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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FR ID AY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1923. 10 Ogden Department mail 2438 WASHINGTON AVENUE Phones: Office, 117; Horn. 65. Society, 117; Horn, 65. iKiimiimtwmfomiuiicsUiii 1 Clara Bow in Paramount Will Show Film at American Newest Clara Bow Film sPIAYINCv --svy i Ma1 THE GAME V . Aside from uniting the star, director, leading man combination which made such a success of the epic of ths air, "Wings," "Ladles of ths Mob." Clara Bow's new starring pic ture, la noteworthy In that It presents this popular - actress in an entirely new type of role. "Ladies of the Mob" is the first serious melodrama undertaken by Mlae Bow since she became a Paramount atar. It ahow, her as the aweetheart and wife of a savagely aucceesful bank robber, and depicts her efforts to get him to go straight and to keep him straight. The picture was directed by William Wellman, who made such a success of "Wings," and Richard Arlen who had a leading role tn the air epic. la the leading man in "Ladles of the MOD." One west coast reviewer, after a preview of the picture, characterised it as "the woman's side of the underworld." He called the picture remarkable In that it gives Mis, Bow a distinctly new type of role without depersonalitracting from her unique ' ty.A Laurel Hardy comedy, along wlfh a news reel and Nell Schettler and the Paramount orchestra, complete the new bill. Today la the final showing of Colleen Moore in "Happiness Ahead," a clever picture which has been doing a capacity business. : FET Ogden s Bid To Shippers Brings Meet Clara Bow ts featured on the --new at the American theater in My Lady's Lips," which starts today for a seven days' engagement. The supporting cast Includes Frank Keenan. William Powell, Ford Sterling, Alice Mills and Mathew Betx "My Lady, Lips" ts a new etory full of thrills, love, and mystery In the rapid action. Mis, Bow play, as editor daughter of Forbes .Lombard, of the largest nswspaper, who render, personal assistance In bringing to justice the proprietor, of a gambling hole which bouses notorious criminals. Lombard commissions his star report-te- r, Scott Seddon. the character as plaved by William Powell, to start an In investigation by getting Interestedlove the gang's headquarters. Lola, is with Seddon, tries to dissuade blm, but the risk appeals to his adventures and he goee on with his task. Through many exciting instance, the story tells of Seddon', success In to hie exposing the entire ring. Much sweetsurprise, he learns that his the Lola, gambling heart, frequents house and therefore proceeds to shield a her from being implicated In the raids made by the police sumA is love tale tense moned by Seddon. bill CHILDREN FLAT THICK Jeral Interesting orcontest,, with prises tn winners each. At 11 o clock WITH FRIENDLY PAJ&EOT lor we had a contest in tracing, cutting-oand paltittx wooden parrots. At Two-Da- y U D. 8. CHILDREN'S H08PITAL, t o'clock we TSM a contest In soap Session of carving. Then Were were swimming June U. My home) I, in Lyman, race, for both and girls, a divWyoming, but because of a hump I ing contest, a boy, horseshoe tournament Association Brings Ou got I had to coma tt tha L. H a baseball game between Jackson and Children', hospital. It tn a vary nice snd Pioneer playgrounda. t QQDEN, Jtona 28. lou can have all the place here. icon patrons visited Leaders in Profession. fun you. want. We are havinr to... theApproximately the tanc f the Invitation e park during day. spinnlng contest, now. Jack Goring. from the chamber of commerce The winners In ths soap carving George Bishop and Claire Lew la are ccnteeta were: For Three Construction Job Plans Complete to the Central Western elephant, Mark the champions. Mcillf, second; Heyrend, first: Advisory board to bold Billy McKenzle had his foot ooer. Melvin Edwards, Fay OGDEN, June 21. Members of the For. parrot: third. on the other day, but he la up Floyd Parsons, Under Consideration in the December meeting of the tairrment of Crowd in Utah SUte Medical association will ated first; John Parry, secand around now. Harold Peterson, third. board la Ogden wag received ond; h meet tomorrow in their RICHARD GINOELL. in a telegraphic message to e e Utah ".''" and Idaho. the City and Field. annual session, at the Central Junior the Jesse S. Richards, secretary of week I saw a llttu Jurlng high school auditorium. The eye, young bird on ths ground. I the chamber, this afternoon. ear, nose and throat section will meet got one of hopping the boys to catch It tor The telegram vat tent by O. and Hotel ma. the at was Blgelow a " headquar little ii Bids English sparrow. re ters will be at the Blgelow. OGDEN, Utah, June II (AP). OGDEN, June If. B. Oilaon of Ogden, chairman Another boy got a cardboard box and "Tor three construction Job were re porta from the various committees The program win include twenty cut a door and some windows In It. for Utah, who was authorised six papers to be delivered by eminent Then we wove string across the ton DEPARTMENT " I ths celebration ceived at in ugaen oriice oi mi unitgreat airport having commerce chamber of the by medical authorities. The opening son oi ine doi. men we put tha b rd iomce, In charge are to the effect that every ed States bureau of public roada to. toid. to extend the invitation to the 41V, No. Main. Phono 116.1 o clock Friday morn slon will be at rn me dox ana n to started chirp. The new bill Is well balanced In the thing is in readiness for a most pic ing and . the meeting wi'l continue rte can nim cnirpie. day, comprising construction work in board now in session in I Residence 002. Telephone, aelected short subjects, givg carefully southern and central Utah and Idaho. tbrougn Saturday. turesque parade and observance. CLAIRE LEWIS Springs, Colo. ing Interesting and laughable comedy A bridge tea has been arranged tor e will The with The Utah Construction company open program day's The board la composed of wnnmtptrowiiwTftgnwiruflBia film, together with the latest new, the women visitors to the convention have a pretty naiwot un hara 'submitted the lowest of threa bids for the big parade in the downtown dis at the Hotel Blgelow triday after at We event, of the Democratic national the Children's representatives of all indusname His ' hospital. ' trict at a. to., in which transport S i mile of grading on the .Alpine noon, with dinner at the Valley house ts Andy. One day we bpy, and girls tries using rail transportation tlon facilities from the daya of ths In Huntsvllle in the Mrs. Service are that him evening. took' "up ftcenlo highway, Utah county, with an patients'' Legion in Utah, Idaho, Montana, ox cart and stage coach down to the Smith will entertain the worn' downstair, and out of doors. We took Victory offer of fU.tSI.Tt. The Wheelwright lateat models in motorcycles, autoroo Eugene en st tea Saturday afternoon. Wyoming and Colorado. a notion 10 nave some run with him. Tuesday Meeting was aecond biles and airplanes will be featured, Construction company j Distinguished out of town vis'tors We wanted to nut bim un tha Picture Newest ana men win iouow a varied uro will 'with $47,10, and the B. D. Palfreyman Include Dr. Isadora Cohn, New rope. Construction company of Sprlngvllle gram at the airport south of the city. Orleans: Dr. Edward L. Gilchrist. Dr. pole we one of and the got An coat, boys' 40. of Important The engineers' special meeting third with 6I,06J cntnusiaauc responses have been Green, Dr.. Edwin L Bartlett, put It over Andy. Then we took the Service Star legion will be held received to invitations extended to Aaron estimate of the work was 146.411. The Patron, of the Victory theater are mm to the flagpole and nut him nn Dr. Harry Splro of San rrancisco more than 100 towns In the lntermoun Tuesday, July 1. it 1 p. m. In Memoto be given an unusual treat, bureau will recommend the Utah ConDr. Joseph A. Cappa. Dr. Carl A, tne rope. Then we raised the rope. rial hall at Memory park, It wtii an- again tain country and an Immense crowd is Hedblom and Dr.- A. D. Luckhardt of He held tlsrht so he couldn't struction company. Saturday, when tne famous fall, but Mrs. E. O. beginning nounced by Thursday pectea. succesa, "The Lion and the stage Dr. and he didn't like It. All the people thst Thcmason George Chicago; All Howard. members and interested Sprlngville Contractors nroKvery effort has been made to Mouse," opens. The sensational stage Dr. Ijob Angeles, and were passing oy stopned and watched Lowest en Heber Read. vlde adequate transportation facilities Dr. Eugene Lewis, Portland. LOGAN, June it. In. view of the friend, of the chapter are urged to drama Is the first of the heavy type him. When Andy finally got down recent Joseph McCooi, attend. from the city to the airport, and It is Co. of Sprlngvllle to be used by Warner Brothdramas decision W. W. Clyde Utaih the of be annual The he a.ll us. supreme chased He haa never liked us banquet given Automobiles will be at Eagle gate at ers, featuring Perfected believed thst the portion of the crowd V4taphone. court, forbidding bhe public utilities 1:45 furnished the lowest of four bids for Saturday evening, with a sesaion of much since. ' p. m., Tuesday, to provide transnoi 1.87 be will miles The of witn automobiles to commission something more than and proviaea fix or I, picture who reerulate surfacing Those . convention the the graveling following. ARTO CURTIS. to Memory portation handled. of A park. tremendous draa finely told story splendidly 111 OGDEN. June it. At today's lunch special street the highway In Wafixing of rate, oharged by the muni-capdeliver papers Friday are Dr, cur service will be maintained on the matic force, and the superb acting of or tne ugaen gram exsatch and Duchesne counties, with a the Logan city comDr. Capua, and plant here, Thomason Dr. one Cohn, One of the had a day big boy, an Washington avsnus Una and at ths end who will speak at the morning ses naiioon. He held it up to the cast It haa tbe novelty took important action on the bid of IS8.171.sO; the Sevier Construc- change at the c hamper of commerce. parrot. mission the line Urge motor buases wlU be sion: Dr. Eugsne H. Smith, president The of hearing the character. In the tense matter m their reerular weekly meet- New Lighting tion company of Richfield waa aecond H. P. Iverson. manager of the S perry of parrot lumped and tbe boy ing this evenirur. momenta of the play speaking their with S7,12.0; the B. D. Palfreyman mius, waa elected president for the on hand to convey the passengers to of the aasoclaUon; Dr. Bartlett, J'r. laugned. Beginning July 1, Normandie Heights lines in ringing, Tbe boy did It again, with 128, In arresting tones, and Construction company of Sprlngvllle, third aucceaslvs year. Other officers ths airport. harmony wet Oim oriartTi.l Dr. , Luckhardt Hedblom. and Dr, the aame result The third time he the orchestration, of there is, course, contract W. H Program thews City third with S107.1.6l, ana the Union were selected aa follows: city of the Cohn. soeskers of the afternoon. munici patrons tried mad and the Andy it, got gavs Construction company of Ogden high Barrett, Salt Lake, reelected vice Will Have lf Ornamental lighting ayatem for the which follow, the word, of the drama. Dr. Bartlett will speak' again tit the balloon a peck. It popped! It pal Pant win receive power at Then B. "The L. Busy the Day. Lion and Mouse," with an secre the be, with 1124, m. so. Slack, Ogden, president: Normandie Height, district, lying present cost and Dr. Gilchrist will alia de was the parrot s turn to laugh, and cast. Is headed by May McAvoy Accord Ing to Mayor A. O. Lund-(troThe official program as anneuncsd evening The engineers' estimate was (104, tween Thirteenth and Fifteenth Eaat tary ana treasurer; is. H. Alton, Og liver an address at the evening ses he did. more. C. Lionel M. J. and W. the rate, to become ffotiv streets and Princeton and Laird aveden; 8her by ths committee is aa follows: Barry Parker, Ogden; GROvER JENSEN, , This Is a brilliant screen revival of on the first of month wlH be f cent. nues, waa authorised Thursday by the wood, Ogden; J. J. Neville, Salt Lake t a. m. Parade In buslnsss sec- sion. .,. e e e Boise Construction B. H. Nelson, Klein's stage success of some Charles Salt Lake, and R, E. tion, sponsored by the retail merchants nour Kilowatt per for commission. Ilghtina; city service, are us four There of big girl, up ' of Ogden. Miller, Salt Lake, directors. Company Bide Lew. One hundred and seven light, win years back. Robert Lord did the scale, according to hers at the Children's hospital. Ths with a graduating; 10 a. m., at and the production wae diairport Arrival of airFive firms submitted bids, for eon tneThe report of President Iverson for are Ruth, Arta, Ella and my- consumption of 4 an I centa. and t bs Installed at a cost of 111.685, which rected names, eloaed ahowed mail Just year the by Lloyd Bacon. The cast Inthat cent, per kilowatt hour, for heat and will be assessed against property planes. Airplane shown on field. atructlon of 19 miles of grading and self. are Arta Ruth and and Ella 10, expenses totaled 114.02.6l Dedication of Airport Ogden by Govowners. The cost of their mainte- clude, Alec Francis, William Collier, and I are 11. We are "up patients" power. bridging extending fromUna.salmon, Ida operating 111.782.01 In the ernor George H. Dern, Mayor Frank AU three of Hie The Ry aa compared with no. to the Montana ity commissioner,. nance for a and sot ws sleep downstairs. period will be Jr., Emmett. Corrigan and Jack This year. year, preceding Commissioners however, Francla, W. Harman N. Mayor Lundstrom, W, Merkley and lissa. One night we were feeling rather L. bent, McHugh and Cokley company closed with a profit of $175., aa In addition to the regular Vltaphone P. Petersen, concurred In the rate Peery and Fred E. Williams and a of Boise was low, with I1S5.027.7S; the OGDEN. June St. Francis Brown mischievous and we decided we would reduction deficit of $601.64 representative of the this week's Movietone, attraction, or Butte, compared With txii, evening. chamber T. E. Lawler company Ogden on our a nurse. trick It Gilo and Robert play night with last year. of commerce. Jointly charged I, the most InterBailey and President E. G. Peterson talking news reel, the was just about time for her to come Mont., waa second with $141,731; the or mree me men Mr. Iverson recommended witn Robert Mace, shown at the a. that m... 10:9 Victory so far. at airport Boys' powsr cows from W. N. Patterson In Wil- down and turn out our lights. So for the (Purpose of locating additional esting Union Construction company of Og be advertised in order to model nonflylng and Ethel the Wurlltier. at exchange Hogan $1000 as Nelfor contests. section, field, Interesting Olaf glider study Fellowship on Arta den', third with 116$, 813; the of bottom ths Instructwon her an nave got 11, aa March son bed,! lead11 ugaen the Lane, a. m. Air contests, 1450 In In connection with the geology deson company of Logan, fourth with ing Inspectionrecognised In the west. Ha prises. ed verdict of not guilty m Judge rot on th font of Ruth's hA. snd point Research U. Work A. the at C. 1170, Hi. 20, and On Bundy, fifth with also recommended that the Open partment division of the Ella with Ruth got behind the doorl 1 p. m. Showing exchange President E. O. Peterson had Charge Recess, to permit crowds to James N. Kimball's S176.T27. mane a out ror rrom the northSecond district court this afternoon. with pillows ail ready. 4 go to city for luncheon. of tbe session and several music numThe engineers' estimate was 1111,- - western marketsgram M we Mounted soon the or nurse heard the LOGAN. and also from ths Giles One thouaajiil June It. Pretty Robert recently pleaded guilty t:39 m. were given. with to 2J.&0. east going to the northwestern and Mayor p.FrancisWedding in the air, cerethe theft and eras given from one- coming down the stairs. When she dollars anrjuaJly for three year, la the ber, the Th. mfHm of the Alnlna Bcanlc California performing our we KODall threw the door, mark eta. tn ton veara In the state orison. amount of a fellowship to be offered opened Reed Howee in "Moran of tha mony. MAYOR EASTBOUND. highway to be Improved la through lows. She surely was surprised. to an student research Mounted" hold, the screen now at t p. m. Parachute Jump by Art ert Mace baa pleaded not guilty and nil LOGAN, June M. Aspen grove near Prove river and She asked u. If we wanted to fight work atoutstanding Mayor A. O. the State theater, there to remain for tha Utan Aarriculturel reUen Lundstrom is awaiting trial. 1000 feet Smertt, of Logan, manager of the lit. Timpanogoa, Giles was brought Irom tne prison It out with her with pillow, and of by the Barrett company of Now York, 1:30 p. m. Free He plots and stasis and airplane rides for Lundstrom Furniture company, will two days. hob generally, not demonstratthe most beautiful girls from Utah and todav and testified against Brown, course we said "Nn," according to Director William Petertomorrow leave for a two weeks' raise, HOLME3. waa Giles AUDRET son of the Utah Agricultural coileere but ths court ruled that, aa of the picture Idaho towns. until the ing business trip east Among the cities that even a very end and corroborating tea- 4:30 p. m. Release experiment at&tlon. ' Director Peter- he spark of true manhood of homing an accomplice, wlU visit are Chicago, 111., and beats within him. was son Brown was has been Insufficient. of notified tlmony this pigeons from airplanes Just CRIPPLED BOYS TAKE LONG for speed fact by C. O. Atrwater. head of the Grand R&plds, Mien. 'Moran of the Mounted entitled to acquittal. boast, a flights. AIK RIDE arioultural department of the Bar Dusk Over elty, aerial firework splendid supporting cast, Including J. COW BODY GROWS. rett P. McOowan, who baa achieved fame. company.. mil-Vv0QDEIV, june is. mra, a. Golden Spike Tha object of the fellowship Is to LOGAN, June Agent R. both aa a director and a a star tn entertained at bridge luncheon at OGDEN. Jnne ft. Mra. hr.li Chapter Participates. L. Wrtgiey states that many farmSHRINERS' HOSPITAL, June If. determine the value of hi, own right; Sheldon Lewis, one of the Hotel Blrelow. Thursday. In hon Moore sulphate of ers hosIn of One the of the 67, have Shrtner,' for Hardin, as the Lewlston ths best known character men on the Mansfield, ammonia boy, a fertiliser for commeralgned np La., or of Mrs. Norle Rows, formerly of Members of ths Golden Rnlk. rfcan. was taken from a southbound for Cow children has a cial root and which win aasociatkm. toy compital truck crippled The screen; Virginia Warwick, a dainty Testing crape. Osden and now of Los Angeles. Lunch' who Daughters of the American Revotrain mis morning and conveyed to ter. own, the pany will also pay for tbe fertilizer, begin Its third consecutive year of and extraordinarily talented Ingenue: . OGDEN. Juns IS. Appraiser, ap airplane.la - The boy who eon waa aerved In one of the Japalution, Mra. John Evana. nraiM.ni a local died Is naviJamea this on the L Is must afternoon. J. hospital, existence Haslara be pilot. In J. that plane used the July hotel. Nasturtiums Mrs. Hardin was nese rooms of the Harry Semels and Chief Vowlache. It experimental announced today that they had pro pointed to appraise ths estate of John gator, Anton la the mechanic, David work. 1, a supremely entertaining picture. returning to her cured Although the fellowship is of president of the association. formed the centerpiece for the table, eouthem C. Lynch, who died In this city March an home which from atage a tour coach, Is of the radio and Orval the but three operator years duration, if the work Covers were laid for Mrs. Rows, Afrs. northwest and Yellowstone in the parade. Mra Alice 14, filed their report In the Second when she will appear of the plane on Its nonstop necessitate, such a think, ths tima A. a. Horn, Mrs. F. M. Drlggs, Ttfrs. was stricken. court today. They appraised the the copilot and Mrs. Florence Littlefleld across tbe Pacific' ocean. We will be extended for two years more. Physicians gave the Rollins flight William Van Alen, Miss Mary Little-fielTurner estate In at colonial Ryan cause of death as coronary costumes will flU,?l.l. were sixty-fiv- e hours In Ihe air at The granting of the fellowship will Miss Gertrude De Vorse and Mrs. be passengers. probably be turned over to tha fer Edward H. BiehseL The parade will move Asslone The Utah Maca- an altitude of about S006 feet. Company waa to The ITIrV. taken VAUDIVILLK. tha at body f promptly honned from Oakland at T tiliser committee of the experimental We off, 1950 Mrs. E. C Olsen entertained her company, g where It Twenty-secon- uvm nasningxonn avenue and roni Manufacturing In we A special comedy program, featuring tlx comedy vaudeville act, the that station. PANTAQKS played (or rooming an made has Bridie club Thursday at her home In waa prepared formortuary, win 4.h..j Washington avenue, Shreve-por- t. itrut to saw shipment We we sailboats and on and the Conrad screen, did). ships Nagel In "Diamond Handcuffs." North Fork canyon at luncheon and to J. W. Crltchlow for the Lav, where funeral services and V lwk"nlntoI avsnus. and Twsnty- n nd sharks In the harbor. We saw CAPITOL Thoma, Melghan In the Paramount picture, "The Racket"; bridge. Luncheon waa served at small Interment will take place. benefit of creditors. Ths assets of the the Members Mrs. We in Rotary & Marco's ."Vaude Idea," featuring Cook Sisters. Dave Good and Jackson the harbor. tables, each decorated with canyon Hardin waa accompanied by her son, J. marshal and his aides on company are listed at 1 10,839. J J, and sent S.a '8.radio horseback, to the band. that were message for captain flowers. Covers laid wild the liabilities, fiz.Oiw. Fair Hardin of Missouri and he will lead ths Darads. Geologist that we were O. K. When we saw Mrs. E. L. Ford, Mrs. O. O. Moyes, left with the bodyShreveport, MOTION PICTURES. for his home thla In the distance, we were eight Mra. W. E. Zuppann, Mra. Charles evening. Hotel Man Loses Tires W. fvV. Wil- land Colleen Moore with Edmund Lowe In "Happiness Ahead," PARAMOUNT mllea Hawaii. from W. In Mrs. H. Mrs. John Child, hotel Empey, son of the Hermitage Ogden LOGAN, tune 2. Dr. E. B. Bran along with Our Gang comedy, "Heebee Jeebees"; Nell Schettler and There 1, Hawaii at last," said the son, head of the department today aiyers, airs. Marry . Anasrson, Mra, of canyon reported to the police Paramount orchestra, Joel Cox at the WurHtser, And ws were all. glad to end geology of the boys. Howard Goddard, Mra Richard six automobile tlrea were stolen our that of Missouri VICTORY University Zane Grey, "The Vanishing Pioneer," with Jack Holt, along Mrs. Frank Francla, Mrs. W. H. nonstop Pacific ocean flight in and now instructtnsj at the Utah Agrifrom him at the resort last night The with perfected Vltaphone prologue and a talking comedy; Movie Tone, Williams, club members, and the fol cultural college summer sohool, was thieves procured two spare tires and safety. the talking newsreel, completes tbe bill. ua viu a. tne apeeker at the weekly Rotary AMERICAN io wins special guests: Mrs. Clem wit then stripped four tires from the ma cast in "My Lady's Lips," also a Clara Bow and an e e llama, Mra. A. P. Miller, Mrs. Fred v: held tJt 1 o'clock this afterchine. meeting selected comedy and the lateat International news weekly. Wednesday night the boys in the noon. Dr. Branson's talk centered on OEM Big doulile II Williams. Mrs. D. B. Smith, Mrs. in bill. his latest and best, and. Harold "Speedy," Lloyd John Leonard and Mrs. H. D. Olsen. .OGDEN. June IS. Public h.arlnr WUKJI. June t Fire at Courthouse Attaches of the Shrtner," ward had a pillow fight. Al geology and the part it is playing In Ranger, police dog. In "Dog Justice." Also news reel. Mrs. Charles H. Barton and Mra. on the ISM-2- 8 tne weoer county commis- county courthouse were given more or bert, Orval and Anton were on ' one ma summer session r of the Ogden tne tn Rl of ALTO with Paramount combudget local "The Divine Greta Oarbo Woman," along sioners today indicated that the con- less of a thrill at 12:11 this afternoon side. Jlmmle, Frank, Chester and C. C. Eubank will sntertaln at lunch- city board of education, for the main edy, cartoon, new,. eon and a kenslngton Friday at the tenance or schools for the year, win tract for pa vine the Rov. pi.i. ri. when a gas stovs in the kitchen of the Llndon were on the losing side. When A survey of the canyon, and coun Reed also with' STATE of Mounted." the "Moran Howee; "Body and Soul," n and out and found all ths try north of here and Into southern home of Mrs. Barton, T74 Twenty-fift- h be held at the office of Superintendistric would be quarters exploded. The fire the nurse came eaat with Lionel Bsrrymore. Alleen Pringle and w.rum ,0 ra uundy, who aubmltted Janitor's and quickly pillow slips off the pillows, she called Idaho will be made under the direc- TOWER John Gilbert street, in honor of Mra. 8. D. Eubank dent W. Karl HoDklns S'rldsv mt Jeanne responded In with and Woman department Sin." "Man, Eagels, Maro Sioux City, Iowa. The gueeta will 4:10 p. m. The total of the tentative rawest Did Wednesday. l" smothered the flames with chemicals. the fight off and told us to get busy tion of Dr. Branson, Professor Reed McDermott and Gladys Brockwell. Also "Our Gang" comedy and news. .. On the "e snd put the slips back on the pillow tvn. lumber twenty. budget as fixed by the board of edurmtit The lose was nominal. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shufflebarger cation la 17S0.0OO. and go to sleep. It is open for dis- Bundy, bid waa fl'50 in excess of the will entertain Saturday evening at cussion with the public before being ma auomltted by the L. D. Connor Jlmmle has his dounts wnetner ne Speedy Drivers Fined J. D. Hobson thiflr hnm. Ml Tw.ntv.fnurlh mi rut oa Laae. The commls-- 1 and J. H. Lefgren pleaded guilty to waa on the losing aide or not. In honor of tbelr first wedding annianto.n tha onf"t1ndicated the Bundy bid speeding In the criminal division oi ins be accepted for the reason versary. that Second district court today and were Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Worlton of Lehl City Court Hears in here A Bundy can begin the work next Thursday and wasp got fined fl and 5, respectively. E. A. will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi'. I want the Ford forfeited If and Gilbert Hancock scared us half to death. We ducked Char Xark Hopkins during the meeting of Burglary " """" "l "e earnest poslble mo was fined tt for minor violations of the behind our bathrobes and yelled like ment. Tikcnnor A. the Utah State Medical society Friday of Ruether Dr. U Indiana. fat It pack ut. vehicle ordinance. company. OGDEN. and Saturday. Mr. and Mra. T. J. June It. Several fconra came out armed with a broom and Xirkhara and daughter, Mlae Phyllis time waa consumed In the criminal travslsr for Ogden police chased him ever Into the girls' porch. Watch County Attorney Parley E. Norseth have bean naked by Sheriff Morse of There he cornered the wssp and killed f Xirkham, also, will visit at the Hop- a vision of the city court today la kins home for a few Mr. and ma preliminary heartne- - of A. nun. fhV.J T.,rbd oP'nn to the effect Fort Morgan, Colo., to keep a lookIt. Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. day. -and Mra. O. H. rant W. M. Smith and James rtanUI Last week we big boy, and one of ula .iT "iected In out for Frank Brown, 10, who Is Peterson will entertain at dinner Sat- Salt Lake negroea, on the charge of vi. of saving oharged with having atolen fl(He and the girla had a contest to see who .raportance second at the could without home "America" men write The the degree any urday evening Hopkins wnten purchased travelers' checks with ;r. were specifically burglary. in honor of their guests. accused of stealing I""""'! i IUH, The winner got a prise. Brown is described ae being mistakes. money. Daughters of the Pioneers enjoyed iwo urea irom tne garage of the Ogwell dressed and talking with a Scotch Albert I won first time, me prise den Motor Car company Sunday. the annual field day of the organisawas a toy cannon. Juanlta won sec accent. tion Thursday at Lorin Farr park. The case an net Ourrrant vkn ryaerttJorJts Revenue ond prise. 8he got a nice, red, ripe UTAH'S OLDEST CREDIT JEWELERS to a Members of ths twenty-si- x be claims salesman for Albert tomato. Home camps traveling Robbery Reported went to Ihe park at t:M o'clock. The a lncinnau doming house, was dls ALBERT 114 Twenty-fourt- h . WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT street, Mark 1927 Bruerton, afternoon waa spsnt with "stunts" missea ror lecx or evidanrs. ORVAL 8., reported to the police today that his - ANTON Danlela confessed to th lmrrln , and races, and prises were awarded L., borne was entered between Saturday to the camps presenting the most cred- and testified that neither Gnarrwnt Reportere. night and Monday and robbed of more ( OGDEN. June ft R. H. Hodge, itable programs. A picnic supper was nor Smith ha4 any connection with than lt0 worth of clothing ana otner eerved. ins crime wnatever. of waterworks Mrs. David Mattson, presiauperlntendent articles. DAT PARENTS .... eubmitted a report to the city comJuda-Hendricks vk h. dent, was In charge of thai day's acmission this morning showing that oer aavieeenent until Friday. tivities. . TO BEE T0T1 FLAT William John Trial Sat for July the revenue from Dr. and Mrs. Ross McCune enterthe for son, section foreman, charged witn . the first five months department QIRLS RISUMI HIKE. tained at dinner Thursday evening at of the present Ufking Improper an with liberties year waa f;,!H3.7() In excess nf .h. WASHINGTON PLAYGROUND, their home, !? OGDKN. June 21. Antoinette Ja Jefferson avenue. girl in city hall park Sun Games were enjoyed during the eveA series or paoaie tennis una tar me same" period in 127 day, appeared nus. A 10 Downs In the criminal division snd Gracs I"hub perfect gem of rorlyn BA&NZTT & WEISS no m revenues 1BZ7 In ning. The rooms were decorated with Lambert, clrl hlkera whn .r. of the city court this morning and his games la now being played at Washfascinating beauty, .rr.,i. .7I snd for the present year the'v case a has boy garden flowers. Ths guests Included ed In the Jungles west of the Every most a ington playground. CREDIT was set for July (. exquisite lS-Mr. and Mra. David J. Wilson. Dr. and Tuesday by deputy sheriffs city aggregated I6S.M1.42. chance to play In hla own class. The white gold mounting and Mrs. Conrad Jensen, Dr. and Mra, charged with vagrancy, were Suspects Forfeit Bail M. E. Black. fellows under II play In class C; those make. It possible ne trouble at Henry Savajre, Mr. and Mra. Gilbert ted today by Judge John A.permit- Candidate Extollt W. J. Wood all, P. J. Eppsrson and O. 11 to IS Play in class v. ana utose all te pay! Mr. and Mrs. Reed Oemmell, to resume their interrupted Porter, C. Bellowa, arrested Tuesday night on It or over play tn class A. Mr. and Mr. E. A. Larkln, Dr. Martin McKone ana .uentiey snair d tramp toward the land of the setting were confidence that Virtaee ausplclon they Thrift Mra J. McK.ll, Mr. and Mrs. J. sun. The girls were arrested whlla men, forfeited bail of $&0 each in the have won their way to the finale In BAENETT ft WEISS Brysn Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrura preparing a sumptuous meal for criminal division of ths city court this clas, A. Buddy Bishop and Gerald ,Yt w "CHARGE IT" won to GUARANTEE finals the Wheelwright, Hr. and Mrs. Alfred number of hoboes. have Lasseter v up answer to to when failed morning they OGDEN. June t -- Thrift was advo-cstStratford, Mra. Lydia Tanner, Mrs. in rlasa C. names. The was their released quartet Ollworth Wsiker and Mrs. Wayne B by Samuel O. Dys, cashier of on baU lata Wednesday night. LIONS TAKE VACATION. and See" day was helfl Come Insures you a 100 perfect the Commercial Security . "r uuiurr wm xne second in OGDENlune Beautiful Silver! hank and ReThursday, so tha parents could come !. U,nh.n r tv. publican A series. diamond, which will be alcandidate for Cuexts st the first dinner in- Lions club the are aoinr. gubernasee their cntiiren en Easy Credit-Wh- y nd what Visit Park the Ogden lodge Your, final unPythlans torial meeting hd, In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willisms, til an address at No. t. Knights of nomination. I lowed Its full value in exchange De Without! program waa arranged.Pythias, will send No specie today at the the luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis !r. and Mrs. T. Fred Farr, Mr. and HotelSeptember It noondecided It pscosxible mane fur every hlrh, for larger stone at any time; yeu its team to Park City Friday evening Bigelow. tn club noon today at the Hotel BlgeMra. James E. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. a number to confer the rank of page on a large rent to Join In with the children and of soc is ftou tings during the low. st purchase It at Its nationally adSeymour Prows, Mr. and Mrs. William summer. The first will be held have clans. Tha rank of knight wae con good time. One of the best ways to show patriwithout extra vertised . price, Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Carver After the grounds ana equipment on South Fork canyon. ferred on a large class In Ordsn lodge and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Evana otism, Mr. Dye said, was to be thrifty No. 1 this svening, which wsa the last had been shown by the director, all charge for the easy credit we offer. er ICE BUCKET snd careful of Dr. and Mrs, A. H. Aland have the future. The most people is sceompanying Mr. and Mra. L N. of the United the parents realised that the with TONOS from a three weeks' trip to McClanahan 8tatee, he bellevsd, are work of initiation until September. beautiful playground tn America was children, Jean and too much inclined to Into 7Se Down, 60s a Week. Fochester, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Patty of Salt and go debt and In thla community. MOOSE ENTERTAIN. Lake, on a tour of the to consider desires necessities. Minn. Silver Salt and Peppers, $1.00 a pair Girts . 10 and 11 year, old have a northwest by automobile. The nartv OGDEN. June tf. Oaden Loral Or Bennett Fonts of Berkeley, CaL, ts expects the Junior Leaders' to be gone about three weeka, der of Moose wlH hold its first open club they call tfce guest of his aunt, Mra. A. DRUNK MAN ARMED. p. and will return home by way of iub. To become a member one Los Friday In the Moose hall Men must Bigelow. OGDEN. June W. Riley night five The "Westfield" simple stunts. On perform Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Robinson have and his hartly nattered none apreared frienda of the members will be enterJulia McQinlev wilt the glr's tor sn excursion The Shock Proof returned from California, where they- - ayMrs. before Judge J.hn A. Hendricks In tained. A short business session will Tuesday mu a to to for state to the visit vtult the ban Frncliicn H the criminal division of the city court be followed by a program under the seum In the capttol fix WTK, rsnwnto tnev and i.a!er basement. other of 1. northern of direction parts Dictator W, Alias Korinna Campbell of this city Champ and this morning on a charge of drunkent to Mmory Grove for lunch and Speechly, chairman Of the enenness. Detectives teetlfied For Men that they Howard games. Every rin nan a rine time. tertainment committee. arrested Riley tn ths jungles, where WALdJfcKJiAK W.iRHIO, Nationally he waa ehanlng two young men with m i Reporter. advertised. SWENSEN REUNION. a gun. Rllty testified that an me VI A charming new creaDependable struck him a violent blow in the body face Special ts Tbe Trlease. as The Idesl vseatlen watch. CONTESTS White ease, FLATOROUTTD tion. gold quality; a and that he had procured the run WEST JORDAN. Juns II Two that gold raised design figured Enjoy R for protection. Hendricks hundrsd descendants of Peter T. and Judge VIEWED BT THOUSANDS this summer Pay laterl man like ... dial; If jewel found Riley guilty and will pas, senBwenaen met at a reunion in Kjerste tence Saturday. the Weet Jordan chapel recently. A PIONEER PARK. June tn. "Come program waa rendered. The followYOUTH AND CAR HELD. and See" day was observed st Pio ing officers were chosen for the comCHARGE IT OGDEN. June li Rav Stronr ! ing year: Pearce Bwensen, president; neer park on Thursday. We had sev- employed recently at the. Globe mills, vermes Rowan, secretary and trea ie being held In the surer; Mrs. Stella Peterson, chairman city Jail pending of word from Los Angeles, the program committee; Mrs. Eastas to ths disEast ! . ; !.' er of case. y, his position Leek, chairman of the refreshment it '; According to the Los Angeles authorities. Mail Order Strnn nttr. committee. en chased Broad automobile, paying tut In Filled. EtTATE APPRAISED. and giving a worthlsmi W DisCjfuriog' Blemishes csb, check for the balance, after which be brought LOGAN. June ..... rt& mm the car to Oaden. Ths nnlir in Thomas Mulr. Daniel Lloyd Appraiser, and O. A. i Mto th tnXna NtW ADDRESS chargs of the car. License platss Is- Garf have filed their invsntory and In Utah, California and Oreron sued of the semen, estate of Etiss-be- tii UILDINO arrai tgKI were m W t T SIXTH SOUTH la the car when It waa 8. IJoyd. placing the value of the SALT LAKI CITY, UTAH. atUed found r.M vifm Vam here. estate, ail realty, at LivO. IH - BIDS ut State READY for Enter al thirty-fourt- at - . Lodan Last-minu- te j Glen-woo- d Power Plant fl. v Rates Reduced . Grain "Millers Urge Publicity For Exchange Star varl-ou- to Patrons of Hear Plans By Commission Heber-Frultla- al Planned all-et- For ' one-ha- all-st- Court Instructs to Free Prisoner Ack-roy- d. ten-ye- ar Annual 1 In State Theater an of Louisiana Woman Fatally Stricken On Tour of Parks Ogden Society w MArTE-BELIEV- E Ogden Briefs nty old-ti- , dla-tri- ct i Day's Bills on Stage and Screen . endall-Darlln- d Hear Fan-cho- U Hor-rock- a, School Expenses Low Paving Bid Be Rejected Up for Discussion May all-st- ar ntt. '" , Taylor-Wilso- all-st- -- y 7"'i"' i. USE YOUR CREDIT get I and Enjoy ihe Finer Kind of Jewelry :;"JW"1 You've Seen Wishing For) A Paste I, of Realize Your Lif Ambition to' Own a Diamond e-lo- ng Oim e , Ring! RINGS OF ROMANCE The 'Sweetheart I. k. Hen-dric- of t Will u ed blue-whi- Silver Water Pitcher tfl'?" Vititf ed i mes lu. K. Ladies' BULOVA Wrist Watch 24" Strap Watch fl7C -- .21 it',,', ."" ' ClearYourSkinl I. Use Cuticura K. w7 |