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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH. The Musical' Recital. Ten of the eighteen students grad oating from the Tintic high school last spring have decided tocontinue Published every Saturday. their studies in the "Utah State matter October Entered as second-clasto 8,1910, at thepostofflce atMammoth, TJuiversity, two will go Stanford, Utah, under the Act ot March 3,1879. and two to the B. Y. in Provo. MMIIM lEUD IKE Subscription rates: $2.50 A.n GELES Los 00 VWW'Wv and r eturn. Prof, and Mrs. S. W. Williams pupils of tbs summer school of. music gave a very entertaining piano recital at the Mammoth s selool hovrse last night. The pupils showed excellent progress and there was a large and and Mrs. Geo.Jonesjvgrtfin appreciative audience. Following is the perannum 'T Salt Lake" flus weeS" attending the -Mr. I. E. DIehl, Editor. Labor Day will be geaeraliy observed in Tintic by laboring. A new daughter arrived on Friday at the home of Byron Wheel-oc- PROGRAMME: carnival of the Wards of the Wizard. They returned in the car last night and report the carnival a huge success and large crowds in attendance. i Local News AJ, I Reid Happy Times, Hand in Hand March, Spaulding Birds Morning - Song, . . ; Streabbog HarryWebbSr. isdangerously ill D. S. Hospital in Sait Lake. Mrs. Webb, and daughter, Mrs. Roee Walsh, were cal'ied to the city this morning, but a mesMra.Sarah Donnelly has returned sage at noon today announ ced that from Salt Lake after a few days he was resting easier and $'nat there was some hope of his rf (covering. outing. Walsh has been with him to Delta Charley Clark Newell has gone Lake in Salt during the week. to run attraction engine for a freshing crew. Mrs. John Berquist will go to The Mining Situation. visit Provo Sunday for a two-dawith friends. Little Fairy Waltz March of the Boy Scouts, Mr. and! Mrs. John Rickenbach on Thursday morning, New Friends, k. Katie Waltz, Bohemian . . RETURN OCT. 22 Florence Berquist Beula Stewart SUGGESTION- Natella Lewis March of the Little Sages, In the Month of May, at the L. August 23 to 30 .Inclusive Lily Steedman Lowell Chatwin Williams Lowells March,.: Behr.A Enola Towers Spaulding. Fearis. 1 Clarence Salisbury Naomi Weber Dance, Tickets on sale at all Utah Points Mabel Peterson Day Simons Write for Information and California Literature, Duet, "Jingle Bells,".. ..Fearis.. Della Berquist and Ella Wahlberg Anna March, Eliza Steedman '.Fearis Streabbog Mabel Larsen Waltz, Brainard Aleen Miksell Moon Winks, Stevens Edith Furner Star of the Sea, Duet, "Blush Rose Waltz".. Kiss of Spring Waltz, Kennedy Morning Prayer, S- Long Beach, Venice, Caitaluna, San Diego Whitlock Madeline Anderson Streabbog G. Martin 'I J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. Los Angeles, Cal. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 10 E. 3d South St., " T. C. PECK, G. P. A., ys Born to- No new developenae nts in the mining situation have been made a girl. known this week. (Tvo meetings County Attorney McKnight spent of the Union were hold; this week a couple of days in camp this week and a committee wan appointed but no report has been received yet. on court business. ten-pou- nd ..Fearis.. .. Fire Alarm Midnight GypsRorvdo,. ZZSUht Stars Mazurka, Another meeting of Union mepa 23. Florence Berquist has returned will be held Sunday afternoon bers from Provo, where she visited Mrs. at Rosalie Kurtz Lincoln Ruby Hanson Ada Longley : Duet, "June Bugs Dance, Bohm Holst. . . Henry Bush Dies Suddenly. and equipment, ' buildings, and the best teachers that can be secured are AT YOUR SERVICE. Spainhowers Market lias Just Opened Ilassell-Mclnti- re 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in Write us today. Motor Cycles. for moved has Enclose reply. Address stamp Charley Hepworth Box where Lock 11, Trenton, Mich. his family to Santaquin, they expect, to remain during the For Kent. winter. Charley contemplates a Nicely furnished rooms for rent. trip to Arizona. for terms to Mrs. Samuel A watermelon auto party will go Apply town. lower Cox, to Spanish Fork Sunday morning. W. H. Elmer, Ray Jones, Ed Stone Miscellaneous.' and B. M. Cornish and their wives Orders taken lor coal and bag, will compose the party. with a complete line of My Prices are Right and My Aim is to gage delivered at reasonable rates. Mrs. M. A. Condon and daughter See J. M. Sullivan, Mammoth, or came out from Salt Lake last night call phone 205 D. Mr. and in the Jones auto, All kinds of Sewing done by Mrs. Mrs. Jones will drive with them on C. M. Wright, south of Tintic hostheir return trip as far as Provo on pital, lower town, Mammoth, tf Sunday morning. Mrs. Jeoseph Treloar and daughter Dorothy have gone to Moreland, near Price, where Joj. Treloar, Jr. is manager of a merchantile house. Dorothy will remain with her brother during the winter. IDO YOU and VEGETABLES Ren Wall has returned from a short vacation at Los Angeles, where he went to recuperate. C.E. formerly Freer, his brother-in-lawho is in Tintio at Junction, agent Los Angeles for his health, is on the road to recovery and expects to he able to return to work within a w, .... temperature for an enjoyable swim Turkish Bath and Bed $1.00 few weeks. Dog owners are notified that if taxes have been paid on dogs, they should be provided with a collar with tag attached or the dog is liable to be taken to the pound and owner be required to pay again. Doa Catchlu, .RESULT money Jones gets Smiths tr w . it. l.) "Catering only to the better element. MAMMOTH BIM It is switchboard operator who answers your telephone has a mission in life her mission is to serve you. in the world. Quickness, ; as essential to good telephone service ' that each Bell Telephone operator should , be healthy and happy as it is FFwfrbe Is the only In the Bell system - THE MOUNTAIN ! tPFREB SewingMachine ThtnH what tMi mean.t ll ffieiiii. till, II Jtnt bi.ik tbf a kola m.chlo. .iif tut (oaadla, belt, at all botani, ate.) will ba npltcak ta rua trlibwit ebaua. TOR SALE BY The Tintic Mercantile Co. 3nxjn.uis.ja. 413? EVFRYIWmiANTFI) Blurt V ! It aid'll tf K' AWM i ta itw P?n wCq.j ft v i jt) I IM AJVji tf DiaiHim, wv1 DM 4 M( r !UA Niiv UV- - operators make connections which furnish clear tracks for Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station Tim Feu Sowing MarMne i, Jn- urfd for hve year, ;nn.t arcufrnt brmltattf, wfar, fira, tornado lipht-an- d water. lint how our faith In It 70,000 26,000,000 telephone talks each day. Just Think of It? o that every part of the equipment of that great intercommunicating system should be in good working order. Machine - JmT.'J'l'Tit 1mm, L3d' K Smiths wife gets her hat. iup?ngtit, 52 of mind are required. JyJOST everybody reads the ads. in this paper. They policy, SANITARIUM BATHS ,Hagen & Hassells building, Frequently she is called upon to act quickly in emergencies when courage and presence WILL READ YOURS a Forseys Coupons Taken. night or day. accuracy and courtesy are her essential qualifications. AD.-OT- HERS furnish as much newt to the man in town and on the farm as the personals, and often more. Peter Smiths wife wants a new hat. Smith sees by the paper that Jones is selling hats at so much. Johnsons stors ad. is missing from the paper Johnsons trying SWIM? If yon do you will enjoy the large pools and the warm water The water is always the proper at the Sanitarium She has on her finger tips the most modern telephone equipment YOU ARE READING THIS Satisfaction. Give MEATS JTru-it- The Dr.C.P. Harvielle spent a couple of days in camp this week with his Tamil) . Mrs. Harvielle anddaugh-te- r will return to Salt Lake in about a week, II. WEEOH, Prop. Phone 233 Mjinjtnn.njmtiuumnjmmmrLrmrurtrinnn.aivinjinnn six-wee- ks . . COAL. fiAXJIvIKO s Henry Bush, son of Mr. and f a Courses are offered that prepare Mrs. Frank Thornberg and her Mrs. John Bush, died after on iilnes morn, brief Wednesday for almost any vocation in addition to children left on Tuesday for of hemorrhage of the stoming her home in Salt Lake, after a giving a broad and liberal education. visit with her husband and ach. The burial took place in Amerson, The Catalog, which describes the ican Fork yesterday afternoon. Tom Hillman has accepted the Deceased was a young man of various courses and gives the regisposition of shift boss for the new 19, who had many friends iD the tration and tuition fees, etc., is sent night shift at the chain, and Joe camp, and who mourn with the Stephens is engineer at the com- bereaved relatives at his untim ely free upon request. death. pressor. t University of Utah, John Berquist is at the Salt Lake City, Utah ranch building graneries Classified Adlets. to hold the oats and other grain which are soon to be harvested from Motor Cycles for Sale. the ranch. J-- Livery, Feed s Transfer University of Utah six-da- y Mammoth Livery Barn Elena Ha&ell and Jessie Hassell .Elena X t Mrs. J. M. Smith returned Friday from Pleasant Grove,-whershe has been spending ten days with relatives. Rolf Hayden oclock and it is probable that a second meeting for the day shift will be held later. It is rumored that Uncle Jesse Salt Lake City, Utah will said he take that has Knight care of as many of those who were Instruction begins Monday, Sep. 15 discharged at the mines in Mamweek moth for asking for a Registration of students, and enas he can use at his properties. vacation. a is Mrs. C. H Ristine returned This certainly very commend, trance examinations, Thursday, Friday, and the friendly spirit attitude able last night from the east where she Saturday, September 11, 12, 13. toward the men will no doubt be been the summer has spending A million dollars, worth of grounds, appreciated. with her son. Wetterstrom for a few days. W. R. Derr, an employee of the Mammoth mine, has moved his family to camp from Logan. Miss Kate Heizer returned to camp yesterday from Salt Lake, where she has been spending her Ethel Larsen Marie and Kessie Swensen p U STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY |