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Show to begin MOODY. J , j y I parted Brigham Youn;. as a worthy suctv-- i ID will world said: her, but wait till he is gone but the church 'saxes FOR at- S. SLATE Governor Secretary of State Treasurer The charge that p'i ta'ny. a system Should is the Ripsn which they said p to the baser jRow Hone of men, g i'c the cliuich its Problem. numercial strength, followed these. forsworn and we That tenet has believe that the public is ready to give Honey should be allowed to ripen us a bearing. (in the hives, if practicathoroughly Mr. Roberts has a singularly pleaand it should never be put on the ble,) sant voice, soft as a womans in con- market unripe, untidy or unclean. versation and with some distinctly Mr. Pringle, as quoted in Canadian Bee musical notes in it. He conveys an Journal. impression of sincerity the most preThis would be a good motto for every judiced cannot fail to appreciate. Ilis bee paper in the country to place at friends in his native State are not con- the head of editorial column, and its fined to those of hia.owb political faith. it standing there from week to Governor Wells, the Republican ex- keep week in fact, the year round. I am ecutive of the new State, sent the sure that it would go a long ways quite evangelist a letter full of expressions of toward solving the problem of a market esteem on his departure, He says: To for honey, if every man in the land all who read these words I commend who produces honey would make up you as one of the foremost citizens cf his mind never to put on the market the new State of Utah, as cne who has is that honey any "unripe, untidy or performed colossal work in the molding unclean. There is nothing that so of public sentiment and securing that ruins a honey market as a lot of poor, happy release from the contentions of This is not only true of the past which ended our admission dirty honey. of any article of human but honey, into the Union. You were U member food. The people who live near a of the Constitutional Convention and market and make clean took probably the most active of any of never have any trouble to sell butter, the delegates in forming the State Co- it.. They are not bothered very much nstitution. As an editor, public speaabout adulteration nor laws to protect ker and writer your opinions have been their industry. The superior quality foiceful, honest and potential, and the of their good-- , is their protection. State will feel your loss while you are That is the kind of protection, too, away. which needs no officer of the law to en' Tb is is the man whom, according force it. Yvby do we ask for certain to its peculiar custom, the Church of brands of goods? bimpiy because the? Latter-DaSaints has sent out with- have the repulati ui of being first class out any stipend from its treaourery to every time, and such a reputation is devote a year or more to a missionary boon to tel! in any kind of business. tour. He will give a series of at least Always room at the top. young man. four lectures in this city. Ilis themes This is as true in the production of The Rise and Progress of honey as in will be: Never put eke. anything Morinonism, The Relation of Mormon-is- any unripe, untidy or unclean honey on to the Christian World, The the market. American Bee Journal. Cluistian Gospel from the Mormon Heber M. Wtffiff James T. Hainmoffd James Chipicf 7 Morgan Richards J A. C. Bisk II. PliV John S. Zane. G. W Hare. Judges of Supreme Court . J. A. Miner, Judjre Fifth Judicial District. ...E. V. Senator, Seventh District.. ..James P. DriseoJ Member Lower House Adalbert Caier, liryon Gro Registrar Land Ollice Receiver Lund othce Frank Harris JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. Charles Foote lluo Deprezin A. L , Jackman Sheriff J. T. Sullivan D. V. Ca.ier Royal Phosphates the most Assessor and Collector. Clerk ami Recorder summer William Burton, Thomas Winn cooling healthfuj Edward Piko Attorney T. C. Hanford drink, 32 glasses 23c. Surveyor Wm. Oekey Treasurer... Coroner Eustiee John T. Miller Superintendent Schools Yours for Health, i 1 Fits. have ordered a big supWe also have the ply. b-e- y on It We pa-sio- s, C. E. Allen Auditor Attorney General Supt. of Public Instruction BEST TOXIC, stronger, Frank J. Cannon. Arthur Brow n. Senators Delegate to Congress Have you heard about the wonderful remedy beekeepers: first-clas- Directory. U- - flood Health. thereafter for a month. Py-pe- in the wicked Mississippi Valley metropolis. Continuing, the Republic says: Brigham II. Roberts is a powerful man, powerful in more than one sense. He is a large man with the brawn of the village blacksmith whom Longfellow immortalized. He is of sturdy frame and his features have a Jovian strength. Ilis eyes are blue and his hair light brown. Ilis face is impassive except when the passion of oratory is upon him. But he is a power on the platform or on thn tripod. One of the leaders of the Democracy in his State he yet has the hardihood often to differ, from the local party as to expediency or right. On the floor of the recent Constitutional Convention he fought against overpowering opposition a lone gallant fight against the granting of to women. He opposed it suffrage not only because he feared the public might construe it as a potent of the return to polygamy by the Mormon Church but on those other grounds which appeal to men and women alike; that the home, the nursery of the best would lose its sacredness politics, a course. Someone in such through an adde had impeached the orators motives and overhearing the charge he tossed his head with a leonine gesture, and eyes ablaze with a righteous fury he said. I am in earnest. My God cant you see I am terribly in earnest:1 That is a characteristic of the man. Id politics, as in religion, he is terribly in earnest. the length and the Throughout bread th'of Utah Mr. Roberts is known as the blacksmith orator,' for he was reared to use the bellows and tongs and his opponents claim that he wields the sledgehammer in his forensic engagements. He was managing editor of the Salt Lake Herald, the leading Democratic paper of Utah, for several years, and last fall he suffered defeat for Representative to Congress with the others of his ticket. The Church to which he has always been loyal has sent him on a years tour of the large cities of the North and East. The authorities of that hierarchy think this an opportune time State Officers and Juab County pathie voice which is always in demand at the best concerts ir. Salt Lake City, FREE SILVER is Mr. Roberts' Hist lieutenant, and Melvin J. Ballard, a young baritone Seems to be getting its share of from Logan, the second. tention these days, but in "The party is staying at 710 Lucas tlie excitement dont avenue. After its departure two young eiders named Christainsen and Thack-rcl- l forget to look will have charge of a branch of the after your churchin this city. The first of a will be held nexti series of meetings Sundav, and there will be meetings a rproselyting campaign and have ineaeased their force of miFsiuir aries to 1200 in this country, Europe-anWo some of the Pacific Islands. Title Bestowed Upon Elder B. H, bobs. 3 th it slander has sp ent its force said Mr. Roberts, who is a member of Roberts at St. Louis. vhat is known as the Third Quorum or one of the Seven Presidents of the When our Church began The Mormon Moody is in town and Seventies. with him the tSankey of the Latter-Da- its existence its enemies sai it was Saints, is the manner the St. held together by a forceful Louis Republic notes the arrival of of Joseph .Smith and that wm-- he died r it would Elder B. II. Roberts and George D. go to pieces. THE MORMON Call and Sco TTs. Lunts Pharmacy. Main Street CITY OFFICERS E. R. Booth Mayor; Couneilinen; Jas, F, Wrijrht, John Sidwell, Martiu Larson, John Ellison, Alfred Lunt. Recorder: O, P. Goldsbrouprh James Schofield Marshall; Abraham cinift Treasurer; Wm. Stout City Justice; T. L. Foote City Attorney ; Wm. liuiley Supt. Water Works; Nephi, Money to Loan. In any amount from one hundred to ten thousand dollars. On improved larm property or on water Ptock. T. C. Winn, County Recorder. Juab Stake Wm, Paxman Nephi, President. Charles Sperry and James V, Nephi; Counselors. Notice of Dissolution. The heretofore existing tinder the name and .style of Ostler A: Ockey, doin;r biisi ues-- at Nepni, Utah is this day dissolved by mutual consent, George LKtler The business will hereafter be by (.liarles Orkcv fc Soils under the A: hrm name of nn, who will collect indebtedness and will pay all aebts contracted by Ockey. WARDS. Eureka.. Juab , Levan Mona Nephi Pirst d Second... Wellington oiit'-taud- TAKERS A UK Paint BIMIorS Peter LautenwocS Robt. C. StoeiiNotf N. P. Rasmussen Jas. H. .Newton ....Wm. H. Warner T. II. G. larkes Thos. Oriil, P. E. AM) WARD SERV'D Ls. Services every Minday in the Tabern.o le at 2 oclock p. in. Sabbath School 10 oclock a. m. V. L. M. 1. Association meetings are held in the First ward every Wednesday even.n and in the Second Tuesday evenings. Primary meetings e cry Saturday at 3o clock Suincd, Ciia- -, Ockey. Nt phi. W dm sduy, July 2Jth, p.o. p. m Dont llijrh Priests meeting, first Saturday each month at 2 o'clock p. w. Forgets. Tim Old Reliable TROY STEAM Presbyterain, LAUNDRY. Rev. O. S. Wilson, pastor rejrular w r ices, Sunday at o'clock a. in. ar.d 7 o'clock p, rrt. at 7 o'clock p. in. V tuuc.-dat- s, Prayer Sunday .school at 10 o'clock a. m. 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work called for and delivered every week Ladies hirt w aUls a specialty. Office at Candy Cijar store. Sparks Jr- Agent- in Methodist. - Sunday School at 0 oclock a. m. Rezular s. rviccs Sunday 7:30 p. in. ltcv. J. A. Smith, Pastor. m Standpoint, eph and The Mission of Jos- Smith. D. Pyper the sweet singer Zion with a remarkably eytn- - George from VJanted-- An Palmer. y Blacksmith, Idea Protect your idea: they may bring you wealth. , Write JOHN WEDDLiUib'KN & CO., PnteDt offer Main Washington, I). C.,fr their prize of two hundred Inventions wanted. list Attar-runs- All kiudsof repair work done Street. Nephi, Utah U. S. Post Office. i Time of departure of mail from the offe All mail going South and to Fountain Uieu. Moroni aud Chester, leaves the office, lu.20 t in., daily. H. F. McCcne, P. M. Office Hours: 9 a. in., till 5 p. m. Sundays. 12 a. m till 1 p. ,m |