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Show ..iv J. u 1 THE REPUBLIC. On tae mag. MORNING ... w. L. RDE, Al c't'inmuniiMUons tori.il matter Eopublu. MmuM 0(1 Editor. ivlatin,- - to naw, or bo a.liln-'scil- , Kiiitor, H M. ri'BLISHIVG Co., COMPANY McCune, Manager. Application has been made at the N'ephi post-Mfor transmission through the malls as second-clas- s mail matter. SATURDAY OCT. 17th, g f t . i -r i 1 $2.00 lo add rested to The Republic Publishing Nephi, Juab County, Utah. THE REPCBLIC only fit . remittanoos and business letters should All stl.' is 0:t-17- - -- terms or subscription: One Yt'ur or ir th" ab.ve e iVo-- fi it r e ap fi gi.t t tb p ; D f r i.f sic h and tilth, i. e., the Salt a little prof ir.j lj u w b i t c Like Argus, has this to say cf the word Argus through Ibis i.'Lifi. editor of thR paper: The tickets as nominate by thi two E liter O.trro'.I, of the A rg is ra j, bear no compari- ing a tour of Utah county m the uv paities in son. The Democrats seem to have of his paper Herud. thought that the popular sentiment would c.rry their ticket through and AD7VNCED SCIENCE. they took this time ti pay political debts. The result is that they nomiIn another part of this p ip r w.ll be nated the weakest men in the county found a valuable article tik-- n from and thereby alienate the best element of their party so far as the county the Scientific American, with the ticket is concerned. Even W. L. Roe, caption of Bullets Swerved by electriceditor of the Republic, cannot swallow ity. all the nominations and in bis resume It shows th it steel chid bullets tbit of the tickets treats some of the candidate in the light of jokes. Roe is have become mignatizid wsredivertel playing to stand in with both parties from their mark in some cisa3 by 11 this fall but his consummate egotism degrees. always results in bis makings consumThis new discovery in the scientific mate ass of himself, and the fact that world will cause another problem to the McCune family were ignored by thi for arise to solve. scientists convention this year was consideradle At Thqn, in Switzerland, it was of a damper on most of bis calculations. The McCunes have for years believed shown that on a rifle range, for a disthat they were entitled to public office tance of 40 yards, an electric current of whenever they desired, and when Roe 8,000 volts carried along four steel entered into partnership with Harry McG une he believed he was on the high cables, diverted the bullets, wh ich road to fortune. But even the Demo- were fired at. a distance of 2G0 range crats ofJNephi have at last grown tired from their mark at au average of 2t of royal families. yards. The Argus for a long time hag seen The scientific world has produced fit to deride and ridicule those whose some remarkable things during the their own last 20 years, but it seems that tho opinions differed from established views. latter portionof the nineteenth century At one time it was looked upon as will revolutionize former scientific s one of the journals of the discoveries and that the former scientifState. Latterly, however, under the ic, problems which have been brought influence of tips from Ilanna, et.al., it has to light will be place 1 entirely in the from former its emerged upright posit- shade by the latter prod ue. ions of tho has come out in scientific world, ion, and chameleon-likits truecolors. Thamonumentalliar it Nicola Tesla, Elison, and many has employed to write up the political other great electrical expermentors aspect of Juab county, has shown to are continually working on problems the people his asinine qualities. This which will cause modern christen'd am to writer must have a great history when ope wide the eyes of wonderment. he has to write under the nom de All such improvements both commeran such of ancient as plume worthy cial and warlike should be hailed Ajax. Perhaps like this renowned with joy by intelligent people, because warrior (whose identity is enshVowded of the fact that the world is generally in mystery) it would not be consistent drifting to that state of perfection with the general characteristics of his which will certainly herald in the disposition to write any other way. great millenium. His character may be like that of a thug that is prefer, darkness to If politicians will wait a little while, w light. The thug and garroter is more England ill cot be such an eyesore to honorable in his methods of dealing them. It is said by a scientific writer that the sea is gradually consuming the with humanity than this United Kingdom, and it is only a matwho, perhaps, has never made a sucter of time when it will fade from cess of In his career, Uu ISSUED SATURDAY ; SiVrJajr, i. its column, it ed in ping 'r 1890, Be Sure that you ADVERTISE IN TheRepUbliG thi-coun- ty ts 1 IctideriS in HiOwr iPi-iees- g. high-clas- It will Pay you. Who said politics were hot? . e William Morris, the great English poet, died in London, October 8. The Bismarck Culberson letter is producing a great deal of comment in the United Slates. If there are any more national tickets to be placed in the field the people would like to know it. A new instrument has been invented called the "phonendoscope. It is to be used by Burgeons and physicians for the purpose of detecting disease by sound. NEWS OF OUR RECENT PURCHASES cf Fall goods should be good news for every man in this community. We have the handsomest stock of Fall clothing and furnishings we ever had, all the latest things, all the best things, and our prices, we are happy to say, are more attractive than ever. If you have your own interest at heart and care for the wellbeing cf your pocketbook, come in and see the new H. S. & LI. guaranteed clothing. CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL ARE WARRANTED. slush-guzzle- r, anything brave view. Tom Watson seems to be suffering WKITERS GENERALLY WRITE UNDER A from distemper. II is dispatch to the fictious name. Such men are pot fit The following was posted up by the New York World shows that he is not to be in the society of decent journal- Central City Stove Works, of Newark, a little perturbed at the action of the ists. This paper has its eye on three Ohio: To is hereby Notice Employes men who would stoop to such indecent Democrats. given that in case of William J. practices aud who call themselves Bryans election as president of the journalists. When tho Argus employes United States on November 3. 1S9G, MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT CLASS. such dough-headto scribble such a this company will immediately therelot of flapdoodle as appeared in the after give the employes in every departOil Monday evening about thirty sheet of last week, it plainly shows ment an advance of ten per cent in persons attended a meeting in the that it has descended from the high their wages. Signed, C. W. Cunniog-hamain room at the Stako Academy, for pedestal it formerly occupied, and president. C. W. Cunningham the purpose of organizing a Mutual placed itsself on a level with those has always been a strong Republican, Improvement class. repositories of slush, liuel, and indecen- but this year, he claims that he will Tho object of the class was to take cy, as are printed in the slums of the vote for Bryan and free silver. up a thorough coutse of study on large cities. We would suggest that scientific, physiology, the editor of the sheet take a phrenophrenological, and other subjects. It will not in any logical course of Btudy before he way interfere with the regular order of engages men who profess to be writers. mutual improvement woik, but will be The status of the Republic does not Is it silver or gold. carried on under the general head of need any paid hireling to testify in its November will tell but behalf. The inuependent character of you cau tell upon inthe association. a this are of paper is too well known by mem- vestigation that the higher Its aims however, best place to invest any plane of education, in that it will take bers of both political parties to need adarc a more from ourselves. further little kind of money is at any testimony up subjects which Lunt's Pharmacy. Call vanced than those which are generally As to playing in with both p irties, we such is can oar mutual and see us, we have reintention safely say that improve given in the ordinary duced everything to. at all times, if it can be called playing mentcourse. we in claim for all be to independent While on the subject of mutual imsilver That being an indepeninterto be things. wise would provement, it we have dent question, naturally followsperse the general program with songs, We carry an elegant line of ed the dictates of our own conscience. readings, recitations, etc, there would Candy, courbe no need to adjourn in the summer If the misnamed Ajax had the Drugs, of a man he would come out openly Medicines, months, but would be going on smooth-l- age his Toilet Articles, name. know and the let people rght the same as the Y. L. M. I. A. Perfumes, be we to And able might pay perhaps It is a matter of congratulation to Soaps, Combs, the young ladies that they have kept a little attention to his antecedents. is like the cowardly as be But it is, Brushes, round. the year up their organization etc. darkness he to Books, Stationery light, vendetta, prefers And if the young men would pattern is like those lie people the Devil said Prescriptions correctly compounded set ladies the young after the eximple Yours for Health, the Y. M. M. I. A. will haye a prosper- would need an extra load of brimstone their sins being so great. ous career in Juab county. The Argus is to be congratulated on We hope that the young people will carare Main Street. Mephi, E this valuable(?) acqusition to its staff. see to it that these meetings When a paper stoops to print such ried on so as to be of great benefit to CQJ.ICA--, CHOLERA CURE. lot and tiohsense aflMt wtich appear DVITXA tLctuaH. to use. fiewamut, The Clothing we have this season is good, durable, well made and cheapest of all. s V Every thing you need in m GOLiniira Saif Lake Prices. y is at our Store. Underwear, Hoots and Slioes and Furnishings and extremely cheap. are leaders in every new enterprise and strictly up to date in all things. e Lunts Pharmacy. quick itouil, SCO. Trvrfl i-- .( 'TJtol |