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Show ' oi . w .u L J ,i k. C T -- 1 J b Hjri er i.. m mi. l.t tli' x anil 31 lo r. 3. oivh On l i T. 3Ic l . 1 - 'I11' i1-- 1:1 li t!.-- ' w i.i'M'i. ug it noviim t'.i 1 fr th of tin 1 eLurmti.-hip- ho ft - itc-we- j re . -i' 1:11 ill1 cell oil Dem- - 1 Bryan. Mr.--. 3L A. Grover anil i red V. hupp! also wen elected 1 . that then Which was r ir rled. Alternates Mr.Motit Whit :n ore, Mrs 31 ary 11. Neil'. The following delegates Mere elect ed to the senatoral convention to he held at Xephi. JL F. Me Cane, ('has Haynes, .Janes Garrett 3re.-v-.r- Mrs. If. Price. Alternates dam Vickers, 3Ir. Orson Cazier, Mrs. W. A. (' Bryan, 3tiss 3Iatti( Nelson. The following d donates was cted to the thirteenth Distrct at Hureka W. A. C- - I. W. Chappell, Orson Mont G. Whitmore. ele con-veiivi- lJryan, Cazier, Alternates S. Lee and Thomas Carter. County Convention at Eureka 3Ir. Lddie McCune, 3rr. Farley Christen sen, Kohert Typer, John Leal. MT. i ! 1 ! and Neb XJ"o ' h i.f Tlii winniorr. ul'.o. W - . M. A (Late O'tleV Wm. Bailey up- the weak Ayers Hair Verer tones hair slimula'es Hie vessels ami u.i sues which supp y tlio hair with , btreupthens tne hair itselt, and adds the oil which kt s the oiiaits sott, lustrous, and smky. Th luost popular and valuable toilet p.vp irati ki in the - ro-t- s, Vic- T! - M i w till tir Wi'IlH'II lu tl .1 luniks m I'tiJ. Aeuly KfrmC. uwl i s. Dflo'1 Tilt ' . THE - t Pe- X.iU CUlCAgo. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of trn cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Elys Cream ltalm) sufficient to demonstrate the groat merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, SO Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elys Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize liis statement, "It is a posias directed. tive cure for catarrh if Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Flys Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. u mg and vi it THE STORE, W- - A. C. CITY LIQUOR PaMs an' Salt Lake Leer hand. on F. W. CHAPPELL, Courteous treatment to ail. Attorncy-at-Ltn- v J. R. Edgheill Prep. Probate work a Speeiali.v- II. 1IAWKISS Xephi City Boarding House - Main Street Xephi. The Best Laundry LSFE Gy ng -- uo-ci The only First-Clas- s Shop in Xephi. IVZaiu Im-lie- , Dont IFoiMst o The TROY u 11 l,H 1 "" eli t the little teWne chip-- j iuuack. as they flitted (rum tree to tree. After a v(ry plea-an- t. though the party pitched their tiring trip tent- - or what served a such in the of turns and mid't of one p A For 34 extravagant notions. Tim and ye editor were silent ears the . v. v) ir stort. Sparks Jr. t Ayv-n- Convenience. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Free Bus to and from depot. Livery and feed stable connected with it. II. GOLDSBROUGn, Proprietor. UTAB, BARTON k A. AY. CAINE t P Come and.-e- e lisrs, WHOLESALE us. Tits riaiicr.al & Bernes t1-- ' r. : A rgrai ; rue uoiaen ji -- nu b i - t eu-b- When You Want a Nice Drink Visit the Boys, u-- i ' J V i t.c- - r, I i THE !' II. Gra utn rr'm;;TiCM Hub' t ih t i ty .. d n it u t rt. m . ACS, CHICAGO. i G mv0m 'P f K BL&CKE!T'BROS. 'v w The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Regulate the Liver, UlliVBTK&YSb liipiors and cigars in 'Mr X I.. A'V ' Jb J : Hr tlisr.-- i w i i li verify R amt '5- - 'A r ni 1,1 'll MLV I O VI'aCB ' H t. ul 3 O 3 reirjLt l.i nt en-u- Ut Aj-ji- i id-- c f fit1 Vt imm'irl'! f.-- - i.'V an! dmiM ; - i.- rrt.ui ;ia oi Mr i.uknc lint p i ?,nv- - t..iri r L OK rinrl e ro'iuimir ul I O tt 5 'j, .lilUP--tion- is rjjarivcf Mt u u'W ioice. !'.s on Drain Bower. nuscb:iml mix t lliu uiimi uml 4 SLJ .vik . Ji 1 All kinds of licer, t u V-- v, subri-ni- ptinli from ill complui r to their wux w ill ft ml a K,.BTLft'a IRON ? CNJG a sate ami pcc ty u.re. it gr.es an ur am: lica thy complexly. i tG ike value oi Diz troturesf ihe !1 vhti Iko 4 ToMw ft ilru frt fjtiett t atti.ipts to the poptnan rt connttksrfcitimr have only V v of tlu oMtfin.tl . li ) on hrnt (tly desire HealU ",D not expert men Okigixal tv. i he D- - Hr.tor Med CoA ju- - nidrti DIvCAAff BOCK. our Mo Cnd ?,,T.Dr.o osef ntoiu utior , E BOlt H A. rlABTFR'S 3' DR. if, 4 u f a E i began fo disappear find tnj general health improve. 1 persisted in' this ri treatment, until tlu sure was e I liealed. Smee tlum, !y Aier's Sarsajiai'illa occasionally as a tonic and and, indeed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." 3Irs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. r LAW 'a i &1 nir CI1IY Tkh, :iY n fy 7s, , vhv. N. . (i j fVyer's Pills r ,' Second South St. Salt Lake City. ) esw.TS is Mood-purifie- BET AIL. Main St. Salt Like City. Clcjoles ere the Best. i & CO. CO, Lead in the race Blacksmith, , Re- modeled and Replete with every 1 tz. it Refitted; at - Law. - move, I Leading Hole! in Southern Utah. of shrubbery. Around the c nnp lire that night all sorts of stories were told, brig going into soaring flights of fancy, building air castles of how he w ould clear the creek of fish, while Xephi's Tuldle saiver, vied with him in these ) and 3, First National Bank Builcdpg. Room lit G'l. i !i L WEDGWOOD, ed . chi.-chir- (. iv A n-- out-trctci- stsa a r! u ,i I la, . TJoplii NEPlfl HOUSE d i.lb'.C 1 Gill M'"i ' j 1, d () & Attorncvs STEAM LAUNDRY. I of b mty which lay be i .e us. Here and there lie only e i .races of life notie. 'able w ere the pie hens, blue jays, .uni the chirp- - THURMAN nui-ilie- j " fStm 11 SAVED - me Persistent Use of Sar-aparil- Barber Courtious Treatment Guaranteed to all. de-su- e I was troubled for jours with a son; m my Knee, w'nieh several physicians, u lm treated in", called a suing me that nothin could b done to suit my life. As a la- -t r -- ml, I ia- - indueed to try and, after tak- Ajir's of nit a ties, the sore jug . Bk. NEILSON k SPERRY Utah Steam Laundry. Ayers Sarsaparilla 1 Eac. 11 r. i j Hoorn - Nephi City, Utah. corres- CAK&ER CURED and jump sort of Me. Iasi, ion. Sometimes we had the prii degc of riding which was Arrived on the yoiv seldmt. ho ''s hack'' which oierlooks Led en'e . and Pole canyon Hit party con! not help but eulogi.1 the m;u olio nice of tin U'peet. Looking evil 1e.l creek t!m eye met a sen o' wild timber, the scrub oak.j s, cog. moods, choke cherrie tc. ,, liile in the distance could be seen dm forks of the eanyoa and in a s !1 more ho'izon like view Xei and . uab lake could be dis cern 1. Arrived in bear e.itnon the u"ry was magnilieeiit. Tim cotti'nwoo.ls, quaken p, pin to Miami the M'ene a etc uding Utah - - Cigars in Xephi. e- rou;'t - Xephi at-La- iv iti O,!-le- imp-ski- p BRYAN e attovnrij The Finoht and most complete Lines of Liquors and Letters PublishingCo. .mplisied Buildin: Utah. Hot soil Gold Baths. JOURNAL Devoted to letter Wool Growers Nephi City bright and attractive A Makes a Specialty of Gold Crown and Bridge work. Teeth withcet plates. Main St. W cplii, Utali. tunH'd a i ii. 11 DEFTEST. all its pondence. al.pted to those nie who are dou ntiJ, kiT'S'm:.' and Jen on Juali -- Thomas C. u .nil line I'lea-nr- e Is the one that guarantees Crawley, J. lonely. In it y Wellington Tm ig,i it jmi may and huppine-s- . the tine.t and most artistic Is?au iuV.1 AJ.uas, Edw in Boal . Anil peace at heart. Send 1) cents Ibr ilnish on their work. The Mi ion uii-- ami oiilers will to nmutlis inal L.-i31 r. tnree ,i P.td'rewski iptiun nest g'oss - placed on all (liyton. as p!ea-- a clip this out lor future leferenee, Vo l.omnx 3Tr. and John our Collars, Cuffs, etc. Sp Try, lm other no: ins will he "ien of your a;i editor. J, W, Iaxnian. liintments, call for work Mondays and Oliver In h u.apohs, I nd.. U. S, A. La 3Ir. Sp Try with his kindly and Fridays cf each week. - ut uuny atAnd read the a !d:e obliging nature baling provided tractive young i.,eti and women that the t him etc. ' are was wealohy aial live in luxry, who io ride up to the summit JOSOFH CenAfJ , Agent. -AND A a coireepondent. and turn-in a ace pie-idi- Booth, l'kb'iWc . rc 'u A. XC1I11.S. LR mux f.'jxiirrr. u, T.vxTni-siixiia- AV Missionaries. in, Jo- - Utah. r. N i.uxuiu, nvxKixe ix ej Han-Aml- J. Dr. 'ijnt. T'l wrld. 1 J - Kopbi, 030,000. Capital GurplTls, 37,000. Oeki-y-) leel-inc- eon-Cv'iy- I.IOWERS .our "oo!- - Proprietors. !iimintmcnts fur Sund.iy, septemlier 27th, me as tnllow': Neiihi Naac C. (ladd, lVter week ago a party of live the idea of taking a canyon t rip behin I 31 1. Nebo. Tlu; party Poote. 31r. T. L. included Attorney I . helm A !'u (1 ( i. util, Andiew Neils n. Mona M'lllum Bin .liolt, John 3V. Out. !i lTlom.is -f iiheieoa, .lo-Mammoth A ;:a-- m.-vcoi-i, u-- ed Creek. tu'h t. Pr,--,;,!.- COHMI'a, V. s;. l Canyon -- Izvxxti. JX3.XC.1 date . CINDERS, rp Store. Co f 1 1 laph-t- In fact, ei.ryth.ing nece-'-ar- y for firm work. Call and inspect ISaug ncn, I'.i'lui nolOnn, near Cu.ecl Z3uttor Porli, meet Choeso on Ziniitl FEtaST GaTiCiJAL Ciias. Ockey & Sons SAMit off fjEFHI. on we-w- Home :ct '. e c, iwkxb straight. NEBO. Trip up Salt Creek to Bnr specialty. Mk Offices: Loin and Porterhouse Steak 0c. per lb. -- lmr-e-ha- and oFI-UTz-Or.- e f.rd Cari-tia- u A vl r 3'NEPia 1. lu-i- t td p.a ,'hcl.tu, fi'ii and vti'.er ill'. i ' oi eggs. llsh Cggs. with 1 ehieken-- , and pin ij with dec ej ms of tie se n tv which .''.irro.iud-ih. Wepalntidr tie whole of Lear eanyoa a bright and vivid Inn with tin oeecntrni-- ! tic- - oi'oar truthful -- tonics r ) until we finally eai.ie 1 tin cam that Pad." Spi rry wu.v tin only truthful PC ia.ni in the crowd. The return was more iuten ting than tin jounuy outward. We preferred to walk on the return that is part of tie way heeaiise e as if our laid to. It r d tired that gallant d that on and we sugje-tearrival in the city they he given a dose of Lap-t- s AI alt extract which .1 one-- , deals out to the tin' customers that patronize hunt's drugstore. We have not learned whether the kindly and consider-lat- e feelings ami well wishes of ourselves were followed by the owner of th quadrupeds in question. We have not seen him since. Maybe lie is still regaling himself on trout and well choke cherries. Next tine we take the tiring and hazardous journey we .have all decided to cu.fit ourselves with an extra pair of shoes, and and a pair of crutches for the horses. a i -- TA t an i REAPERS RUBBLE PLATED ' Tin lao-ami up WAGCmS, ),YN- -. bihd ;i;s tli of tI! r,v i'i t the pivviou- night Mere truly real- i".l. And v, h it a snpp r we -- .it e oii'avc v ''i.l:33i !cl3. 5 pivot i i, A 1 1. 1 1. 1 f be two altdrnate- - r i 1 1 f iul !x Oi E.stnC-- JULD die it' :i.iy on , l j v p j 1 Meg itc.-- ly a'Tlamation I lid; i Cuapp.-- l in ive 1 w i On :n f.n of Ir. II. F. 3k(une. J odC w. r was elerfe a- - secretary. rl'l: ci.l was taken uu'l rend by tin - 'etviry. .1 u ; l ii 11 ,ll th n stat'ul m ire tall t i o' i it of tin c ill. Te--r- s (I ). C. Whitmore. W. A. i hi ni 1 . .Mrs. -t.-- Haynes, Mr. A. J 311-- . WAS l - He- (1 t.it rde: in ehalrm by i Mi'-Cu- n . v. .ri I . a vcrv I l nt r;-- . 'if.iv. e ilV n ; HT AC i rii'ii n t .5ii! ta (v.. II i 1T,7j r-- v . 'took. , Uoplii ' XT i : t nix. 0?. r.2 Ft ,F4l r'. , |