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Show Tbs EopuMb, Nephi, Utih, Saturday, Oct. 17. Awarded float have to frog if j on doit want A. Lain A S jii. Go to T. C. for f oysters ar.d bananas. ti jest la town . E. Phiietus D.ehl of the Eureka Democrat, was, a visitor lo ih.s olbce this week. Sweet BoUtces anl celery at T. E. Foote's The Bowery, All kinds of merchandise from a pin to s parlor suit cau be fenud at the ExcelYou -d- & f- V u. jk A Jfc. Uu to. FyAIL IrNDivclcr TTYfi f - . 1 its -r's ro z2 c I?' S" THE CITY High; st Honors Worlds Fair. oa e-- sior, GEEATJ If you are indisposed nothing will rejuvenate your condition better than a drink at J. R. EJghellls. Leave orders for coal with the pleasant Ladies do not fail to call and see our Hyde .( Whitmore Co. or Geo. New Dress Good . They will do your eyes be It inti, which trill proinjitly gaod. Hyde & Whitmore Co. fulled. We promised the people a treat. They gat it; because we live up to oar promises. Excelsiir. TOWN TALK. All the latest styles in drest g iods a', MOST PERFECT MADE. jnces never before equaled in Nepal at Free A pure Gr:qe Cream of Tartar Powder. Chas. Andrews went to Sanpete Friday. Chas. Foote & Sons, c'bar Alurr rr u?:i fryn If AniTcr.ia, uses see is want to It our opinion that Bryan you somslhlng beautiful, Frog call aud see the new single diess patterns In Your Throat. A. Lunt & Son. 041 tS; & at Whitmore Co. Hyde For that tired feeling wear Ord Wheat 42 cts. per bushel. Highest cash Bros, shirts. Ano her large shipment of underwear for lucern seed. For particuprice D WITTS LITTLB IAB.LY RiSEES. lars givento Zee just received at the Exci lsior, which will Whitaker, Nepal. apply The famous little pills. go the cheapest of all. For elegant dress goods at lowest prices Go to the Mutual I u provament meetHenry Adams returned home Tuesday, the Excelsior beats them all. They are ing. They are a source of edification and the only merchants. from a trip to Salt Lake. will prove of inealeuiaole benefit to all Sorensen Mr. Fred and Robert Pyper f A big line of ducking returned from a duck teo ie are always hunting excursion The Excelsior Coats very cheap at Ord Bros. The addition of furniture to their the other day. Fred was all smiles when stock show they want to pluse their cusAim le Teasdale went North on Wed- he returned. nesday's train. Elder William P. Ostler left Nephl tomers. It is rumored that Miss Katis Grover For fit, fashion and finish In clothing Thursday for his mission to Englao s and Miss Bail'v wid soon commence a He was around bidding good bye to end bedrock prices go to the Excelsior. friends previous to bis departure. Kindergarten c ass in Nephi. s fine Milwaukee grained No one can equal the selection of IN Let your he ir d potiiicil discussions be Leavy shoes only f 1.65 at Ord Bros. Goods, Silks and Trimmings, just in interspersed v h reason and logic, not Court will sit on the 19th inst. A great New York, at Hyde & Whitmore '. abuBeand vili.. alion. Sheep-me- n should take notice t i we Xhany cases will come up tor bearing. . to now a of have .ear. splendid supply Andrews & Co. are busy shipping hides, Boys Shirts, worth 43o. and 50s, for No 1 Felt and over just in. Evei sting 15c. and 20c. Hyde ft Whitmore Co. skins, grain and lucern seed nailed shoes for the Desert. Go it Charlie theres nothing like rustOne of the finest lines of millinery, also We are In receipt of ani ely printed ling. fine line of ribbons at Miss Morgans. work on fne Tariff In the Days of in Your Throat is a merry lozeng Henry Clay and Since by Major W illiarn forTrog The Exeelsiort afiection8. You should always all McKinley. be read. a box od oand as jcu will need it keep wife Mr. Uyrum Carters presented sooner or later, a. Lunt A Son. Attorney T. L. Foote has been holding him with a fine boy Friday. Mother and balloting classes in Lsvan and Mona. child are doing well and the father will Nephi W. S hofield came to town If yon want any Job printing done recover. Thursday af,er a two weeks sojourn at come to us. What is the use of coming home wet the sheep camr. No 'hi looks flue and well; an indication tint mountain air when yot can get a coat that will turn is Judge Higgins and wife arrived in hi the water, good for the body anyhow. lot such a small sum of money riday night. at Ord Bros. We have just received a large stock of For Bale House and lot.. Apply to Hall, s Hair Renswer cures dandruff ladies and rhil Irens unJrwenr from T. L. Foote, Nephi. and scalp affections; also all cases of the Cache Knitting Mills, which we baldness where the glands wh.ch feed guarantee to sx"el m quality auything Try our Security School Shoes they the roots of the hair are not closed up. ever brought t Nephi f )f the prices have no equal. Chas. Foote & Sons. Chas Foote & Sous can we Sam How best fool oil tint Politics from now till election will, bear we fix C. Andrews him? Co. have while received a ear we have no doubt, be excedingly hot. Jim Just giva him enough sugar anl of the best refined Sulphurjustthat they wit .Dont lock at the Excelsiors add on weJl have 1m in our rap ail uosuspen-ing- . sell at the lowest market price. Sheep page 4. ' men should see it before buyina there The Rev. Dr. Iliff of Salt Lake City Ihe wife of our fellow townsman, Amos Sulphur. Was seen on the streets of Nepbi Friday. Allen is convaleseticing rapidly and the Mont Whit rore end Eddi McCune cot lady we hope will soon oe fuliy recovered Shoes will still sell cheap at the Excel- to n Mr. H. M. McCune and be around among her friends. up a surpri-sior. wife on i riday night. A good old time We have been very careful in selecting Atas tn result, li you dont believe it Attorney T. L. Foote and Wml Barton our Dress Goods this tail, and have secur- ask Mont. went out to Levan Thursday afternoon. ed an elegant line of single dress patterns, With two sina'i oh ill re a subject to with all kinds of trimmings and buttons C. L. Hyde arrived from Newlands Linto match. No two alike. Hyde and crouo we do n t without a botcoln County, Nevada, Friday morning. tle of I h im borin' n a Cough U meriy in Whitmore Co. Did you see the elegant line of furnisevere attacks T. C. Winn, Win. Bailev, John Kiqnko the h ase, for t - m ture at Eiclsior? II not call and see it. and Peter Tbygerson, candidates on the quickiy succumb to a tew doses of it. Morrison, Colo., Bid. For sale at 25 Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Call of Republican Independent Republican 50 Ithaca, New York, a son; all are doing ticket were stamping m Eureka this and cents per bottle by A. Lunt & Son Druggists. week. wel . Mr. John Blackett showed in his If Troubled iVilit niicrmatlrm Read This. If you want the latest hat out go to Ord old haunts, alter a six monthsupabsence, Akot polls, Mi,. Bros. Thu fi neat assortment in town at this week. He has bee l in the mountApr. 10, 1S91.I haveu-'-n Pain Bain for the lowr.--t pi ices. ains on a surveying expedition durin; rh uimiiiH o ;,r.inb oui l.isii.e l u to be nil that is Wait until next week and sea the fin- that time. claimed lorn, I believe ii to be the est line of clothing ever shown in Nephl, Many lives of usefulness have doen cut best prep turn tor moy mutism and short by neglect to break up an ordinary dceo at very low prices, Ord Bros. muscular pains on the mar-k- t cold. even bronchuis and and Pneumonia, cheer'ull, recommend if to the The very late;t novelties in mens cau be averted by the public. Jvs u. Biff. i t boots Shirts nd Neckwear at less than Salt consumption 'is, use of Oas 7 Minute prompt Cough Cur;1 etc, S ., i j Man Sf hoes, Lake prices at Chas. Fpote & Sous. A. Lunt & Son. AT, 3 UiAC T.ns We hav- - some rare bargains in dresB Chas. Andrew s & Co. Slipped fifteen S.. Mary County, Meptianiosyille, goods for j ou next week at Chas, Fo'ite or loads or w heal, weighing in the ag- - Md. I sold a bntle of Coa.nherlains & Sons. and Pain Balm to a m in who had oe 'n sufferone The Y. L. M. 1. A, has been going ail carload of hides to Boston ing with rheumatism for years. can not the young men It made hitu a we!! m:u. A. J. Magili, Bummer; why follow their example. Mr, Alfred Gadd w th 'a to ana ounce to cent r; :r bottle py 4j the public that he has all kiuds of veget- Lant & All those still bolding silver coupons ables Sjn, Druggists, for as such sale; carrots, beets, can get them redeemed now in silverware. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says squash, onions, tomatoes, etc. Give Hyde & Whitmore Co. me a call. editorial'y of a popular patent medicine We know from Bert Twelves, of Provo, visited here thac ChamA. of the Hyde berlain s Colic, experience Clioier. and Diarrhoea with friends and relatives! ?) Sunday and ot hitJ'moreHyde, president went to north is Company, all is Rsmedy th t claimed for it, as on Monday. Salt Lake Wednesday afternoon ou a two ' ccaaions it stopp-excruciating You all know of the Rsl School House tusineas trip. pains and possibly caved u. from an unWe Shoe. Tor sale only at Hyde & WhitMr. Will Calder agent for Siegfried and timely grave.with would "ot rest easy more Co. ut it in the house. overn.ght Brandenstein, Pride of Japan Tea Com- This remedy undoubtedly saves more was in Nephi this week and went Fisher Harris, of Salt Lake, will speak pany, on pain and suffering th n any othr medithe northbound train Wedneshjms Dem Cfat cine in the world. Every kindly should NepM Monay, day. Oct 2d keep it ia the lor itis'ure to be A great many bees are buzzing around needed sooner house, or later. For sale by A. Boys suits and knee pants, with double town & Lunt Not presidental bees Son, Druggists. knee and seat, for sale omy at Uyds & e'lher, but little humming which BUCKLENS ARNICA S.UVE. Whitmore Co. the small boy is scan twirlingthings around his head by means of a piece of cord. A lot of yarns, Jersey and wool blankThe Best 8 live i.i (he well for Cub-- , ets just in, and will be sold cheap at the To remove the constipated habit, the only safe treatment is a course of Ayers Bruises, Fere-- , L'lcnrs, Salt Khcmn, Fever 1m Is, Chilblains, The best and prettiest shoes for Ladies pills, followed by a laxitive diet. Most Sores. Tetter, C u other cathartics do more harm than good, Corns, and all hkin Erupt nn, and and Musas are at the positiveA new lot. therefore leading physicians recommend' ly euros Biles, or no ,n Drop in. It u Ayers lllls.especially as a family f by sic. guaranteed to give siti.shwtion or Bauner Brand of boys clothing, known jf'ifci R L. K ETC HUAI money relused. lriee 25 an. par box. For a Btates F-- r sale only i?Tjr ta,Kniled le by nil druggists an A watchmaker of sixteen r;il dealers. & WhBmore. at Hyde experiyear3 of which, six v lira were ence, a- rEXtXG!KaZtS,Ka2r.3ma8Szri3' in spent The weather at this season of the year w aich repairing l i N tw York I PiioroGRAr liY is splendid. If it wnl keep from now have come to suiy, and I will do City. up nll'kinds till Onristnias we will be of repair work, o.i short notice, and thanaful. tVe dasiia to (innounce to the guarantee all work to give perfect satispublic thal 1 faction. ftftcrSaptarnttf'r l.'th, we h.iall be prepared to carry a complete line of watchDont forget to call on the Excelsior es, take an J so your pietureH. When you waut the best iwelry u will for the you j to call at the Nepm Jewel y Store.pay to W e warrant our work and will do it at prices least money. Their line clothing of clothing suit tin limes, We also have the immense. recently made b H. J. Kanee &, Co., negrtives, aud eaa If your child are subicct to furnisli superior-finiscabinet photographs Dont forget that ws carry the most watch for the first symptom of thecroup t.ierelrom at dozen. Call see us. and per A: tl- II, complete line of jewelry iu town; lovely If Chamberlains , Photographers. ladies chains with a 20 years, is Cough Remedy given as soon as the Nephi, Utah. guarantee. child becomes hoarse it will prevent the 3 g .,rAyrzg?rg'y attack. Even after t.he cronpy has Noticeapp ared the attack can Alwayscough Money to Loan. be prevented by giving this remedy. It is also "Lwkman has his In any amount from one hundred to vats dipping invaluable for colds nil ready for use at Juab. All whooping cough ten thou.-andollars. On improved farm sheep men r or sale by A. Lunt &md will no well by corresponding with son, Druggists. me property or ou w ater stock. T. C. W inn. County Recorder. Lob McCune is in the tonsorial Chronic constipation is a painful, disparlors of Andrew Netlson. When and agreeable you waut a Ii difficulty. clean shave and good hair cut deranges the system, cans-- s sick headwhy and get it there, You probably pay too ache, bad and poisons the blood. It can bo readily overcome DeWitts by lf to wear a different L ttle Early Risers, t hese little ies yoowant much a month foi lea; it is be?Mtn?n-yb0dyelsbuy ODe of those g.vat regulators. A. Lunt A Son.pills are areas PUtrns with trimmings not COAL. .imij still on - in water-proo- 1 Sbeep-men- i.. - . now-a-day- Co-o- s. p. Ne-p- j Co-c- p. ' e j d Ck-;:- -' .'( .fvi . v ; js i i . It Lr -- . At) Af Vr:: & 4? iZyti' d uow-a-day- Co-o- UNDERWEAR s. p. p- Co-o- 1 1 p. -lbTXD -A- 1 -- Uo-- Co-o- ffTi Afr .'V - WS CIOTIIG, d " age"' br-at- h, ikthem.aUhe tice,sior. None Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your t xiiihUV? If not, get a bottle now and Confusion as to the choice of a is unnecessary. There ii but -- 1 that is Ayers, act was ii recognized at f .Chica. 1S93, being the r Vi" blood-purifiadmitted to be placed on exhibition. blood-purifi- iZ get t5rr(rU er Many poliiiral ,s" i r "clergyms" inik;re.s iiM-ve- n Hl, .n i (W, J,. , ,, ,, v equa. Vi.r u luiUUUu- eous relief. .jA.pj Luntio&alio. Son. very good. 'Best If Try SciilZiiifr's o you dont like it. your grocer, returns your money. r.dief. This medicine has been found to he peeuliaily adapted to the relief and cure of ail Female Complaiuts, exerting a wonderful direct influence iu giving You may find strength aud tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Headache, Fannin0 pleasure an 1 profit in it. Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable A Schilli ii? & Company Melancholy or troubled wiMi Dizzy Spells -- an I ranciseo 377 K'omri letters is the need! yon, - .rICiltil ' l,v I Is Uae l . oj at all D. ug ON'i: ML' J t rin:. erw :s.2V B tores. That i a I. UWzij Ijc. unexpected speakers, I Singers and others who use the cesuvelv. - ,ty udo-- i One Mi,.. voice ex . Cnre probably Did Yon Ever f wo 'Ten IVDE & WHITflORE, Tha Drt; Goods People Olt VL f ' Vtniji, |