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Show NEWS SUMMARY WHAT THE WOMEN WORE, THIRST WAS FIRST THOUGHT. PUT IT IN GOOD LIGHT. Of Course the Story Teller Didn't Really Mean Just That. Familiar Sound Cause of Young Mans Bad Break. One Comforting Thought In the Death of the Chickens. John C. Risley of Detroit, at the recently returned from quiet little Maryland resort, New York convention of the InternaOcean City, has a tale to tell of con- tional Society of Hotel and Restaurant ditions that are really sensational. Employes a convention notable for from a gasoline explosion. And the worst of it was that he did its condemnation of the tipping system A hostler and sixty-iwhorses In- not know they were sensational at all. saij to a reporter: The public thinks that we waiters cluding Efiie K and Atwood, 2:12, trot- He was out calling the other evening, ters, were burned to death In a livery and the conversation started with the get rich off our tips. The public is stable fire at Massillon, Ohio. shirtwaist man, who, the returned very ignorant in this matter. When Owing to money stringency New wanderer said, was to be found in I think of its dense ignorance I am York City has been obliged to raise great quantities at the summer resort. reminded of a political meeting I atthe rate of interest on the bonds it oi Then he told about the habit every- tended last April. There was a chap fered for sale from 4 to 4 per cent. body down there had contracted of at thi3 meeting who knew. nothing of Wheat rose four cents at Toronto going without hats. This Is the way parliamentary procedure, and, besides that, he was half full. Well, In the on the 22nd, as a result of reports of he told It to an interested company: "You see everybody down there course of the meeting there was a lot frosts in northwestern Canada. The of excitement and shouting. It grew damage, however, Is regarded as light. going about just the same. The men worse and worse. The chairman, in coats: wear never in about go they Fred Kersters, aged 11, refused to their shirts and trousers, and the the end. had to hammer on the table just Laa from at house jump burning and yell: women are just like them. crosse, Wis., and was burned to death Order! Order! in sight of his mother and a large Deaths from Beer for me, said the ignorant crowd. The death of Dr. Weigel, a surgeon young man. f In a free gun fight near the faiT of Rochester, from a disease due to VERY BAD FORM OF ECZEMA. makes grounds at Barberville, Ky., two men the constant use of the were fatally shot and three other per- the fourth who has lost his life from a woman, badly this cause, says the Chistian Advo- Suffered Three Years Physicians Did sons, including No Good Perfectly Well After cate. wounded. The others were an assistant of Floods which are believed to be the Using Cuticura Remedies. heaviest that have been experienced Thomas Edison, a Boston .physician "I take great pleasure in informing for years are reported from central and a woman of San Francisco named In Fleischman. Weithat I was a sufferer of eczema in case comDr. you the of been have Some Japan. villages gel since 1904, when his right hand a very bad form for the past three pletely submerged. Two miners were stabbed to death and all but the thumb and a finger years. I consulted and treated with in the street of Coaldale, Pa., by un- of the left hand were removed, there a number of physicians in Chicago, but known men believed to be members of had been four operations In trying to no avail. I commenced using the the "Black Hand society, which is to save his life. The first removed Ctfticura Remedies, consisting of Cutia part of the right shoulder; then a cura Soap, Ointment and Pills, three active in that section. of the muscles covering the right months ago, and I am perfectly The attorney general of Texas has part breast. well, the disease having left me enbegun suit against the International Mystery completely envelops the tirely, I cannot recommend the CutiHarvester Company, alleging violations cause of the disease beiDg un- cura Remedies too highly to anyone anit-trulaw and demands known todeath, of Texas medical science, though It suffering with the disease that I have penalties of ?1, 100, 000. is believed to Involve some great prin- had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood, 18 J. C. Broughton, a stationary engi- ciple of life. Dr. Weigel was presi- Prilly Place, Chicago, III., October 2, neer, was killed at Roosevelt dam, near dent of the Rochester Academy of 1905. Witness: L. S. Berger, Phoenix, Arizona, by a falling derrick. Medicine and the American OrthoPresident Castros Conceit Broughton is the second man to be paedic Bociety. killed during the construction of the Many stories have been told of dam. Puzzled. Cipriano Castro, president of VenezueThe la, and of his monumental conceit. bard suffrom the had sold Charles has city ainnest) granted King e war the to all implicated in the recent Agra- ficient verses to spend a week In a During the rian revolt with the exception of 200 rural boarding house. Waving off the fall of Port Arthur was being expriests and those already sentenced swarms of June bugs and mosquitoes, plained to him. "Pshaw! he exclaimed. "With 500 for murders. The number released is the bard sat penning his lines by the Venezuelans I could have taken It In of a kerosene yellow light lamp. 8,000. "How I love this madrigal! he four days. Eighteen-year-olJames Compton, "With a thousand, in one day, your son of a prominent resident of Santa mused to himself. The horny-handewho sat excellency," said the diplomatic repfarmer, has arrested been Cruz, Cal., charged of a European power. with burglary in the first degree. greasing his boots, looked up In sur- resentative Castro was so pleased at what was prise. a to confessed has Young Crompton "Gracious! he drawled. "Where is Intended to be sarcasm that, It is said, series of burglaries. the diplomat succeeded next day in seshe? The assembly at Pretoria has authorWho? asked the astonished hard, curing satisfaction of a claim that his ized the purchase of the Cullinan dia"Why, the gal yeou just said yeou government had been vainly pressing mond, valued at one million dollars, loved. for years. to present to King Edward as a testiAn Inherited Tendency. Punctured His Eloquence. monial of appreciation for the beA Cleveland society woman gave a A lawyer in Johnstown, N. Y., while stowal of a constitution. friends of her young son, defending a little boy who had been The World says that more than 2,000 party to nine New Yorkers, some of whom are rank- aged six. To add to the pleasure of apprehended in the act of making a the occasion she had the ices frozen ing millionaire, have sold their auto- in the form of a hen and ten chickens. surreptitious entrance under the fair grounds fence, drew for the jury a mobiles within the last few weeks. The Each child was allowed to select his most pathetic picture of the prisoners dealers have attributed the sales to chicken as it was served. Finally she "poor old widowed mother with the rich mans panic in Wall came to the son of a the prominent poli- tears- streaming down her face and street tician. her gray head bowed in sorrow at the Ambassador Reid unveiled a tablet Which chicky will you have, Ber- thought of her little boy being incarin the ancient Salisbury cathedral at tie? she asked. cerated. The youthful offender cut Salisbury, England, last week, in memIf you please, Mrs. H I think Ill in at this point with Please, sir, Mr. victims, most- take the mamma hen," was the polite ory of the twenty-eigh- t Lawyer, my mother aint a widow. ly American, who were killed in the reply. Lippincott's. Shut up, darn you, said the lawyer. derailing a year ago of the American "Im trying this case, not you. Law A Different Loaf. line boat train. Notes. exclaimed little Johnny, "Why, his Marion Carnie and sister George Impudence of Hoi Pollol. have been jailed at Staten Island when he heard his father telling about A noted English artist was standing was who after the to somebody looking a kill with charged conspiring at the edge of the road, waiting for his in order to secure 1,500 life loaves and fishes, thats just what horse, and ha was dressed in his mamma says about Uncle Henry! insurance. It is stated Carnie admitusual peculiar style mustard-coloreabout Uncle Says sisrepeatHenry? ted his guilt, but protested that his his ed father, in astonishment What riding suit, vivid waistcoat and bright ter was innocent red tie. A man, who had evidently do you mean? Ben McCann, while felling a tree at been reveling, happened to lurch said Why, pa, dont you know, Dlrigo sawmill, near Castella, Cal., was round the corner of the street He mamma Uncle Johnny, says Henry caught by a falling tree, knocked ovet stared at the famous artist for a minloafs and fishes. on a saw and his head and face were only ute in .silence, then he touched his cap badly crushed and his arm, leg and and asked in a tone of deep commiserDue Process of Law. body cut and torn by the saw. It is At the time of the famous Eastman ation, "Beg pardon, guvnor, was you feared he will die. trial in Cambridge, Mass., two Irish- in mournin for anybody? Julius F. Eller has been arrested at men, standing on a street corner, were Nature Gift Wasted. Syracuse, N. Y., and held for return to overheard discussing the trial. One of A Scotchman who recently took the Alamosa, Colo., where it is alleged he them was trying to enlighten the other street car trip on the gorge route, the stole ?2,000 in money orders from the concerning a jury. New York side of Niagara river, was Rio Grande railroad. Eller declared Bedad! he explained. Youre he was duped by a friend and got Thin If ye gets th shmartest much disgusted with the hawkers of none of the plunder. lawyer, yere inniclnt; but If th other views and "Teddy bears, who make the afternoon hideous and do their Frances Von Bredow, daughter of man gets th best lawyer, yere guilty. As best to spoil natures grandeur. Life. Senator Newlands of Nevada, and wife he alighted frem the car he looked of Lieutenant Leopold Von Bredow, o BAD DREAMS angrily at the shouting venders and the Cuirassiers of the Guard, formerly then at the Whirlpool rapids. Whats attache of the German embassy at Frequently Due to Coffee Drinking. the use of having a big river like Washington, died in Berlin on the 22d that, he asked, "if yon dont drown after a long 111m ss. One of the common symptoms of those fellows in it?" The government troops under the coffee poisoning Is the bad dreams that Of the Cabbage Patch. command of Itinerant, the uncle of the spoil what should be restful sleep. A sultan of Morocco, have been defeated man who found the reason says: Cigar Maker Heres a new cigar Elmeranl retreated in "Formerly I was a slave to coffee. I Ive just been putting up and I havent by tribesmen. the direction of Alcazar. Elmeranl s was like a morphine fiend, could not any name for it Suppose you auggest defeat means there is danger of the sleep at night, would roll and tos3 In one. Friend (after smoking It) Theyre my bed and when I did get to sleep hfil tribos looting Alcazar. John Foxv, alias was disturbed by dreams and hobgob- naming a good many after characters In despeiatlnn, In fiction now. , lins, would wake up with headaches Why dont you call George Wagner, who is wanted in I this Mrs. Wiggs? bad and so nervous feel all day, Cal., for grand larceny, Jumped could not attend to business. My writthrough a window of a rapidly moving New Yorks Growth. looked like bird tracks, I had sour train, about 100 miles north of Los ing Builders In New York city invest from the stomach, IndigesbeJcbings handami Angelos, escaped. Although tion, heartburn and palpitation of the $500,000 each day In land and new cuffed, be made the leap without in heart, constipation, irregularity of the houses for apartment dwellers. juring himsUf. kidneys, etc. Russia, awakening from the stupor "indeed, I began to feel I had all the in which the war with Japan left her, troubles that human flesh could suffer, is planning to establish at Vladivostok but when a friend advised me to leave on a foitifiod seaport and naval depot off coffee I felt as if ho had insulted the Pacific even stronger than Port mo. I' could not bear the Idea, It bad The horse can draw the Arthur, with a new military railway such a hold on me and I refused to lar from Japanese inierlereuee as a believe it the cause. load without help, if you feeder and support. "But it turned out that no advice was reduce friction to almost A new orchard pest, the brown buy ever given at a more need d time for feeds the which nothing by applying moth, caterpillar I Anally consented to try Iostum and on ihe prune leaf, has made its ap- with the comgoing of coffee and the pearance In quite large numbers at ing of Postum all my troubles have San Jose, Cal. This Is a native insect and health has returned. I eat and us it has three different kinds of gone i 'i: well now, nerves steadied and sleep pnraslten that Red upon it no great down and I write a fair hand (as you damano i3 apprehended. 'Si to the wheels. see), can attend to business again Paul C, Barth, recently deposed as can No other lubri-- V am free from I the and rejoice that mayor of Louisville, shot and killed monster cant ever made coffee," himself on the 21yt. Sinco the oustTen days trial of Poslum In place of wears so long ing of Barths administration tty the coffee will bring sound, res! fit!, reand sayesso much olli court of appeals the acts of freshing sleep. "Theres a Reason." horsepower. Next time jf . clals has been subjected to severe Read M "The Rond to Vellvllle," In pkgs. try Mica Axle Grease, hjrU scrutiny, but nothing was found r hearth call Some little "a it physician on Barth. Standard Oil Co. M ttoctlnf (uThonaly classic, A lady who had recently moved to the suburbs was very fond of her first brood of chickens. Going out one afternoon she left the household in boy. Becharge of her fore her return a thunderstorm came up. The youngster forgot the chicks during the storm, and was dismayed after It passed to find that half of them had been drowned. Though fearing the wrath to come, he thought best to make a clean breast of the calamity, rather than leave It to be The drivers and stablemen employed at the wholesale beef packing houses in New York City are on strike. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster and their baby were burned to death at Rochester, Ind., by a fire resulting A gentleman that o Fractious Horse A Is oa.y enough to manage if you have a little skill, a little patience, and a solid, never -- fire -- out harness. The harness it more essential than the skill or patience. Have yon ever tried onr make? We are Ton can get proud of onr Harness Line. leather out of old soes and army saddles, bat not oar kind of leather. The Lest harness leather isnt a shade too good for ns. Write or call. Satisfactory terms and prices. Consolidated , Wagon & Machine Company Leading Implement Dealers Utah and Idaho George T. Odell, General Manager to-da- y Hoajej at Salt LaK. Ogden, Logan, Idaho Falla and Montpelier, st ANEW TRIUMPH DOUBLE IN DIP MAKING STRENGTH, LOW COST, LESS FREIGHT Russo-Japanes- d d Absolutely free from any crude substance. Contains no tar oils. Infallible in curative effect. No injury to sheep or wool. Requires no addition besides water. No sediment. No stirring. Mixes with cold water whether hard, brackisb, alkali or salty. USE PERMITTED III all OFFICIAL OIPpTnGS ITS CURES IMHGE and LICE ON CkTTLE OB HOSS MUCH CHEAPER THAN TOBACCO LIQUID DIPS NO ANO CRUDE d DEARER THAN LIME ANO SULPHUR" I gal. makes 130 gals (or Scab, official strength or 200 gals, for ticks, lice, etc. 1 gal Can 1.15, 5 gal Can 8 W, 60 gal. brl. 75.00 WILLM. COOPER t NEPHEWS I 177 Illinois St., Chicago ORDER OF YOUR MERCHANT Dr. S. D. CILLETT, OR ; WRITE Ceneral Agent 715 SIXTH AVE., SALT LAKE CITY, "ST UTAH. heu you Ret, marrieit, get the "knot tied tight. You need a good Wedding Itlng, and we would call attention to ours- - They are the he-s- t made in the world. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAK Collections Merchants and Business Men who have outstanding accounts should send them to us. We can get the money. Address P.O.BoiSKsSffiSSi, A Clever Book. Benjamin Franklins "Poor Richard" has found a worthy successor In the anonymous modern humorist who Is Jrs responsible for Poor Richard, Almanack, published by the Henry Altemus company, Philadelphia. For the past few years more than half a mllliim people have every week been laughing at this authors wit and profiting by his pithy advice as It appeared on the editorial page of "The Saturday Evening Fost" under the caption: "Poor Richard Jrs. PhilosNow, by means of what ts ophy. evidently a rigorous process of selection, the cream of these magazine utterances has been skimmed and put luto book form, and It Is a book that Is well worth the rending, being a storehouse of wit and wisdom and quaint sayings, calculated to banish the blue devils the immediate vicinity of the fortunate reader. Dog Is Good Advertisement. used in advertising a certain brand of tobacco la attracting considerable attention In Fitchburg. The animal la attired In a suit of red, wears a "stove pipe hat, and carries a cob pipe In Ms mouth Ilka a vetetan A dog amok or, Beal Wealth l In ths Heart Relying on outward thlnrs to bring you happiness is Indeed a big mis- th's real wealth lies heart and there alone and It take. L'ai to seek It c.s 'lyn't In Is the use-les- s . eight-year-ol- discovered. "Mamma he said, contritely, when his mother had returned, mamma, six of the chickens are dead. "Dead! cried his mother. "Six! How did they die? The boy saw his chance. I think I think they died happy, he said. Harpers Weekly. Paint Secrets A paint always to prefers keep secret the fact that he has substituted something else for white lead in his paint, but when the Substitution is discovered he defends the adulteration as an improvement . There is no mystery about good pai nt Send for our handsome booklet It will tell you why our Pure White Lead (look for the Dutch Boy Painter on the keg) makes the best paint, and will also give you a number of practical painting hints. The Revised Psalm. The father's peroration was Buperb. 'And departing, leave behind he concluded, you, footprints on the sands of But here the son rudely Interrupted. "Footprints?" he sneered. "Who wants to leave footprints? Then what would you leave, my boy? the old man Inquired. Tracks, said the youth, haughtily. "Tracks of my power racer, to be sure. Am I a dog or a workingman that I should leave mero foot- For (a by tint clan deafen . prints? NATIONAL Examine carefully avery bolt's of CASTOTtlA. C safe and sura remedy for Infants and children, and sue Mse that It Bears the Signature of la LEAD COMPANY NewYmk. Boston Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia (John T. Lewis & Bros Co.) Pittsburgh (National Lead & Oil Co.) Important to Mother. SICK HEADACHE liae For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Sacred Deer of Japan, Deer are relatively plenty in various parts of Japan, and In such show places as Marti and Miyajima are held as sacred, becoming so tame as to eat from the hands of visitors. They are generally smaller in size than the American deer. It Cures While You Walk. is a oeitam cure for Allens Foot-Eu-- Positively cured by these Little Pills They also relieve Die Dyspepsia, ami Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nair Drowsiness Bad Taste in the Month, Coated Tongue, Lain In the Side, TOltPID LIVER. Bowels. the They regulate Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PR1C t resH from e hot, sweating, callous, and feet, bold by all Diuggists. accept any substitute. Trial Address Allen S. Olmsted. CARTERS swollen, aching Price 25c. Dont package FREE. Le Roy, N. Y. rim IVER Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simi- le Signature I PILLS. iOssLJ No Impulse Is too splendid for the simplest task; no task is too simple for the most splendid impulse. Phillips Brooks. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CM To convince any woman that pax-tiAntlnxptic will Improve her health do ami all we claim We szalor lti send her absolutely free a large wU, tilal box of Faxtine wuh book of Instructions anil genuine testimonials. Send your name and address ou a postal card. n. Our character Is but the stamp of the free choices of good and evil we make through life. Geikie. Mr. Wlnlow Soothing SjTop. For children teethluR, Bottoms the gunni, reduces tn flammaUoii.aUaj a pain, cures wLmlcoiiu. l&cabotUe, cleanses and In als mucous If a girl is as good as pie she doesnt always take the cake. in. in brane af fections, sinh as nasal catarrh, pelvic catanh and Inflammation caused by feminine Ills; sure eyes, sore thrust and mouth, by direct loeal tre ittnent Its power over these troubles is and gives Immediate relief, llmusands of women aie using and recommending It every day. w cents at druggist, oi bynuul. Rememlter, however, IT OHTS YOU NOTHIN TO TRY IT. iU TAXTON CO., lio.tou. Mass. eur-ati- exlra-ordina- ry Ills broth-er-in-la- d Sul-sun- Dont Push itMidBrAxIer; jGrease ( m lf ex-clt- f of this paper de- -' siring to buy uny-thiadvertised in Its columns should insist upon having what they ask lor, refusing all substitutes or imitations. RPADFRQ iliitu W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 35, 1907, W. L. DOUGLAS &. $3.00 $3.50 SHOES SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. TMESWORLD -v- r-G who can prone W.L. any ono doom nnt make A melt )Uouft on a hi $3 4 $3.60 ahoem m )more than any other manufacturer. To flblirai TILE REASON W. L, Douglas in all walks of life than any excellent style, The sotaotiou of the leather of the shoe, ami every detail the most eompletoorganizution chews jirewnm by more people other make, is licence ,f their and superior wearing qu.iltu. and other material for each part of the making is looked after by of superintendents forinenand skilled choemakern, who receive the hUh.t w mea paid in the Shoe industry, and whose workmanship ran not be excelled, Jf I could take you info my large taciorica at Bihv kton.Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. him are made, you would then understand ahy they hold their shape, fit better wear longer and are of greater value than anv other m.ike. o f any price $5 Gold Bond Shoe cannot tern My $4 Gilt Ctfqoand CAUTION I J he genuine have W. L fought, name and juiceequalled lumped on btunn. rittke !N Subst it n te. Ask your de der for . L. Jinuid.i b In ten. Jf he t annot supply you, send direct to faotory. fkoeu sent emy boro by mail ( atalog fio. WAJDouvIrs, Brockton. easy-fittin- I V BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Threo 2c an $1 SclJ by all Druggists. i u |