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Show - ft 's .1 " I FIrst vw VrV s , ' " t , Job Printing At tiring price. Let us hare your next order lor anything you want print cd. Rich County News printing is synonymous with art and efficiency. Are Yon a Subscriber? If not please remember will your subscription help make this paper strong a thing necessary for an unsurpassed news service. BEACHES EVERY NOOK AND COBNEB RICH COUNTY msns io FLAMES BREAK OUT j" BUj Events to the Lives cfl IN EXCITEMENT, MADISON SQUARE GARDEN , AMID SHCv TENTS r Moab. Safecrackers blew the safe of the First National bank here Fri. day morning and escaped with $7,000 after binding and gaging the book, keeper. The robbery occurred shortly after 2 oclock, H. J. Green, bookkeeper of the bank, heard the men at work and arose and went to the scene. He was attacked by the trio and bound nd gagged effectively. The work appears to have been done by experts, soap and nitroglycerine having been used in blow, ing the vault. It is thought that the robbers are still in this vicinity, as no trace of an automobile has been found. , That there were three men impU cated in the robbery is certain, pc. cording to the bookkeeper. Descriptions of only two are available. One of the men is described as be. Ing thirty years of age and about feet tall. He was tire and one-ha- lf well built. The other Is said to have beet about 25 years of age and about 3 feet 10 inches talk His manner in. dicated that he was or had been at one time a cultured man. The telephone wires were not cut and as sooon as the robbery was dls. covered, reports were sent to ing towns. Local authorities believe that the men are within a few miles of here as the apparent, absence of an automobile aimostllnliate the possibility at an attempt to leave the section. , - Bombs Wreck Ruhr Railroad Dusseldorf. Five separate bomb explosions on the Ruhr railroads during Thursday night cut railway, tele, communications, graph and telephone '' traffic. disorganizing temporarily French headquarters said the explosions had caused the most serious damage since the beginning of occupation. During the confusion the to Germans made a series of ior run the customs, barrier into Germany, but large quantities of goods which the Germans were trywit to get through were seized by the French. The explosions tore up sections of track and blew down , the wires alongside in each instance. erts Drops Suit Against "Babe" Ruth New Tork. Miss Dolores Dixon, who recently brought a suit for $50,. 000 damages agaiust "Babe Ruth, homerun the New York Yankees king, alleging deduction and assault withdrew her case Friday. The with, drawal was made just as the case ol Robert MoChesney, who was to have been examined in supreme court as to record of Miss Dixon, was about to be called. McChesney did not appear when called and' Hyman Buschell Ruths attorney, asked that the case be dismissed. Bushel announced he also had obtained a confession signed by Miss Dixon in which she admitted the suit was a frameup in which sev. era! persons were involved. Civil War Veteralns Passing Past Des Moines The staunch blue lin of Civil war veterans, survivors ' oj the historic Internecine conflict ol more than sixty ye vs ago, is rapidlv being decimated from year to year according to figures on file at the headquarters of the Grand Army oi the Republic here. In 1022 ti e num-be- r of G. A. R. veterans dwindled by 14,512, a .decrease from an enrollment of 71,100 at the beginning of 1923, ac. cording to figures in the hands o National Cammander H. W. Wllle1 here. , During that time the numbs decre is of active posts in the ed from 4,218 to 3,659, indicat ng the abandonment of 559 posts. New York. Fire broke out Tuesday In Madison Square Garden where the and Bailey Ringling Brothera-Barnucircus is being held. Hundreds of wild animals, excited by smoke and the activity of keepers who sprang to their posts when the alarm was given, stirred uneasily in their cages, many roaring with fear. There was no general panic, however. The flames were confined to the stock room where thousands of dollars worth of popcorn, peanuts. Ice cream and soda pop was destroyed. Twelve keepers, asleep in the basement of the historic structure where the combined shows are being staged, were awakened ae smoke poured into their quarters. "gen-orThey gave that fire alarm that thrills every circus man and scores of employes rolled out of their bunks and took up stations outside the cages of the wild animals, ready to get the beasts out if the flames spread. . Because the fire was in the circns, and in the famous garden, Fire Chief Kenyon answered the first alarm In person. Jimmy Clark, famous old time animal trainer, bustled about among his quieting them and assuring them there was no danger. Fred Hampton was doing the like with the ten elephants under his care. Not far away the flames were being extinguished were- the "cat ani-to- e lions and- ttgers from whom most was feared' if a panic were to ensue. The sacred ox was Firemen had toe close to the lire. flames under control In half an hour. awe-inspiri- twenty-elephant- al s, Religious Officials Attempt Flight Joseph, Mich. Flight of high officials of the House of David, folrevelations of Immorality lowing among members of the colony, was sheriffs deputies interrupted by Thursday. Benjamin Hill, one of the seven pillars of the colony, accompanied by a "virgin member, waa taken into custody at Stevenaville, near here, by Sheriff George Bridge-maThe couple had checked several trunks and other baggage to Chicago. The sheriff believes Hill planned to join King Benjamin Purnell, ruler of the colony who has been missing since the first of the year. St n. Bureau Probe of Graft Started Washington. An investigation into the many charges that graft is being practiced on or among federal prohi-bitio- n agents has been begun by the Internal revenue bureau, under which the prohibition unit operates. Treas. ury officials said Thursday that considerable data had been laid before Commissioner Blair but thus far the Inquiry had disclosed no losses to the government. Former Premier Starts Drive New York Colonel, Jovan Plam-anatformer premier of the one who time monarchy of Montenegro, has been admitted to the United States under bond while immigration officials look up his status, started Monday to organize his countrymen in America for a fight against the merging of his country with Jugo. alavia. z, e well-know- Blandlng. The body of Old Posey regenade Piute war chief was found in a canyon near Combs Wash. It is believed Old Posey woe killed in Veteran 8olon Left Washington Ac- a battle with a posses last March. companied by NIee and InsurOgden It is reported that more ance Cemmlesioiner; Death than 50 per cent of the sweet cherry Ends Long Career crop in Weber county will be lost this year aa toe result of tbs frost that nipping toe buds. York, Pa. Senator Knute Nelson Logan The general j, of Minnesota died on a Pennsylvania clean-tow- n committee of the city is train near Tork Saturday night. making every effort to have Logan According to a message received by score at the top as one of toe cleanE. C. Greening, trainmaster here, the est cities in toe state. cause of death was heart disease. on Sait Lake City. Checks representSenator Nelson left Washington the Dominion express at 7 p. ns. ing refunds to motorist who paid their Death occurred shortly after toe license fees, before the reduction in rate are being mailed from toe sec. train left Baltimore. Senator Nelson was accompanied retary of states offices. The checks by his niece and by the commissioner will total over $50,000. of insurance of Minnesota. Murray Glen Hardy age 8, ran Senator Nelson was one of the from behind a hay rack directly in senate. toe in most colorful figures the of aa oncoming auto. His path He had been in politics since 1868, were fatal. bad twice served as governor of injuries are Ogden Girl Scouts of Ogden Minnesota and was first elected to toe United States senate in 1869. urged to participate in the prize esShort and thick set, Senator Nelson say contest announced by toe forest was physically of the old atriking service in toe interest of forest pro. tectlon week. type when in his prime. Of Norwegian extraction, strong Beaver. Cyrus Davis, district game personality and will, the Minnesota warden, received two beavers from senator had been prominent in toe David commissioner, and took them Republican organization for years. to toe Little reservoir immediately senate in 1895, Elected first to the n the Beaver mountains. Senator Nelson was reelected In 1901, NelPark City. Bufina Masteso was 1907, 1913 and 1918. Senator sons reelection in 1918 was with the fined $100 In police court for threatadvice and consent of Woodrow Wil- ening Robert L. Chandler with a knife. son, who, though a Democratic president, placed no obstacle In Nelsons Bountiful The livestock compan. way because of the latters strong ies of Woods Cross will start shipadministratoe Wilson support of ping sheep from the winter range to tions war policies. the summer grazing lands this week. I. W. W. 8trlke Spreads Ogden City Engineer Walter S. hike San Francisco. The general strike Craven is planning a seven-mil- e call of the Industrial Workers of the underground within the next thirty Werld-romilt- ed 4nadditlonal vjqeqJ days .wheniie .wllj eat toft.,,huge walking out Saturday in Pacific coast pipe of the main outfall sewer and states. Oregon reported a camp at make an Inspection before toe sewer The Dalles shut down and the West Is accepted. Coast Lumbermens association with Cornish While Eldon Jensen age offices in Portland, received a letter 9, was playing with a presumable un. from the strike committee setting loaded rifle toe weapon was dls. forth eleven demands. Estimates as charged instantly killing his mother, to number of men on strike in Wash, Mrs. Josephine Jensen. as by employers reported ington, Delta. The people of Lynndyl are were that 10,000 had responded to the strike call, but the I. W. W. head, preparing to incorporate their town quarters said toe number waa be- and a petition la now being clrcu. tween 20,000 and 30,000. Waterfroni lated. employers in Seattle said toe strike Ogden. E. F. Carpenter was killed of the marine workers had produced and J. B. Sharp injured In an auto no noticeable effect The leaders of mobile accident on the state high the strike said it was spreading in way near Sunset eastern Washington and nothern Ida--h- o Fillmore. Alexander Trimble of lumber camps. Fillmore has been appointed by toe N. V. Hippodrome Closes for Good state department of agriculture as New York. The Hippodrome, toe brand Inspector on toe new branch home of big spectacles and New railroad from Delta to Fillmore. Yorks greatest playhouse, closes Its Ogden G. F. Fisher, an employee doors for good Saturday and no of the Ross Wrecking company suflonger will its audiences, each repre- fered a severely crushed arm, while toe faailf toe in states Union, senting en toe ruins of toe Peery working wonder where the diving girls go when they disappear into the huge building. Provo. Alex Joseph, a Syrian of tank and never are seen from the About Provo Bench, was fined $299 on a front to reach the surface. 40,000,000 persons are computed to liquor charge in Jndge James B. have, entered the vast auditorium dur. Tuckers court ing toe eighteen years of its exisMoab. Thirteen tons of wool from tence. The Hippodrome was erected the shearing plant at La Sal have on the site of toe old Sixth avenue been freighted to Thompsons this car barn. The great playhouse will week. make way for a business structure. Moab. The recent rains, followed Mayor Sentenced To Prison Term by warmer weather, have caused a Indianapolis, Ind. Roswell John- rapid growth of the loco weed in this son, mayor of Gary, ind. Saturday section. Many of toe dangerous was sentenced to serve one year and weeds are full bloom on toe higher six months in prison and fined $2,000 ranges. for violation of Hquor laws, in the Salt Lake City. Police report toe United States district court here. other Gary arrest of a gang of box car thieves Johnson, with fifty-fohere who police say are responsible residents, was convicted of conspiracy for toe disappearance of about $10,000 to violate the prohibition laws. Three from cars in local railway yards. of those indicited were granted new Provo. Robert La Rue, has contrials. William H. Dunn, former city judge of Gary, was sentenced to serve fessed to the robbing of the Santa-qui- n a year and a day in prison and fined postoffice on the evening of $1,000. April 17, according to County Attorney Martin M. Larsen. Coal Monopoly Is Charged Tooele. L. Phillips and A. A. Wal',','ash inert on In a formal complaint by the federal trade commission the lace both of the key mountain disNorthwestern Coal Dock Operators trict were fined $250 and $200 reiuu oi Jnuneupolis, its officers spectively on a charge of shooting and directors, have been charged with deer out of season. conspiracy to suppress competition Logan. The first Dads patrol ot and create a monopoly in the sale of boy scouts in toe United States, at anthracite and bituminous coal which was organized here is holding wholesale and retail in Minnesota, weekly meetings and studying to pass Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Da. its tenderfoot examinations. kota and Iowa. Brigham City. Some anxiety la Cecil Sails for Home being felt by the fruit growers of this New York. Robert Cecil, represenvicinity as it is not yet determined tative for South Africa in the league if rectn cold snaps have Injured the of nations, sailed on toe Olympic fruit crop. Saturday after a tour of the United Provo. While digging a posthole, States which, he said, had convinced from Main E. M. Paxmau unearthed toe skele. him that Americans street to Wall street were interested ton of a man. The bonea showed in toe league, even though all were every Indication of having bem busied for many years. not converts. olean-hom-- m Ruhr Peace Move Under Way Washington. A settlement of the Ruhr crisis between France and Germany is now for the first time . in sight, it was learned here Friday' on high authority. Negotiations between the two countries to end the Ruhr situation believed by many to threaten again the peace of Europe, may be expected in the near future, according to direct diplomatic advices. A direct and definite reparations pro. posal from Germany to France is Peru Women Want Rights looked for within a month and a setIn Lima, Peru. For the first time tlement is expected soon after that. the history of Peru a representative Fraud In Saio Charged group of women has formed a perm, San Francisco, Cal. Six indictanent organization to further the feminist movement in the republic. ments were voted Tuesday night by the federal grand jury in session here Lima has been entertaining Mrs. Car-rin charging three junk dealers and three Chapman Catt, the In n government employes with a fraud in American suffrage leader. series of lectures, one of which wa? connection with tne sale of govern, from shipyards at oi ment - material given Iq the historic University tn was understood tost CaL It able been has Oakland, she San Mafpos, reach a large part of the lntellieen1 the amount Involved was $12,000 and women of the different social classes that other indictments may follow involving still larger sums. i Noteo News From All Parts of UTAH KNUTE NEL80N, 80, U. 8. SENA. TOR, SINCE 1895, DIES WHILE ON WAY TO HI8 HOME FIRE CAUSES Man Who Was Overpowered By Blase Confined to Stock Room, Close Robbers Furnishes Description; To Animal Cages; Keepers Work No Indication of Auto To Calm Wild Boats; Flamoa Used By Yeggman Soon Controlled f ts fl Men VAULT THREE MEN WHO ESCAPE WITH ' $7,000 BIND AND GAG BOOKKEEPER u NUMBER 25 .N t ROBBING O RANDOLPH, RICH COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1923 YEAR H T' ,J Qiu TWENTY-SIXT- f CLARA PHILLIPS 1 IS GIRL BELIEVED CAPTURED i PREPARATION APPEAL MADE TO CANCEL FROM A LIFE DUKE OF : YORK AND BOWES-LYOELIZABETH SENTENCE Or. " LADY married Declares Honduras Drizzle Rodrigues tain - Falla to Keep of Out of 8treets 8urely Will Hold Hammer Thousand : To Slayer If Suspicions Wjtnee Gorgeous Arc Correct Winding Pageant ' i I - Los Angeles Photographs and finger prints of Clara Phillips, escaped hammer muderesa Wednesday were on the way to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where Bhe la believed to be under arrest, according to an announcement from Dr. F. M. Rodriguez Honduras consul her., , . Dr. Rodrigue stated fa hdv4or warded the photographs and finger prints on hla own initiative, together with a letter to the Honduran secretary of state asking the government to facilitate the early return to Los Angeles of the prisoner, if it should be definitely established she is Mrs. Phillips. Plans to cause the dismissal of her appeal from a life sentence tor having beaten Mrs. Alberta Tremaine Meadows to death with a hammer and to take her direct from Tegucigalpa to San Quentin penitentiary, are said to be under consideration at the district attorneys office. The group of officers to be sent to bring the woman back to the United States will be headed by Eugene Biscailuz, under sheriff, who speaks Spanish fluently, and will con. tain two other deputy sheriffs, a Jail matron and Mrs. Biscailuz. They ex. pect to leave here about May 5 and return about June 8. Patrol Fires On U. S. Schooner B. C. The American fishing schooner Siloam of Seattle, suspected of poaching in Solander bay on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, was captured Tuesday night by toe Canadian fisheries patrol boat Malaspina, after the schooner struck broadside by a volley of shots from toe patrol boat, had been scuttled by a crew that fled leaving one wounded man, who was taken prisoner. The rest of the crew succeeded in escaping inland on Vancouver Island, where they were being Bought by federal and provincial police. The Siloam is said to have fled when toe Malaspina approached. After a chase of a mile the Malaspina sent a volley through the cabin of the Siloam. The Siloam paused long enough for all of her crew except toe wounded man to take to toe small boat and disappear. Vancouver, London Albert, Duke of York, was united in nr riage with Lady Eliza, both Bo we a--' ron in solemn old West minster, vAlbey at noon ' Thursday, with a poq'ptanfl panoply reminiscent of toe apciraa days of toe era fitd amid ton .tumultuous demonzr.rAtvAf tl jrat, itortmga an tom to witness toe wedding pageant Aa toe cortege entered toe aobey a alight drizzle of rain fell, but soon afterward toe Sunbroke through toe clouds, and aa toe royal pair made their exit they were greeted with brillant sunshine; recalling the old saying; Happy la the bride toe sun shines on. It was the second time In a little more than a year that the king and queen of England gave one of their children in wedlock to a person outside the realm of royalty. While the marriage of toe sovereigns second son did not stir toe popular imagina-tio-n of toe Briitish empire aa did Princess Marys wedding, toe romance which turned a simple Scot tish girl into a royal princes bride and elevated her from a position of relative obscurity to the place of the fourth lady of the land, captured the The hearts of the English people. fact that Lady Elizabeths marriage to the Duke of York makes her eligible to wear toe crown of toe empire in toe event anything untoward befalls the Prince of Wales, Imparted an additional note of interest and significance to the event 8. Attorneys Son In Sanitarium Stamford, Oonn. A man identified as Draper Daugherty, son of the attorney general of the United States, is confined at Stamford Hall sanitarium here on preliminary commitment papers. Dr. F. W. Robertson, super, iatendent of the place declared relatives, other than Daugherty's father, came in with young Daugherty, who was mentioned in the investigation in New York into toe Dorothy King murder because of his friendship with the slain model. The final papers for commitment probably will be sought in the probate court here. The reaNotes In Evidenced Forged Shortage son for the commitment was not York, Pa. Forged notes, ranging in made public. denomination from $100 up into toe thousands, constitute toe evidence of defalcation against Thomas B. Baird, Anxiety Felt for Ships Passengers London. A dispatch from Capecashier, and William H. Boil, assistant cashier of toe City Bank of York, town says that toe Portuguese mail according to state banking officials, steamer Messamedes, which groundwho Tuesday closed the institution ed several days ago, at Cape Frio, after they had discovered a shortage southwest Africa, has been found abondoned with no trace of the 237 estimated at nearly $1,000,000. Thus far, passengers she carried. Miners Vote to Accept Pay Cut the dispatch adds, no boats have Ellenberg, Wash. Union miners in been picked up and there is no in. the coal field voted dication of the fate of passengers and by a majority of 286 to acecpt a pro- crew. Owing to the fact that there posal by toe Washington Coal Oper- are no landing places in toe neighators association involving a cut of borhood of Capt Frio and that a 75 centa a day for day workers and heavy sea waa running Thursday, $1 to $1.50 a day for fifty other grave anxiety la felt for toe safety of classes of mine workers. The vote toe boats. The Mossamedes passenwill be canvassed by officials cl the gers Included 29 women and 25 child, district, No. 10, United Mine Workers ren. Two of them were British and of America. the rest Portuguese. Roslyn-Cheelu- m U. et. ur |