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Show .1 V L- ALL t it Ui0 1 14J j. Wi.it c r x TALK. ?OV,Tr. . b r . ( j 1 . t 0 1! i t.-- . t t tin . i.i S O i ' 1 f iimi. - ! it fit O' Iir. ( Bull ui - u- -- I ! i: .! iliir. i r. s! oJv at prt s"itr n lo v- - -- u I ! Cjus, A V. II I." in .f i .IS .ets, i cloiks mid ire, i i is ri Irii' rs,J. 1 A XT - t l.Etb 4i . 111 a tJ 1 ; h ,t ( . i . 5 1 r 1 r i L t I eA t!' r v. L 1 A t' " gi Nu.V t C 3 'V r, i fr.sa Cj. p 'in'. tea true is Ot il'l-w- ik r I ok m. t!- - it"- of - r-- map , , 0,0 A b Hoys subs o.i at Co-o- nr,i--I.!- f - ai O' Ui'i 111 ,r a dol.ui '1 a " xM i v p. i f i:-- if every! Cy ' ' - Hii i. thi o r- i i cl i a We lot luif t it v1 V (hi n I il (ini' , sliort tln.e with nv f lt t parts I.ruk out f r Il.iu'i..is ia diesi t t.t a la o. o..r that ' 1 A Ci.as. oote troiiii. printing dono A.Ci. Gourliv ;t:.d It. II. Bowers w ere .V P P iu Xei hi at the ccmvtotioa tin- - ' eeli. I.sdu'i fill urd f ..amine our toilet nr- y oe Y. .M. 21. l.A. mcctin;-- conr tic s. I. unt hariracy, will tae.n. y eveuinfr. fnl Funuura in two weeks at t of inurist. diiierbnt stvlt in LA OIKS and j Excels, or. A great many pec pie ure Mr. Thomas Lerwc.ll of Mona gavensa v. e 'v r e Childrens n s J pi s.uit t nil Friday. our p. .c. s. 11) d. nite n silver hats mid to one of anj For t.Ic lipptu and other. Orel liras. t honey a. id honey Vlueg the th'S riiturJi'j it Pn v A Jenkins sohl ont tluur furniture ll.'lllbtous. oenn r, 7 :73 i. m. to per Let t.ie organ m m of bust ps to Prank .n.l!s the other clay. tne club, and tiket a mumL-- r La in s buy jour Wraps of ls and save of e 20 to 23 fn r cent ou ine punt.'. Chas. Couiiiy Con'imtee. J.ook nt the beoutiful Joel F. Grover. Sec. Foote i& buns. goods at the Pxcelsior. ail From accounts Ckamberlaiu'sCough auve: Excel for the Watch !ior tisement The Xephi band went to the alil.cted. on pug'1. AtUange. et k. Don t '1Remedy s;i Ttiur,-damorning. lici e is no adveri enent aoout tms; we fary t It. f .I j JSC ike The penrdo are always sure of tho best sayingI orli. 1'tn' J 'HlifOCilAT. Tho h in it on prices now and suie L.lm.iA. kv. talue ire Xtxclsior. Pall on them. can suit ytu in borne mude or tastru or . i j; new Call a 11). of line at nrrhed Just candy goods. ft'.oncy to Loan. Luntb P.iutmacy. When people look at our stock they from one hundred tj in rnv amount e lead Prod Nelson of tha Miner was admit that in good goods at lo.v Genial ten thou-uncollars. On impiovtd Lrni 'p. a visitor to this town this week. pliers. Exc lsior. or on u ater stock. want heating stoves g j and property 'i . C. WlXX, County Recorder. A lino "L00 hat given With every suit When you Buit to cost flo.CO inspect the new Hue at Cooper, Typer A bought at Ord Urc-s-. The mutual improvement officers . re Co. an i up. ih advis.bility of pu .dishconsidering of stroke The in Heralds enterprise Iro'essors. Cluff, Ilinkley and Lund lor ing a Mutual Improvemsnt Magiz-neuch of convention the cognizant malting Juab Cmoty what says you Y.M.M.I.A. spoke to a good audience atjthe taberna- action was of other admiraole. the cle Thursday night, aud Y. L. M. I. A. There nre others hut none like cur Dont forget that a ?2.C0 hat given with Securuy The city counc.l mt last Friday nlghti School bno s. Tty a every every fiftien dollar suit bought at Ord pair warranted. Ctiaa. Foote &oair, owing to the luck ot space, we debjt Sous. Bros. em-it advisaole to leave it our. It was We have the heat h ois and slices for only a and nothing oi very in will two notice the tickets Citl.ns t sheen men ; come aim examine. We occurred lo c iasa a rip- linoorranca great anuther column Of the two eils chose tho . tueae Ox UAbULL.idiil. ptcJ least MinsNeva B oth and Miss Mamnne We have ft few select dress pieces and a Hon. tV. II. King was nominated by dress have ooen d Hyde of nice s. lovely toCon-greitrimmings, buttons, lors at tne residence upof E. making variety acclamation for the representative Boom wheral anti lutesit silks Advantages you gain by waiting they will be prepared to do all kinds of Matted Fluonels for childrens under- dress making in the latest stylos bv the T.io only paee yon can gW. a stylish dress In all colors going for this week for tailor made system. Satisfaction guaran- - for Mr. Weist. rmttern that nobody else can get is at the wear 11 only cts. per yard at Chas. Fjote & teed. Kxcdsior. Sons. Apostle John Henry Smith v is in You do not lean your e of Mothers, com and fit your boys out The wife of F. W. Lamb presauted him Nephi Su iriay. We had the pleasui with navy or black suits. These suits of course In hands him. with shaking Two girls. are nice and tlie cheapest in town. Hie with twinsa Wednesday. him if he mien led order, but you can take tlieWIiAP Well take nice havana cigar, Fred. coaverstion we asked u Nephi to attend the c inventrstay were not Two ol em, puiticular. 12 Tiie die.' Socity conference was held tion? In reply lie said No, I shall not. IIOMK with you. Just opened a complete new line of I am a Republican, but I am not in poliFriday afternoon. In spite of the inclem. Ladies Caps and Ja tkeis in all the veiy tics. ent eather a good attenddneo was latest styles. Cali and see them before 2nd We can save jou bir Broken Watches buying. We cau save you money. No We have just got in a new job press and trouble Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing Machines bhow them. Cnas. Footo & to arc prepared to do all kinds of fancy Sons. repaired in first class order on short no- money a Mr Weist will sell lli: Come uruund and try us. We tice a the Nephi Jewelry Stur. . All printing. Ins with Weist arrives Mr. When cau m.t you . u r't guaranteed to give pm feet eaiisfuc-lion- . an onii-r- wrips samples out you do not hue to 2 Golf eeldbraled suits or nouiu wuh pair pints take your cape llojs jacket and cap all wool and warranted from 3 73 Hyde & Whitmore. Wood will be taken on snbccrip'i on at Cf-IJdLS-uI and up, st Excelsior. Just the thing for James Rlgler is down with typhoid this office. We hope subscribers wnl take us of and this your boys. from Miitord became he keep advantage where pneumonia the cold shivering blast of winter. The blight and balmy days of summer had been wot king at the blacksmuo bus- from I' then l any thing we like besides good to Save tic expense of sending arc flitting from view and the sear nnd iness. Dr. llcox is in attendance. sv Ure to To all the lad.es who have been wailing hat ar.iilt in wiuter it is a nico r: yellow leaf of wiuter is making its api, oy. them back to Chicago. for our StOotuian staoe to arrive wowiati pearance. Its Value Recognized by Physicians. to say they are here, and they arc cerOur smiling and obliging operator Joe beauties. Hyde & Whitmore. As a rule I sm opposed to proprietary Dun kley says there is nothing likeliest tainly A wedding took place last Tuesday bet- medicines. Still I value a good one, esand if me. believe ask it you dont Tonic, ween Ilezekiah Carter, Jr. end Miss Lizzie pecially when such is the source of relief For Bale at Lunts Pharmacy. burton, Irovo. The Republic wishes from pain. As a topical (external) application I have found Chamberlains Pain Mr. John Colemans wife is very sick them success. ever used The house to house canvass in over and Balm the best remedy I have aud is in a veiylow condition. It is hoped cf any kind. 1 have conscitho lady will recover. Dr. llosmeris in those who have not registered will be for neuralgiarecommended it to many able to on October 13. and October 17. entiously attendance. of 8. a. m.aud 9.p.m. persons. William Hoee,M. D., Janeshours between the Sold by A. Lunt & Sou. Nearly all women have good hair, Albert Woods and Shed Lunt returned ville, Wis. though many are gray, and lew are bald, from Druggists. their business trip to Chicago llall, s Hair Kenewer restores the natural The boys look all right, no doubt In a recent letter to the manufacturer color, and thickens the growth of the points. Kansas and the windy city suiteb them. Mr. w. f. benjamin, editor of the Spect- hair. RUdHFORD N. Y., says: It may be Single dress patterns with beautiful ator, The Democrats have an eye to business to you to know the highest esa Excelsior. pleasure )o match at Nobody teem in which trimmings in nominating three electoral voters can Chamberlains medicines and before buying your WRAPS and them th erelore the purduplieato One ltepublieau, John J Daley; one De- chaser are held by tha people of our state, where be sure of the only dress like it. mocrat, Robert C. Lund, and a lopulist they must be best known. An aunt of there is no harm in' seeing where Delegate Svvazey illustrated very forci- mine, who resides at DEXTER, IOWA, was Henry W. Lawrence. Poetry of Motion. bly the old saw. to visit me a few years since, and you can do the bentj so let us show It was a kind of honors to patners balance about Jewelry, leaving home wrote me, asking if all etc., in his manuvers around delegate beforewere sold here, stating it they were you our Go to the Nephi Jewelry store to Et Yates. they , not she would bring a quantity wLh her first ela'-- watches clocks & jewelry, the on call Miss Neva Booth as she did not like to be without tuem. sure and Re You store in town, only strictly jewelry can save money by comnrng to my store. and Miss Mannuie Hyde at the homo of The medicines teifered to ure ChambeMiss Booth aad let them make you a rlains Cough famous for its All goods Guaranteed as represented. handsome fall costume. They will be sure cures ot cok s and croup; Chamberlains Special reduced rates for the Festival of to suit you in every particular. Pain Balm for Rhumalism, lame oajk, mountain and plain, Denyer, Colorado, II Smith of Eureka shook pains in the side and chest, and ChambeW. Captain Oct. 6th to 8th 1806. Open rate 21.30 for bauds with us RemMonday. The Captain is rlains Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea These and our elegant line of the round trip. Selling dates Oct. 6th ardent bowel complaints. in his support of the silver move- edy for 1S0C. ment. The captain has bean a mamoer of medicines nave been iu constant use E. D. Wickins, Agent. in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. the legislature. The people have learned that they are arof the M.McCune H. C. Andrews S Co. have Kepuuliu.N ophi, ticles of great w orth and merit, and just received a car ef the best refined Sulphur that they will passed through ljysou T.ionday en by any other. They are for sale he a to do wheie wn, route Mammoth, sell at the lowest market price. Sheep little here by A. Lunt & Son, Druggist. tne his in oi loieie.t rustling . men should see it before buying there paper The Sulphur. A ratherspirited debateoeeured betw een Awarded S5e this! We have 200 pairs of ladies two delegates from Mona which attracted Highest Honors Worlds Fair. and children s shoes that we have reduced the attentionof of the convention, contin-u- tl over or.e half. sawing werethe air, obstinacy and Among these you wi'i the charact jrisues which find saoes that will give you excellent service for school and every day wear. took a prominent part Come and select while the assortment is Mr. Murphy of Payson was in town p store. Wednesday and gave us a pleasant call. great. The gentleman came for the purpose of There is nothing to prevent anyone showing Miss I). Rilla Jacobs around the concocting a mixture and calling it sar- town. The lady will take charge of the saparilla, aud there is nothing to pre- Methodist school next Monday. vent anyone spending good money testMiss Neva Booth and Miss limie ing tho stuff; but prudent people, who Hyde have started up millinery parlors. wish to be sure of their remedy, take Both these Jo not fail to call on us even if young ladles have taken only Ayers Sarsaparilla, and so get courses ia tne tailor made system of dress makiDg ana are well qualified to do you do not intend to buy. Xo In our round-abotown the Republic all kinds of work. They are Lota well trouble to show goods. was not overlooked. W. L. Roe was in and favorably known aad the people of the sanctum. He spared no pains in Nephi and vicinity will do well to patronshowing us over his otfiee. Notwithstand- ize them. Several cases ot scarlet fever are reporting the saying that Little Chicago is a veritable grave-yar- d for the ed to us in the east central portion of the Republic is a good sheet. In size It is town, which have not been to six coluins, eight pages, and all home the health authorities. Thereported board of ot The MOST PERFECT MADE. existence be the sh ould health will after those who do not print. not he cot sh.ort by lck of paper end notify the health authorities in such A m'we Grime Cream of Tartar Powaler. Fro suport. a m if Ou ni yi Ak td L.DeUil j t oajd .iuiti'r any o her laulineot. i l... I eve tl is i ill not be the cab. 'Nephi rust oi tae t'wn shcoitf be protected ircai trorn KPl'tTT a sp rear of the oon V.vioa . Tor respondent ot th( Faysi.n Ilamler, 4C Yctrs tbr. S taif icta shoes nl st, lor. If you vvir.t any Job come to us. r.i'.iut at Lx e-- oi i Vlu.UieA, glL.a c. i'rets r o i. .t . T at t (,. I 'i L S " a; i . A Jelill J.i "i . WAV i C . 1 pr A f .u:.o in until, a on-n- i C f 1 h.id .1 ti ; e e s ail Ia 1.:; !:) .2 In , a t - V l a t. in. . .1,0 i A. Lu cniiii t js-- .v IliJmci: fr lutmoie. A:i ,( . : o v. our 1 If y ou '.i in at t .. e EaC . ' Bun :.er I C S. : A!' 111. i.n t 3 ail nn sheeO dill. Vv t J- - Ue C j t p this y ear ia.Le j : s ii..u-- i R TV'. O. mi' - v 5i 1 l1 . i Nop i LL.V 1 ter l'J.j chv.' tiling ta lij pt lh k - U - I i ; Ati-eu- . i t. oo L'- - Buu-du- i I 0VAi; A . i t )U-- e 1 1. vv i Co-o- p c m-- i. '2L (O'-- C ;.jN t i f -' ' A. IV d sp-ir- 13 l wm-ren- goods--Co-op- Co-o- v cv--- V i'A;VA V p. UllvMl ''hrfdk-h'V- . n I hVt i 2.-c-t. Co-o- i iijife p. nolie-able- e : , )u. Wo liavo just oponed, up a n Elegant lino of This Week ; . - kC JJl A s Great Bargains :T.tU 4ii . lleader-Payso- n. DCV Co-o- ensm ut news-pape- CWLiiLA rs eym-rom- 1 1 H'yde & Wliitrnofe. it t vjJj') I 9rmm sh - - - U,'J -- - I Wt' v ' 4 |