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Show not guilty School BUT MUST HANG exist-tenc- Wa-gonC- Respectfully, RED TAG PLYMOUTH TWINE. ger. May Cth, 1397. ZEE WHITTAKER, Sol agentsfor Nephi and vicinity, located twodoors north on Main S. r. The maeting of citizens for the purpose of nominating a eohool trustee for for the eneuing three was held at the centra years school last evening. Mrs. Grace called the meeting to order ly asking the secretary to read the call. After which W. L. Roe moved that Judge Foote occupy the chair which, was carried unanumously. Thos. Ord moved that W. L. Roe act as secretary which was carried. Thofl. Ord moved that Chas. Grace be nominated for the ensuing three years which was carried without a dissenting voice. The meeting then adjourned. It seems strange that the people of Nephi have not sensed their duties enough to gat out and attend a meeting of such vital indifference importance. Such only tend to lower a town instead of elevate it. Horn in Renssellar County, New. York State, in early part of this century emigrating with a part of iny family to Ramsev countv, Dinnesota, in l90, I have lived contiBueuBly on a farm and as my friends siy a useful life am well known in every civilized (and uncivilized) country in the world a majority (if American farmers are my intimate friends. My associate in crime (?) cams into e about same time as myself and bears equally as favorable a record is it not a pity that innocence shall suffer through guilty misrepresentation yet vve cheerfully go to our doom, and grant you permission to hang this card on the wall, that those who run may read and know that Walter A. Wood Mowers, Reapers, Minnie Binders and Itakes together with Champion Binders, Moweas. Reapers, Self Rakes and Droppers still exist and that these manufactories turn out more machines annually than all others that you can always obtain extra parts for same, and further that no machine has a better record so buy a Cnampion or Wood and be content p agencies in every town in Utah and Idaho. Address general office, Salt Lake City, Geo. T. Odell, General ManaCo-o- Meeting. JUBILEE RATES. V. Ry. track street. To Salt Lake City July 897. Following speoial rates to Salt Lake Through Service. Tta Benver & lilt Branli The through car service to Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis RAILROAD CO. and other eastern cities, via the Union unexcelled Pacific and connections, is by any other line. Scenic Line of the World.' M The equipment consists Pullman and ToarUt Sleepers, Chair Cars, Dining Cars, Only Line having two Lles of Rallw ay Baffst, Library and Smoking Cars. between Grand Junction and Denver. For tickets, time tatles and other Tickets good via eithei line. Two call on your nearest agent or address Daily Express Trains to Glenwood E, L. Lomax, Springs, Leadville, Cripple Creek, Gen. Prss. and Tkt. Aat. Oar aha Neb. Pueblo, Colorado Sprinps, Denver, and all points Bast, Notice cf Forfeiture. To Ernest Rosburg and the Dram Mountain or Mining Co., there heirs, administrators inassigns and to all other persons claiming terest therein. You are hereby notified that we hare ex pended ($100 10) Four hundred dollars in labor aud improvements upon the Rattler group of lode mining claims situated in Detroit mining the district Juab County, Utah, in order to hold1896. same for the year ending December 31st, Your proportion of expenditures being ($110) One hundred and ten dollars, and if within this notice bv publication, ninety davs after to contribute jrour portion of yon fail or refuse with costs of such expenditure as in said Group of lode interest advertising, your mining claimea will become the property of the undersigned under section 2324 ot the revised statues of the United States. Jonn S- Jacobs, Alxrkh Mikesei.t., Detroit Mining District, Juab County, Utah, 1897. April 2rd, First Publication April 10, 180. . Wanted fin Idea Protect your Ideas; they maySc bring you wealth CO., Patent AttorWrite JOHN WKDDKBBCRN D. C., for their l,8u() prixe offer ney. Washington, and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. City and IMxn. fl.60 Mena 00 Nepal Juab Leamington 2.50 a. 75 3.00 Oasis 3.50 Black Rock 4.00 Milford 4.00 Frisco 4.50 Beliing dates July 19 to 23 Inclusive final limit July 26 1897. All tickets passage. T Garfield or Saltalr Beaches 25cts. added to above rates. E. D. Wickins, Agt. con-tlnno- Prospectors' U7. EFFECTIVE JUNE I, du Jf. c ieavea Ogde At 6:45 A. a. aa. Arl at eke 7.111 Toe hid 5(50 a. m : CelBWU tllp.m; :!3e. m Daaw. a Ho 4eyee ogdan at 6i35 p. atGlanwOOd Aiatx return. Santiquin Starr Map of Utah. ; Balt Bprings m The Pasenger Department of the Rio Iflllfll Grand Western Railway has just isiuvd an all w: Bat map showing mining Snrtega distriets of record, together with an out-lio- e Oaiarado P-sketch of tke older districts, and U o.e-- . Denvtr 2 p. . armies calling special attention to several parColW4o at enaectiene tially developed regions which recently end Denver with all lineal aaet have shewn important uncovering of ckW aeaeke. ttdAy on an traiaa. Take (A e n. . a. gold and coppsr, notice of prospectors, inventors and others. ra a comfortable trty aaA tJoy tta For copies of this valaable maD address CMtilAi lli CWoUdo' A. Wadleigh, G. P. A., Salt Lake F. kortest hue to OTifdU Greek, 2 No. Salt leaving at geld camp. Train City. Creek 7 :40 at a. arrive Ofipple ka at ft morning at 8:50. . a. coma. F. VraB Meaafxr, . 2eevCIW- peeve r, Cote. b. itofWBiA r. mt&b, v- - Faee AgX. SlHnl Apart, There will be a meeting of sheep men of this county to be held in the Justices conrt room, Tuesday afternoon, July 6, Personal. The gentleman whoannoyed at 3 oclock. The object is to oonstder the the congregation last Sunday by contin- proposed oonAty lioease tax aad to send to meeting of wool growers to ually coughing will find instant arelief by delegates speedy be held in Salt Lake City, July 17. It is Cure, using One Minute Cough and harmless remedy for throat and lungs expected that all sheep men will be in attendance. troubles, A. Lunt&Sons. lt'a; te k4 a4 IM ten s9. " Notice. Signed, E. R. Booth. Notice to Creditors. Stats VJE ARE HOT BIG BLOUJERS ) ov Utah, County of Juab, (" Estate of David Webb, Deceased Notiae Is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of David Webb deceased, to the creditors of and all person having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at the of the undersigned at the City oNephi, Bounty of Juab, State of Utah. Thomas WEbr, Administrator of the Estate of David Webb deceased. Dated at Nephi, Utah, May 24, 1897. Wm. A. C, Bryan, Atty. for Administrator. e Hsrt 62-- But For the Finest Goods at the Lowest Prices Come to Us. There Is Nothing Bo 6ood There is nothing just tts good as Dr King New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs anp Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make mor profit he may claim something else fl be just as good. Youwant Dr. Kings New Discovery because you know it to be soft and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Ob Ids, Consumption and all affections of Throat. Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. Kings New Discovery. Trod bottle freest all Drugstore and Dealers. Regular sizes 90 cents and $1.00. When a cold is contracted, cure it a once, one MinuteCough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup forms of lung andthroat troubles. and Lunt ASons. 11 HOW TO GET RICH. Ghas Foots and Sons, NEPHI CITY- - UMn $21 will ears you $7 weakly, with our plan of investment you cannot lose. Two men made $500 sod $650 last month on $25. You can do likewise. If you dont Invest, and keep your money in your pocket, you will be poer nil your life. Try u with 125 and see what w can do. Absolutely no risk. Writ for particulars to Gnaraite Offices Angle, Brokerage Co. and 215 Burns Building, California, 212 Carrias a very pretty and select line of summer Dress Goods that, while show and shoddy are attracting the multitude, will eot fail to suit the finer taste Los LAWNS, CLOTHS, DIMITES GRENADINES, PERCALES, CHALLIES, Et., of the very latest designs. We have also just opened a large order of good and fancy crockery, glass and tin- ware, convenience and beauty characteri- zing the whole line. our Mono is GOOD GOODS, SMALL PROFIT AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT. And Value Guaranteed at the |