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Show 18 ' Telephone 'TCaiatch' S90 FOR RENT FOR SALE Furniture Wanted ' W1M1 TU SELL UUUK irortub Fl'RNITI'HR FOR CASH, HY. 6B42, 54 32 - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUTE, V'ti IDA Y MORNING, JUNE FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses AUTOMOTIVE Unfurnished Apartments 56 $0 DAYS' FBEE SERVICE. 1023 SPECIAL SIX T1CT0BIA, 8TTJ KEBAKEU BIO BIX MOTuB $ T4S ie- at i lir.HAKEIt CvatSIANDEB DEMON'TBATOU 1673 Let's Swap 1V27 MTUIIEBAKEU VICTORIA 1022 IHH rt.h 42 Pets, Dogs, Birds, Rabbits t Hudaoa Bulck coach, US Bo. Btate. Wa. lat modal .... Buy her lI. 81 EK.HEX new PER MIX tire,$723doc RENT Unfurnished Call Hyiand 8.HOT-OLDMUOB1LE COCrK. MAIN. $230. SOUTH 711 1023 DODGR real buy. COUPE. brake, light elx ctwpa. touring. 1923, Wlllya-Knlgh- TT8 775 1W7 TOO . aedaa 478 22S Four 1828 touring Stndebaker coup. Cam ma nder, '1821.. 1230 Waa. 884, - CO, t almoat rsED 153 1027 Coup 10S1 Touring coup Coupe DO Was. 83$, DOE. After 338 37$ 700 l mechanically. DIANA .... Sedaa DEPENDABLE 883 .1103 . HUDSON. 1I23 Coach 1028 Brougham 550 1027 HARLEY 223 Davidson Overland Touring 1024 Cbev. Touring 617 OPEN EVENINGS. 8308. 153 B. lat B. J. FRY, INC, Teed raeeemger Car Dept., Motor Are. a 2nd East. Waa. 300. 8EVBN.PASSB.VGEB LINCOLN SEDAN. Reconditioned and gaaraateed. Thia ear bees brought right Bp te date. bee I brake, boodey abock aheorbera. ' balloa car baa beea and look very repainted tire; much like a new car. Will be glad to aire demonetratto any tim e tbla ear. Call Waa. 2880. ha Call aad 405 SOUTH RENT A NEW CAR. DHIVB IT YOUHMELF CO.. $3 West 4th k,ulb. Salt Lake. Was. 1008. g.vw Waah. Ave., Ogden; plione 8300. 1W23 FUUD BOADMTEB ....$1113.110 480 Month Btate. 1128 CHEVROLET ONE-TOTRUCK. Bui only abort dlatance. will sacrifice. Call me at once. I am leaving. Donglae 83-J- . rouu tockinu. Juet been over. i hauled, new tire, aew nalnt. 4UU Sooth Frd 'Coui. AND MANY $725. DOB 1022 80 paaaen-ge- r school bus. Sid window, eouad body, excellent rubber. Motor I good. Easily worth $530. Take It thia week for $422. DO MAIN Seda. INTERNATIONAL 73. 2878-7-7 GOING blact DEALERS, Bonth. MO. STATE lat Bo. W. : : 8121, from TAYLOR taea l MOTOR CAB CO. USED CARS. CHRYSLER 70 coupe. ' WAS. CO. 10IT. hi !C1 GOINJ ON AS THB DOVvJrJ AT THE ALLEN BUMCM S N rx,H AVERV. VOULL gi Arrvle. 2nd Ns, Weet. Waa. 20711 rUHKE rooms and bs th. linoleum, stove; clean: $20 pe M Tile ave. 6RM. atrtctly mod. h'ew for rent, on 8th West bet, 7th snd 8th Be., paved St. EPPERSON REALTY CO.. W, 7TT4. $12 I t. Bae. A Tr. Bldg. W. M74. IIU. m4, lino, dhi ysr. Wss. 0482-W- , Id Vine st Rt'i'V Hot SK. psrily modern, Uee, e.a lrlritoei ave. FOl.k ntii, partly fur, gas r, iHrant, biosdry mwt. etc. Rent r teas. 646 So. n t.a.t. Hv. 8WJ. 50 5RM..mnd, e, Ut Wet $1 eaa acar Weet Teninl at. 14 08 l. Hv. 4fi rV. Ma Bt LARR rovma. alp. porch, gar, Uede. 'S, eaat a:d. ily. 6403 B. a 3 iea, tl t CHEVROLET SEDAN With disc wheels, 31x4 cord tire. 4ody 1824 STEARNS with Rex 1028 CHANDLER CHRYSLER aport roadster. Whit 60-- to 1928 KASH coups. 1027 aedaa. WILLYS-KNIGH- 1926 HUDSON aedaa. a ;, Any oe of ibea la aa exceptional bay. They look almoet new and am right ta their prim for ervlc. The and maay more displayed Visit aa. ta Mr a how rooms. Auto Batteries 50 PHILCO 275 too beantlful ear DAN uaed part yea want at taa fur all late modal ear can alwiy get wbst FELTj - AUTO WRECKING Too Bad, Avery . PTc. I rM , A. DW JO- VT WM - BED WILL V- -A I Kuiru Pktir UEV(E KfAri., N P J I xou q. r J JV im 1023 RtCKENB ACKER cylinder, tor 4 life fin 1 400 BTUDEKAKEB 7PASH. PHAE TON With special abuc.k bumper, .. incioaara 1928 heater, 'winter 426 1021 tar three abare the average. 450 WHIPPET COUPE Jest completely reconditioned, equipped with larg everalae bslieon tlree, 450 hamper, anobbers, etc WHIPPET COACH With flea nearly aew tlrea. Buna only a few thousand milea ,. 600 1828 OVERLAND SIX COACTf la original greed aad gray flalah. This car anew real care and M equipped with fir good eta lard Urea 12 530 HUDSON 7PAAS. SEDAN Just reflalahed In beantlful gree mcqaer with gold e tripe: three aew tins aad twa arigiaala; hem pen, wing cap. motometer, beautiful brow mohair upholstery, new carpeta, ate.. 00 1928 OVERLAND SIX TW0-D00SEDAN With for-whebrakes, beautiful body and Interior apfoot eveniaed India pointments, Urea, ayx bar cap and aewn-pho- r. bumpers, tlr lock, 1026 llcen OTa) . A WHIPPET SEDAN Fully equipped; bumpers, mcteeaeter, ditch It, fie ballaoa tires, tlr lock, aayg ball, remote cos. trot door handles; nly rna 4000 ThI I . mile. another aew demonstrator and will ha sold under manufacturer a guana- TOO WS . 126 last COUPS Wn,LTS-XNGH- reflnlabed In hatatlful blue Dace; flea Bew tire, aaetome ter, gaa gisgi a daaa, bumpers, bin Spaalah teat her apbalstery. tight an 1S TOO HUPMOBILB SIX SEDAN With new urea ail arson. A fin ar) OKBAT SIX ta model, two-ton- e color and bam pert, quipped with ftv early new Urea, be ter, ate... too WILLTS-KNGH- txniPB beantlful rour-pea- 1645 WTT.LT8 KNIGHT GREAT SIX BBDAN Be flnlahed beaatt-fa- l gray laesjear aad quipped . cmpitly too GRBAT SIX SPORT BOADBTBB Juat eut f paiat a bop. In beautiful tww d brow and taa; ramble matt, n legated bumpers, thre new tin amt f five. .. 1000 WITXTS-XNIOrT- er 1621 WILLYS KNIGHT MOD. iran wira 8 aw tlr set gl sal tire, bumpers, etc.: rncqaar SB and tw metmne-- TO-- f lobbed U baaaUfal itoa PAOKABD SEDAN Juat reflnlabed In beautifBl brow a Laeqoer, and kewdllrht bumper new tin lostallad. motor reconditioned. completely This ear hae read speed aad ferwer; Utertsr Ilk assy 14TI4 WILL M COUPE Six- model; mo- 1922 STAB SEDAN Hae rua a few tbouaaad only mile. Look fin and bow good care. Twa aew trlea Just installed, 1626 sW ITS DO DOB 4r, Wa , fla ..i SPORT TOURING, Joat nt of paint ahop, la beautiful bin enamel paint Job. Equipped with aew balloon tlrea. Entirely new ateerlng mechaalaa $ 400 tv5 V KiOV&VAefX. S SEDAN 1924 52 Auto Painting and Repairs WB repair yoar car at your ban. Wilson's 21 Ante 7818. Panama at. Hy Shop. ATTENTION. Dodge and lira bam owners I Yoa know ywa eaa aaea from 0 per cent yeur repair bill at the 7th Be. Gang. Brake rettned for Ilex arte of material Mly Day 4 Klgbt Sarvica, 24 Eaat 7th Bo. Waa 8417. AUTOMOBILES painted. $12.30 and ap; alao automobile repairing. II. Jt Bros. Hy. 7467. recondltlooed. $76 Completely PAIGB pletely You au, 150 RE WILLYS-KNIGH- 1024 Auto Parts, Tops, Tires WB hav aia Waa. 2348, tl ... 182S BATTERIES, 250 TWO-DOO- R OVERLAND MODEL SEDAN With four aew ear beat of condition tlrea: la 350 all through 1928 Reliability laaored for eacatioa trlpa. Rick aiiper station. 2nd Eaat and I Bo. W. 1120 aad tracka. CO. Motor Ave. WB pay cash for yoar M care. Felt Aata Waa 1822. fart ce, 848 State WANTED Old aeed cars. High prtcea paid. wesiera Auto rana Co, 747 Bo. stat. WANTED feed Ford aedaa body. Waa. 475, W. T. Edwards. CASH PAID FOR LATB MODEL CARS. 457 SWTH MAIN. WASATCH 7455. oil AUTOMOBILES. WB PAY THB HKST MPllT CASH PRICES. B. M. McBRIDB, 823 BO. STATB. 51 TAYLOR MOTOR CAR ST. , i' BIX 1923 ESSEX COACH With fir very good tires; motor reconditioned; aew seat cover ; painted bin enamel 8. 80 coup. LIGHT line and beautiful Interior.,... KNIGHT TOURINO, and good lneloror tlrea; Juat reflnlabed la bio vltrallte enamel. A real value. IMS ; mod, sip. pch, newly pattered. Painted thronrhoot, gar, $30. 11(6 Whsd-o- r at. Hy, i:s.R. 72 BROWNING New mod.; laundry etov. garsge, fnrnece; $41" 48 C'tevtlle ave . modern brick. $38 ' A. rilAINGAME illOMR BCII.IIEHS. Wca'dew. Hv. 11C2-J- ; 0'flce We: 4I:y. nv,d. heue, heaeioent, walking dial.. 200 1894 BUS. A H U .'; HOD. 4 rim., beeemente, 12 ka hth Bo. and 270 Eaat 6th Bo. Hy. WH-J- . KM. AM cleaned. So. Sib sod., newly ( Waa 2A-J- . STUDKBAXEB TOURING ,. .. 192S Automobiles Wanted 48 R. By- 103 1S2J City, Utah. THIRD BAST STREET. TRUCK. JACK for a GOOD F0RDI SURE. It KUCKSTELL. got It': also got I CLOSED TRAVEL! NO AND a STAKE body It'a a REAL FOUD. 1433 Sou t Becood MEK IT. West. SACRlt'icl.Mi Star six kleetruck ridiculous- low f gnre. Cell Wss. 1747. Mr, Weller, ly ; It gilt Lk XUDVK GOT th ..... -; -? 175 OVERLAND CHAMPION Threw, door car. Threw aew tlree nt at Motor recondition!..., 28 SOUTH Ilk Pbon USBD YACATI0NING7 1H27 I'OKD ROADSTER. Bumble aeat, 1924 CADILLAC SEDAN. $1330. motometer. foot Bpeedometer, bampere, Splendid mechanically; ill good Urea aad Just reflnished. Tsu car la right up 1 accelerator, many other fxtras. Tha price LINCOLN VICTORIA COrPB. late; brakes and everything. t right. Terma. 454 Bonth Stele, Thia la aa ad tb la teat model Lincoln Call Baker, Wa. 8707; after $ p. m. Wis, 1U21 FORD; excellent running order; five kallt. Ha beea drive by very careful 8724. dandy tire; alerter: $4. 153 Bo. Silt. driver. Th conditio I perfect, W will give a new car ruinate. THE AUTOUARI PAYS $100 EQUITY In new Chevrolet. Will aell LINCOLN DEALERS, THB top dollar for seed CARS. far $M1. 477 Eaat lat Be. Waa. 4o. 120 Eaat 6th Mo, Eaat tire.. 1924 THB WUI'IA COMPANY, 12T CHKV. ROADSTER, A BKAUTT. lifcD AND WHITE USED CAR MKT, 803 HARVESTER WhHs dnmp track. Light trucks of other make. 30OD VALUES LOW PRICES. PICK Y0CB CAE lU'-- . 150 OVERLAND 'BLUEBIRD,' witk Bex Incloeur, aad Bew ar Mr. capacity. . Hudaoa Brougham at a Will exchange for UghUr ear. 847 B. lat So., after 5:30 n. m. TWO 102 Ford coupee: ana Ford roadster: For Hupmohils 8 sedan; all reconditioned. aale by Finance Co. Hy. 4100-R- . lv23 FORD TON TRUCK, cab and auke body, Ruckatcll axlc,a atartar, new soxft tlrea. 8tt3 Juat ipcat oa motor, complete varhanl. There are yer of lervjcs In tbi car for someone. 4C4) Bo. State. MUMT BELL 1024 HUDSON TODAY, COACH. UOOD MOTOR. PAINT AND UP5 NEW HOLSTERY. IF $2V3, TIRES, TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL WAS. 8858. d FINANCE Co, will aell for amount of On Chevrolet touring; two Naab coaches: aa Blckeabackcr coach, Pbon Hy. 4234. for Mr. McQullkla Warnek. model bus, la good conditio. Whit Trucks, from 2ml Mouth, Waa 1771. 1U23 FOUD TOUU1NU; Bew top. new paint motor overhauled, disc wheela, balloon tire; priced lo sell. 480 So. State. a.NAP. MASTER MIX BUICK ROAD7 STER. KUMHLB MEAT. LlkB WAS. SS24 OR HY. 8U23-J- . 1U27 CHEVROLET COUPE, BY OWNER. 60 1025 1934 433 West 4th Bo. 1924 BUICK TOURINO. BRAKES, MED AND WHITE USED CAR MKT, 803 SO. STATE ST. tat 127 Naih Advanced Mia ucla tour.. Ilk aew; esrtoaare; bargain. 14a coa ' OVERLAND TOURING CAR With 4 new tlrea, new top, fin Ilk body, upbolatery aew, motor recondltlooed , Distributor, Waa. la INTERNATIONAL Mon. a enap-p-y aew paint Job, good rubber, cab and express body. $000. PHOXB 80 Main. As 1024 and A, B. T0CRSSKN, 483 TOURING dltloa . MAXWELL IVi ton track, dandy express body, ruliber la good ilup. Amechanically, roomy rab. Take It for $423, Aik TERMS. Opea Evenings, Suadaya Holidays. Oldamoblls FROM 1023 VET.IE SEDAN Fear door type, wtta apeclal steering quipped heater In rear, wheel, clock, dome light, foot rest, mirror, run new balloaa tire, Tiaor, fie bumpers, large trunk a rear, xtra tlr mounted en aid. A INTERNATIONAL another good boy la a model "S. Really aa except loan Ily good buy at $430. MORS TO PICK FROM. REASONABLE HUDSON Super Mix 7 pie, touring, l cotMlltktn, plenty f pep and power, all 3831-U- . aell Call win Hy. cheap. tire, 1023 F0HD TOURING; sew top. new paint, motor overhauled, due wheeln, balloon tlrea; price, t to tell. 480 So. Btale. 4802-R- Trucks for Sale DO DOB IK-to- a 1028 track, long atak body, good rubber (ad. apnoll, atery, mechanically eaally worth $300. . WIU take thia week 1827 L Sella Sedaa, 1V25 Essex Coach. 1023 Bulck Sport Boadaler. lv2.V2er Dodg Coup. 1027 Coup. 1028 Ford 1025 Bulck 1028 Oidamoblle Coupe. 1027 Oidamoblle Coach. mirror. tlree, bumper, heater, rear-vtele tlier spholatertng, A-- l mechanically. Call sir. i.ycna. n aa. an. WAM. BUICK 1021 landaa a WHITB truck, pseoraatlc opea cab. deep express body, tire, motor completely overhauled la our wa aervlce atatlon. Thia week $875. Stat Saath RANGING $30 ta $1400. USED CARS. S34 carry- protected fit. ALSO MAIN BUILDING LATE . si.m-w- CHEVROLET Fifth South and Mala MX OUR TRUCK BARGAINS AT 173 E. 2ND BO., TRUCK DEPT. in tracka from Visa Aaythlag a takes bodies, expreea t tw-tbodies, screea bod tea. W eaa flu th order and fit roar pockatbook. 5434-J- , THBEB LOTS WB TAKB LATH MODEL MOTORCYCLES IN TRADE. B PRICES aedaa, good tlrea! oeie paint. recoiwllTlOBeel In mmmrm - Call Hyiand 1782 W. WILL aaerlflc my 1023 Clterrolet touring car. whtch hae rood rubber. Unco oaint no oewi or running conmttou. fhona Hy271H1-- vr 100 110 $300 sold with WARRANTY, BROWNING'S MIST aell my 1027 Chevrolet touring car at once: good roadilloa, at a real price; eaa Call Hyiand 7848-- J after arrange term. Better cars better boys better coma and look them now If you waat to be anre of tb pick. a re reconditioned They and repainted wbea accessary aad all are bjeked by the) Toarssaa reputatloa. too ut PRICES need car policy. nr time payment USED TRUCKS, 8 ing A. E. T0URSSEN 050 HUPM0BJLE. a WRITTEN plaa. SHABMAN AUTOMORII.B COMPANY, 61 Soulh Stat 8t. Wal. 6707. Open Evening! and Suadaya. 47 MODEL 88 CHRYSLER Flnlahed la latest color scheme,! doubts body line, veloor upholstery. Aa excellent end economical family car. Completely overhauled. A fin family car for $217 dowa, eeay terma. St. 850 423 i Compare thia with any aew ear for $230 down, bal. eaay term. 'License on ear.) stat ESSEX. 1027 Cncb 1020 Coach BVERY CAB Lauiij,u 1027 fry. si REDUCED GREATLY aerie. iand WILL, aell my 1027 Chevrolet landaa sedaa. Ilk new. Need cab at one. Be Mr. Jo t Moxum hotel. 7 to 7:30 a. m., or any rime nrier srmi p. m. IU2U DODGE aedaa, new paint Job, $ good MODEL 23 20 BUICK STANDARD COACH. Dark greea finlab. black belt line with red bead (tripe, artillery fin tire, bumper front wheela, nd rear, motinxaeter and croaa bar, mirror, automatic wlndableld cknn-e- r. p. m. cell tlree m. 1 CHEVROLET eocb, folly equipped. In cluding trunk; only 8400 mile actual ini m on real buy la a haadred. oiienge. AND $8 Ba. ! apieodld car tuitjr exiulpped, eat arranged tnpa. ta make sleeping quar ters in car . jao A-condition. . real taarnaln ri aa Ideal TtiUKiNO, car ioc star work or Ilablnr trlpa., 175 XUfi I LnlllHKK HLliT BB 8ATIHF1EIV Tim payment contracta handled at big ss vines t yoa. by uraelve rnnat riytann C73 So, aad Vila. P W27 BOTTERILL'S. CHRYSLERS. Sedaa Waa. . S23 102b 1026 1027 . at 6th TODAY. good condltloa aauan, v,'im,av vecaiwin 250 EVENINOS SUNDAYS. - SPECIAL PAIGB SEDAN. tnrourhout. balloon iBvoetlg! 179 Just araaad tha corner IfOTB 0UB tin Speedster Ford Coup OPEN AS THB DO DC. 8 DEALER, w have tlie flneat aelect Ion ef LATE MODEL, RECONDITIONED, Dodge aedana, coupe, flneat Sedaa, coup. ..$630 state. All ear under cover hi th showroom la Iowa. nnpmoblla hauled OPEN AIR DISPLAY. Bulck brougham. Packard aedaa. 8 aedan, Hupmohll Re sedan, Hudaoa edB. Hudaoa coach, Dodg aedaa, Dodg coupe, 2 pa as. 0 .1 Coupe, CHEVROLET. TERMS. la th city. th car yoa Ooope, 1923 ear.) roadater and touring Be u flrat Wa hav waat. Chevrolet hap .... 102! Hudaoa 8. lat 1823 Standard 1028 Cnnp 1028 Sedaa mechan- E. CAR MARKET, RDICKS. CARS, tire, Ford 1824 PROTECTED USED CARS. Sill aedas, 7 pasa. Salle aedaa, La Bale coupe, 8 pais. TODAY. 1023 . PUBLIC ON 2ND BAST. 800. Bew Bhape. SNAPS 1023 INC. FRY, 1923 Lexington Sport Touring, bal. kan tire. Due finish, aew top and Look a fin; need curtain. eotae war. A knockout at $130. Old MOTOR SPECIAI" "MECHANIC'S them la La 102T (7$ A 1 door 4 t .1150 BROWNING'S Cadillac tour, Cadillac phaetoa, 192T CHEVROLET C0UPB, fully la fla mechanical condiouipped. tion, with lota of extra qulpmat, at $473. . HUDSON COACH. Thia ear t Ilk new sad ruei heantlfully. la equipped with General Cord tiraa, bompera, etc. A snap at $030. A smaller car eon tide red as part la HIGH GRADB USED CABS. Don't fall te eoaia in and at before yon buy. Cadillic aedaa, Cadillac aedaa, ESSEX COACH, LATB 12T SUPER 81X. la Acondition. Look and rona Ilka a aew car. WUI take $833 and ale term, A Ford r C.aT. coniidered aa part payment, 178 . : - roadater. 1828,. 17J ically Yoa cna buy thia ear for $250 down and eaay terma. ILlcenae a ISO GASOLINE ALLEY apeclal Be 273 front, bnmperette rear. Motom-te- r. r. v. mirror, automatic wind-htel- d cleaner, fin a beared mohair French top, apnolatery, LINCOLN 120 B. Newly painted aad In fine mechanical con dition. $473. For demntrtloa call Baker, Was. $707. After $ p. m. Waa. 8723. nr apeclal Kaah Naab m 123 1018 NASH ADVANCED COACH. Black and dark gray two-to- n flniah double belt line. Thia car la eimipped with bumper STAR OorrSTKR. CHEAP. RED AND WHITE I SKU CAR MKT, 805. SO. 8TAIB ST. 1023 FOKll coupe,, which Waa. 20:13. ...... Adraaecd, 1928., 775 7 bear-- Advanced, Naah WB ARB OPEN FROM 8 AM. I'NTIL P. hi. ; ALSO SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. 10241 $: e.,.. . Bed an. coup. 1828...... 4 door edaa.... Bo. and Stat Waa. 8318. ATTRACTIVE t t apeclal ATTRAtTIVB PRICES. $183 COACH, with coupe. 5113 SEVERAL WONDERFUL IN TOUHINU CABS. If yoa only want to apend a little money for a car, wa bare mat good ones AS 18 $30 and up. fihiah, perfect aha at me doer, balanc by th month. chanically, Call Waa. 3 r Waa. 18,8-W- . Mr. Dykea. 128 TX1IK;E aedaa for aale; fine ahane. with good rnhher, aad can be bought riant. t dooy I'iiONK WAS. ATTRACTIVE till 1U27 800 4 door ONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER.. Word ha apread that tble I a SAFE PLACK to buy a Dependable Weed Car. Tbat'a why wa lead In th Bale af lied Cars. CHEVROLET NEW. COACH, BARGAIN. RED AND WHITE CBBD CAB MKT., 803 BO. STATE ST. I. 1330 1(128 Naab '.1 with confidence. 127 J. . MerTllR AVE, " !j 50 PACKARD MOTORS. INC, Phone Wa Bonth Mai St. Opea Suadaya aad Evening 1. 448 4th 87$. R. 830 1923 Advanced 180 Adraaced, 123,. touring. lag 773 278 ,,,,,..., track bob barfataa a .M Naah tSUIl CAR DEPARTMENT. 1430 , OLDS BOPRT TOCRIXO $188. A Ideal llttl ear for vacation aad eaayoa trip. Terma. . 1028 80 day free aervlce. Tour car take in trsd. Eaay term. Unfurnished Apartments for coach, 230 K0RVILI.B MOTOR COMPANY. Htudebaker Dlatrlbuloca, 8. coupe, model $33, wonder , two pa, 1$2T .... F1XB CHINA a HOC8E1IOLD GOODS PACKARD. MOTORS. INC. ar worth a lot and deaerra epeclallaed roa aidemtioa. Our atorag accommodatlena are , USED CAB BARGAINS. w ana not ptendid. eiena and arderly, bothered with rat or mica became ar do Bulck coach, 1827, Juit Ilk aew $1250 not atom mercbaBdla. Our packer are trained me with yar f ex per trace, tte Bulck coup, lat model, perfect conar prood of our tervlc and invite laapao 730 dition Hob All Iwtolrle cheerfully nnawrred. roav 830 albly our nageatlon might help yon. Cadillac aedan. exceptional bargain BTORAOE. MOV I NO, PAC K1NU, SHIPPING Redman Fireproof Ktorage C. Packard aedaa. model $28, new car 41 b Went Btrcot. 138 1430 guarantee Waa. 14(18-4-CHEAP BTOHAliB mean a DAM;(CH from Reo 4 p. coupe, 1828, beat buy In 1400 (owa ... FIRB. DIBEA8B OERUS. BEIIRCGS and VERUM. People who have vermin in tbelr For aafe Packard club aedaa, model 833, aew gond aelect CHEAP STORAGE. conditio 1,50 atorare and expert packing, call Wa. 72Z Packard ful Buy Dodg WII.LTS-KXItJHTOUR I Nil .. BTUDBBAKKB SPEC, $ DUPLEX PHAETON 473 102S IIOlXiB COITB 275 1024 ESSEX (OAt 11 S23 1U23 MTUIIERAKEH LT. 8 TOUHINO. 273 1024 DoIXiK VICTORIA 473 HMO STH IlKHAKBR LT. 4 SEDAN. .. 173 1023 OLDSMOBII.kl CLI'B COI PB "... 443 1027 BTIiDEBAKEB COMMAADER SEDAN 1883 , 1023 MTl'DEBAKER MTD. 8 BROUGHAM 883 J0241 JEWETT 303 SEDAN Kt.H noilCB DELIVERY 873 IV25 WHITE 82PASBENOEB BUS. i'RICED TO SELL QUICK. rCHMTUHk, iioalon boll pupplra fur ffHOUuLllUBHKU aaie. van vinenaie rarn. n E. 4in m BiUiTIlN terrlera, champ, bred pppa, from mskii rinr.rKiHir biokaob to. . atort: elllhl to reglater. 1404 Bo. hiala, HADI.EV My. S2l5. TBANBFKR BTORAQB, 157 Edlaoa Street. FOX terrier pupa, tUoroorbbreda. arka. 1120 old. nlrely marked. Wladeor at. Phone Waa. I17H. Waa. 171'.. Be. wen. Hy. 7N1 B. U. TRAN8FRU CO.. motor eana. ax FMiLIXU bulldog, rrxlaterrd. blue rlhboa perleneed men Wa. JABft Ily 44(11 J 858 W. 2nd Bo. Waa. jllT-M- . IIVIMI. anytblag. any anrwhrr. Ii I SKI AN woirimund. or wl trade for alre-relet reaa. Fred Kimball.puic. Hy 42S.VW. dale. !Hr) M. Mth K. Voue. LARI1B motor re a city or nl-Uiwa haul. AT HTl'D for aervife. rvttialeid Oman po atolleriip a. W aa. 154J2 or 7O0A Hoe, arolf gray. !Wll tVeerly at. n. 12IK-- J CHOICE German police puppy; will make 56 eieel. watch or alieep dor. Hy. jntm-B- , 30CL08B lu',' coof;' llving'r mom. 4.'1. Livestock Sale ette, bath. bed. elec. rang. floora. aiiltahle 221 B at. 8510. porch: SOU 80 R A MBocTlTSt" rama. Winner, Waa. T82. Nee btdr. CORNELL. 101 So. 8tb B. Mate car fare. rm. 4 front coay and mod.. floor, apt., WILL buy dead ar naeleaa boraea or cowa. beet location, front and hark procb, hrlrk Will pay can. Phone Murray 70. no janitor, tiy. tii or waa. UIH..-J- . MAVK 800 rlabt rod yearling awea. dellrery PHYLLIS APT.. 1SS E. 41k Sottth-- Frflarriell Mreatock Co. Bow, nlbd or anfara., $ or 4 nam and eua VoK aale, one Arabian eolt, ava 1 yearn, rlor, attract re. all modern convenience. gentle, haadled ajulrk to lean an excellent aaddle animal. Will aell cheap. Phoae UEAL'TIFI.'L cool, clean not., c.oae in. hot water heat, garare. 24 and np. 48 E. or call at 434 8o. 4th Ily. 4U1-eonrn. rty. im'7. H E and bath la Uart Annex. 343 Bo. Tth B. Bteam heat, lanltor aervlce. FOR Janltoe In reer. Waa. 24. N0BI- -. 306 3rd ave Tery fine apt., facing atreet. Waa. glST-W- . 54 Houses MADMEN APT., 603 Eaat 2nd So. Largeat and -- room apt, hi city, nicely dec. Wan. modern; large Bleeping porch. I, front and rear porcke. Be Janitor, BlUP-Tth 54 are, tiarage. T apt., or call Air. Benoida. Wu. OB 4 room, njodera. Ilooleum, garmga. 243 58-Mo hth ICaaL Hy. tRMVK. RM. mod. flat, 14 .North FU-aWe.L CI. KAN modern; gae range, water Hy. 230-1 B. heater, t2. Adnlta. Oarage. (tb i. E REDITU loca-18- 0 fin apt., CNCALOW. FINE FAVTl.Y 7 RMS.. 8TB. tten: good rlew of city. lat are MOD.; OAH, FURSACF: IS. . J50 E. BUS. Inc.. le. norcb. mod., beat, ebole TH BO. KEY AT 72. BY. eaat front, $40 173 No. lat Weat. clean, partly modern, 112 mo. Near EW CI 4 rooma. J2 .'Ml 2, and $ .'UUlMia, 4411 Deua or Liberty park. pL laq. By. and np: lea by tlw year. Friridalre. 418 2nd Bonth. Waa. 154.1. 4R0)af modern, clean, gaa and coal range, EW apt., til Bat, elec. range, re garage, 120 mo. bJ K. M So. frigeration, near capital. $27. W. 7722-J- . 4 B0OM kuuae, modern, painted toalde Bud A3 E. 3rd Mo. HE HII' II, 4 rm (not . awt Bo. Ith Bart. Hy. ent. rear apt., $35: ga apt., $43; ale modern, gaa, alp. ponh, Bew rage. v. . L. ahopa. mt paper, paint: W. i.irard are. Waa. &a. Waa. SMALL o4A bonee. clow In, !2. afarfcea are. Intnlr .2 Markea ae. i I HaL bouee. 1 apta. B.rented, gar. Furniture aI u-aaA-L tor aale. 22 4th Waa. 14M M 7 BOOM modern. 744 Bait Bo. Temple. eellent condition, only (32 go. 7t0 B. Bo. Temple. coed Beigaboc-hooInTiln U Bo. 7th Saat. apt. Ko. X. term. 1023 Moving and Storage YOCH BOO 1343 20S 1022 Et. a.) 182$ Kaah 138 LT. 8 TOCHINU. nri'MOBII.K ROADSTER . 11122 BTI'DKRAKEU SPEC. 8 TOT'RIMI 1027 BTL'DEHAKEH COMMANDER for waa 800 coupe, Haak 4 door aedaa. COMMANDER BTl'DEHAKEH lid 1928 Dodg Nah 73 103 man NASH MEIIAN 1025 BTl'llEBAKEK SPEC. $ SEDAN. 1022 NASH Till III XU Poultry and Baby TO a PB1CEH PAID 'UR f.IYK I'llll-TE4 8. !nd W. CAM, WAS. 8ir.7-M- . HAIXIIOW TROUT. 1HWI Bnnth 7th F.nt. Hy. MCH1CKH. SAUKUAWB Boy with eonflilenr. "Nul Bed." Tney'ra 7S Ho ntate. hrrd. Murray 4?. W ANTKU J.le poultry and ral.hii.. nlll call and ret; ran pee any aimoint. farni rmdiwta Co.. 4S W. 7lh Ho. Waa, M71. Lire WANTED all) call for poultry. them and pay lire top price. Mnrray hO. WILL nil and ret all kloda el peultry, lllrh.il prtre paid. Hy. IHH. Automobiles for Sale 46 AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Utab'a Oldest Automobile Dealer. 1003. Incorporated During the entire month of Jan w ar offering especially auractlv SUPER SIX BS8BX This ear la almost aew aad la consigned with at $875. W wtll coaelder aa Eaaex Coach ar Ford aa part payment aad $iva Dodge coup. Ford ns tSU ID2U rOHI) TOI RINO .... 1024 NASH -- 4" t'OLTE Junk Wanted fi;bnitlbk. BU3 ...... in, w. K MKI1AN .$850 Ford conpe, 1923 .. . .. i Ford fvadaftr, 1028 l'J21 MTUDEBAKEB COMMANDER SEDAN 1850 127 BTUDEBAKEH EH8K1NB TOUfiV EB 13 1023 ni'ICK COACH 8h3 IK2S DOIHiC KOA IISTER 443 1021 HUDSON Ml'EEDMTER 123 1U23 STIIIIK1IAKEH SPEC. ROAD. MTsB. UI MOTuU 830 10241 NA8H MF.IIAN $113 I02O Dl.DMUOBlI.E BOAD8TER 43 liUINalllllll.B SEDAN 773 I2f 1H2II NASH TIICHINli 123 1U2 MTUDE1IAKEU MTD. 8 ROAD STER . 883 102.1 HTUUEBAKEB SPECIAL 685 IKI STUDr-AKE- R LIGHT T0UB- - .Clothing Wanted Ho. hl'II 11125 Instructions t FBEE TRIAL. DATS 8 4 aodan. 1B27 Chryalar DAT CCABANTEB. 80 wl tli Automobiles for Sale 46. BOTTERILL'S SPECIALS. MOTOR CO, Mala. 454 Bouta uu Jazz, Short Method rBED CARS. CERTIFIED Instruments i AUTOMOTIVE BARMAN T. INtt AUTOMOTIVE for Sale Automobiles 46 4)1 ' 5ffT AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 46 Telephone 'WaiaMi 4U AVB.N'L'g. A Iwn AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 46 MoUElOi UH1CK. Til III 1) NKW BTHATTON AIT8 FIRST CLASS CONDITION 4 80. 4TH BAST. 4021 OR WAS. JlWI-0ARAI1R. jWAH. for furniture, nocri, U1GHKMT rash price mod. apt., with Beantlful, large, 13. 1048 Iivf mod.; new electric hmiK, wee. cage, conrettieuce, partly oont oa.ii erery including refrtgi, rns, Ko. Went Temple. Waa. 2401-rangea, elec. refrigeration, locker room, THAI.ES M. DERRICK. AUCTION EKlt. Hii clone Tbia t la one of the flneat apace. Eaat H 4 5fl42. place. caah vietr furniture, $100 to (.Vmi. Ull., newly cleaned, gaa, 110; In B. L. C. and cetera to the bulldlnca Hy. HI72. Inquire Mil E. 4th Bo. WE NEED -- fiRNlTUHK, CALL 18 la deatroua of aerrlce and who eclect tenant 6 KM. double bullae, near 4th N. and 4th W W 481 ftrrt. Heat prlcee. I7 S. W. convenience. loi. euatodlan, Waa. 7043-1S: 1 lg. rina.. 17.50. Waa. 4180. or I PAY highest epol eaeh for furniture. ( 5 :. Jrnk ne. room TLY W. STUK modern. Gaddta 15 848 Co.. S70 Co. Main. Waa. T30. B Inreet. State. bungalow, large Awl., Inn n. f Ion era. IW7 Ulllon are. Waa. WH. NEW UllHil.EY. Cool 3rm. a(t.. Fr tidWABATI'H FURNITCHK CO. paye Bum for O ld Bo. VV. Temple. al re. SoT So. State. W, 43J. ncd fnrnlture .tnctly modern britk, Vu, 808 11E1IOIIKLKD garage, IS5. 2I th are. Hy. AS 771. FltKM'H AUK., to B. (lib Sou lb, Waa. HIGHEST eeeh price for good used furn 4 rm. mod. 42H0 and alp. porch, worth 466. cottage, fore. nRfrt tod rtiirt. Phone We. 7192, gKtlOkl eicepl All eatable rooma. only S37.AO. for CASH lOUl'i.KT Wll.l. ptirrhaae clone In, gaa range. 020 HT. 2184- Uooae, rrRMTHIIK. Hol'SEPUM. rwd. floora. electric refrtgeratliNa, Denver at. Waa. 11122 By. 70li. clean and modern. 444 Mo. 4th F. H 2848. Musical 2IM C at. 4 room mod 110UEIIN honae, fine location oa F IIOHI.NKON decorated near at. ern Newly Temple. hluai store apt., front and hack pnrehen. USHERS paye mgoest Phono 11 r. lajmea. 120 and imtnted throughout. prlc for seed pianos radioa, mueical moderu, except heat, nicely or Waa. 462. 121 B. Broadway, etrumenta, tit. ranged for hftuaekeeplng 2,8 W. flth Bo. mod.; uewly dec; alp. porch; gar. i 1'IANOM from 171 up. Teruie, $3 dowa aid TUB AKLI.WA'tlN. hlMI-H- . Kaat. Waa. Brae-Rfan. ob i.a lllh hi line $3 par month at Glen 8rm. apt., with front and rear porrhea, erta Piano t o., m so. Main J IUI. briik. mod., larga yard, flS. new and electric dining Urge Ifring rm,., No. lh W. Call Waa. T714-J- . rangea, Thia apt, baa inat been nearly decofor aal Clara player-pianONE Story rated and la la A 1 condition. Oold hotel, AO 4 HUB., mod., alp porch, baaemeat, garage, Ingoirt 419 cheap; la rood condition. So. W Temple. Call Jim. Andrne. apt. 28. lino., S30. 838 Wlndeur at. Ino. let door Flrt are. T0 Bo. Co.. Main. Waa. 7). Iladdta Inr. PLAYER piano, mating, fine ton, bench, north. Tel Kaat .lib Ho -4 73 .roll. 112.1. 621 6th R. Hy. W17SJ TWO Albrll,e atrlctly modern hoiiaea, die. FAIKUIINT room apt.; many sew Improvement, In130. tieda, hreakfaat room and garage, BENT a piano $3 per month and ap. Glen Waa. 2tU8. Waa. Frididalre. cluding 311. W. 1223 Plione 43U are Weatmlnater Itroa. Ronerte Piano Co.. 181 So Main. Ry. Will E. and I'RIM ETdN-l'- or lei Ko.-- At frame bouae. oa pared at.; modern; 110 and lip. seed phoisigrsph. lil.IG.RTLf tractive apt.; wauy new Inprove-mentt)4 Bo. 8th weat. large ya.j I7 Gle Br..Robrte Terms, (1 par week. SOUO. Hy. Waa. including Frlgbialre. C Ho. 181 Piano Main. 7'lfMl modern bouae. eiilendld cloae.la lo UW78-cation for renting oloaplna rooae. $50 All. ST aril my piano ' 4 THE KKXHLEIl room modem 107 North Main. APT., month. lln Clark. 1078 K. 7th don lb. apta. Clone In 268 N Btale. Waa, modern, colonial atyle honae. MAIHMiANY Boimra cmiaole. with 33 MCB $500 I'ETKH JH. APT'B eab- . cleaned, with garage, la woe. una Waa. noon rmuli, $85. Excltialr hreakfaet Book, pt fnglon at. lectrie refrigeration, efiaclona living room, 34 Musical 8AVE car tare; clean. mod.. Beat, eervlce. 8A So. fib B Ily &"0C U excellent gaa. t. rangea, at S4I B. Alh So. Hy. 85.17. or Hv. tVrdlVJ. l'LAT a tuaa aa your CAUI'KNTEB HAW . Summm-hayaTliUEK an- fun, rooma, modern. For lessons. Clyde Have car UVVL. 4M E. Bo. T. Hy apta.. elec. fare. 820 Bo. let Weat. d5a- - w. Oarage. ninne Waa. 8780! Be, them. B. M. YOUNtl. JR.. teacher of Tlolln. Rea 20 4 9 IIOpMM, BTR. MOD., LINOI., OAS, FINE light, 4 ruou atrlctly modern apt,, Rtndlo at 4W do. 4th Baal aomtble fJBWLY WALK1NU 1)18 FAPKHKll, fin locution, galaaed-ialeeping porch, 5 B. 4TH BO. TAM E. newly decorated. $.d 314 7th B. Waa. WI12. 34A Piano mod., b. w. floora. gum wood flniah. atrlctly mod. apt., beautiful iawna Inlaid linoleum, whit enamel gaa range, 12 LESSONS, oole or car: uoveltiee: and groumla. Eaalga apta.. 11170 So. 8th Davis Method. 182 H. Uain mall course furnace, inondry atove, full barement, 138. B. Hy gtaiin 821 Boherta at., Sth 8o., 2nd 4 3rd Eaat. 231 4th Eaat DELPlilA APTM.. Attractive 37 Wanted Miscellaneous jiy. 471 4 rm., ctoac In, gar., fnrn or nnfurn. 3 LH.HT riua., clean, mod. 72 Uirard TOP prices for gun, revolvere, diamonds, 8 ArD 4 ran., coxy and couveuleut, cloae 1 177-are. (all Hyiand aril, trada watch, mnetcil Inat Bur. In: Frlgidnlre. til bath dod dralnboard loaned at roan. anything of enln. HM8., porch, partly mod., 110. 32J new; reul raonable. 2.'4 80. Ird Eaat, rate nnndaoa'a Loan Offlra. M in I lent wry. Hampton are.. ir. Lib. park. fly. 20S4-M- . w WI4P. Ho BOOU modern cottaae. 97 Weat Bixtii IUK SUAIA, 1 lit 111 ave, lour rooma. CASH PAID for uwd ret. HAM. tha TIUS Bonth. glaaaed atp. porch, rront norrh Hv. It8tai, Waa. 4423. MAN, II2!I Ko. Btata. DO HIS TBl'MT 10.. I4MI8U. Main. By. kiMO. 4 K1IOHH, bath, gaa rauue, cook atove, ga AVlf.L hujr deudi or uiwWaa horara or cowa. lionaea vtitb modern convenience gaa. rage; $2tl. 778 E. 8lh South. Hy. 2209-Pitona Marray B7ll. Will pny raah. dla. beda, etc. ... 2fi S nlcu rma., alp. porch, heat, hot wa Mc one; Bo. on Heat Temple ......$18 50 38 ter and gaa. 880 4th Waa. 2224, rm. mod., near Stat and nth Bo. . 18 bo Waa. 6477. Bo ml 18. rm. P kfaln Bib near 2 orvoi, Lorraine CLARK Jewel raitr, IB. 00 HEK.MCK. rm.. near 4Cl Eaat and tth Bo atu Eaat and lat too. flttarltmest; will trtwl for nj food cite v TTir apt., ground floor; alau. 4 rma., front and HAL brick ,lg. baamt., aar IIbo.. alorea; rnngr. M1. back pon-beor Janitor. Hy. 0420-Wcloae In; $30. 240 Mpencer rt. Ily. 4H4H-J- . .19 aewly papered and cleaned, eloa In, aplendld condltiou, aiev. range, wnlh- V80. mo. No. Waa. . $30 I 1'laaa apta. per m waa. 427 ard Eaat. for airu lined illl.HK.SI' pi'tct-ing dlatance paid mi k, atu rvo. m Kt. Wra. 712H. rtothf... AND run.. 430 E. Alb Mo. and till 133 Bo 7tb LI NU Eaat APl'd., apt IIU IUnet.1 at.. Waa. 7HM t.TI HhM'k'K at.; mod., gaa range. Hy. gtifll-W- . with front ana rear porche. foe only tviA 0nt hand lorhlnt: tor prlra aolia. lift on RU. mol. duplei; gaa range, furnace, ga aad eacelient condition rblidren nervh. 6.14-M VIA Kllaabeth. will mo, to 8M t.t:i oaff torr hi' rage: Ily. 4 welcome. Mgr. at Sh Bo. 7th K . Price Jr. Wa ara rallora and waad anlta or a'mata Hoou and uath. cottage, liort annex, apt.. N. S or No. 18. Ily. 8568 R or ily bava an aiDanaa for repairing, that la wir Be or 843 B. lib Kaat $33, janitor . w narano rtrlpoa Vt'antad odd Mala and phone Wei 11:44). WIlJiON AI TS., 4 rma., bath, porthea. turn. pinla. MR IINICKS. M K id . Waa. 10210. 0K-TWroom aud one four-rooaud nnrtira.. newly painted, papered. 704 flat and one 4U houee. Hear 851 Bo. Btate. 90. zna b. fz montn. BEAUTIFUL decoBU. epta.. hardwuNj floor, newly 8, S and apt., aplea. uukCoT w HI pay wore fur f rnt $ AN K ra ted and new gaa range. AVpply lanltor. did condition; walking diatntn-eelectric tnra. ruga, hotlli'a. odda and anrta w n: 427 Srd Waa. V228-W- . xm Bn. Eaat nth Buater nnia.. rang. Moke fXr kob junk. RTA1ENT APA $20 for modern rent, houae, garage, 127.50 per per month, at HAGM. WllTTLES, booka. odda, anJa. etc, Bo. let month. iaw nouin tn Kaat atreet. liuitilr there. w, Waa. 77. 2."i A KtKIM modem; gaa . range, newly N0A1.L APTM., very drairable, flrat floor, CLEAN I T. Wi buy all kiiMta af Junk. Beat . cleaned, garage If deal red. 813 80. lllh front; aewly decorated, 4 rma. and gl. alp. prk-eaSalt iJika Juah Co., Hy. B3KU. Beat. porch. Beat view. 181 4th ave. Waa. PtHo-W- . ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow, four larc TUB V1B0IN1A apt., front and bark rooma. clnae In, oa paved afreet: electric porcbea, POULTEY-LIVEST- OCK large living and dining room; 181 Kaleey Avenue range and. linoleum. aewly papered aad cleaned; beet Frlgldalr; 410 E. Bo. Temple. l.io. Waa. 814W R Ily. 0284-MRM. mod, cottage, newly decorated, oak I'EKULEMti apta., 130 2nd ave. 4 rooma, 41 Chicks fla.. clone In. cool. 157 No. Btat. dla. bed, dreaalng room, elec rang; $44. clean colonial ICfi, atyle bouae, KTOP AMI BEAU mod ; rote; ale yard; 808 Waablug Whit Lenboraa. lloa per I0U0. Write for ton; 82S, AUTOMOTIVE arteea aa Qina other rarlette. Can fiirnlah HOOAI modern, 407 lat arenue; newly haby turkrya. too per 100, and dtrrke. 130 per lou. t ap amp at opee. rrieea i. o. ft. cleaned, new linoleum, comb, range, ga W. B. W. rage, oi lat ave. your atatlon. Why pay mora) inqnire Automobiles 46 Sale Mnlth. ir.114 Ka. State at., a). L. C. UUh Seed Campaay, M W. let la at Vot-el- 23, 1928. em TBRMS. -- oppn ETtrrNoi. BRowmstq 4tk South tad Mala. acto co Wasatch oi3. |