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Show i 4vi4rH h tmjJOL.su, Ut ii vG..iV NOTICE mi tiinnmi TUESDAY - BUY YO U R HAY 16th Ruth Roland In Ruth of the Rockies Episode Nine FRANK KEENAN ADMISSIONS AT is East, NE 031322. 27, Township SWi, Range 14 North, , onfrrtiotts sufitcN and 25o OCLOCK SHARP Bank of Randolph Ingersoll Plain Dial Ingersoll Radiolite Kennedy Bros.Props. free from i thereof, being Otherwise objection, will be approved to the State. I WE START YOU in the candy nusin . Gould We Sell And Guarantee Garden City Notes Cur Specialty Is Pitting 'Glasses That You Can See With 'CHAS. E. WRIGHT JEWELER Evansthn Wyoming B. Blakley ess' at home, small disAt last the ice on the Lake has in the appeared, but the snow bank recool the down send west hills still us remind very which freshing breezes much of the long cold winter which has passed into history. Homestead Notice NOTICE TO WATER USERS. State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May Land Office Salt Lake City, Utah BON-BO- U. S. 4, 1922. Notice is hereby given that George Frazier and Jacob Rufi, of Woodruff Utah, have made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended Mr Thomas Calder has made his first trip in car, to Kemmer Wyo. this season he expects to go every week during the summer months Halting produce Peter Johnson April 19, 1922 is hereby given that Ernest W, Irwin, of Laketown, Utah, who, on November 20, 1916, made' Homestead We Repair Anything Let Us Solder That Leaky Kettle or Washing Boiler Now Is The Best Time of The Year TO OVERHAUL AND REPAIR YOUR CAR mm&m Accessories KENNEDY BROS.? PROPS. No. 1, S. 89 deg. 04 min. W. 3627 Proof, jear to establish claim to the land eforo the clerk of Spring No. 2, 1 of Sec. 31, Township 9 North, game A. A Brooker was corner Shirley Nebeker Mer7 elected as president and general manager Range East, Salt Lake Base and Benjamin Weston all the springs Charles H. Alley J. E. Lutz Capitan and Alex Johnson as idian. The water from will be collected at a point 8. 88 deg. 04 J. Otis Cheney Secretary and Treasurer. The intenton3 of number a min. W. 3627 ft. from the said EJ corof the boys are to stage Signed ner of Sec. 31, and conveyed in a ditch good games here during the season. the miles and distance of one and one-haBom to Mr. and Mrs. John C. a 1 to Oct. 31, inclufrom used there Apr. Farner Jr. a baby girl, all concerned do sive, of each year to irrigate 40 acres of ing well. lang embraced in the NWJ of Sec. 33, T. Mrs Ellsworth Johnson and family 9 N., R, 7 E., S. L. Mer. As much of ceme down from their ranch in Meadow said water as may be necessary will be viiie to visit with her parents, Mr used the entire year for domestic pur and Mrs J. C. Farner Sr, poses. This application is designated in Mr George Langford and family came the State Engineers office as No. 89b4. over from Montpeliei for a short visit All protests against the granting of on Sunday, Mr Langford has been work said application, stating the reasons there ing for the O. S. L. R, R. for the past for, must be made by affidavit in dupli-catetwo years. with a fee of $1.60, lf -- EVANSTON DRUG CO EVANSTON Laketown, Utah WYOMING Victrolas ai,d Records Edison and Records Eastman Kodaks and Films Musical Merchandise Drugs and Patent Medicine. Send us your mail orders Gould B. Blakely , ' M--S Register Laketown iNotes YOUNG STUDENT DIES AFTPR APPENDICITIS OPERATION eon sou- & . gan Mayll.-Mar- k Audio Cheney, a Manufacturers of student of the Brigham Young college, died today at a local hospital after illnesr that followed an operation 'for append! cltis. Cheneys home was at Laketown, Rich county. He was born at Laketown August 18, 901. Student and faculty members of the Brigham Young college Brigham, Utah & Montpelier, will pay their respects to the student in exercises at the college. The I ody will be sent to Laketown. NOTICE Li - I Marble & Granite Monuments and Headstones, , accompanied Idaho filed m this office within thirty (39 and the attend is invited to Everybody after the completion of athe ' publi base ball game Saturday May the 13th days cation of this notice. between the married men and the sin R.-Caldv ell. i gie bucks. This promises to be a very Born to Mr and Vrs Albert Weston To V bom ft Mo-- Concern State Engineer. good game as both teams are! so con 10th beautiful a Wednesday May AH animals carrying the brand and baby Date of first publication May 13, 1922, fident of, being the victors. marks Iked be low are Date of completion of publication June girl all concerned dot' g well property of , A S David F. Nelson Kc miner Wyoming. 10, 1922., Members of the wwd dboir entertained Mr Keber C. Robinson at a very LAZYosa t)N LEFT RIBS pleisad E. te Base Ball Today ,gsa Base Ball Today surprise party Monday evening. K? MCKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL Desk A searve you with high class work Everything dean, sanitary, and work Call m and visit us. H. J. Underhill Prop. At Randolph Billard Failor The des. After Co., NEW RANDODPH BARBER SHOP Now opened and ready to to N. 88 deg. 56 min. W. above described 57 District Court, at Randolph, Utah, on No. 3956.2 the with 3, N. 82 deg. ft. Spring ball The City dudes played 82 the 10th day of June, 192. N. W. 3584.8 No. 4, last. min. ft., Spring ranch clod hoppers on Saturday Claimant names as witnesses 3529.1 18 W. min. from the ft. EJ4 dv TO in favor of the deg. score was 6 to ft. Candymakerc Notice entry. No. 016061, for SW.NVVJ, WJ by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to SWi, SEj SWi, Section $; Ni SEi, (.6) of a Second SEiSEi, Section, 4, appropriate NEi NWi, Sec foot of water from Several Springs in Ri- tion, 10; Township 13 North, Range ch County. Said water will be deverted at 7 feast, Salt Lake Merjdn, has filed the springs which are situated as follows: notice of intention to rtpkfel five Spring and veal, anywhere Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Six-tent- Jno. KennedyJSSS- - Joseph Weston Geo. Spencer Joseph JE. Hatch Geo. A.Peart Henry Hoffman room, or everything furnished; earn $30.00 w'dy up; men - women; - experience unnecess ary; advertise candy, send self addresse stamped envelope for free particular-- . Register HAMILTON, HOWARD, WALTHAM & ELGIN WATCHES Garage the selection $2.50 Big Ben Alarm Clocks Baby Ben Alarm Clocks Randolph Randolph A L $ 2.C0 Jno.' Kennedy Pres. Directors ;92y. this office for inspection by any per- . MA son interested and by the public 'gen-- j J ' erally. During the time of publica- PHS1CIAN tion of this notice, or any time there ANp J after, and before final approval and certification, under departamcntal regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or con- Jbstetrics a specialty Office at Residence. tests against the claim of the State to 1 any of the tracts or Subdivisions Utah described on the ground that the same is more valuable for 'mineral than for agricultural purposes, will, be received and noted for report to the " General Land Office at Washington, D. l C. Failure so to protest or contest, FixIngAutomobiles within the time specified, will be conis our long suit sidered sufficient evidence of the non mineral character of the tracts and AT ' Randolph Utah APR l Lake Meridian. Salt heie-inbefor- Joseph Weston Vice Pres. Chas. W.Walton Cashier Published Ly THE RICH COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY hereby Serial No., 7;30 & 9:00 P, M, 10c SEVEN 1 Copies of said lists, so far as' they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have conspicuously posfed in ft OPEN April 11th, 1922 To Whom It May Concern . ' Section Dice Snub Pollard Comedy OOORS The Rich Coiinty News United States Land Office Salt Lake City, Utah , fiiterefl us secmi'i dims given that the mJA897'! t,'.e PSt f,ke !r State of Utah has filed in this offithe act of .daren S. ''ddph, 1S7, ce lists of lands, selected by the said AL LARSON State, under section 6 of the Act of Publisher as Congress, approved July 16, 1894, Published every Saturday at indemnity School ' Lands, viz: KandalpN 6 TWO SHOWS EACH NIOHT - Notice nr Loaded ' ' By Charles SughroeWestern Newspaper Unwo - itmSl SWALLOW FORK IN LEFT EAR 4 W- - Working it Backward i S' ;.v |