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Show e vv t live Jt-- i We Sell Them. What cwk LONG TIME ! .M e a- - 4 ,,- !ffie and TIi inn t ar.il un-til lit ; 1 o ' . i ' 5 WAGONS, . : :y " -- and REAPERS I - In i.ut, cverytui;" o , .arm wm k. our good.-:- . Republican Ticket. Djmocratic Ticket. MOWER LINDERS, mc'nrv V.l and 1' ji- liiiY WILLIAM JBN'XIXUi F.ir Piv-i.leii- Utali. Ior t: STATE It Will Held KLNLLY, JR. Mi Dr. J. A. Yke-lie'i'len- t: ion whatever CONVENTION with the Nephi Times. C.ir Temple of Music, 232 S. Main, ; SALT oimiectiiiu with that paper was se.erelj some three or tour weeks age. uud Mr. This Henry Adams is s ile editor and manager. Tiutie Miner. H7iST. j Ee Booth, GARRETT A. HMiART. ARTlH'dSLWAI.L. DSliOCRATX at Provo Brices and terms to suit every one. t: WILLIAM VN'. Easy Payments. Wm. Bailey ,2VcpIii, Tor President:-- - ior im-jc- d j LAKE CITY. For particulars call on W. L. Roe at this office. Year. MikesaJ Specialty this issue The Minor take, pleasure in introducing t its patrons and the people ot.Morginin general, Mr. J. M . Hyde, ot Logan, Utah, a praeti.nl printer and w liter of some years experience. Mr. Hyde will! be associated with the present propiiiinr in the publication of the Mirror, and n all probability will move his family here and locate permanently n our midst. Minor. We can (We wish the Mirror success. 1 trust under vouch for Mr. Will Hyde, an will combi nation the p iper the prosper. "With state convention for the The of nominating three eleetois wlio purpose their votes in the t it' eleeted, will, electoral college for A llliam J. l.ryati lor ice vv pieshleii t, and Arthur S .ill for ito for rcprcs ut itive in e cm as such other and trails, 1 he hel will liefore come it, at may prup-rlthe eity of Irovo at 11 o'clock a. m. on Thursday, the 21th day of September, n baAs of representation ill said ihall he one dclegat; tor every 1 . L.tine lot fnty votes east tor lion. John of d !)", election November the at governor, emtics as apportioned an in' the. Deaim-rati- iii-- pre-i-ilen- ! hu-im- -s t con-eutio- j Bridge work. Teeth! withcet plates. ; Wool Browers Slain; zTcjpm. TJiziH. Atloriif Short Stories are Popular. Building, if short story is fl Middling. From a mere il has into a valuable' pastime developed factor in literary commerce. It enjoys the patronage of the best novelists, an 1 a novel- ist w ho cannot he s ii.1 to have a bushel (r of short stories to his credit is hopeless B San J C.irlio Salt Like W. CHAPPELL, p .1 1 (Allium rvohat-tw- o 1 It ttornci-'ttL'(- HEWLETT EEOS. SALT LAKE O.TY. TITAH of n' Room work a 11 E.c. E.k. Utah Nephi City, Utah. y Sanpete Davis ST. The Great Dividend Paying Mines j ' D'-- ' SELLS Utah Nephi A 1 x CRGGER ytf-Li- tu Beaver l.'ieh YG zm pohest BEST. W. A. C. BRYAN 1 follows: and JofUCrltblCrownl Constantly pouring their wealth into not so very m uiy years ag i tlut the Salt Lake City will continue to stimu11 Sevier & dignity of novelist e ) lid not ho applied! business of all kinds, and to raplate 1(M Binary impunity 10 t le writer win eoul.l not -First-Class Summit Barber The only idly increase the value of city realty. 1 string out descrintion and dialog u throng' i ) (i ill field three volumes. Time has eli.mged all this. OAKLEY LOTS at the present exq Shop in Xejdii. Tooele The man who can tali his story slirplv, 1 tremely low price, 81C0 to $200 each, briefly who can, widi a few bold strokes, Courtinus Treatment Guaranteed B Utah will soon double in value. 12 minutes outline Ins sketch and liai.s'i the picture (l ill. Iron t) with a ncj dialogue, is the one most likely drive from business center. High and dl to Utah INT the laurel. Brevity has been said XVZ c is. SJt. gain 11 dry: shade trees; beautiful view; wide Juab to he the soul of wit, an I it is the latest H Wasatch streets; alleys, etc. o- ipulity of wit that can tell the hugest Bane in the fewest words. story ! Washington Terms: $10 a Month. No Interest. Yean agi the fame of l short-s- t try waiter Millard was not measure 1 si much by the ipuility of Wayne 1 his stories as by his first novel; m,v the Morgan Fcr34 ) ears (he Lszd'ug Hotel tn sitiiation is reversed. Wlieth-- r AYe'ier the fad will spiv 1 any farther is a nutter of Southern L'rch. Rcf.ite:!; Imt from nnsaut inLeitiias it Thesever.il eonnty committees a:c r anj Reieto with every woul.l so' u th it ti j e is u ,f vv t. ijuested to call county conventions for the Convenience. t There is m i m 1 hj ; ir.io 1 i.i th. le-- j 'purpose of electing delegates to the s a c e invention an to judicial and feaatoiial velopmcnt of the short story. In the f.r-pie Rooms for Commercial Travelers. emveutio is and to mini. late canlidates for place style is t o oft m s i ritice I t huuiel Free Bus to acd from depot. he legislature an I county ollices at least movement. Mr Situati m.s which Livery and feed stable connected with it. ten diys hefoi'c tlu tun; live for the s'ate gest a thrilling ilcnoac.ii mt ar with a few lifeless worls, an 1 opvcution. Attention iscallel to the fad that under II. COLDS I.BO UGH, Tuis, t le law candidates vmst he jdaeed in iirtini weaving minuteness, ration pi ior to the dTtli day of September, fortunately rare. Proprietor. order that. th- - ii'C'Nsary certificates liny 1 lik n foe short s! iry t ) a " filed in due time. miniature. It i v, ils a deftness As soon as the same are ehosen, the cliair-- t absent in th Nt tin' the lurg ciavas. lan of each county commit tee shall forward paint u- of t i h if pripudy cull nit, d itlie secretary of the state committee, isrs e piipp 1, rep: t lu t' i J ihj '.'t i i m ni lists of all deleg ites ehos"ii to the tare, lut til t isk,' as M isio lie.' his snl, WHOLBsALL RETAIL. s ate convention, and the names an 1 post- - - s i m i !i e isier wa a w n r a iw; t dice addresses of all candidates nominated. An ail wrder.s have fit cram e I fir spec Main St. Snl Luke Citv. All voters, indeoemlent of pad pirty al'.i-- i when a lie hi! ti plot ations, are invited to participate in the eon lease 1 t live th ms mil words. Thi Is Your Opportunity lemoeratie .rimaries and conventions, jon-- ' cci t of ti n cents, cash or stamps, On r' lis is T short that tit' in story ni'ins ie a .ded they intend voting for the Democr.it-- l generous sample will be mailed of the t li indie even th m the novel. Il most candidates. By order of the Deal er.it ie diflic lit Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure popular demtids n t only deftness in the n.unge-oBlv's ( ream Balin') sufficient to demon.ate committee. strate the great nurits cf the remedy. th ' s .ms mi intro lu iou of t i ' eh trO. W'. i:i:s. B. A. Mi Dwin., BLI BROTlirBS, vor A man dial ary. aders, hot a Lugo Chairman. Secretary. SO Yfurrui St., New York City. w ini e m express a h i itilnl s '.lWni ' it il u Rev. John Reid, Jr., cf Great Falls, Mont., do sell words is hitter e.piipp'sl I'oi shoit recommended Flys Cream Balm to me. I vvhise voeih.i-lars'.oiy writing Ilian tile on can empha-,LLis statement, It is a posiTOE STATE PRESn is limited to tie; orliniry einmn-plae'- s tive cure for catarrh if as directed. Yet we llev. Francis Yf. Boole, lastor CentralFres. of every d iv e mveri itio.i. Church, lhlena, Mont. ti ml many short stories told in the simp! s; Tlmra are lots of vain d do time wasted in Fly's Cream Balm is the acknowledged language, which are the rarest gms m cure for catarrh and contains no mercury p liitic il argum Ult, sirs the L"hi 15 inner. their wav. Bleg.mt ling isi ami nor any injurious drug. Trice, 50 cents. It is a rare thing that you will iind a m ro e m ill! kited peiiods may plea-t..e who is w iiliug t ) be e mviive 1, so wh.it is scholar, hut. grandiloiiHm'e is not often the of wasting tim an temper in foolth most entertaining, and tint oar shod stoiv Y'J ish d.'h ite? Nearly every h vl v lias his vvriters e in J A. express themselves simplv, and mind m i le up an I w, lullin'; bdieve what is force which retain that si necessary yet th.; ot'.iT fellow sivs. n i ill itter h iw logic il ui add life and zest, we must resign ourrf nTrictiUure are not heat-el )iis tirg i neats. Tas usu il result of a The cultivaselves to tiresome recitations. yf ti v i h d.s min l is t ut e eh disputant thinks d ui the Lost tion of force, brevity, clearness and style is pjb r.tlicaps ui ruccsiull v tin; (.tiler is ;v to il and won't listen to rea-stdrm and orchard not assisted so ranch bv the multiplication crojs bv IUu" u;d t'f irri.rc.thmt vug friends is to Tin best wiy to urnal Ibis dev tiled re unut a vocabuji of words or the enlargement of ones 'j rrtiOihr vi!icct. lo Vim wuh to City keep out of argument. Brigham Iciirncd a iuive t as n..t others bv the v fre (.' t simplest by using judiciously lary f n. innwnte outBugler. r' 'L"'i i.tytnoof t ik cod u'otkv words to express the strongest thoughts. r iOr a n i L r vp; the rct of the Vd Ivrpra Tiie Home Queen for September. yt e v. h'.ch wiit e' von idv j ck tih.m if)I f fr S ti.edtv.red im'ormntion. In order to correct any misunderstanding ; o'Xsume, radical ;.nd instructive. CL IV. AC .Df'THE IRRIGATION age. CHICAGO. jn regard to the matter, we desire to state is This And O. - (.IHLIMk dr i'Ji',1 '.d'.i'hul by paper 125 DEARBORN that the editor of the Miner lias no eonnect- - you forget it. A SAMPLE COPY FREE is SPERRY XEILSON j 1 11 - i 1 Mining Slocks and Claims in the Mcrcur gold belt for ciolxi Sale. Write or call for further c, 1 W. B., Hlu.lo'bard 1 1 1 j 1 43 West Snd So St., Salt Lake 1 - eer-l.tie- i- 1 i 1 . f -- Iu i 1 e n-- ed Is a Praollcai 'laclilno, tetf by Practical Ticrs. 1 ii-- 1 Ancient sEgyptian u. k-- eji ( j n-- -- ,'t BRISCO is a lmn.1 furnKbud (ornbiruithFi iislucr. vv i t biuution Lock and Attach'i.cuu It records both cash and credit sales Tt MiHH'V F)i a wit amt ( It records It It 11 disIunxenuMits. iteni'zs money paM m on account. enabl'0ou to trce iransactions in ch9-put- It will keep different lines of poods separate. It shows the transiictions of each clerk. It makes a careless man careful. It keeps an honest man honest and a thief will not stay where it is. It will save in conveicciKP. tune and money, enough to pay for itself many tunes over. K.u'h maulnne boxed separately ami wfcfw ranted for two years. For full particulars address CO., Western Mm rugers, ST., CHICAGO, 1LU |