 Goshen St., with a 1864, a chner, of Oscar and VOLUME NO. 33 COPY 10 THURSDAY. FEB. 11. 1954 PER daughter CENTS MONTICELLO. UTAH PRICE vouthful and modern outlook, as Myram Cunningham Mann. She (she celebrated her 90th birthday has lived in Blanding and other Sunday. parts of Utah. Arizona, and Mex- I The native Salt Laker was ico, but for the past 25 years has i . honored at a family resided in Salt Lake City, ler at the home of a daughter. On March 20, 1885, she was Loon Adams g. ve a report on Mrs. John (Pearl) Robertson, 347 married to John Kartchner in Goshen St. mg and stated it .,t the lana for the St. George Temple, Church the a.rport at the Lions last meet k and Friday of this Mrs. Kartchner, who still mam- - of Jesus Christ of Thursday the proposed airport already had Post tains her own apartment, cooks. Saints. the American Legion j oten acquired fo1 the project of will present a min- - aews, and irons. She reads with- She is still an active member The State of Utah has agreed sirelBlanding j show at the new LDS Rec- out the aid of glasses and sews of the church and serves as a V e amount rais-- 1 reation Hall, .o match 100 Proceeds from the Relief Society teacher. e in the county which gives the show will benefit Her soven living improvements sons and proposed field a running start, at the rodeo grounds. Car-rol- l. Mrs. are daughters Lydia an estimate ..ie engineers have in the cast are all loStarring Mrs. Lelia Crescent; Palmer of $20,000 on the project. cal people Ten specialty numbers and Harvey John Kartchner, T ie City of Mcaticella will be will feature songs by a chorus, Blanding; Henry Kartchner, sponsoring agent of the airport duets, solos, instru nental numbHuntington; and Frank and Silas and will receive active aid from ers and dance, by high stepping Kartchner and Mrs. Robertson, the County Com mssioners and gals bedecked in the latest New The Garrett Freight Lines, Inc Salt Lake City, the Men.iccllo Lons Club. The York costumes. took over operations of the Moab tvip ..ion? club is mak ng plans for a Curtain time will be at S.03 p. Transportation Company on Feb. and 94 cfeat crancfchiddrem dimer some tim in March, as m starling with the Tiny Tot? 1st. . , Mrs' Kartchrfr ak has part of thetr fun i raising cam- contest. Director of the show is for the sale to Negotiations Alice Burnett They paign. t were completed about 3 StCpsounS and daughters; Garre are Some individual and business Yj Kartchner, Farm- houses have pledged themselves Mex': and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper re- - until last' moSThat the3 ICC Mrs. Elzada Black, to help financially on the plan. turned from the Colorado Black, Min- and Tjieia Other clubs and individuals are mg Convent, on at Denver last subsequently pefmtSon to Mark. Arza and W. gave to All in tie week. They came by way of Kartchner, urged project. join the transfer. of us together all of Salt Lake City. m accomplish to Phoenix from flying The Moab Co. Transportation the task easily. Denver. has been in existence since 1917. Its organization at that time also maiked the changing era in the' transportation field Up until that time all freightI wo hundred forty seven peoing to Moab and San Juan Co. had been done bv wagon and ple sat down to a banquet at the Sunday Feb. 7, the daughters and sons of Mrs. May Bailey met tram with four and six horse out vv'aid recreation hall Monday at the home of John and Beatrice fits. It took nearly a week to evening to eclebra.e the annivercome to Montieello from ThompHelquist of Blaniing to honor sary oi the scout organization, Mrs. Bailey on her 82nd birthson. toast master Lyman Bayles, kept Redd of Montieello, From the beginning the Moab s.orles going among the group day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. hasMarilyn een selected as a recently' Lawrence Black, Mr. and Mrs. used automotive during t.ie steak dinner. The new University of Utah Air Force Transportation Clyde Nielson, and Mr. and Mrs. sponsor. fl,rs pio,e,,ofb jUVn; scout executive for this district, Miss Redd one was of Wallace Bailey of Montieello; T A I Gaudio, was introduced by . five coeds chosen for the ruipn17nt W8S ,a Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Black of twenty Ford. This car had been remod- - vet Biadford, who was in charge honor Mr. and Mrs. Mesa, Arizona: with tolld rubI of the evenings activities. New Air Force Sponsors are t,edinto a Oil Co., State No 1 start Juan County. Last Thursday this' Three Stales Natural Gas Frost Black and Mr. and Mrs. chosen on the on rear and ruui'.ediately lollowmg the ap- - . the basis of scholaried flowing 400 to 500 barrels of 58 gravity oil after acidalion. Record' Photo. Helquist of Blanding. Maurice ship, personality, dependability, a lourwdieel chain drive attached pie pie a la mode, the scouts and and Joan Helquist, Donald and and interest in the added power. This company iheir teachers were presented fog . r . v .' corps. Ora PerBerniece Bayles and Miss a large volume of is the daughter of An oil well flowing at the rate of the oil produced and include? discovered r7ght lin buJ advancement in a Court of Hon- -' were the grandchildren in Mr. and Redd Mrs. L Frank Redd of delivered mail and parcel post or. Twenty seven 12 year old ' of over 10 barrels of high grade anv government subsidies or ben Carbon dioxide and along with kins for many years. and there were a Montieello. She is it some distillate which was in attendance ooys fifteen from the Grayson crude an hour, came in Thurs- - efits. majoring in of number great Miss-statgrandchildren. Original owners of the Ward and 12 from the Blanding e at the English University. day in San Juan County on a Utah can either take the fair the Leadville formation of D. E. Ward, received their tenderfoot The afternoon was spent viswere company portation of section school age. market value of the petroleum issippian surveyed J' oadges, Nearly as many received.' iting and talking over old times. Mr. and Mr. C. R. Christensen S?ldin' S,ald,wm not successfully comple A land. L H or the petroleum itself." delicious luneneon was served and son Joe are Fletcher, R. C. Clark and Don second class awards. Among the ' 3 tea, duetto mechanical difficula week, spending ic Craydon H. Laughbaum, chief Taylor, all of Moab. With the ex- o:y receiving the rank of star The unit was farmed out to by the daughters, which added at the Mesa Temple in Arizona. u to much the of the geologist for Three States Natur enjoyment ception of Mr. Taylor, all of scout were Frost Black and his Three States Natural Gas Co occasion. i men are deceased. Mrs. al Gas Company, at Dallas, Tex these son Arvid. Many of the boys rethe drilling of the second Mrs. Bailey has eight children, as told the reporters Thursday Clark, widow of R. C. ceived merit badges, and there . we- - That well also encountered state-wiarea of first be 6 erandehildren the and 19 great Clark still resides in Moab and were boys who had reached the eight surface evening that in . the gas and 0l1 shows at low hours of operation the well free revitalized as far 'as oil and gascarbon has retained her husbands inter- urst class, life and eagle ranks. , grandchildren. er depths, My dear San Juaners: flowed 85 barrels of high grade are concerned. This is because est in the company to the time of Kay Bradford was presented an of total The the present It the Hermosa formation under- well is 7762depth premium oil of .53 gravity. of in was It the spring of 1885 the pmsent sale. Mr. Thompson eagle badge by his father, Vet feet. After testing, lies more than one third of the also freed' a million cubic feet the employ of the compthat leal Bradford has a bronze to well the father back my bought the new entered plugged state. Finding the oil in the Her- they in 1925 as an accountant and added to his eagle rank. palm inflammable gas. any home 7662 a The drillers feet. set then its with orchard. delightful mosa as a bit of five and a half inch formation came As the five year old explorer of later as assistant secretary. lie He said the find was in the The Blanding Ward boy's precasing at 1 purchased the stock owned by sented a desk fountain pen set to Hermosa formation of Pennsyl-vannia- n a surprise, oilmen, said, because 7635 feet and cemented it. orchard. that one of the got had shown Mr. Taylor in 1939 and took ov- their scout drillings age (a geological desig- previous big thrills of my life, and formuleader, Glen Shum-waOpposite the basal Hermosa was virtually nothing to re er time. at the that management nation of formations). At a dep- there some was lated foundation the statuette to asistant . and a notions percasing pronounced At the time of the transfer to scout master, Cleal Bradford. at between 6015 and 6038 The Ladies Auxiliary held a to which I still hold. That orforated th' of from 6,014 to 6,058 feet. A cover in the formation. The ; ' The area where the well is lo- feet and the oil flow started. line, same presentations were made at chard has two huge trees of Red the Garrett Freight Line, great deal of the oil found in the meeting Wednesday evening by ' Mr. Laughbaum said the well the home of Mrs. Veda Pehrson Astraehan apples, a spreading the company operated 82 pieces Grayson Ward scouts to their United States is found in either cated is known as the Bluff unit pick up and haulage equip- teachers, William Law's and the Mississipian or Pennsylvan- and is composed of approximate- looks pretty good and he, has with President Joyce McEntire tree of Porters, an Early Harvest of Kay I ly 12,000 acres of federal and high hopes that it will become a piesiding. It was decided to spon a Codling, a Rhode Island Green, ment. Offices were maintained Bradford. ian age. Grand state Co. lands. The at Oil Junction, 'Denver, sor fhe annual Ahaericanism Po- ing and some. winter Pearmains. The well is Three States No. 1 unitized it and is shell steady producer. Vf it'Redd w presented a life i designated as the Just the Navajo In- ster contest with the cooperation I loved them; I mourned when 1 Greenrivcr, Price, Salt Lake City recently by Phillip Hurst, and Will i Utah State well just across Nabadge operator of the Federal unit. dians were paid $4,500 for leas- of the English department in the visited the place sixty five years Moab, Montieello, Cortez, Du- ia.n Laws received several merit j San Juan river north of the Mexico New The first well in the area was es from the oil companies for ex high school. Four ; later and found no trace of any rango, anFarmington, badges. vajo Reservation in the State with agent at Gallup, NM. drilled by Shell and went into ploration rights. The San Juan : in First, second and third prize tree left. mothers of The Comers area. The Utah the charge It3 haulage runs were from - rock. (Cambrian age formation river the reservation of $5, $3, and $2 will be offered - : were Land office said the lease proseparated WyEmily Redd, I banquet, Besides found the trees apple Lake Salt thru Denver to City, is granite rock.) The company from the site of the present well. for the three outstanding essays two Irene Bleak, Mickey, vides for the state to get 12 V2 young plum trees. The rich Grand Junction to Durango, Colo vola Holt,Chloe entered from the junior and seand Dora Shum- of the plump plums rado and Gallup, N. M. through iialliday, red speckled nior high school. As there will and Palmer. Fern They were me w'ay to them wide with broug.it . be prizes in both groups, the eyes. The fruit on the two trees Moab and Montieello. very grateful for the help they : junior and senior students will appeared the same, but there was received from the girls with the not be contesting with one an- a diference: the fruit on the tree serving, and the janitor Earl other. Wright, who helped with everyin the corner was sweet to the The Utah Supreme Court up-- ! Assays show that the ore body Local first prize essay will be stone. The . thing. on furheld the constitutionality of the found in the Big Indian Mining sent to District fruit tree the 5 where they will 4 a row ther down the cent left a pack cigarette District claims operated by the States disapwith other districtlsts. A convention for San Juan tax as sour taste in my mouth Graveside services were held at the special ses- La Sal Mining and Development compete pointing passed a 1:30 be will at $10 There, Friday given prize if 1 bit too deeply into it. Next for Scott LaRue. 79, West Sumstockmen began of the legislature in late De- Company probably will prove to for first sion second church for place, $T afternoon at the Blanding be the larget block running high cember of last year. year the sour plums were more mit, Utah, at Dove Creek, Coloand $5 for third. place, house. The marketing outlook, the sweet plums, more rado, Saturday afternoon. They discovered in the , The tax becomes effective Feb. percentages yet District firsts will go to the sour , When range improvement, wool technol we moved away six were conducted by Senator Donarea. sweet, southeastern Utah 19. is the tax were state where the The Although San of Educa actually essays Board Juan livestock winning feeding and e ogy later, the plums on the ald Adams, Montieello. Mr. distributors, it is ex- T. President and General manager will receive either $15, $10 or $5 years tree met at the Montieello high tion discussed by qualified visitors paid by thewill as a Veteran Sanish was C. lower attractive War Hudson, reported last week appeared result in higher to their placing. The school for their regular monthly from the northern part of the pected it that hole No. 6 showed a two per according of first place winners in as at first, and still had a sweet and the flag covering his casket writers meeting. Retirement policy made state. Saturday morning Mr. Don retail prices to smokers. beto flavor under but the was cent oxide uranium net his sons, a skin, with presented the state contest will be invited we leftjust Justice J. W.' Allan Crockett mineralization years ago was reviewed. The to Kenny, manager cf the Salt Lake on them the wither fore it was lowered into the two was running 30 feet to read their essays at the spring on wrote set at the the Marketing with the pro age opinion upholding spoke stockyards stem and rot on the ground. m thickness and the seventh hole grave. Mrs. Howard Bowles and viso the schoolsixty board may hire and Its Outlook. Other speaker! ronstitutionality of the tax in drilled on the property averaging convention inof the Legion and have two musical rendered son Sixty years slipped away Billy, one over that age on a year- - . Helper. Auxiliary any were Russel Keetch and George which Justice Roger McDonough .70 percent. we our since took farewell look numbers and a sketch of Mr. La Essays placing first in the at the dear old orchard and Second District Judge Parley Four ly basis if in their judgment the'" Henderson. in Rues life was read. drilling brought subsequent for in the are state . and ability of the appli- th eligible concurred. Norse entry nealtn SteI not tree as one and is Other visitors were Earl said, similar assay reports with thick national contest. It is not yet anThere were many beautiful cant wrote Henroid F. Henri his being retained Justice justifies the peridtory vens representing ness running from 29 to 51 feet. nounced what the prizes will be left on the lot. All the same.the floral offerings and friends and on the ; job. page disstrongly worded-fou- r I on fixed had habit the Animal Control, Mr. Robbins, prt asent came and Mr. also far Hudson from finding announced cn at that time. neighbors Black was for instruc the Horse Superintendent and majority opinion. Cattle I findthe sident of near to pay respects to the de- ted to Thursday the forming of two The Auxiliary also decided to sweet and sour plums, am money thus collected will new work, out a new schedule : ' them still, feasting on the ceased. Growers Association, and Grant goThe ing and the a mining companies Girls for candidate A schools. sponsor rental on the school gymna-- 7 two state to the for ones sour sweet came the Mr. LaRue Harris. ones, leaving to San Juan siums at of more claims. The State which will be held at Lolast year brought in $1,000, acquisition Blanding and Monticel- - I with .ax to wither in the stem. of. the two companies to be gan this summer. County in 1917 and has lived lo. The Convention climaxed evenJ00. Thus far, the .two percent tax first Heres is one of the sweet ones: an his dry land farm since that a banquet and dance in the The girl chosen is selected in The request of the Montieello an each cigarette pack has been organized was the Uranium Cor in The old man is in his eighties, time. For the past few years he took Gene with of 7 school place manner. The poration, Owens, this he banquet high 19 of Dimes committee for ing. state March " into the percent aringing D. C. president and chooses from the jun- his wife about the same age; they had been in bad health. He died the free use of the recreation hall ' the Church Recreation hall at principal !ess money in January 1954 than Washington, where-evare and liRichard Cowell of New York ior and senior students, three at the Veterans hospital id for the polio dance was denied. pleasant friendly p.m. As they entered the abuilding carna- January 1953. Should the 19 go, in spite of their Grand Junction, Friday, Feb. 5 vice president of on they basis City, the candidates each woman was given kely hold Barber was employed as the good during average The second company is the personality and scholastic rating. rheumatism, but that isnt half His two sons, Pat and Richard Myron tion corsage to match her dress rest of the year the extra 2 cents senool Alice Mining company with Ed From the list thus submitted, the the story they are still lovers, from California were at his bed route. bus driver for the east . or actesones tax will net considerably less Ray Alexander and Glen Cal of the sheepmen. - than the one million dollars ex- Rodgers of Oklahoma, president. Auxiliary members vote their still on their honeymoon. He is side before death came. President were granted leave of abRupp to more visitdevoted than now her the Frank . Richardson, Ouray, Colo. choice by secret ballot, and the . sence from the Blanding school via Perkins, introduced toast mas:e. pected for 1954., is vice president and Mr. Hudson cne getting the highest number when they stood at the altar six to attend the M Men district bas- ing guests and theintroduced the To he is hero secretary-treasure- r. her ago. lord, is years the lucky person. of votes Mark Redd, who . COMMITTEECITIZENS ketball meet in Spanish Fork. and is of all that Alice Company own over vocal solo RECOMMENDS SEWAGE personification Refreshments were served by following program: A s;loBoy Scout week opened with at- - Vera 1 Of) claims and The sacred orbu of great close the manly. at vocal a the hostess including several the at the LDS church Riley Walker, - Cal-vi- n DISPOSAL PLAN owned by the L3Sal Mi- siness session. The next meeting mosphere pervades their home a program iginally Lee Redd, Saxaphone solo- Ke-v- a with Julian Thoevening Sunday a At .a. recent meeting 6f the Cit- ning' and Development company. will be at the home of Angeline like sweet incense. Their words Perkins, a vocal quartett, Niellocal chairman, controop mas, to each other are always with A uranium corporation has izens committee, tentative plans Westcott. Redd, Agnes Hurst, Bud With him the meeting. ducting toTo numsee them a obtained both uranium, oil and were worked out toward a town profound respect. of were members rostrum son, and Kline Black; and the on and Joseph- sewage system with one general gas rights on the Rattle Snake gether and to be in their home, the troop committee, scout lead Little Theatre has scheduled a ber by Lucy Harrismusical an is A1 matinee for every Friday at 5 p. area. to inspiration. Joe Redd Sorensen, city property belonging parts disposal ine Bayles. All ers, stake and ward YMMIA m. for the convenience a tree Here is from the of Adi finance This of his pa- - j: and LaSal. Mrs. Mamie plum includes Gilpbs, manager, property were accompanied by the Bishbpric superintendents, N to row. man farther The down the trons were 1400 over of acres land. , many All three present representative of the stake presiams. Stories were told by a and member are and his wife The fairly pleasant dency. regular Friday show will N give accurate figures and advice. companies' with which Mr, Hudof the stockmen. to- a. minout are on when in the screen at that time be Read . 7 son be is" cost The will company will move Charlie into they connected, kept scouts presented the Mark introduced The Mr. Randall is also asking for, " they even pretend ' to tolerate colors boy of a in lead who spoke for a few minutes imum. As soon as further details new offices at Moab in about two and pledge each other, but he tells his friand are completed by the committee, weeks. These offices are being suggestions from his patrons on to the flag. and introduced the guest speaker allegiance r the is the most to improve the service for .v she that the to be will obstinate, pmfes-soJohn constructed presented Marshal, by 'plans history Madsen, were Talks given by Bishop ways Brigham meet-in- g womlean brained theatre a the the mibnc of disagreeable, goers. He said he is 7 general He through BYU. spoke Dale from Summers Wilford Frost, ' he an to sawtells ever her She bethe people what 7 of here ; give two scouts, King evils of suspecting people sufficfriends that he flys into a huff Maughn andNoel want the in There ha$ bean a serious need way of enter- - v without they communists Jewkes. Barton and ing over a. and sulks for tainment time, and for for nothing days this long any example project He gave ient evidence. Wayne Young rendered a piano anyone may have, willsuggestion at a time. He is a Sir Walter solo. be greatly the homes at the Award winners were read to show that many people had jver 50timeofhave othin his with dispossewage Raleigh present meeting appreciated. Bron suffered because theBngero chairman Thomas. Grant er women; he is Old Scrooge by al problems. It is felt that everyDeadline for bids on approxiand Malcolm Young were ton scorn had been unjustly pointed and about deals he when else enthusiastic instanbe Inone will nobody mately .107,000 acres of Ute each at them. He sighted many presented with a second with his wife. This plum looks class award. peo- this step forward in sanitation dian tribal lands offered for gas ces based on history where . and in and oil leasing in Southwestern and health protection. ' rosy enough to those wrho never ple had been persecuted put to bite into it; those who do find it of the Citizens Com- Colorado has been set as Feb. 26. Members From the San Juan Selective instances, a goad many WEATHER is sour at the center. were mittee include Merrill Stevens, J. Floyd, agency superElbert beliefs their Commission comes the Service because death, You have to get to the pit of Zenos Black, Keith intendent at Ignacio saidi the word that there will be no indue somewhat different to the masses chairman, Minthe plum to be sure that it is all land belongs to the Southern Ute Jones, Tamar Perkins and from this county in Febrution of the people. Mountain tribes. The majority of sweet; it is the flavor which prenie Johnson ary. Wrigby Wright, Marvin RiThe dance was at the align vails right where people live that land to lies the the the and there south and chardson and Charles Osborne school auditorium, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blacky who east of Dove Creek. proves what they are. So long of Montieello, and Lewis K. all stockmen were joined folks. as they have a retreat where they are now living at Mesa, Arizona Shuinway, Blanding left for Salt townspeople and young Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lyman nurse and preserve the acids stopped in Montieello to see reLake City. Feb. 1 to take their which sour the milk of human left latives here before going on ta were visiting with Toms mothexaminations. physical Mr. and Mr. Joe Adamsmom Salt Lake City for the David er, Mrs. Edith Lyman, Sunday. David Gage, son of Mr. and kindness, they belong with the Salt Lake City Monday The young couple is now living Mrs. Fay Gage, is now in Salt Blums which grew on that other Get your Hallmark Greetin': family reunion Black reunion. 2g to attend a Adams TypewTUer Adding Machines Cards at Mr. Black will be eighty years in Provo where Mr. Lyman is at- Lake City attending the Olympus tree farther down the row. father, t Mrs. the Press office. Colo. honoring Greek. Dove 34 Albert R. Lyman Phene old. tending school. high school. David Black. Three States Natural Gas Brings in Producing Well I Airport Looks Like Reality I get-toget- h- Latter-Day-wee- Garrett Freight 1 j I Lines Buys Moab Transportation t Ar-'on- ihwd a, dCOlll lflOtllCrS Montieello Woman Celebrates 82nd J bpOIlSOr BanqUet Birthday Anniversary Chosen U of U Airforce Sponsor Co.-She- ll ; . h0"1 - JLJ LT Ifli El-ber- ta The Old Settler ll Auxiliary Sponsors Annual Poster Contest y, -- Stockmen Hold Conclave At 1 Cigarette Tax Is Two New Mining Companies Form Upheld Pioneer Dies In Hospital Blanding Education Board Has Meeting -- La-Ru- Sci-pi- o, . . er - - -- Scout Week Opens Te -- -- . al-,- s6 , - , , . Deadline Set For The Leasing: of Ute Tribal Land for Oil - No Draft Call For February |