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Show Tha RsuzMic, NepM. U:'-- i'ri;-"- arlay, Oat. b- - .' y,jl brA A-y- a l flip I l Held August 29th. The vote stood 16 to 1, that the most complete line of Hats- for men and Boys was at CCE33D -- - EKOS. Iscks Tlie Celebrated x. "" a.U':irr?:"U T to Loan. "'1 T3 -- Money "When he saw him- cost. him. from one hundred amount betrayed In any HIS OLD married woman at times ten thousand dollar. On improved farm soldiers be surrounded self Every by to His or on water stock. Famous Brigand Woo. Went realizes that she might have done property T. C. Wp:n. Comity Recorder. up, and, cryi ig Traitor! jumped Doom Making His Pipe. better. shot Kuss dead. If yon are not happy when sinIts Value Recognized by Physicians. brigand named A dangerous when be to execut-a- t don't happy expect As a rule 1 sin opposed to proprietary gle, Fraoz Csonka was recently Sull I value a good one. esmedicines. LIKE A BIRD. married. Though when such is the source of relief in Hungary. pecially Essegg. As a topical (external) applicaThere is probably a special in- from pain. Pam 71 years old, lie was a powerful tion I have found Chamberlains 1 have ever used for matchmaking reserved best ferno the Balm remedy the to gallows Traversed and walked Clianutes Airship Rose man, and lor neuralgia cf any kind. 1 haveto consciwomen. many it a recommended pipe. smoking entiously marair, a who with jaunty the woman JanesKore.M. D., William Frequently Air. the persons. the on & Son. He tapped the hangman ries the man of her choice deserves ville, Wis. Bold by A. Lunt for Druggists. better luck. shoulder and said loud enough work Do When two women love the same your hear: everybody to The Grandest Remedy IS. The gets a fool of Chicago, September man, the wrong one always The specific and universal opinions, condensed, one. wlncli well, and dont make matter as follows: .. ... . are doesnt It Octave Chanutes of test him. free first the You deserve great praise, and the gratitude This Csonka was yourself. of at least, of Chil world-that it, merchant of the reading portion Mr R.B. of Albatross soaring machine, invent is fortunate enough to read HIE GREAT had he that consump that certifies Va. Fair. most fearless of the accomplices worlds howie, entirely its own, it U None But Ayers at the Having a field va given up to die, sought all DIVIDE. American with ed aud constructed by "William in cast and character." the exttry Hod money could intensely that enjoys the notorious Eosza Sandor, robtreatment, Sarsaparilla medcal us to Avers say, the illustrative It is useless for Paul, was made at Millers, Ind., ordinary distinction of having been the procure, tried all cough remedies he could features in and typography are superb equalana an whom he committed numerous exhibit allowed to the fascinating spent many nights quality and unusualness our hear of, but no relief;was con- only ulood purifier favorable under last r Bankon-veevening, Manufacturt columns. fill induced to try Strange contents that lair, Chicago. up in a chair; beries and murders in the TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAB a year by every sitting New Discovery, and was curditions. While the machine was era of other sarsaparillas sought Dr. Kings were their cf captured goods, ed by use of two pottles. For past three Tour newsdealer has It, if not, send to forests. They to obtain a showing means all turned away under thev years has been attending to business, and THE GREAT DIVIDE. Denver.C about heavily loaded with ballast, so as is the rule forbidding the with the greatest difficulty application ottbe Dr. Kings New Discovery as it has done declared to prevent it from flying any great medicines and nostrums says ever made, Csonka Patent of remedy anti grandest J5 yers ago, and also others in t bis dicision of the Worlds fair authoriau lnc Wth was so much for him murders dis ance, and was anchored by four The the to Sarsaparilla of Or. Kings New Discovery Wanted-- An confess favor Ayers of eoiue t He in would ties community. he Idea ConSarsaparils and Colds to 200 feet each the three as follows: Ayers for thing Cough pt' nl? long, effect an mere ropes else was medicine. It does act is guaranteedIt dont fail. Trial bottles Protect your idea?: ther may bring m a th. ila is not a patent of only, as everything & CO sumption. Patent 'ir JOHN deWrite here VBDli:tidRi to which was the trial is It nostrums. was points ter thetr gl.Siio ir. free at all Drug Stores. belong to the list neys, Washington, i. child's play. Eosza Sandor lUJIlH o liuntir of list aud merits. Its cide first, as to whether it would on sentenced to lifelong imprisonment leav e the chute even!-- ; second, ago. Csonand died about released whether it would right itself in the ka got 20 years, and was He re- air, and, third, whether when it by an amnesty a year ago. soon commenced to descend it would turned to his old habits, and move downward slowly and alight was convicted of a murder of exceptcrime easily, were all determined in a ional atrocity. From this manner gratifying both to it3 in-- 1 he has now suffered death. ventor and owner. The fight was In Hungary Eosza Sandor and less than 100 feet, but the descent his band had never been regarded and final alight on the sand were reas common criminals, but were and as graceful and even as those of the garded as heroes of romance, bird from which the machine was numerous ballads and cbeap novels patterned. The trial proved that described tlieir deeds. It is averr- the machine is perfectly safe, a ed that Judges and Magistrates proof which was the more acceptJuo-Iwere often in their pay aud acted able inasmuch as it had been asvenaccordingly. The fear of the serted that the machine was dandetta prevented everybody from and tl. an attempt to fly The diiljrent gerous, accusing them. it would be sure to result ia the organized, bands were excellent death of the operator. and never interfered with each Another test will be made Eosza Sandor others business. wind is favorable. if the came of a family of brigands. His father was shot by au Englishman au(1 be tried to rob. A fine Reflections of a Bachelor. the bot horseman in Hungary, Roza Sandor was a great favorite Marry id liaste and be divorced lyith women. Kossuth appointed j South Dakota. him the leader of a corps of volun- ia often The ideal husband is tod the fortteers, and sent him into other womans husband. some ress of Ivomorn to get information. A wedding ring is always worth Ia 183b he was lying in a maize more or much les3 thau it much who field with his cousin, Kuss, DBDEEN. en-?rP- 10-year- s Is Only Ski fe $2.00 stm Per Year LcadLIng to-da- y WJ3 OAK Wooltly of d County. MO YOUB TOB WORK Address all Communications to the Republic Publishing Co., Elcphi. |