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Show TIIE SOUTH POLE. o ar AJl 2t i n. .J H NEILSOX X SPERRY . t 'I lie . Judged by That Its Appoaranca of v .1 It l Shop in X J V Si ),IV 4' .a !! J. ,.1, .n A - i i . Address U.R ( 0r t V ( II.'IHW, ;!, HsJisr ttrrrhoiO at.,.Liut.sUh par fi HV'S CP.r IM B.tl.tt luapositiveeure. m stri s. It is 60 into I i a - H4" t!e Iinirrpti Apply reruaat l t qua k'y or hr ma Ni.tn. p u imii. in it j fi a; in K'm. to p. in. I Unt heie and .vh. T u i f Hr . ... h k. il nil) oi era i: Viil.fNT M in nki uni .tov nr HU. 1KIN - is ' i; IbuNliH in i I f ire-foot- Min-lionm- ts s, frv-pnn- s gcuuwst HO Fifth Avenue, pavs fur oueD Fur tho pm f fun .in" , and d 20 I'lin.s Pvoti I . l 1 , . i , , , i -- i 1 , !, s Jsd-s- Lil rary ia maga II. F Ml l N P. M. K, e . a i. ns. bill ek.l J 11. tb Levan Minin I Isliotf, Peter Lautensviel ilobt C feteiensov Stuoiid eilintou. 7 uu-- .T. T1h-- . a ni. kn ci e i Sur Jas. Um. .. . anj r We Sell Thera. Wvut, Iuk.s 1j. . What! E,. in ol 10 o lork h. hi jiHtiii.ri suv held m eriliijX aud p in s Y. L M. i. a-- - tfi.itioii th- - Firt w tu in tli 'i,oiul Tu -sda Priiuai u.t- un- t 1 vmi 2 (.iVlodi tri thiiq. itui daj at v m j. Itirh H If a.1) en itts tin T.Um- ! naeie at a Miutits' mi 1 Ibismossec H New tot N I1. - . Xthi First W State. Date. w Lm.,i- -i ,i-- Niptu. ulofk ) Saturday t ru-- Priu-- w il 2 o cl trauli ti'uuth p. ni LONG ip K V snytsraiD. V PTe t'Wsag K hi W aTi1, 1) Kev. O, S. W ilv.n, pastor ralur mtuois, o lm 1: p. m. Sunday at li tali L7 o i flvui uKai-- u t'bii.t 9ila , ii ia. ih ,t o v.t 10 k m. Jni k t. I" T () I U Ll'.'i ( .. Mho .. . Payments. Easy d Suiu.jiy si'bOu, E. E ce4 and term-- i to xuit every one. Pouti mint ili.jVu . .!., I V.nht. Jo1 n snlwell, MtUlni Lai ion, Jouti Kill, ui, Aluvd Lunt. . '.1 Coidhrmiyrn Tiuumdur; . . .. jtiraes schohLUl ( . Ma-ha- il; ... Iru.murtr; dusiice: I . iiior F.imily Mar.i'iiit. j .tr a - pur j ou oHi New York. Karr, e wihlnw stauin -t. I wip.in properly tilled out. (. 1 ; iipiu-osec- tliore is a lauuh in e erv lin of it. ou Muiuid not thus chanee oil u up 14 1 i Win. Pavn.au NVphi, Irisnleut liai-ie,.n.l J. in.es W. I'.ivtl t spri ( s, v i. Juab Stake lihp r.o-- I 1. 1! Til u ox on M,ir rid the nit giving Jt r.Y 21, 1 s07. water ,o the inline rous eanals, along the sides of w liirh .vegetation (Known It IS intruded to inahe tliis feature of i erv attractive, and as by its l,i iirht grei n color) was seen to (he ir ns possible to rpprinhire tho 01 iirin.il spnmy i,i. Imnper train, with r.iired I. Durinsr all tliis time 'Jars was slowly men and boy's, women and children w itb oitTi into a positioi which brought and calico dresres, old its north polar cap more and more into wayoiis, wi.qu d tonenes, water eliieken-coopview. As tliis north polar inp, which iil- has hern turned nwn from the earthJ ,,,rtb lied teams of horses, nudes, oxen dust and nil. came within tin ledd of Prof. Uron- - ",m1 nv son . to volunteer to desiriug pei mrs telescope, the south pole cap re- - (llKo t in this the createst en'el, ration riled. ' in tne historv of the West, will repon, at Lmally the north pole ilself rose once in w riling or in person to, above the hold 'on. .M my jieojile hate, Nkwik Clw.sox, .in idea tlint tin i r is a ln.le or .1 nioun-- ! t'lmirm.tn, Sc mi- - 'enteimi.il ('or.i'nission No. inn llroaihvav, tain or some otlier natural ) lienoni-- t r. IX l. S. b. Citv. Utah. non at the north irili- - of the earth. w ev .s. hov There r. no such peculiarity to be oldened about tlm north Fchcol LnJ Notice. pole of the il,met i'iars. The fact tliat it was ihe north pole v as only to lie Ail m tnsil umHioiiatiilc sottU'i by the exact sc ionic of tho vvniii.ioomeeupaiits. mi.i-.m-i- l scliuol l.nnls aril were, or, asi rononier, .l.muarv ISbl, at tu il seiti. is or ocoup.uit-- . In'll .in li i e tiie l wlit to Mm-Ii,r Die lain! 1rof. P.renner knew precisely what tbio have bet ii oeeiipt ma, m ri .it sale at spot in the great, white field of snow Ihe pi lee, pun nit, tiles pie tlieir and ice ea ppi r g ( he t J.un-- t w as it s liort h ' nl1'" ' I'ubeiit mils vutli this Itoai-'- l prior to U F fill ii t to sn f; 7. st t )i m o, ', pole, and 1,C marked it out With a pen- - unw (ill- the lami tliev claim will lesult m a I. it ire of tlii-n- Im lit il point upon the to no s.i map beside him as lie tei u i.i ri t v of l.uid .lp.,n-,to pm A photoornpli looked. taken of the , shoi'1,1 lose no at u ate ale tim,-itin waoliiiir then- ap u atmns to Iks ottli-north pole of Mars slmv (d tiiat it was Iv Wai i hsi Seeretarj jireeisely the same as the adjacent ter- State TUiaid of l.amluin, ( nininissioiieis. Salt bake Citv Lull, May H til, lk'.IT. ritory for tlion Minis cd miles, consisting of immense fit ids of hilloi ky ice. Tliere was no open polar sop such as No. 3313. many explorers have believed to exist about the north pole of this earth. Notice for Publication. M.irs, in the years that have passed I aiul Ofllee at Salt LakeCita, Utah, ( since ihe science of ast Ji:n Ml, is;.;, f rononiy was beNotice is hereby given that the follow in" gun. lias frequently turned its north settli r has hint notice of his mti nt on pole toward the earth. Tint because t I.ike final jiroot in summit of his cl.iini. mnl tli.it sanl proof w ill he nia.lo of the sma dress m d weakness of , l omi Iv ( lei k ut I. rnvei Juab ,'mniti I tab w e linv e been unable hitherhi Uitv, Utah, on Jim, an sor, n to to i losi'U veri tiaie that point. .hum s l h II. lb No. ill U,. tor the I' sg i. il ami W ltl Siv 'ec. K. yy i Tji s. Jtiring the la t 2". years the great He names the slV, follow nut v itness.-to prate Lick telescope Pas been built, and large Ills eoi tin ill Ills resiileni e n pen amt i ill tn at ion ot sanl lami. viz: Wi lianil,. i' pm-- , of Juab. Ameriran-nri- d fob scopes have been .InahCii. tali, amt Solomon D. I'b i ,e. On m' in Unrope. sit It wnstl lonuhoiie i. let-- Sisson A. Cnasr. of V phi, Jnali (o ilv liox ( , 1,00, K, n; ,ter. of the1 e free t ma1 uu f v in r inst ruments tblh. , nn v-- Post-offic- 72 uioi.tf . : 1 I.r. u iL't, reji-straw a at lt p ia. Di cm a an VOLUNTEER'! VOLUNTEER1! n ruriild clUt! , Jr ti -, in- ! r A 1 bo-.- and'rr aiIiiiinorons h.i n i9 ui.ia ' 11 . i K a! j . uutUi n.rMitl r t .i' .inl Tinr c M.uis . Kiiui4 FFLNNY PICTURES hive of the-- o to si't iiif them tli .ist nna VAN u -i d. ; T,,mp es tor. by mail. Li W&rrva fcb. New lork City. liltOt UtllS, l'i . in ... it xK.tii r lll poll tr not t Ft. n outhasr ai.H vutiii ! .1 2S&. ELY it.iiu T ( l In-il- 1 r tMir- - t ! 1 lien sprni"-- . j 1 1.0 AL. rn, w - HI li roiu tm noi ru .uitl For F or a il r (I lie s out h pola r rap of M.irs. iiosrrt r it prow ton a rd lie ( q ua or w Ion .I'lti.nni it ia upon the j.lau. t. w i rna-ra- A r ronoinrrs use, how erdr Halls of v -, r rt lien sri i npr b ) Post 0533. Nr phi L F'i mu S nip. I .in FT urn aU jMiihi-- i It- - i The regul ir piii e of Demorest's Magazine, We will send ail three to you (or one year and Library, "Judge'sPictures for 52 00, or 6 months for $1 00is $3 30. t Funny Vtnm ma :ratn p !v .tr tlo DEMORESTS ioni u it " ii a iiia the He.uiii: and t r ri at and pront, fashion ami lit f pit o no in Dnitti in ir tat. puphratmn prtt?dn to a imdar Mpy and puapost w nndt mu campare i, Avu.iit. Eery iiuiibcr conlaiuH a eti pa U in of fun. filiod with illustrations in arnoture and ft'DGES LIBRARY i a montlilvI:i ph tt uitii tut and hidimr. ooutr.battn are the t o! Anjrieai mii and mus- - office. dcsirg iUU 1 1 p in. . -- turned it., north i III. .1 7 -t Arrival and polr to hr rart li. i'b s obs( r was Prof. Leo IJrcnner. who lias pubii Led a teehniral de-- i ri of Ills v.( rk in the hiM number of the Ast roiiumi. h n Xaehriehten. Ill this artii lie tells, in the queer li a t " -' LFiL'T U. -, i i4, s b - j 1 t FOR FOR ojalii i v w K1 v.A a a - e- j s - si. r ' -- lnn'riM'rr hr at rlu 4 aaA. I i - 3?.lAin Gt. j : Although ro human In ini' has mr on tin north j ole, and unit tus .f hf i Holts hr-- . ilo so, in in mg maile to il. row r th..t p.iiht, v.e air now for tiir tiuf I'.inr 01 ilnol loi Know with iporr or los I'riiuciKai i .K tly what the north ooie lmik, I, hr. '1 hr planet Mar-- , v, hi h ohoi ri ,i in- hit at sra- (hr oai th, not mJy in on-, lint in the hign oeirree t,i i iviliza- tiim whiili its inhabitants are sup- d to ha e ri ached. lia.s a north pole I his north po!r of Mars lias now for llir llrst time been seen ami observed. Jt has been eloH-lsernt inied in c tr.momer powerful blci'pe by an vvlio has to the years gi.in tion of .'lars and who waited anxiously util the pi, met, in the slow revo!u- tion of im eliai.L'es, tJf nt Ciuardntcetl Tr.-.itt'- to ;.li. laid jio-r- yi-.i- . f the North Pol:ir t up of tho 11 an t Miows U hut OarN Muy LmL l ike. i , Gvcat Ma&'sXiue A, Lkirber rir-t-Ca- -' .i;y h (Virtiuti-- frunoimrs Ct.fcrtlon Au J. Bryan's Cook Hdn.W. j Abraham (mat VYui. s uut T. E. Fiott m hails y Cit its ( A in'ii supt : nu W v ni Ls s ; of Music, 232 S. Main. Temple v , . m -r, I 1 , j that Irof. I'vuieer made his wlieh won o,,i imp been pm sible a quarter of a century atm. lie is tiie first v'ho ins ever ohser-valior- s. I THE p.-i- carefully id ' rved tl e in- -t li pido of 'he pi met Mar-- . These i aiion-- . would not eartv to m h weisdit if they li .d bei n of AT mis, - at urn or an fUqrtf R I! ll a i i M Mi 1' a so mm .it it ill'll;bp h v i l.M-idle- d t i lie iiiiitli on .. I - the s ion p le of op ir i pie n. the ole o' privail hkivi' lie im.io mu the sea, the oiler, end i o louts id Mars rest b p t hosp i - i f Moreover, il to be - inhabitant adv aw o or ,oi , an is is iln hi i,- t h.'ioi at - tom f a i di i i e v m ;. bri it on a ' a nd i , lii t'i i toll i. rl he " i, 'i I i; 'd'a', iul,ei ! ved t r e ii ,ai, r air ' o be i iii ,i - to s.gnai u the jmpe of o r j nor ai b:ev erient s the rt1', n m "ai i e mi i i r 1 b ,t v, e : re at l'i M'sout tiiu iim'.de to ta.di aj : i K. d le sy ii. I our na 1 up ' ,v in o p.tu, i b, A ",,b ."eiher in- fi r the la I, ; a , ,i u, n al. ei l.ii- i,n ii ' ow - I 1 1 - t ! i I . . . . l ,;:c bf Th: Ch .. i j . . 1 -- 1 D t Loss cy.ya.rxi'byryroi: 'f rta . - ot ftii .'. A 1 v Vr;h i k F i.y 5 .i v. i THE KEV u y b'vnvt' k' .2 J , L k CZ2 f, -- uo v A . '1'1 nir J ni v A . ii . CT . La cu t? x . LEADS LEADS i p i.F rw.ivi? :tu;m in WQ W S beptrUnents. f r. - r t A NaeT V t.e men i.rv Ely's Idea ' b SSSs tr 1 ' . - -i yo tenhh FtertzeAttvir ttn. .s o J. ol re'-.i- T. c r vD j" b yj ' Is ve- - v V ' "1 ' 01 lomen I y nle.lieriii, - uiiy fie s ) ,f,y r. t -- 's'vX , u. e. l ,, . s , te-'-- ! - n et a la-a- lu v of iv'Mivr, n; (0. v ) 5 is lekuow'eil ivl to I a the moil t! irnigli cure for Nil- - il (.utiirrh, Co il in Held and mix Fever of ail remodiev. It otitn and c'earnes tho ti .ii pnsf j;ea, alh)9 p:un suit tnlUmtniuion, heals tnu aiire, pro-ttx- ta the membrane from colds, restores I ie m fide, at 1'mysists or hr mail. of nn-t- e ami smell. ELY EKO Vimm btreet, Now Yors. wi jj, aT'at - ' 3 2" i ? ,v & Or d A V ,v Fti th t Cc.'bEzit r.zr Q o - i ' -- Jt? vj "c ii J.3 j . 2' i !o il 'kb rrz: vtli an 0 i iS 5 1, it vv ' al. l.l.z.', crn-izV.2- that ;i w SG A f U? ii rl bil OJc.iii,'l il let d s"r.iive er : : i aJdr'si, fnxv er. Oinra o. - r -- , i i t t s,L L, f r;:.z J , cc'.uc J ,'V a v i t . .. - k v ? r, r .ukeLy Vi r fj xUUn,J rT'u nV Vii.l) C wwUwnjVVUO Ili'LiCAL ADJLSI.MZXT, J SV V b VI vl VIZ -v qV, J; r - , , l i vs . ' h lO w' oV "A lerinj.) G ao.o i v ' ! j y V i . Gi''iBiiiiiL.iSZSZid iiimp, ii u "biw-- j ( ir- U I fcvil tvir rt evk. IV ' 0? to Arunts. v t ,'V Tlio Great :5m . ., mis ti rig. An c . V Jt Is Opposite the tr --A Coopra UrizUfaus, 'U'-r.- s i.te ( - ' I h n v ruivUy Wanied-- a r i "no be cii i.vyov. i f our Ieidei th n L 4 vile il ,u t'i's f t'p pcfnb unis rul Unr we u A L i W rM t c.u :.t. t . 4 J ((J j. is i , f ft, -- m s i ' ii Li iLy ILj SNEPHi. N r, i'biaS, 13 LEADS in f 'J ft y k , MAIN STREET woaJerfal Colurada's :'iVOs. leads 11 h 1 . " Wool Growers' Building. n Jveleplns I . 3 . Office Ter Year in Advance, LEADS the sjyrr forces of America. LEADS ia ' m:'5 an I M tun? Stock Reports. CALT LMCU A,xZ ZZ.WZ j'U'VT 'k - ERG a. GALT LAKE G,TYy UTAH V xi' OJ $1 fi r A V VJlEKLT Lin-.va"- -. Protut vnur 1denc thar ti Wruf J(hN W Laid I ' mi L'l4n, L t ties , nd i. ivo iiuaar TI27LEIT & 0rl u Xonlii. nrsvcB, coi.o. Tun Hr. st VFFJCLy PTBbisiign . - i i it'kis. 0 - , v ' , pi VVtV : n.V STORE, LIQUOR RCGXy MOUNTAIN v - 14 5'.. 11 BEST. E." on broo F'rana Him YOUR CHOCER SELLS IT. AKD -. Ho zY, JT .'.bo . o- -l . PUREST i Courteous treatment to all. I , - i - A.sU.lbei t C'a.'L I er IJoi.-- e Laud Odiro Rent iver Land oftu. a'VCj j K: a A' i 1,- I -- i r53p r t John R. Ft; V. S Zaii. V Fa cl J. A hmrr E. V. H'ijiuv n I Ui r Judires of Supreme Court. . J tidre Tifth Judieui ORtriet senator. Smentn Dit: id.. ..Jame p OITY Three Crown Baking Powder A. Attorney Supt. ol PuMiC Instruetiun Mejuh r 0 so WeFr . Cifirsin 1 i M Jam s T. ll.unmcT James ( bipmf .Moiuran RK'hards i I i J. R. EdgLill Frcp. rebel'' ved m stat y oi r I tkeearth. Iid office. Eross n E. Allen. i'al xts (uni Salt Lalte liter on liaiul Uii' v Soi etai t r E (1F H . Treasurer Auditor. T 1re V'l error C!o thur - at this The Finds i ol mop t com pi e te Lines ,f Liquors find - i Ai Coiiirve- LAKE CITY. For particulars call on W. L. Roe FrtTtk J. Cannon . bl 9 t . . i Dlfarato to v -- terti ii iv r at( THE r, i i. nt la r plane',. Directory. lr ,S .a.:d v. ikttu i SALT State Officers and Juab County , 'Vi U.3 3 ll ri'c;6 Vl2 St of StecJ AUsch- vb (V vv vb V '.V ll v. AV ' vb A it v! Vtf ;v 1, Ser. J or cm' 5ia!f-tca- e cateloqt-e-. vV M |