OCR Text |
Show Po'i.trj Nct:3. J. Bryans tlon.'V. Ml of Zmv. J. isr'jun . II w., f, e, i 1. We Itaveml!ei'! that iiolm-mes- s 1 t! at , i' is without it? trout .no L the poultry exiyptiun fcul lb-ea- li- :: 1 ;v se Lover around Loan- - w !! - coiib.a -- c....... : TT 0 7 r-- rnor bhop in . I? A The only gK,B i tl'liin w Ub jrl c . . 7 iV u-r as f .i,. I tn i 1 ba.-i,K- to tlu rule, -- i I XEILSOX Gooft a . Prl, i ,..e .ji lciere-Te- J a, 3 Courtious Treatment Guaranteed to all. -- J.Irtin Ot. T - It is t!itn;ere Im- -t r C.i f r.u--- r to t iLetnerj c ACLma r 3 it thing philosophically. r.nii b ft an nonncM hl in u : Jrv f 01e.!,(' Iff ill ! 1..UH1 Ivjf u, r.l to OOiv t .il ij a. Urn rtt m or rt,ih!i s lo f Jrt Xrfjti't ii 1 tfniartu'lrot iy i. scuofh.outaJij, wlf ta :,! ; with ou.ml hi,,g erj Addrevs W. R. rV,A CV:M V. PtAHiher lc6fbufi LU.U.JlAwO of hw e- - th it h i e t him ticker . much work v a.fch ooeti ution for the p -- . Iloier, At j J. K Li A. "u.tLi u. efi.' X fl- m. I'utor, t FOR FOR rJ ojjlii Sunday School vK 9 o'cl("U it KrUi.tr erM.us buti.lav ' , 1 r mulcrm. -- va-t- . Xt-phi- oner. A Great nTagT VKiu' Barber Firl-Chi-- s - 1 SPERRY & L--i I Tile legular subs ripti. n ji i e of "Demorests Magazine, Jumj. 's tibrjrv. and f uany P.cturts is ",3 30. V D. t OrriCE. S.PjST ( m m . m Arrival and m List of Unlcslmed . he time (ij lh e:r li - tonic il hie are vhen hoth r.a near to in. rhe-h.-may he a i r in o lo-- e eon- g good thing to in tact vith lice, ami mat i..-ul. 1 Letters. unhiimed letters remaining in WpLi post office May 1st. 1S97 is as TheofclL-- t t J In a so, Mr. S. E. Toloy, Aiuval. to ami out From 1' rum all James E. Evans, poiiio iiorui mrUi'lintr a, - oi u an T aiU'1 If the above letters sre not called for in From thf mrt:i aial noutti tO lavs--, will bo sect to the let- - tali V H .Or 11 i . a 1 v -i ( -i an i au-l- s , . 'i .1 : i' i i- ami fashion and lil-- I m. ,a l.u t. no punia-a- t mil ti-- i 'n.l-iw it i it. nuu-be- r v'l'JUlls Everj a pleas i laiipare - - ina-'-i'- 1 " 6.43 J ea-- y It a; :i t'i tliei e dead they .. and Laid ter office, now to get ike r, a Vt.ih. 10.45 li. F. McCune, P. M. For San t aral ou at-- j il to e lei ininate tii t or ail potaton mn ta laolutlMv aO-r-.... 3 15f f u ;tni Eiiilit Mo!" 5 4uL than nv For all jHiiat' :ioi t i aud tempi to do il itki i a Ol FI E HOI U. g UsOef'dast. h, ; du-- t m,ik-n- ' VOLUNTEER:' J VOLUNTEER!! l plury, money otlt r jwtrv ai the lien do t r v,,iiL. dhow. 11 he mtl dv ojioii from 9 a in. to 5 p in. srvn onL too pi id I.. ;i lia-In.h, il idoliNpr NY A NTE! aii1 t.uup window opon 72 lie:-v(ioio! kiPiox c n w . k flhiin Jm. to k,i which is viuntei;k p, ur. 1 w tiiose -- i ii- i u-- I ast- - - Cj.o-im- ! 3fai0rc.0t 5?ublwhing (tlb, i- -e For .'! r.-ie- (renf-r.i- e , n Iiirn me,; i.ifiti ; of- , i i ml gs l.o: - in : uimoTAKH ii i; ..-- I . '! PVK r Isa Hi II. l ik-D- Kit rilt Vix JjoNI i ... si's F.uia'y semi Dmnor. fur one ear t Piet, n ,s per j laaiue, Jul'cs Library la maz M obt-r- . o-- Ji Mt r M. P- Mo Shkt) i.itMlts(I to make Uiis fenturo of X4 Pivsnl it Vi, if P.t'.maa oil the c( ory attra live, ami as Wm, r and Ja is W. Iaxat ir .i pniMo to nijuotlure tlio original X Cb.ii 'a Pi met tram, with r:w-e- d 'J d J t n nieu and Inns, women and children n it!, Fni.,.ua. - il - bon t s, and ealieo ilrest'es, old'Jii.m s hide wr.iped toinrues, wafer I ,iinh, raw '" r eho Ui ill- s, biri'is, "ha H Warner mat 'Ill'll le, mis of horses, mines, oxen .Vui l.i Kn- -t Parses ,T. 11. anil on s, ill ll'b d list and all. Se,',, ml nv in Mai (iestrini' to .volunteer to Welliimmn Il'ACI.E AND fce KitM. Ull CTAiil this the p rentes colchration Make lit at t'l miihI IV li" , m in t!ie history of the iist, tull repent at 2 Siti i. ni'f) m. 's.O.ata s mi -m t n held s in m Y. I,. M. I. Asvirutimi miaiiii writing or in person to, e nm,7 ami the il t .Mil eeiv Vi an,'- r. Spkm vsm, in tli Srt'ond Tut su.u ( di'iiriuau, Semi-- ( 'enu rmial Coinmission 12 HU.'tid.y at do clock Iii iiar' liit't No. leu Broadway, p. in Ii a N. E. City, Utah. Iei'sU iii'eii- - lust Sa'.iiru I'.ov IM, Ki . Poti-office- OX i State 1 - I l.are-lonte- d 7 1 -.. .o-- i- - try-jian- 1'- - Wo Sell Them. s, What! ! 1,1 I 111 1, 'll 1' 1.1 im-- , e -- 1 i it w i i Schcol L nd Notice, 3 LONG TIME v. vr . SuikKi mi i"'-- 1 lloi'iat at v , ii1 diiOstia i ),a . i in a nd vt tt m I. Ul. It T P;yr?nfQ .VI Wj U. Easy p. i. t". 'i Att 10 li r sen it ts, m. ip lTavi i.u hona hd( ft or ficiM' t a k h sfiuHl snuuil ;uil s a lid it on yjiuulay ,l Nt I, act ia sol Him s or croi' 'd .iiiiuid' e 0. ilitM, m lui' tilt i.d.t to jiuidtidst tup land t li.iu- In1 ii in" ( o. ru ' ''.iti;, at (I jx'it ,it Elosale at p.l t 'din tbou 'py otuoi"t, 'ulpi u u itu Him Ru.ud r.l wtUi tipito Maor; itus ,, 1! ' .1 ul 7. .Juhn K. iu 11, riiiv.io to m Mo t iu n aprior ( miiM .1 jh n . J s, P, Y' i J t 4, i ho., t ni Lunt. n t t'i ' r the ol.ti n will roult iu a Martin i..tr .on, John EJ m i o't it ur- - of t t r ri t to sti pmvh i .t. Vcoi 'pr o.l.i ( .oh1 "ton mi i o m ot sti iol fioLrt f i m MaiMnNi; dis. oi' at pi in a to - lo t bo - ho old ,osf no timt livasiir!: n'v.t .ylal.i.i Wm. ii .Tuspfv; in m' 'Uii1, r t " r iipp.u a1011, to tu oil on 'L av 'K SY i ot r y , ON. ( u rionu : 'A ui Mn m psi otiot .. ''n'lii oi imi ( ti "fl L..u.y supt. U hlu'WiuL; S.it Liidl a.,, i't ,li, M.ij ti,l Nil m t i.i it 1 laXl j,. ni Prt:liytn..i:k k - y 7 i . i each nionlli at - vi'vk.ei, i 1.1 i. 1 -- n .i i f.'am J7. 1 i'j P 1 JR II i; -- i g ' ' l F, HO Fifth Avenue, New York. I 1 - , 'l J 1 , '1, (Mi . f UK (' LT li e g b 0) pi,. ! and liy b'.!1 out. . ui i ui lftnni (''tlbidi .mil a-- t O 9 , , .1 i ' 'rices and term 1 1 4 to suit, every oue. t i ' I I . . v . 11 V 1 . il i nI Vft cf Tem'oio I . j s. iiam, 0550 'Ticip Ji.Oj C Wf I I Notice tor Publication. .and ('ll, .'eat Salt Like Cite, Ulah, Easily Prepared If You Only Know IIow I v - -- n 1, il aV Ij vn u. . K. A Ion ;m " ' 1.' ( ' -- , i i , 111 l 1, , ,1 1, v ( ( i l H -, 111 it-- I in-il- i oh-sen- , ' m-- v 1 1 e t'l 'Ft 'A! ic j:. 1 , 1 oilatt.. Aih.U 't Tl'. Attol IMV M.pt. of IuL Jul;rs Jiuljo FT ft It tUK.vini Got rl It a t ! . A3'1 & ire J. A. Minoi ..K. V. la V I.Ori'-Mt- . Ai 1 .1 .WAV table-spovinfu- - 1 1 illiiilt'i d THE J The Fini'a l 1 iL-i- v -- two-third- SS S) ? . ,1 li 1 1 1 U fi ' v . 1 j L f j I 3 yo un '77 b ttLD CF? l 3 fea SLJ kr f" tEa 3 1 ?T ciilXiT L fiisZsi Cj TY, LTAH VsZL.vrL. TTT'ILT Cigars in XejiLi. falsls vlhLiL. 1 1 iuOht complete Lines zf Liquors and n k r I 1 W ' ' p I rv - M Ci STORE, LIQUOR ft - L Le :U . ! 'A jI 7 ( dhort ('an Br. mi Frank Harris lii'-- s CITY oilice. imJ I T . gi r FW I't, '?t Mrt, (I, JinLri.il In uiuttor, V)Oit!(i 1) Jinn .lt ml ILLitT'Mr Land OILv ollnLand Bociitr ' L Ij-- v. i U i i ' t a c; Jii.in IL ( .' of Sr p vhavof C uu - r t Y" Vt If !'!. ( .ii; iu . - 1 M 1mm Jai,i'T J.tiii . Mor .ail ' J . il i iaj ' !I IptviT'htr fiTpt.ir Ti,i.!''Uvit at this J Cd'diou Fran1- Sou.itors DoL'ate to C'oiirrrt S , v LAKE CITY. For particulars call on W. L. Roe Directory. to Proceed. Mu go. '7. f 7m is herein- mvi-nl(,t t'ie Uillmvintr. There are seteral species of rolled i! tl!' i' tia - t il noli e v,f his intent en ri, calves "uliieh n quire .special trealment "l.ii v tailil ili.it 'll ,,, 1, ml t'.i.t .ml I'i'eef wilt si1i1( I." l'nete bi fore .Inel The host hnown of tlumo are the rolh'd I . n n of (1 lei ir unit I t,i! Il N. sponge cakes, v hieh are nsu illy spread .liinv It. I t la'll,N on 's.i;, ,,, o. IU r. for tin. y , s,y Ii, xitli jelly, custard, soft chocolate or aeeme-a - n n;isi. " W W s, 1, See T. In S. K. W. some lillings rolled up while vaim. He names tlie tn',1 ivv in ; wane--,to .nne s eol nous ieAi1, nee nj ell mill oil and when cooled cut off in slices from nt smll.iml.M.': Vv'i i.i m ( ,. l',v per, o( ,uth, the end. The-- e cakes are y pren n b On. tali, and so! email ,, o en H'l', Sisson A. ( nase, of Svnlii, ,Iual Co pared, although the ainuti ur is often unloll. UeN lv) live 1,00, ister. successful because of her failure to two or three simple things nect to success. Peat lie yolks of four eggs w ith 1w a eupof pow dered sugar. This 1 so THE portion of the work can lie done effec,'d hlO'g j w it M ii a r atvnt 'l because i all ; beater, Cn'NrM tually A ft) Jl ' 1 that is neees are is a igorous st ii ring. ; k'l : tl.S ; UCiltj'Oj y'k Heat the vihites of four egg i to a stiii' ' r k4 O r , fiotli Xvith an tpg xhip, add a RAILWAY! of lemon jideo tvi la- oil. . a ii , sugar. Stir it in. Jdd in llie b atv n , mmmI , . "e.f n . i ! 7 Mliites of the eggs, lu ing careful not to .stir or a oil would break down the .. n s 1 if. whites. Hilt, 9 of a cup of r 7 V1 I.' esiiMSfA 0I STi u pastry Hour wiih half a teapoonl'id of z c. ke' ve ,4 7li I;I, . tivsI 't ni ijl t j baking jHiwder twice, then sift it into he oilier ingredients. Miv it in carefully with an egg whip. Spread tin Chcicp cf Thrco Rcutcs. cake batter eienly on a Hat biscuit tin and bake it la niimitv s. Take it out TH AN of the men and spread it w Idle warm i Gi H ).x J v 'J iivw.w with jelly. The edge.-- of 11 e i ahe are lL j be tv) ofT and cm these trim ap hard; dry I'!::: evenly. He "in ro'i'rg a little fun.iy at tir'd and combine until lie' roll i; r'k-Re t p e I,,. T.M 1 it ji 1 i . ; ionred. Ikn il in e u, quiet f n in in a i.'J t vljt j b- napkin or a st ip of eh an cot ton, w lien it wdldoi in place. Cut off sbees half :m inch 'iiiei, id or ernli-api. Win n tile eik li.-- SALT State Officers and Juab County No. 3313. ROLLED CAKES. and Salt Lake Leer UL cn tt hut .i M' iilj; 'J-- l rff? a' S- -- : !' I-- 1 " 'iTtfL TphTP vx, , tii Courteous treatment to all. 1 xvontr . li Use ;; vet! S0.1I, n t ' till' e t.11 leg 0 o r J.' --r hour .. A a:, o'.i'i'g cups of powd tw o (m nees o' er t '10 fte v, ii two tat of vnkr, ;n d stir it w it Ii the ot ht r i re. it'll ts uni d a mho, it b past is 'm p: si S;r. ul it on tlie cake mid roll it no re, pal ly. This vale is t ry ice witn a lioded ieg in wloeh a enp i r gratevl eoeonnut tins been stirred. J i'lior tins cake w it h 01 an. extract. N. V. Tritmne. 1w : i 1 v h r 'uoi. - :;ai: - n- . 1 Wool Growers Building. THE HE IV WEEKLY ROCKY r r i t I'Url LEADS rihfinjf a famous exeiisf, and Bad is the rei-ii- DKG FAS E your ilively Cvnim's'c-1. to l .j f r Ariie f-- p Li 'ii PA iii M L il r55'l of colds rrul ) sadden climatic change's. for we n n u j1 S ien l'roteet sunn tins t ihit . r I '."'C.V' F tfg J i reti'nly ilms ret conn n f mercury or acy other on lUryelos, is liocomincf In Sp.in hull popular. Xot tong ago Carlos LOCAL fFr.Vl.y rmnna fl.Ot) Per Year in Advance, LEADS the Viver forces cf America. LEAPS in ?I n.n? an U'.ntnE Stock LEADS in r r cut! rep trtments. LEADS vi''V'Cop'nj Cvilji'avlos wrnjer.'dl r'.i nr. ts. LEADS t bvsir.ccn, E.ig'Mncsj, Cnncprc' ;v A ATf A u L"s p'-- ;NEPITj. IK.STER, COI.O. Ti.nr,.VT n Fm il Ll V's i 1 MAIN STREET ALOUNTiTt-- l 4. i 1 ' ' L' i Pi ' : i. . '..! .tr a . V- - ri'di'vj po, ?, Senor Hail it a a famous picador, mounted cm ejclo.0, tackled a bull in the arena in Madrid. The bull won in a canter. Chicago Tribune. Ely's Cresn f Etta L is ackuowlciiged to bo the most thoronsh cure for l atsrrh. Cold in Ilrad and Hay fern cl fill romedie. It opens and cioTnses the nasal passies, ailnys tuin and intlainniatton, heals the sores, protects tlio niembrano from colds, restores tha senses ef taste amt smell. lrlce fiOc. st I)mg gist or by mall. KLY HHOTUKHit, o Wsrreii Blroet, Kew Toft Nal A , - i na a:?" t a ' 'i . - " ta .I k. - t, Ji V t ai V A ;Nv " V J ' V JI f, o o o . P b . v - S' - ot t '4 4, - 'iV T i ) e 7 U t: Pave r urr CurL 'i 11 ' ' r : . - F A A A -- oh A f ;- ! f, 'I .ctioaivoj :; : - - - vw ,iviL-i- . b r V.4 lLo - ' r; e"'R t ' sm r. Lcrs v Vj ir woorwcit:, w nr.ct Ssicf V LA a i vtiM l!:e tc c Tv , 1 the Tsafcrs V.ortJd T r ro k fiv t -n- t:csi zzzcr.iz 'l-t'- A J !"" ,r c?LTe'J S54 A.l ft cr'TJ j ' W y Elcz! Attach ii t:;e market. e crc net rcpreser.tel. Lerf-!-- , t i V H V v :v" ' Y - 3 Colon to. i v y M' I isue, alalres, r'n'-r- . ' t A ny r- c, t t'tp rrt,'C"'r v of p p, r ' 'X k i Eu j; 'diwo !of,i 0 a et r"K is t Great flA n 5 - '1 f ' ( ( to A cents. Tei n.s ) pju, s s r- :011s c!ru,:. Is Opposite the Office J. R. Edghill Prop. - 1 , e p tl tm e o'p n. in earieoturo and of fun. ti'ied w a i meni'.i JUD6ES Llr AUY' lbut irs are tue b st vf Ameuea i wits and lllus-trairep,, o v. it i w it ami humor. Its a laiieTh in pvti"v lint of it. t'FUNNY PICTURES'' is ant)ajr liumorow inoiitl.l Ail Tbit- - in ii'sk raagr.izius art hcUnNomfly yutt.n up. You should uiiss tins chmive to seen i i, m. ;t f -a Jlr. Arthur Willis, L ami , v. I DEV.OO ESTS M XO 7!N E is K farf'.-l- i ' i i w t, vni r i .'V n i;ih 1, pi n ul a ml I v t ,ii r, are - t ! in! y pres, ;,t.- a- - ei I), nim at Malls in Nephi .Post Odin. -- f'j;lows clcjir.T Ill send all three to you for one year tor $2 00, or 0 months tor $1 00n puMi-'tlereis noil' o fie.'v VVe ) Ser.-x J .er gup baaikk! N vtM 'i'Tiv'v'i kaif-ies- e i VvVl V ? ? vVV t vb '! eiEviiAMD, c;::o. cetaicnae. V T VV if CC5C CSSC |