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Show s There i ill ate lcvvxk i !A I V rty-I- I 1 Attractions. ar.d ! Its Value Recagnized by Physicians As a rule I sni to proprietary r... d.cinta. Sail I opyo?eti value a ont. es- tt la.ly when .uoh is the gooi source oi relit-- i iaKlie ... o . Her Resources. Advantages Nephi j .iO.il pain. As a topical (external) arplva-tij- a 1 have found C'haiufctrlainS I a.n the best rerute'y 1 have ever used Iala) :c r neuralgia tf any kind. I have cousci it to manv tntiousiy recommended iV-rh- p. ?h Every o,. ' i t i 4.i Ma a a union l;..s :: i. soli.. of i . ift... t,.- I h e cr t .. D- s t , rested a., i .. ... propriate. .Vvuda. or ....-- ,i d oii:iai but is dt-- i i : aiiii.li;, is j. tai ly rrruv. irm- 1. s... hose iauRC-iet. . . - . i i - t v not $200 persons. William Uoue,M. L).t Jam.v WLLE, Wls. trold by A. Luut & Hoa. . Uruggist. i , . - - SALT LAkE ReCLCidu S EMI-- 2.( f 1 1 A 1 i zr After Jun I86 une Is l l he Sal Lake Tri hune will reouce the pi ice of the to 2 00 per y ear. The present high stand"HiviimiMs fur te htoi.ii of ard vvili be aui handling etfort maintained, and the product. , couple rf luljcs east of the and near wili be made to keep the Semi- - Weekly in city, t.ie mouth oi Salt Creek Can) on, is a veritable the front rank. iiiin;;,!.iiii dt pure c ry t ai el gp-u(on Tl: who! Industry of this locality, is one of ;u e tu, I ah, and .si.n. a s to demand the of t v n weaJtf.y nrini ai.! laige atl'i l.-- , On J aemi-Weekl- Rincj Bros, and T, Salomon $ioo.cd each because they sent the most yellow tickets before June 15th. But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than olhef Consumers; so we also paid $1 00.00 each to the two person? ogrocers EEKLy TEIBINE. y 2-- wc.a lamed below : i ia to tiie ;uarry. It let hii g t!ie Jliiu.ii'g e .il uj it.i.'ji.v hipped t.. i ii o s ti:e lacua I t! cl.l.i l eu g the Ul.lpl.t. complete mill fur product, whlrll to the inlofuioun If Troubled Witty Rheumatism Read This. tons UiM oast, As x a pc us, Md., Apr. 10, 1S31. 1 have un;l i liamberlain.s iain llain for rh umatisin and ouod it to be all that is l'i ";:t r, - ca:,ui;i aiu) in nh easMth claimed fur it. I believe it t te the iiboi t i Hit1 nii.e-- , from ruii and la means .f om ot the test preparation for rheumatism and n.oui.u. in -- u.e,ji.if n. j i muscular pains, or, the mar-k-- t alt ji.;tiiui,utoi i.i t.ic Ciii-te- dceo i be brim M and cheerluily recommend if tc me is 'onertil into tab.e. o oublic. Jno. U.Hrcoks, dealer i:i boots t.,al has but lew cjua air) i j.d .!.a m :.i.d io No. IS Alain 1st. jv v s in t m world. The brine is A; vi iiui. sit.i at,i tie supply practical y shoes, etc.. : 3c i , -- , a--- t i eu In ;e,'!iiioii (o the iu at. u aet n red t !;i e ;iu several mines u1 ; i.amc- roeli salt, the of which cannot Lv com: at t. i.n ii, o I i . ALSO READ THIS I x St. Mary County, sold a bottle of Chamoerlams Iain Balm to a man who had been ButterAsa ih d, ;bi.t inir point, recognizes with rheumatism fur several years. bat one stnicnor in Utah. Nplii It is the key to ing mu ti.ei ah. a id with the advantage ot w u It made him a well man. A. J. Alagiil. I! a i'!na at ivn L ing oh! to l lie east and south, For sale at 00 cents per bottle by A. furm-ho- , -i ttjllmi'iijiitsiiuii. ihr point m Lunt&Son, Druggists. I tah lor ihe nt of niannl.u toues v. e I Aid. 1 . Im- d ? j imilst s. ah- ,i TU d a!t j ai tn ii', of NYphi as a ,ce situ-- ' are i.i.ejoe ii Heir irii-n. his nted on :iliii'-- t the highest portion nftliedi i.ii that tun." the the.v of wateis north into Itah lake and south ward into the S ier riv ci lueiice now avd to the Se ier lade tin dead on nty. Its altitude. ;i of M lord r.ielly mu. and juibel iliaUiam in iiuv tnr best ol ianitu.i:! la t. the eon.nl tens are such, that but two cases of diptln ria luie oeenrndin ,ivs anions a iopulat ion d nn.irJ in il.ens ill o liirttt.v wl.d pi oj ressi ve. are ts and avenues of bi ;.e .iuiue trees, eu-- ) euitiir'e', brautitul lawns and eleant iubli iitooein tuiildiliys, n.al.e Nepal a I .are in which life is a real lux ury. , re-i- Chicago, MiiwsuUee ar.dSt- - Paul. tnw n. it!i the geoMany people unanjuainteil West imagine that graphy of the are Chicago. Milwaukee ami M. laul names used ill the ooipurale title of the railway owning the Mimt Line between Chicago and Omaha, they must go via the cities ol' Milwaukee and. Ft. I.rnl to reach their destination if it lie Chicago or east with a mm plete "Vstcm f w at- - tliereuf. It N On a idea. This is a wtiich llow.s Un walii fium ea.-,-t vve- -t and lilif the directly Mime li.rvt map ihe luimmg i.rinx.. jn.rt' tip rio the wr.t aiiut rit ji ilvr-- the would lock like tin.- -. .caii)''; i. oia.tain ran t - low , roiling ami of i ay atTo nidi atioui.din w it ii rn-urao. Omaha Chicago. Iht ea-- u Nebo ranre nmile of mifm, thejat t a few miivs There is nothing more simple than that, abrulilJy rms, to the north thv top of Mt. Nebariseii into the regions of and it is less than ohO miles lx tween Omaha fttTL.ll .llo , !. Without PXULrerut!nn and without eolorin, and Chicago. Two through trains daily in the loroioiirz i a description of tn lovely each direction with the host Sleeping Car city of Neplu. th' (.'ajiital of Juab County in and Dining Car ben ice, and all regular v air!i are found the mines of Tintio, the wonder and admiration of the (treat West. Le-- j travelers know and i:j piniate the meiits ot sides Tillin', the rich mines of b isli Springs, h portion of Deep Creels anti other wealthy and the Chicago, Milwaukee ik Ft. lanl Hail .l in. in; ramps ar? situated in the Western ways iSlioit line let ween the Fart and the pai t ot J nab County. West. of is a pb is business ' , i 1 t Tin-id- J' Mrs. Wm. Funk, Winnemucca, Nevada, 132 tickets. Mrs. L. During, 819 Bryant Street, San Francisco, 72 tickets. . in San Francisco friends Mrs. During got a number of fend near by (one keeps a boardinghouse) to give her tlieir tickets; and she used the tea herself. By the way, she uses Schilling s Best baking powder and extracts too bad she doesnt know how good Schillings Best spices are! But she says the extracts and baking powder are wonderful. A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her customers such ojood tea. Better read our advertisements every day some contain suggestions how to win the prize. By the way, grocers cant compete for the two $150.00 prizes offered for the ; most yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15th and August 31st. can, however, compete for the $ 1000.00 prize. They B4 SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO -- flowers to any grout extent. Those stales in v. l.i li complete or limited woman nd'iei'v lias been i t a ,i die, law are those v. liieli !ui e tile',) !. ly lead in the selection of state1 thnvcr, Colorado has the c rdumhim-- Idalio, l!,e fsyri rigrit-- Montami, the bitter u.r.t, ami tab, the sego lily. The st.at e dower of Xebr: ha is the golden rod, whieh is likewise the state flower of Oregoe. Michigan lias adejiled the elcn t v. a i1 Kansas, ilu Sunflower state. would natnndh, mie might think, adopt the sunflower ax its favorite, but they do Linus different in Kansas, and the ToJiowinp ilireetor,) field daisy is the favorite. The sb.te flower of Minnesota is c. Axi'bi;ws .t co Dealers iu Wtioi, (.rain etc. in flower, Xevv York's p for u stall1 flower 1ms been fur UTAH WOOL (UiOWELS ASSUCfATION, L. If. Dolh, Manager. sever'd ycnis a matter of contention. The rose is tin1 favorite, but on the vote NEPHI HOUSE, Mis. D. Irtdusniaujh,' propr. of t he si ho, el, id cu of hi1 nt at e hold ms iroTDL, fone years ago the preference forsev- - ex Mrs. C. K. i'oote, propr. ral varieties ('f roses Jed to n siilxii-M. MeCTNE, ixion of the vote nmon.y t liese, wit h he Dnkery ami Confectionary. lesuit tiiat, teclmii ally, the golden rod A. LCXT&SOX, haul the majority and was chosen; hut Druisls efforts have been made since to reverse C'OOPIIIL VYVKll CO. this declaration of preference, with the Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and numbers. result that lliere are some who say the EAGLE SALOON, golden rod is the favorileof the Kmpire GOLDEN L uek it ifros. 1rop: s. Dealers iu Wines, slate and others who contend that the I.iu i.ui s etc. is rose entitled to the distinction. The M. r. K( NO, favorite of Xew Jersey is the white Cabir et and OeiV.u Maker. clover. rrnnxylvnniu 1ms never pro- OETLEIt ALLEN, yi :uiu tad i, revs of nounced in favor of any flow er. X. V. and Saddles nea lei s in all kim.a ot hoi ai.d ui n shiiw Sun. goods. mi.-tak- tli'-lai- . i 1 1 ea-v- ; 1 . ' ' 1 i t i v f For mnps, time tables and information generally, (alien ov addtei-- Ahx. Mitchell Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. s Money i i II;,i-r,,,- s f STOUT. Y. M. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Ueimirer of Hoots and Siloes. During t lu century 1') volcanic is- UI1 AS. FOOTE & SON'S Dealers in Cieneral Merchandise. lands have risen out of the sea. The world's agriculture occupies NKPIir COOPERATIVE MEKCANTIL l UTIOX. flu1 attention of men, J. V. lid, Supt. nn.nuo.t tin. and has W. II, FETTEdltEW, an annual product of .1?20.uu(),'iufl,(.H)(). Manulaetiir of and dealer in Harness, Saddles, and supplies, Newfoundland has 47,MK acres in JXO. S FAIXTEH, potatoes, turnips and olhereropx. There iu and Dealer iieueral green tlroeeriCB. are on the island 5, coo horses, ::o,OC0 OUT) BROTHERS ( LOTIIINt it'O, tows, 4i),ooo sheep and Po.ooo pigs. alers in Ulothing aiid Oent's furnishings According'' to an eminent Italian ()st,m:k a oukicy, F:.lel.(rs. hygienic expert, oiieial mede al returns show that iu Italy 2Mi,0",) p, H. H. II.UVIIIXS, Buardinv-housdie every year fi om iafeetiun-- ii a! and Restaurant. from pmentable--r,tahulio- s. i.imt o J. M. C. OSTLER, Fuel and Shoe maker. hem being1 young, the hope .,f f,.; FRANCIS SELES, j Sheep-iMeii'- j s Tiy Eluetrie Hit U is as a runedy for vour troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiaily adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength urn, tone to the organs. If you have Loss of A petite, Constiphtion, llttidache, Faiutir Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless. Excitable. Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells Electri Betters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at all Drug j Stores. - ; The Grandest Remedy Air. R. B. merchant of Chil howie, Ya. certifies that he had consmnp tion, wa given up to die, sought all medical treatment, that money could procure, tried ah cough remedies he could hear of, but no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. Kings New Discovery, and was cured by use of two Dottles. For past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. Kings New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it hasdone so much for him and also others in his community. Dr. Kings New Discovery Jauiee is guaranteed for Coughs Colds and Consumption. It dont fail. Trial Dottles reeaiah Drug Stores. 1 . Loan. Did Vcu Ever .fc j to In ony amount Jrom one hundred to ten thousand dollars. On improved larm property or on water stock. T. C, Wixn. j j e ilies. Ei. mill, re and undertaking. Dwelling'1! are to be herded by elec- XElio SALT MANUEACTUKINO CO. A. Ca.ier, Shpt. tricity in Lewisioo, Me,, power for the current being- lunii-.hi- d Ly a wnui-fcd- l LXCEI.SIOlt MERCANTILE CO., at Turner, on be Ardw re '."Li Dealers in t.eneral Merchandise. W. Fax man. Supt. ihe irojectors say llicv i:,n h power id A;,', per hor.v-p- , ver Ly ike FENTON & CHASE, Flaeksinnhiug. r year, ami h. at a i P,,i .c'vitii EX' iWLKS A-- WEBB, lhree Wheel Wrights. the year nu.i.d, De.d.il sei" c, ns have ; at, ndcl HYDE A WHITMORE, O, neral Merchandise. roees.es f ,r i): dating- I.llse leeth. T: is i nn.r.is'rox, in by A.pt. ;,it. Fieasaut Marble Works. gold f, il I, )' l t item in 1111 I"," OH. lllRti .uonlv teiuu-hie gi! iii yr.p, Dent. st. vroiild be lig.-ito suspect lin'd yrir.d- i I.A. BOOTH, ei'S b , ;,'ai is only j tor.-rn.- STANDS AT THE HEAD tuo. (,( Aug. J. Begot, the lending drugg isto Dr. King's New Discovery is the only tiling that cures my nuigh. and it is the best seller I have. J. F. Campbell, merchant of Sallbrd, A viz., Dr. Kings New Disiovciy is all writes: thatis claimed for it: it never fails, and is a.sure erne for Consumption, (jmighs ;.i Colds. I cannot say e. lough for its meiits.' Dr. King'sNcw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cods is not an expeiimcnt. It has been t lied for a ipiarter of n century? and to day Mauds at the head. It never disappoints Free tkil hottks it all Drug Ftorc; and 'eaiei-- . Shre'eoit. 1 ! : wore a i X bd. Several m elieaii.n i ave been ; a'le frr j ate ' for sell i.: ,;.e tm - dhe Iront feci!-of uu:rxe.--d- i des mist. J)- , ' F. r k in tu-ne- al and liririi laieei bc-ir- drilled to rcrrb.e the p'-'- of ns. the trains on tin railway. rnnadur b -lween i.Mulc.n and eeiupri passe myrr curs which were built ::: roy. N. The entrances arc at .he ends, and they are lighted by electricity.. The varieties of climate in (iroeoa are amazing. Sir William Cell, while traveling through the Moreain March, said that he found summer in spring-- in Laconia and winter in d Arcadia, without beyond a radius of 50 miles. Soath-'a-Ur- IList-tg-s- rediters. , 1 Mes-seni- having-move- Nolic to n a, La., savs: Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and envariahle reliable are the quantities Noti is of One AlmuteCoughCure. It never fails JStatr f Klnirr Talor, AtluunNtra- - ic colds, croup and lung troubler. Chilhfivbv triM'n by tu of of th to estate lor Ehmr lUveasud, 4r dren like it because it is pleasaDt to take Taj tlu oivd jt ors of. ami all persons Imving1 rldims and.it helps tnem. A. Lunt & Sons. against the said deceased, to exhibit them with g the neeessary vmhers, within ten mouths gasCTwagaanaunauaic ufter the bust publication of this notice, to the ATTANTED-SEVERFAITHFUL MEN, said administrator at his office, in the First M or women to travel for responsible es National Hank of Nephi, Nephi City, Juab in ablisbeil ijfTN), house Utah. peyabiev Salary County, Utah. 15 w eekly and expencesi PoMtien perraauewt, 0. S.TrsoEr Enclose stamped Administrator of the Estate of Elmer Taylor, Reference. Deoensed. nvlope. The National, Star Ruildiny.Ciliie-- State ok UtAii. County of Juab, i ?sS iiuiiwiB 0 i, Utah, Ft by, 0, tefT. YEAR in Advance. ) AL Dwtiid PER 45-1- 41 1 Patronize Your Own Paper. , |