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Show i Ji .T-- - i i Fatli?, Tho . Splendiu cheap .it tha If you Wahl hCj J u p. ,UU3 LuJJ cmne to us. Sixt.-Hr ii r h ,f j b J t ) o.m of any . S3 other. A!i5olu1c!' 5aro ti L OK . -. j fill - i C. Peterson came to town A tLe Friday. GotoT. B. Foots for nice fresh crapes a jri,ice. in i. fie v ; v. An ply j;. bile tae sal cl IsLar. " (o' fa a r.aJiy ta Napui -- V driss goads at fa .i N.-g.:- 7 J.W.lux taka lu fca3t.i at Cy. Mam geu is dmd; ibe ge.dLiT.ao as we s kuowi. 1 Over 2U 8a miner shirts from 23c. u p at Ord Bros. p b.g at wear All the Ut'fet.tMags in neck Puti'o-- l . , Co-o- Ord Bros. ba Genial John Cooper took in the txcu.- Ion to rail Lake. with no shody and cheap to at Cl ithi-i- i : e i ii v sale. Co-- oj . i E2HZ; , j T. L. t'aoio, N.ph:. Baja su; s hr a d.. ir oa at Co-o- TOWN TALK. l itns 1 ch;-- . i. of shoes b.io.v com ic tills week. ct. per bus it ir a i.o 1' a t i it . .i i , f.e. 3d 1 UMMm ut ti e oi'iLd , . thr u. .JST . pnt-ter- j re 1, i r.. g ll.e r L.ie ait a la M i .u w .v. n a . ihm, dif-- f J.'i - of r, din .,, also at M s I rgvis. n 1 . s ) n frfl jus( ot ' . 'siT'its I m It',-- h a- , - ill be i.iisi-- ' i Wood n i i l imbr,pinsCiug!i to tho alflioted. asojt tlm; we niclre,Missmiking-II irumie thi, n.Ucc. Ve ho Blvnl o'" o' t1 is an sios-;ibr- . . i au.-- i . 1 a.r""i; .i . i i - j 1 will tike keen U3 sgjre r. blast .of i" i 1 idle' a- t c i uar-- f tikon on s ibscrio.1 in at e i - JJ. Boctli iviicra J 1 to do all kinds of d a la'est stv s by the be tljfue.in n pc era - r u,a iosislo lil teo i. . Bioth 1. i'hil BlMOCrlAT. .rs.net-L Li.iut. jiii- I.. UT". g w hi Miss Neva ( h HisNva llio'h they- , .v e ' . Hyde h ive on ued non ira at inn dr . i i very pirticu! ir. u in i.ll c is a eiv lf.cn TI ,, in nn tl. ,j at tu horn of in "i m ike u.t a I'd . Vhv w .11 be sura b.l ' s a -s ' v. i J c til on i and - i ,. - i Bariies cKy ; i 1 la.s,i'i. 1 1. l.,',rs. -- per os i i . I j .v i ae II ioi uni ti t1, o'.e y 'j 'uir la; ! at t h b.vcc.Mor. Ho oLe c. i .j. an t r j ist like it. cnsli V!i'it Mr'-- , p i .shil. J '.ighest ic fi s, i. i jj- - p -t au- ori v gi i -- Sin-ieter- -. of i P'l'oi to s a.; j LO-- )c . O.ncflh f li in h the Clothing, clothing, clothing, tin apest at'd test, Ord Bros. B'uoes and durBeautiful styli-Lor k out for a new linn of beautiful able 6 Hoes for Laaics, mea und tu.itl'..i down pil cs ut Lxje.s.jr. Btoves at Coopt r, Pi per A Co. l.vi i? St D ry one is in lov e u ith t li irig' d r u '.nocrat Mr. B .non of th Voa sao-l- d Jia.t. s at the Eac.icioi. Comiuitieu wi s in town Monday . secure one uo.v. When you want he iting stoves go and Thomas I!: Miston of this c.ly r us id 31) b & inspect the new liue at Cooper, lyper loans of squash on two acres ol tioui.il. Co. That is pittiy lor Uns tunty. d 2 CO hat given w ith a f that Dont r i m m Fri- Two carloa 3 td every tt.iev.ii dollar suit oought at Ord excur the and Joined (lay Nepal iiouK, to Bros. bait Like. bt'pciltiiendeuC K.jrr uad and her McCann F. daughter charge of tho tri.in. Mrs. II. Manei weat to .Silt Lake to attend conFashoncLIc Lr.css r C ct-- .. 1 .v A good supply of shoes now ready for all ages and b .Hi sex. Co-o- it. h w e I coi ). 1 i jr f i.iytg li is i'. .e! -; - JMBHKIXMl O' A Ie.t "Ids 1 -l vil 1C Ti .- ji i has Free ."r i K. Lxct-lisor- ference. If you want the finest line of cigars and the oe-- t drinks m the city go to J. L. FERFcCT MADE. F..'m. cfTrgt'' Powder. p . Excelsior. Kib. MoCune showed up in hu old home this Wien.. trip to t ue capital Friday u hi. sod cja-- f in single icuce. rlhe .ovli.sf dress goods . are at tne Bey j our c! tl'.i .g at h E : v dor . . i An i nt ro xu vv lino of mens g od hst-beli.p,.V. IjO.il Li aid ,fooa i,m lltlle lUOHtJ . just Alt. MeCu ue, can.u in nri ,'aft L.'.e( A fnuMot of fri a i grapes at T. B. Foots Cuy the latter pu t ol J..l wets, ioi a the green gtocer. days viott. Win. Tu ibridgo, of la van, was in to the toi'U ntiui Xcndi.v. I'er ta. c Iquou and ..tic Alsf hii.il y a. id mi; tuny viug... .1 Now is ti e t me to get your shoesthenp Le.lis.ui.s. at C.ts. J ,u ik fa .us. Mr. Geo. Paxmin, of Eureka, was a visitor to Nephi this wtek. m-- Worlds Fair, Highest Honors , OriJ.-,i,- Lock ,.,- -t ! .r Chas. I u.ii X I Awarded ' Co-cd- I3C2XCIL o in rs rt IFwcl c Ktylii, ULah, Saturday, Oct. 3. g .orj . e to i u dresses mit ic in iyi . th.-Kutcca t.ic n hat given with every suit well to laua A line . residence or id it. C. . A i ire .v . bought aw Ord Bios, suit to oust ?lo.C0 of . i oil Mrs. J. I). .diFai. , and up. o, .u . iv . , lu Nj, i was Sprin is, CjiO J. V. F.obinsoii. of Miilnrd county,senaad th. w.n . Hay in a mug. li ij v, ill nominal- it Hi nator lto.11 the LighlU torial dial! let. kei-er- i cm get 'all nece .sary llou-- e at the Co-o- p saie moii'-woi'h ns t j! EdgUtill. -- i tee. wife loft Nephi Hnii'iig Vie. II igue andtialt Like. Tuev Wlih too excursionists to Como ui U Will ri iui Monday. a We hare few select dress pieces and a nice 1 u.eiy 01 trimmings, lovely buttons, and latest silks Co-oOar .f eo n'oiuln ition suits are trie n i thing tor jour. boys. 2 pair pints A. cap ines nic cm f ir ui Wliti i very xu.t. Excelssr, m u os' i qu irter oi .i ci n tury. in i,j'ple ,ine e u ned that l hey are Lad e.ull at tie llxci b.or and secure, s of gre it ortii a.i 1 merit, and un-- e one i f tlo1 e lovely diess patterns tnat E. D, Wicillho, Agent. dale I by an v They are for sale cam 01 te dJplicated by any one. here by A. Lunt & Sou, Druggist. Sadi ) and Winnie Miigby reMkfiu I.ii (1 s t ay Wraps of us and save turned to bait L.ko this w s k aft r t p iul-i- n jour on the puce. Chas. 20 to 1 ; n pleasant liuu in Neill witn uie.r Mo tic 3. LeH Foote ... JUS. r r i ds. o Tlio Co-0is in It on prices now and One of tile l.t'le c.icrufcs which cirai to can suit jnu in lumo made or eastern . W. i,im ,.i horn- -, lindi-ithat th.b IN'T T'J 1,7 ir; l T V )d.!T nv TITTJ FIFTH c ill in. goods, w as it ot t'tpi, C unity to Its Julio sys-tui- JiulH'i .1 llts'.i ad, of Pi sphuic uuco.igeiual in .J uali. Xu th in liter ol the estate of C'narles Notice- winged its flight to another shore. 1. Norton, deivas si Notice of hearing ot on for order directing eonvevinee of Mr. A. L. Jackman has his dipping vats The wife of Enoch Barton of this citr petit. t t i a! Net. e given that We Charlest Wils is lias hie is in hereby all reiuiy for use ut Juab. All sheep men has been very slot nr so nstinie. the above entitled me. with welt will do ti ust, however, the kindly interposition court lus p t ition prav mg for an order duvt-mby corresponding of providence will oe uwakened on her bethe administrator ot maid est ate to speeiti-c.illTry a pair of our Security school shoes, half recover from she perform the agreement ot his decedent by that may sposdily none to equal them. Every pair there is to said pi titioner a eonvej ince of executing her illness, & Cue following deseno d real property, to wit: warranted. Chas.. Foote Sons. t C A Commencing nt tile nortliw est comer of the iJrsjs & Cj. have just received a We have lots of odd Coats, vests and south vv est quarter ot section tvveu'y live in that of will refin'd fie hist they Sulphur t mn-hi- p twelve mui l of ran re one west of given away pants that are sijiiply being-Co- -op. sell ut fie lowest market price. Sheep tie halt Bake meridian, thence ran east at that saei itice s do of ours one hundred and sixtv rods, thence snath thirty men should see it before buying there -t If you are indisposed nothing will reoi e hui.drvd anil sixty rods, mils, thence tv ro.l - to the place ot beginthence noi th juvenate your eoudnion better than a Sulphur. acres of land; iiiat emit and ning K. using nt drink J. chairman Nick Democratic Tuesday the Until oavtooflrlyOctober pleasant LJgheUls. llibcrtson, of 13.nl, at the was in eoui t loom of said court in tae citv of Neplii committee Juab county, There are others but none like our county towu isuiuiay and Monday of this week. Countv of Juab, Slate of Utah, has been apStem dy School Shoes. Try a pair, every Nick is a rnatler aud honestly and con- pointed as the tone and pi.i e for hearing said , that all per-is interested may that the Democratic petition pair vwirauted. Chas. 1 oote Ac Sous. scientiously ana contest said petition by tiling their bin dress goods so nice and 80 cheap as cause is a.wiuning oue. v m ons ritni"-ohtcct lb. sj at the Excelsior, They are exquioite Haled .s,pt ip r id, Ihfl, bna of Just opened a complete Wh. B st , r. Clerk sure. t. , toies a. s and Ja :kets in all the very U T. L. 1 o he I puty, We h ive the best boots aud shnes for I Hi su styl s. Call and sea th tu baf irj JVvi A C n ; v,, toi i for ieti ionr. ve can save y u t.i mo. Ni b!k' men : cotno and examine. We war-re- buying. trouble to bhovv them. Cu.lv. Fjj.j & . ie .e goods--Co-Oliuils. Mr-- . Mir nrct E, Caine, one of the 8.1 this! Wo h ive 203 t rs of l.ulms nm t p- - Ii.iiuent Deinociatiu speakers in ami childrens saoes tL it u i have reduced w as in tins i thin . dy Monday. over oue li.iit. Jtooag t.i-- o you v l l 'il shoes nt the Excelsior are the tiurl saoes ; hat mlwill givo you exciiient and tv ry day new si, most hivt.s aud cheapest, eg) erv c i,r ch Do x an. - !i bile to assortmet.t is ana soj ihem. r i.. CM re. D. S. Dorrit.v, repre eating M..i.ird fc a i COU t, in the itorml Convention, and D of th Political v We are ch d .ini of the same, was lu lowi. .won-dac.al , uni ijJ and II . n i, Ji'luei i.J ' . ie 'it is. uiiiv Uicn, i an ,t is . i r i us . . h 1inp isgt i. MotV'n, c idle an fit yoar boys out ,u . o .,. i. j l.u .. . c.is,.tie f.t, i i i.. yet h ii hese Willi suits. bints iliui ivy akoraud ed.tor. In ti tie are 111 o and tlio cheapest in towu. Tin publ.csp in tor m ion t jiK'hin g polit .ci! 'iiUi.ui-cla- l Co-ov. c matters is so well edited a o and wife returned from tibuliitcd and arranged ti.. . t V. J. Shimml.. i,g To... . '1 u I i.v eignt, where they were must become at once popular. I.,- p, .eg calk i to aue.id Uie funeral of Mil, Shim-HUti- s ii only 13 cts. 11 ')a . n i it u ur-ti- 1. j 0 i Fr--1- -- n, - i 1 y w u-i- v e- o. au-pe- a . n-- i 1 - V y - 1 i v I . 11 1 I dher. ; Mr. J. II. Welot, and ? of i,c ni1'! 'o- - cliiPrnf inder-we- , CUiCiiTo, h.ivcte, n ui Niphi,'sivtat, last the r w t us e't fir tw o tolorf going l, It Wua-mor- e, days, at the s.oid af 1 . t oni; l1 1. . p r y td a, Cuas. Foote Ic conducting tho eiu'su oc'oak hi'e Sou . excii-.,velnavcitise-d- . which had bcu We ' j : go In a new job pr S3 ap Mr, Wrist ia one rf tae meat afiable to ch al kinds of laney ueutin en vv o l,ve xn t, and n w li up la ar , . The large and evit-iv- e u around and . G i is business. try us. Wo li.se prii'i of c! As, wrap! and ia.t-i't- s lMl'cii can i juu. ! before tlio ir vs ion Tim C op : as ben doing a rushing is oneplaced ut the h iest that we have ? 1 bus.' s this 'leek judging irom a visit to u kmj, uud j l the f.'oin crouds tbit alig n. '! the goons huvihg been we nt there liydo c Whitmore nust be pla i at bed roc c fi urev. wearing a io .o 1 smile ou tne outg iiue. New Store. The cur and mi ere int who laid poIb in Gi ti lb Nepu Jewelry Stirs to down l l tin lot at the re. i I mice ad V. L. . OUlJuv-dtyW i' ches, clocks, Roe ttbe Alien h hisc) had no inspect for w.ilc i h lues r p urul on ir .. i : a mg in humanity much less tie vduubleuog w lio je, , all woik gua aateed to give rvyallo1' cd the poison, if th? party cm sho'i ti n. Bali a he found out, or if anything cm be lound wmen will lead to the conviction of the Tberf w nothing to prevent anyone dastard, it will be a subject for the Jusconcocting a mixture and calliog it tices court and the matter will be pushed and there is notiuug to pre- to a finish. A certain party baa suspicion vent nivone r snQnding 200I mon0-,- - test- - reving upon him, so he had bet er - kd'i'l t ( I ..11 1 p i 1 - 1 1 I c. V h . IN THE a&i r s i I - FOP 1 F . l Ji .. C u i: i f i i li.o ! . 1. N a . f ,! - ol p, : ll-- r-- b-- ir gt .5-- . b-- ' only Ay td. , t M o.vr3apHrii.aI w a i' .is i h in 1 i a tm i Is - 'l . rd- - auu so gal cat- - j p4 a piwty gjod recep.iuu tor luoua. sacn a cur a. Tu s,j iv ilie lth day if O. loht-- r lyis, vt the com t room of said court m lue eily of Xephi, C'oumv ot Junb, Nt tte of 1 ih, has been a- - the tune ami pluee for hearing .iul pen lion: that all persons interested may appear and eontest s.ud petition by filing their olocctions in w l itui-g- . , it d s.. ,t ..(ph-ls(.;, 1307 .. .1 a S. C T. l.v e. ii.ii.. ueviuvg i. V'x. C Iii .h, .5 '.Wu, :u r l'rtinoue.'. 1 r I , j ..a., a. O vQt lJ.3 . w?.l aiy, TJtCUli., i 4 |