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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD ... I. E. DIEHL, Publisher ROBINSON UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS . Harvesting is going on full blast at Monroe, but as there is considerable rainfall much of the hay is being damaged. Willis M. Harmon, proprietor of a hotel at Mantt, is dead as the result of injuries received in a runaway accident about three weeks ago. One of the features of the Mate fair to be held in Salt Lake City this fall will be the best dog show ever held in the interniountain country. A company of Monroe people are interested in the new oil fields of southern Utah and have representatives down thei'e looking into the matter. It is reported that James Chapman, a locomotive engineer, well known in Ogden, was literally chewed to death by a bear while hunting in Wyoming. Joseph Benipke, a prisoner at the has state escaped. penitentiary, Bempke was a trusty and was engaged in mowing hay when he made his escape. Will Pratter, of Salt Lake City, was probably fatally stabbed by two negro women who endeavored to hold him up as he was passing through an alley at night. J. H. Seeley has sold 200 sheep to Frank Tuttle of Mount Pleasant, at $20 a head. He has also sold 300 graded sheep to a Mexican at $15 a head. Fred J. Kiesel of Ogden has offered a $500 silver cup for the best display of canned tomatoes grown by Irrigation exhibited at the Irrigation congress at Sacramento. During a storm at Mt. Pleasant, lightning struck the barn of Alex Brun-siddestroying about ninety tons of hay. The horses and cattle in the barn were gotten out. The owners of the fish hatcheries in the Ogden valley have decided to test the laws pertaining to the maintaining of their ponds along the different branches of the Ogden river. The youngest son of P. M. McArthur, of Mount Pleasant, while leading a bull to water, tripped on the rope and was caught and dragged by the bull and one of his legs broken. Plans for advertising Ogden were made at a meeting of the Real Estate Mens association last week. At a cost of $3,000 an Illustrated book will be gotten out and given a wide circulation. Bishop John A. Egbert of West Jordan, who was nearly killed by a Park City train crashing Into him some weeks ago, has been taken home from a Salt Lake hospital and is rapidly rewool-growe- covering. 1 , J, P. Christensen, of Cripple Creelr, Colo., suicided in Salt Lake City on It is Sunday, taking morphine. claimed that grief over the death of to his wife had caused Christensen become insane. The Ogden Tabernacle Choir will go to Sacramento for the Irrigation Congress, sufficient funds having been provided by prominent Ogden citizens to defray the expenses of the choir during their trip. As an evidence of what is In store for tho people of Ogden during the coming winter months It is given out that there is no coal at any of the yards in town and the outlook is decidedly discouraging. During the Eagles celebration at Ogden last week, a generous collection was taken up by the Eagles for Mrs. Goda, whose husbtlnd, the aeronaut, was killed while making a parachute jump a short time ago. The demand for houses in Salt Lake Is so great that the real estate men have almost despaired of suplying the wants of their would ho patrons. Houses cannot be built fast enough to the increasing populaaccommodate tion. son of Elwin Clay, the 15 year-olMr. and Mrs E. W. Clay, was drowned In the reservoir three miles south of Garrison. It seems that while bathing he got into a hole where the water was quite deep, and being unable to swim was drowned. The state board of land commissioners is investigating suitable localities in which iL may sink wells for the benefit of dry farmers who need water for domestic purposes. The last legislature appropriated nearly $10, Out) for this purpose. Although the peach crop this year 13 larger and better than almost any season past, there are prospects of a famine in this fruit as far as the Salt Lake mai lo ts are concerned. The scarcity of this fruit Is caused by the slument's Into (astern states. Teiiibly seared by a bolt of lightning, the body of George M. Spencer, a farmer living southwest of Salt Lake City, was found on top of a load of hay which he was about to hnul to town. Spencers son was severely shocked by the same bolt that struck his lather. Tho NepM Commercial club, at a rent meeting, discussed the matter of opening up the coal deposits which ate located near then aud a committed has been eiuplojed to secure au tstpi rt on coal lands to examine these bods as to tho kaslbtllty of opening Hum d r up. thousand feet of lumber , Thirty-liv- e per day will be turned out by tho mills of tho Consolidated Lumber Company, near Vernal, whtn they begin running at full coparity, Two of tho mills are now In upet alien and tho third one will bo la opeiutiou la a Vhort tune. By DAVID 6X2AHAM PIUIUPS, Author of 77IECaS3&fc (ecfc&GffT JSCtr tyff azmdNri Q8B3-mJ3EtZ- Z CHAPTER XIV Continued. She gazed at me without flinching. she said satirically, And I suppose, you wonder why I why you are repellent to me. Havent you learned that, though I may have been made into a moral coward. Im not a physical coward? Dont bully and threaten. Its useless. I put my hand strongly on her shoulder taunts and jeers do not turn me aside. What did you I repeated. mean? Take your band off me, she commanded. I repeated What did you mean? sternly, "Dont be afraid to answer. She was very young so the taunt I was about to tell you," stung her. said she, when you began to make It Impossible. 1 took advantage of tills to extricate myself from the awkward position in which she had put me I took my hand fiom her shoulder. I am going to leave, she announced. You forgot that you are my wife, said I. I am not your wife. was her answer, and if she had not looked so childlike, there in the moonlight all In white, I could not have held myself In check, so Insolent was the tone and so helpless of ever being able to win her did she make me feel. You are my wife and you will stay here with me, 1 reiterated, my brain on fire. 1 am my own, and I shall go where I please, and do what I please, was her contemptuous retort. Why wont you be reasonable? Why wont you see how utterly unsuited we are? I dont ask you to be a gentleman but just a man, and be ashamed even to wish to detain a woman agalnsi bar she answered. As before. Think it over, Anita, I urged she seemed to me so llge a sweet, spoiled child again. I longed to go straight at her about that other man. I stood for a moment with Tom Langdons name on my lips, but I could not trust myself. I wnt away to my own rooms. I thrust thoughts of her from my mind. I spent the night gnawing dwra the ropes with which Mowbray Lang-doand Roebuck had bound me, hand and foot. I now say they were ropes of steel and it had long been broad day before J found that weak strand which is in every rope of human make. . Yes, I Ignored this. n XXV. THE WEAK STRAND. No sane creature, not even a sane bulldog, will fight simply from loveif fighting. When a man is attacked, he may be sure he has excited either fear or cupidity, or both. As far as I could see, it was absurd that cupidity was inciting Langdon and Bos buck against me. I hadnt enough to I have asked Alva to stop with me here for a few days, she said formally. Alva! said I, much surprised. She had not asked one of her own friends; she had asked a girl she had met less than two days before, and that girl my partners daughter. She was here yesterday morning, Anita explained. And I now wondered how much Alva there was In Anitas firm stand against her parents. Why dont you take her down to our place on Long Island?" said I, most carefully concealing my delight for Alva near her meant a friend of mine and an advocate and example of real womanhood near her. "Everythings ready for you there and Im going to be busy the next few days busy day and night. She reflected. Very well, she assented presently. And she gave me a puzzled glance she thought I did not se as if she were wondering whether th enemy was not hiding new and deeper guile under an apparently harmless suggestion. Then I'll not see you again for several days, said I, most businesslike. Ifyou want anything, there will be Munson .out at the stables where he cant anitoy you. Or you can get me on the long distance.' Good-by- . Good luck. And I nodded carelessly and friend-lilto her, and went away, enjoying the pleasure of having startled her into visible astonishment. Theres a better game than Icy hostility, you very young, young lady, said I to myself, and that game is friendly indifference. Alva would be with her. So she was secure for the present and my mind was free for "finance. At that time the two most powerful men in finance were Galloway and Roebuck. In Spain I once saw a fight between a bull and a tiger or. y will. I drew up a chair so close to her that to retreat, she was forced to sit In the broad window-sea- t Then I seated myself. By all means, let us be reasonable, said I. Now, let me explain my position, I have heard you and your friends discussing the views of marriage youve just been expressing. Their views may be right, maybe more civilized, more No matter. advanced than mine. They are not mine. . I hidd by the old standards and you are my wife All mine. Do you understand? this as tranquilly as If we were disAnd you will cussing fair weather. live up to tho obligation which the marriage service has put upon you. She might have been a marble statue pedestaled in that window seat. "You married me of your own free will for you could have protested to the preacher and he would have sustained you. You tacitly put certaineoti-ditionon our marriage. I assented to 1 them. I have respected them. shall continue to respect them. But when you married me, you didnt marry a dawdling dude chattering advanced ideas with his head full of libertinism. You married a man. And that man Is your husband. I waited, but she made no comment not even by gesture or movement. She simply sat, her hands Interlaced in her lap, her eyes straight upon mine. You say let us ba reasonable, 1 went on., Well, let us be reasonable. There may come a time when woman can be free and Independent, but that time Is a long way off yet. Tho world Is organized on the baisis of every womans having a protector of every decent womans having a husband, unless she remains in the home of some of her There may be women strong enough to set the world at defiance. But you are not one of them and you know it. You have shown it to yourself again and again in tho last forty-eigh- t hours. Your bringing-uhas kept you a child in real knowledge of real life, as distinguished from lifo in that fashionable hothouse. If you tried to assert your Independence, you would be the easy prey of a scoundrel or scoundrels. When I, who have lived In the thick of tho fight all my lifo, who have learned by many a sur prise ami defeat never to sleep except with tho sword and gun in hand, and one cyo open when I have been trapped as Roebuck and Lnngdon have just trapped me what chance would a woman like you have? She did not answer or change expression. Is what I say reasonable or unI asked gently. reasonable? "Reasonable from your standpoint," she said. She gazed out Into the moonlight, up into the sky. Ami at tho look In her face, the primeval savugo In me strained to close round that slender white throat of lues and crush aud crush until It had killed In her the thought of that oilier man whkh was transforming her from marble to flesh that glowed and blood that surged, 1 pushed hack my chair with a sudden noise; by the way she trembled gaged how tense her nerves must he, I rose and tn a fairly calm tono, said: 'We unde stand each nth-d 1 MINES AND MINING comThe Western Ore Producing panys immense plant at Reno, Nevada, has been destroyed by fire. The output of the mines and leases of the Goldfield district for the past week was 3,417 tons, having an estimated value of $390,775. Jesse Winter recently encountered au eighteen-foo- t vein of copper ore on his claim at Grand Encampment, Wyo. how badly Anita was crippling my Through it ran several rich stringers brain, that not until I was almost at of ore several inches wide. That my office did it occur to me: Plans are being made to build a was a tremendous luxury Roebuck infrom Baker City, Ore., to the railroad dulged his conscience In last night. copper belt, of which the Poormaa It Isnt like him to forewarn a man, mine is the central figure, and to the even when hes sure he cant escape. Iron Dike mine on the Snake river. Though his prayers were hot iu his In the property of the Fetish Minmouth, still, Its strange he didnt try company a few miles from Hailey, ing to fool me. In fact. It suspicious. Idaho, in which Salt Lakers are inIn fact ore has been struck which, Suspicious? The instant the Idea terested, was fairly before my mind, I knew has a market value of $210 to the ton. A compressor plant has been inI had let his canting fool me once more. I entered my offices, feeling stalled at the Baby McKee property, that the blow had already fallen; and in Big Cottonwood canyon, near Salt I was surprised, but not relieved, Lake, and from now on work wdll ba when I found everything calm. But vigorously prosecuted at that property. Ore has been encountered in tha fall it will within an hour or so before I can move to avert It, said I property of the Fetish Mining comto myself. pany, near Hailey, that has a market And fall it did. At eleven oclock, value of $210 to the ton. The owners business Just as I was settiDg out to make my are principally Salt Lake first move toward heating old Gallo- men. Joe came The Schultz tunnel at Boulder is in ways heels for the war-patin with the news:' A general lock- 320 feet and recently has tapped tha outs declared In the coal regions. The vein casing at a depth of 800 feet. In operators have stolen a march on the 25 or 50 feet more the surface shoot men who, so they allege, were secret- of ore is expected to be cut, says ly getting ready to strike. By night the Hailey Times. every coal road will be tied up and A strike of four feet of lead carevery mine shut down. bonate ore has been made in the ImJoe knew our coal Interests were perial mine at Burke, Idaho, which heavy, but he did not dream his news State Mine Inspector Bell has declared meant that before the day was over to be as big and Important as the first we would be bankrupt and not able strike in the Hercules mine. to pay fifteen cents on the dollar. Goldfield mines and leases made the However, he knew enough to throw heaviest shipments in the history of a him into fever of fright. He watched last week. Three thousand the camp my calmness with terror. Coal stocks tons of ore hundred and fifty-fou- r are dropping like a thermometer in two were shipped and 540 tons milled, a a cold wave, he said, like a fireman total of 3,794, valued at $438,420. (t a sleeper in a burning house. Daniel W. Edwards, who conducted Naturally, said I, unruffled, appar- a brokerage business In Tonopah for can we do about it?" What ently. some time, is the authority for a stateexWe must do something! he ment that he and Nat C. Goodwin, the claimed. brok-feraFor famous comedian, will open a Yes, we must," I admitted. fall. office Reno this in instance, we must keep cool, espeWhat is known as the copper belt, 22 cially when two or three dozen peoBaker-City- , Ore., Also, you miles northeast of ple are watching us. ha exceeded all expectations in the must attend to your usual routine. What are you going to do? he showing made by the developments of For Gods sake, Matt, dont the last six months, all of the working cried. properties in that district showing conkeep me in suspense! Go to your desk, I commanded. siderable improvement. And he quieted down and. went. 1 The building of the first public conhadnt been schooling him In the centrator In the Coeur dAlenes will for fifteen years In vain. he commenced within a few days. The I went up the street and into the concentrator will be erected by the great banking and brokerage house of Northern Ore Purchasing company at Galloway and Company. I made my accost of $60,000, and will have a caway through the small army of guards, pacity of 100 tons a day. behind which the old beast of prey Tie Rainbow mine In Mormon ba was intrenched, and into his private sin, some 20 miles from Durkee, Ore , den. There he sat, at a small, plain is equipped with an aerial tramway table, In the middle of the room with- half a mile long, that conveys the pro out any Article of furniture id it but from me mine to the mill of 20 stamps, his table and his chair. On the table The-or- e is partly free milling, A was a small inkstand, perfectly clean, 40 men Is employed. of force a steel pen equally clean, on the rest The report comes from the Atlanta attached to it. And that was all not a letter, not a scrap of paper, not mining district of Idaho of great activa sign of work or of intention to ity this year. Not enough houses are work. It might have been the desk erected to comfortably house all the of a man who did nothing; In tact, people who are there now and not. it was the desk of a man who had so near as many men are there as could much to do that his only nope of es- receive employment at the camp. The north drift from the crosscut cape from being overwhelmed was to despatch and clear away each mat- tunnel level on the Banner, at Silver ter the instant it was presented to City, Idaho, is now in 300 feet, and the him. Many things could be read from south drift 265 feet on the same level, the powerful form, bolt upright In that in both directions the ledge at the stiff chair, and from the cynical, mas- face of the drifts has been crosscut terful old face. But to me the chief to the walls and shows a width of It quality there revealed was that qual- feet, the greater portion of the ledge ity of qualities, decision the great being of a good grade of milling ore. The final section of the first unit of est power a man can have, except only courage. And old James Gallo- the Utah Copper companys mill at Garfield will be placed in commission durway had both. He pierced me with his blue eyes, ing the week and by the first of the keen as a youths, though his face was month the plant will he just about seamed with scars of seventy tumul- running at Its capacity of 3,000 tons a tuous years. He extended toward me day, while there i3 every probability over the table his broad, stubby white that a few weeks will see the great hand the hand of a builder, of a con- mill running at better than 3,000 How are you, tons. structive genius. In order to offset any mistaken ImBlacklock? said he. What can I do for you? lie just touched my pression that might be created by his hand before dropping it, and resumed becoming Identified with mining operaBut although tions on a large scale In Utah, F. that ldol-likpose. there was only repose and deliberi Augustus Heinze in an exclusive Intion in his manner, and not a sugges- terview to the New York Commercial, tion of haste, I, like every one who said that he was not contemplating came into that room and that pres- any belligerent tactics against any of ence, had a sense of an interminable the large Interests already established procession behind me, a procession In Utah. The addition to the mlll-o- f the Round of men who must be seen by this master-move- r Mountain Mining company at Round that they might submit important and pressing affairs to him Mountain, Nevada, will be finished for decision. It was unnecessary for within a fortnight and the capacity him to tell any one to be brief and will be increased to sixty tons a day. The mill has been producing $13,001) pointed. I shall have to go to the wall to- a month with two Nlsson stamps, rea day. The manday, said I, taking a paper from my ducing twenty tons to make the mine and agement expects pocket, unless you save me. Here mill earn $30,000 a month net. is a statement of my assets and liaThree young men, who a few weeks bilities. I call to your attention my Coal holdings. I was one of the ago took up claims within sight of are being rewarded for their eight men whom Roebuck got round Nampa, him for the new combine It is a se- enterprise. At the 335 foot mark cret, but I assume you know all about which has just been reached, they have struck a small vein of extremely It." He laid the paper before him, put high grade ore with much free gold on his noseglasses and looked at It. In It. One assay of this last strike Which has just been made, ran as (To bo Continued.) igh 83 $35,300, Out of one pocket they took $500 worth of free gold and Didn't Hurt. one nugget alone was worth $15. The ladies of our congregation, The concentrator of the said the ministers little boy, are company at Grand Encampment, A o fond me, very good many of em gave pa some slippers on his birth- Wyo., has been in operation for several days. The tramway la bringing day I thought your pa always used a ,$own largo quantities of ore from the Ferrls-llagertmine and It la expected slipper to spank you with. the smelter will be blown in in & few It. The slipper "Thats Just the ladles gave him are tho soft kind days. A strike has been made at Silver that' made out o wool." Bow, on old time enmp, sixty miles Zebra Would B Useful. east and a little south of Tonopah, Of all wild animals the zebra would that la not only destined to make the bo most useful to man If domestl pwners of the property rich but result cated. It is not liable to borRo fevej In a rush to that sclln that wbl or tsetse fly. equal some of the biggest stampede a the historv of Nevada mining fire-dril- l -- s blood-relation- nopolizing the coal, despite Roebuck" earnest assurances to Galloway that the combine was purely defensive, aud was really concerned only with the labor question, Galloway, a great manufacturer, or, rather, a huge levier of the taxes of dividends and Interest upon manufacturing enterprises, could not but be uneasy. Before I rose that morning I had a tentative plan for stirring him to action. I wms elaborating it on the way down town In my electric. It shows THE tempt PRIMEVAL SAVAGE IN ME STRAINED TO CLOSE ROUND THAT SLENDER WHITE THROAT AND CRUSH AND CRUSH. them. Thus, I was forced to rather the beginning of a fight. They that I strength of which must a were released Into a huge iron cage. After circling it several times in the which stirred even Roebucks fears same direction, searching for a way But what could It be? out. they came face to face. The bull Besides Langdon and Roebuck and tossed the tiger; the tiger clawed the me there were six principals in the bull. The bull ' roared; the tiger proposed Coal combine, three of them screamed. Each retreated to bis own richer and more influential in finance side of the cage. The bull pawed and than even Langdon, all of them ex snorted as if he could hardly wait possibly Dykenian, the lawyer, to get at the tiger; the tiger crouched or navigating officer of the combine, and quivered and glared murderously, more formidable figures than I. Yet as If he were going instantly to spring none of these men was being assailed. upon the bull. But the bull did not rush, neither did the tiger Bpring. I asked "Why am I singled out? was the Roebuck-GallowasitThat I I and if anfelt that could myself, uation. swer. I should find I had the Ilow to bait Tiger Galloway to atwholly or partly to defeat them. Rut I could not explain to my satisfaction tack Bull Roebuck that was the probeven Langdous activities against me. lem I must solve, and solve straightI felt that Anita was somehow, In part way. If I could bring about war beat least, the cause; but, even so, how tween the giants, spreading confusion had he succeeded in convincing Roe- over the whole field of finance and buck that I must bo clipped and tilling all men with dread and fear, there wa3 a chance, that in the conplucked Into a groundling? It must have something to do with fusion 1 might bear off part of my I the Maimsquitle mint's, decided. fortune. Certainly, conditions would "I thought 1 had given over my con- result In which I could more easily trol of them, but somehow I must get myself intrenched again; then, too, still have a control that makes me there would be a by no menn3 small too powerful for Roebuck to bo at satisfaction la seeing Roebuck clawed case so long ns I am afoot and armed. and bitten In punishment for having And I resolved to take my lawyers plotted against me. and search the whole Mnimsqtiaio Mutual four had kept these two transaction to explore It from attic at peace for five years, and most conto underneath the cellar flooring. siderate and pidite about, each others Well go through It," said I, like "rights. But while our country's Inferrets through a ships hold." As 1 dustrial territory Is vast, the Interests was finishing breakfast, Anita came of tin few great controllen who deIn. She had evidently slept well, and termine wages and prices for nil are I leganled that as ominous. At her equally vast, and each plutocrat Is age, a crisis means httln sleep until tormented Incessantly by Jealousy and a declidcm has been reached. I rose, suspicion; not a day passes without but, her manner warned me not to con did a of interest Unit adroit diadvance and tiy to shake hands with plomacy round turn into ferocious her waifnio. And in this matter of mo conclude possess I was unaware, and y un-an- e Fenn-Wyo-mtn- y |