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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE With Nothing Up Either Sleeve By O. O. Mclntyre FARMS TO GET Made in Cities VNow Wi Extended f Into the Rural Sections. . , ' By JOHN U. COOL1V, Associated Press Science Editor. KEW YORK (AP). A preliminary ' LIVERPOOL. Canal The best the old southern eould do with" the phrase Thus was "the spittin ' image." the colloquialism. ' Some recent books that interested of Boats at U. S. Posts. p BALBOA, Canal Zone (AP). Institution of a new standard form of the Panasteamship bill of health forCanal Zone ma canal, announced for chief D. Dr. quarJ. ports by antine officer, la expected to save shipping; companies thousands of dollars annually. By tha use of ths new" forms,. ships ww. (Boobs-Merrm.- l, non-vrb- d Of, I Hi I ,ui--i- burst ii on literature, and he left it flat. Another big gap among . amusement reviewers was creatured "by the passing of Alan Dale, desn of the drama tic critics. His real name was Alfred J. Cohen and he died in on his way to his birthplace He was a Birmingham, England. shy gentleman who slipped into his aisle seat quietly and departed in the same manner. His reviews were always impersonal, but eould be cutting. He once attended a miserable performance and his entire review It la not my first offense, either I nest day was given over to the It is erroneous to call it a gaudiness of the electric sign outis not uv first grammatical absurd-- ! man. side. He wound up with a single While tne man. It was a moving creature. At line tty, or likely my last. abouf the piny merely menfor is misplaced diving gentleman one time it had been a man, but now it was on display inside. tioning "whoms" and writing dull verse, it was only a moving hulk of some Sunday I may take liberty of bones" (Copyright, 1928, McNaught reprintinga poetical "appreciation" here tKe cry of "Copy" Bight Syndicate, Inc.) Evethe Don in of him by Marquis ning Sun of several years ago, This week I called on a preacher from a small town in which I once For thirty-fivlived. years he has been a pillar of strength in his community officiating at funerals and marriages and comforting the afIn all these years his salary flicted. has remained almost stationary. In New York he was living 'hotel in an obscure at a third-ratsection. It was his first visit to the metropolis and the genuine enjoyment he was getting out of attending museums, galleries and such on "free days" had a tinge of It is not at all just that pathos. so many noble, preachers should be so poorly paid. They are entitled to a comfortable compensation as much as doctors, lawyers and other professional men. Their service is just as great, if not greater. mkoi 4 ( jrr .vta v -- for-eig- p LP Short Shavings: Talk of a jazz theater for Paul Whiteman and his ochestra . . . Life has adopted the your tennis and golf, or any kind of work or play, a generous shower of ;Vivaudou Mavis Talcum gives you such a helpful sense of bodily comfort . . . such an easy "feel" of clothing and play of muscle. And afterwards, a Mavis shower is more than a luxury it's an actual necessity! So coolso restful and ing and soothing BEFORE ... refreshing. And it gives you peace of mind, too freedom from the slightest fear ' in' You id every member of your family will never be without the daily comfort and luxury of Vivaudou Mavis if you will give it one trial one test. Compan it with the most expensive talcums made, and you will find it smoother and softer than any of them! And you'll Ike the Mavis fragrance, it's so delicate, refined and distinctive. too VhumJem Mavis Talcum h msA tnlj tf tbt finvt J ... ij . i rrk25c VIVAUDOU ej0O0OO TOILETRIES . XnmUm, iMkS SO fdtrh Tarn ftm4tr-- S0 Yost tttisfaetioa with Mrii Talcum will lead mi Vhmdtm laaae JOt you to use other VCivis all supreme in quality til fragrant with , Toiletries. All at your dealer's the captivating Mavis Perfume. V. VTVAIDOU, INC, New York CUra . rarls Toroae , ( lot Aaa-- U, Thousands of to sleep soundly. people suffer from this terrible con- dition. Insomnia rnhs von of ener-- ' gyf dulls the functioning power of the brain, destroys efficiency to an If you are troualarming degree. bled with sleeplessness (insomnia) make this Simple test Take one or two SED A BEX tablets before retiring, notice how quickly tense nerves relax, allowing you to sleep as nature intended. SED A BEX tablets settle the stomach, tone up the heart and system generally, overcome pain, aches, colds and conNouhabit gestions. forming and positively safe. This preparation Is being recommended by thousands of doctors and dentists who use it in their praetiee. SED A BEX ia sold by your Druggist for only 25 cents. If it does not quickly overcome pain, congestions, colds, relax the nerves, allowing you to sleep soundly, you may promptly obtain your money back through your Druggist, as he is empowered to guarantee this preparation to the fullest extent. Please ask for SED A BEX in the original package. (Adv.) 1 Tired, Burning Feet Tender feet tired, aching, burning and swollen feet! The minute you put them into a 'TIS" bath you can feel tha pain being drawn out ant glorious comfort being restored. "Tlx" draws out the poisons ana adds that cause your feet to ache, swell and burn. It also' takes the sore, ness out of corns, calluses and bun-Ion- s, Get a box of "Tls" at any drug or department store and have real foot comfort at last Coats only a few centa, (Adv.) 0 (D(S5 Www. bunk. Ue has for years served a large group of prominent and intelectual men. He says they buy one book of this kind to fifty of a more serious trend. The light fiction is purchased chiefly for a railroad or steamship trip. So I suppose I'm just the everybody always suspected. Chrysler "6z" ! News comes from Hollywood that Ruth Boland is betrothed to Bea Bard. Miss Boland, whose success was spectacular on the screen, invested her profits in real estate around Los Angeles and now merely oversees a corps of coupon clippers .with an occasional return to the cinema. Mr. Bard was long popular on Broadway, a personable yonng man of good habits and much ability. My hat is off to the player who ean take a small bit in a how and make it hum. Barbara Stanwyck did this in "The Noose," and now has a lead in "Burlesque." Harry Tyler's outstanding performance in a rather small part in "The Shannons" will no doubt result in stardom. Ia the meantime the eastinir agencies are filled daily with men and women who will not take small parts and await hopelessly for the big break. The gorgeously upholstered bed which is featured by Mae West in one aet of her plsy of lustful days on the old Bowery is reputed to have been owned by the late Dia' mond Jim Brady. I imftrud Tsit, lit tmtttbtst and mut wtlvetytft m tbtwtrU. Ht1tndTitiifavrtdsim aUtbtnlj Amtncat wmtn famtd jot ihtir ptrftd grarsung. Make This Simple Test Nothing is more destructive to health and efficiency than inability E CrLEFCLD DLIXIARICE low-bro- the cooEng comfort; of a rvMnouKlAvi8 talcum shower ' CAN'TJSLEEP? CLLDRIIIDELR. me this is largely it:-- their headquarters. They lend money on anything from a tlepln to a merchant ship. thrae-ba- ll VENICE (AP). The merchants of Venice live In fin style. No side streets and back alleys, for the pawnbrokers of the city of canals; Instead they nave a palace, one of the beet In Venice, all for themselves. The Palace Corner Delia Regina la a fine, Imposing edifice built in 1724 Here the pawnbrokers of Venice have e The legend has grown that brilliant men spend their leisure hours treading mystery and detective sto As a devotee of this form of ries. literature my ego was gently ca ressed. Yet a book salesman tells if iJ of perspiration odors. Test Vivaudou Mavis Talcum for Yourself Pawnbroker' Shops 3 e .. I i I of London 's Punch, . . . Three highly paid actresses within the week have admitted supporting their husbands or many years . Another rumor that apartment rents are to drop decidedly by fall . Also hotel rates . . . Helen Morgan's night club keeps up its top popular. Montagne Glass is bark ity from a year's residence on the French Biriera . . . Earl Carroll's new show is said to be the most ex pensive yet produced on Broadway . . , Best seats will be $11. Before the Game- - "and U i l ' which are granted tha bill may anter In the United states or Ha possess in without quarantine Inspection there, provided they have not touched at any foreign port prior to n arrival here or will not touch at a port before arrival at the port of destination In the United States. The blanks for the bill of health were prepared In accordance with tha standard form which was agreed upon by eighteen nations of the union through a treaty known as the sanitary code. It Is expected that the new forms will affect approximately 40 per cent of the shipping through the Panama canal. Practically all of the coast to coast shipping will be Interested In this and direct line steamers from the Canal Zone to ports In ths United States also will be affected. It will mean that many hours of waiting outside busy porta will be eliminated and thousands of dollars thus be saved by shipping firms that operate ships between ports In the United States. Aq example of how the new regulation will operate Is shown by a ship making a voyage from New York to Han Kranclsco. Upon Its arrival here It will be examined and If satisfactory will be given a standard form bill of health. Upen Its arrival In Ban Francisco It will be able to dock at one officers without quarantine there boarding her, thereby frequently saving many hours. any port Venetian Palaces make-u- p Vivaudou Mavis Talcum for the "Whole Family ik : Zone Quarantine Eliminates Long Wait Diammv ing personality "Hearst," by John A survey of the existing facllitlet K. Winkler. (Simon and Schu the physical welfare ster.) - , Sr country eommunitiea will be made Boasts for . H. U Mencken In twenty-fiv- a rural representative Menckeniana." (Alfred Knopf.) tountiea scattered across the eontl ent. A aimllar number wlU be covA ftory of the ernelty at Devil's ered In the ensuing year. by Biair The association 'a purpose, aa aet Island "Condemned," (Hareontt Brace 4 Co.) forth by Dr. jC. E. A. Wlnslow, chair- Niles. man of Its committee on administratalo "The A spooky mystery tive practice and professor of public Screaming Portrait," by iHerrin L. kealth at Yale university, la to gather r raser. Jo.) (J. H. Bears data on which to formulate and crys-talA tirring Oppenheim tale "The public health practices In aectiona so that programs for Fortunate Wayfarer," by E. Phillips further work can be drafted. Oppenheim. (Little, Brown k Co.) Health Appraisal Form When an vnderwold figure comes To Be Used In Inquiry. The inquiry Is to be made through to an untimely or natural death, his the medium of a health appraisal form fellows say "he went cold." Katber etmlier to that which the association baa found useful In evaluating activi- ghastly, but gripping. ties of city health departments. Charleston, S.C., seems likely to beCounty health officers- are to be fcuked to report on what ia being come the haven of the towering figIn tubercudone by their communities The losis clinics, diagnostic and Immunl- - ures of American literature. charm and beanty of this age-olnation work and other familiar Similar Information has been quaint Sontbern city ha' received a Obtained from tha cities during tha fresh impetus among the literati as toast several yearavrlth such success that the association has decided to the result of Booth Tarkington toxtend tha scope of these urban surMany other buying a home there. veys to Include activities In the diag- distinguished writers have been nosis, treatment and prevention of tieart disease and cancer. traveling to Charleston incognito in "The rural health problem la un- quest of one of the many residences doubtedly one of the most serious we reputed to be for sale. are facing," says Dr. Wlnslow, "Community health work In the country In the passing of Harriett Underdistricts has developed slowly because the practical difficulties have been bill, New York lost one of its best great, known and most popular movie crit"It was long assumed that farmers For ten years she endured the and village folks were healthier than ics. their city cousins because they spent handicap of a physical affliction so much time In the open, ate good with She was a philosophic calm. food and led the simple life. But we know now that this perennial fount of good humor and overcolorful Idyll was somewhat few suspected the shadow always at drawn, and that the country At the Broadway gathher side. tion has its serious health problems. erings which included her, her gaiety "The practical difficulties confronting the extension of community was so spontaneous that she was health work In villages and towns considered "the life of the party." are many. For example, the question of distances Is rather formidable: Four hours before she drew her last It la a real problem to place a health breath she dictated her final story. center so that it can serve people She had an eager hunger for' life, whose homes are often separated by many miles. Also, the rural districts but was not afraid to die. cannot afford to support extensive and ponfacilities. Perhaps this Is the real .. One of the reason why most country health protifical whatisits recently turned an grams are still Inadequate. Apparently the difficulty can beet be sur- apoplectic bine in public because of mounted by state grants." It my use of like is a conjunction. England (AP) The "Orchldokislcal Research Expedition, Brazil," under the leadership of Dr. Cecil S. C.srnett, a horticultural HClen-tiof Derby, has started out for Huuth America to study urchin In their natural haunt. Dr. (iarnett said, before sailing-- on the Hlldebrand, he proposed to travel a thousand miles up the Amaton to Ma nans and then by arrangement with the Inhabitants the party would take canoes ajid no another thousand mllea further-uthe river. This IS the first time there has been any organised orchldologk-a- l research work. at offered. A lively detective tale "Behind fctp toward extending to tha nation's frural district tha public health worK That Curtain," by Earl Dcrr Bigla btlna; carried on In 'be cities gers. j (hat la to be taken during; the next year An absorbing story or an interest by the American PubHo Health I Orchid Party Leaves for Study In South America SAN TAHY GOD ' for HEALTHMK ffort FEIEXDLY eritie corrects hi recent use of "spit And also o tiers an inter image." esting thesis on the use of what In should be "spitting image." yean agone the southern matron often remarked a new born babe was the spirit and image" of his father or mother, as the evidence - 24, 1923. Leo Marsh, one of the editors an the American, found literary pin feathers sprouting on one of the winged Mereurys of the copy boy brigade the other early morning. In dispatching the youth from a vacant typewriter to the composing room, he discovered this masterpiece on page in the machine: 'The world looked dark ti Vi In his estimation he was getting the dirty end of lor two weeks he had been looking for a job with ao success. Xow, disheartened and disillusioned, be had resrhed the end of his resources. There was ot even a particle of hope to even give him a spark of brightness. "He wandered about the town, his way governed by ne sense of He had reached the stage urge. where be did not rare. His wanderings took him to the esst side. He saw coming down the street New Lower Prices Chrysler w62- - at new lower prices, '1065 and up wards constantly keeps on increasing its lead over all competition by embodying newand liner features hitherto available in the "72" and Imperial "80." In the Chrysler "62," for 1X)65 Roadster (with rumble teat) 1075 1095 1095 Touring 2-l- oor in- Coupe stance, chassis spring ends are now mounted in rubber shock 4-d- oor insulators instead of metal shackles. It is the only car of its price with this equipment Among other inimitable advantages of Chrysler Standardized Quality are the ...... Sedan (with rumble teat) Sedan Landau Sedan. ll4S ll75 "1235 ' f. o. b. Detroit. Chrytler dealers art in a extend the convenience of time payments. to position AQ prices is it Business Coupe Come and see this Chrysler "62" the stylish lines, the roomy bodies, the unusual fineness of fittings and upholstery. Then drive it. See what these Chrysler "62" features really mean in greater performance and comfort. u Easia (qm (so Corner. Motor Avenue and Second East Street. RICHARDS MOTOR CO., ASSOCIATE DSALZE 0 crankshaft In perfect balance, brakes alhydraulic ways perfecdy equalized for safety, ventilated crankcase, pivotal steering. Phone Wasatch 2346. 55 West Fourth South St. WASATCH S883. Si TflTiiinna : ft |