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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH. UTAH A REWARD OF $5,000.00 a small amount to pay for sating a mans life. If you could save your life for a dollar bill would you hesitate to spend it? You risk Would 4W44444444 your life everytime you drivo-you- r car in the rain because you can't see through your windshield. A dollar bill sent to the Baltimore MIRY BETTER .be ROADS wlroooooooooo0oooooofl , V0AM4tSniMZl-oD"o,i swra -- Ka w a month. It is absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Send for it today and be prepared for the next rain storm. Advertisement. . through the bureau of public roada, United States Department of Agriculture, among the various- - types of roads, Is shown In a summary prepared by the department The tabulation covers the expenditure of $211, 135,276.31 of federal-ai- d funds from the beginning of the work when It was authorized by congress up to Novembers, 1921, a period of four years four months. That sum was applied toward the construction of 23,130 miles f roads. The total cost was The average cost was $17,-33-0 ' ' per mile. federal-aid 36 cent of the Nearly per funds, or $75,600,27930, went Into the construction of 4,663.6 miles of e concrete roads. Next In size were total appropriations of federal-at- d funds applied to the building of 10,043.5 miles of gravel road, at a total cost of Federal-ai- d funds to the extent of $24,721,020.92 were applied during the period to the construction of 6,864 miles of graded and drained roads, at a total cost of $55,704,258.78. bituminous-macadaHigh-grad- e roads, of which 1.323.2 miles' were con , of $211,135,276 Waa Spent for Construction of 28,135 Mllea of Roads. , SAFE their preparation is guaranteed to keep your glass as dear as a sum- (Preparad by tha Unltod Stataa Department of Asrlculture.) mers day. Nothing like it on the How the government has employed market. One application will last as long as a rain storm even if it lasts federal aid funds for road building And the Dlsousslon Ended. Two little boys, living in different towns, one day were visiting an aunt to distant city, A discussion arose wtween them as to he merits of their home towns. The heights of their respective churches became a part of the discussions. i "Our church reaches above the tree-topsaid one. "Our church reaches to the Sky," retorted the other. "Oh, but the steeple of our church reached clear above the sky and punched a hole through heaven," exclaimed the first boy, and this closed the argument s, . An Elaborate Menu. , "I understand the Laplanders eat Candles. "Must be a big to do over t birthday cake." A wise man is never sure when his Ivlsdom will be found wanting. .. amj Qdjnjosqy music It drowns a lot good of bad. jNDIGESntWj V 6 Bell-an-s Hot water Sure Relief 25$ and 75$ Packages, Everywhere Vaseline Carbolated Petroleum Jelly structed, at a total cost of $41,412,-557,8funds to claimed federal-ai- d the extent of $18,046,066.17. For another high type of 'road bituminous concrete $9,299,864.32 was made available through federal aid. That sum went toward the construction of 772.5 miles of roadway, at a total cost of 8, dressing for cuts, wounds and insect bites. Ithelpsprevent infection. first-ai- d CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) State Street New York $23,445,374.88. Toward the construction of brick roads, of which 444.6 miles were built, federal aid was available to the extent of $6,925,482.13; and toward the cost of 2,695.5 miles of sand-cla- y roads the federal government contributed $10,495,172.10. The total cost of sand-cla- y roads was $22,226,362.66. CONCRETE ROAD VIBRATIONS ) Started Experiment COLDMEDAL The worlds standard remedy for kidney. Ever, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Look far tha asms Cold Medal oa army bos ud acetpt ao imitatioa TREATED ONE WEEK FREE re- Short breathing lieved In a few houm swelling reduced in a few day; regulate the liver, kidneys, stomach and heart; purifies the blood .Strengthen the entire eyrtem. Writs for Fro e Trial Troatmont. COUUH PROPS? B EM EOT CO, Dept IB., ITLJWTI. 81 Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum Ml DAISY Flies! FLY KILLER ttrirt. and rbere. ana Neat, clean, ornamental, eeueenuat e e rheeo. Laitaallaea-y"onridof natal, spill or tip over; SPlV trill not ooll or in loro BMfeut . .anythin. Gnarutoed. DA 1ST ! FLY KILLER or at your dealer or EXPRESS, prepaid. II . ItEftS. VO Da Kalb Am.. Brooklyn. N. Y. I I RanovwDaaaraff'titopaBairlkUiad I RMtoiii Color ud Beauty to Gray and Faded Hain J 0c. sad $1.00 at Dranrteta Orem 01 iforlWtUO . Mt'ktDf fiifv W. by mail r at bnp fisUa fiinis CbiBMl WkrilahaMli X. 4 W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 19-1- 921 under the road, and thus' weaken Its bearing power? This question will be answered when results are secured from an experiment Just started by the bureau of public roads, United States Department of Agriculture. Two similar concrete Slabs have been constructed side by side, and on one there will be placed a gasoline engine with an unbalanced flywheel which will cause vibration. Soil samples will be taken from under the slabs and the amounts of moisture compared. This experiment Is undertaken, not with the Idea that road vibration can be prevented, but to determine whether suffl-cleIncrease in the moisture: of the subgrade.ik- - caused by it tbwedfeen the bearing.' fioer ef the soil, .'mid Incidentally,: to develop new ways of testing methods of subgrade treatment 1 r7"t WASijiON .7- - MONEY - V; - HIGHWAYS ' No Excuse for Community to Be W0i out Good Roads or to .Permit Them to Deteriorate,':: Ladies Keep Your Skin Parker's Determine Does vibration caused by the movement of a vehicle over a road Increase the amount of moisture In the earth If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage of urine, you will find relief in HAIR BALSAM to Amount, of Moisture Increase ' Under the Road. DON'T DESPAIR d 3 atories are maintained where bacteria counts and chemical analyses are frequently made on samples collected from retail delivery wagons, stores, and restaurants. But the small cities and towns that cannot afford the expense of a tester and laboratory find it hard to give proper supervision to their milk supplies. Tha United States Department of Agriculture suggests that a practical W 9AU9 SJdp Mod aoipo pug U Suisn I piun poo3 GJjuq o) ojqu J9A9U SUM. 3DUdU3dxrj With modem road building 7ard maintenance machinery, there Is no longer any excuse for a community to be without good roads, nor is there any reason why it should allow millions of dollars spent In building roads to be wasted, because of Improper care. It Is a matter which concerns us all, town and country peoples alike Gives Condition of Roads. The Wisconsin highway department publishes every week a blue print map showing routes and road conditions throughout the state. The subscribers are chambers of commerce, hotels and garages.. New construction, detours, etL, are plainly Indicated. Advertise a Community. A community is known by the roads It keeps, The roads In a vicinity al ways advertise a town or community As the roads are, so the tourists Jude the town. xh View of Cairo. (Prepared by the National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.) It Is difficult to shake the dust of the ages from .the land of the Nile and to realize that there Is an Egypt of the vibrant present The recent announcement of the withdrawal of claimed. Looking is an effective, antiseptic TVAOH (Prepared by the United State Department ot Asrlculture.) Milk Inspection Is of prime necessity. In most of the larger cities labor- d EG.I-AM- S j japMoj SuppQ Suggested That Two or More 8mall Towns Hire Inepector and Maintain Laboratory. the British protectorate from the country, however, and the setting up of Its first king In more than 1,900 years turns the spotlight squarely on the modem aspect of this long civilized region. The map lacks much of giving one the true picture of Egypt. The country Is shown covering a large area of northeastern Africa. This is the nominal Egypt. The real Egypt Is a narrow, tortuous strip on either side of the Nile and the delta surrounding Its mouth. Save for a few oases outside the river valley, the rest of Egypt Is but a sea of sand practically uninhabited. Figures confirm this, for of the more than 850,000 square miles of Egyptian territory only about 12,000 can ever be cultivated; and a considerable part of this tillable area has not yet been re- Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 1 MILK SUPPLY INSURED high-grad- 1 If a bass drum doesnt make anu'.f- f- umjy on sureuo3 FEDERAL AID FOR HIGHWAYS Bum P N ' See-Th- ru Corporation, ...Baltimore, Maryland, will ensure you having a clear windshield for the next three years, as cotf only at the surface of Egypts institutions, one is likely to decide that the changes since the days of the Pharaohs have been great, but when certain fundamentals are considered the wonder may well be at the lack of change. To be sure, the Egyptian of today speaks Arabic Instead of his old tongue ; and Osiris, Isis and Horus have been long forgotten for Allah and Mohammed. But In spite of numerous invasions, the blood of the great majority of the population has been altered hardly at all. Egypts resources are almost wholly agricultural, and In the agricultural scheme the millions of fellaheen are the ultimate units. They work long hours scratching the soil with crude Implements, or tediously raising water in skin buckets attached to pivoted poles that the thin stream may save-theiplants from parching. Taxes are heavy, and it Is the lowly fellaheen who keeps the treasury supplied. Living conditions are very poor; mud huts house most of Egypts thirteen millions. In the fields they wear little more than, a loin cloth, and the younger children of the villages go naked. When the fellah Is "dressed up" he wears a rough shirt and loose trousers. Cairo the Wonder City. The stamp of the outside world and of the Twentieth century on Egypt is to be seen chiefly In Cairo, that wonderland which has superseded Bagdad as the city of Arabian Nights." Cairo Is a living kaleidoscope, with its gleaming and drab human fragments tumbling Into a changing pattern not merely from East and West, but from' North and South as well. White-robe- d Bedouin, fellah, shiny-blacSoudanese and central African negro, swarthy Turk, Persian, Hindu, Mongolian, dusky Moor, Italian, Greek, Jew, Armenian, and the whiter folk from Europe America and the antipodes all are Jumbled together in Cairo, their various tongues making a babel that can hardly be duplicated at any other spot on earth. The life that flows along the streets of Cairo could not be duplicated anywhere else In the world. At times the Western observer is likely to be reminded forcibly of circus parades . d k street back home. Swaying camels move along with brightly dressed riders perched upon them or with suspended cars in which are veiled damsels, while drummers thunder their rhythm and fife blowers emit their shrill notes. pass along with their bags of snakes; magicians perform Hp". some nook; bullock-cart- s and laden donkeys comSnake-charme- pete for space limou- with--shinin- sines... Cafes in the Streets. The al fresco cafe is one of the most characteristic marks of Cairo. It Is not the more or less affair of the boulevards of Paris. Sidewalks and streets overflow with Innumerable chairs and seemingly tables until often a single file of pedestrians can hardly force Its way through. - One gets the Impression that few people need to work in Cairo. Even In the mornings- the chairs are filled with apparently prosperous men sipping coffee or sweetened wa d . ter, puffing cigarettes and talking. Toward noon they disappear for their siestas, but again at . four or five oclock they are out In force and remain far Into the night. Among them circulates a stream of peddlers offering for sale almost every conceivable ware from sweetmeats to mousetraps and underwear. The dweller In Cairo who has not his servant or his group of servants is low Indeed la the economic scale. These serving men carry tiny bundles for their employers or masters. They run ahead of carriages to clear the way; they fan away the flies; and one after another they come In- - troops Into tlie presence of the prosperous to bring smoking materials or to offer a bewildering succession . of drinks and foods. Life is hard and a few cents a day satisfies them. Even the porters who carry heavy bundles and the boatmen who laboriously pole the Nile craft against the current work 12 or 15 hours for little more than as many cents. In Cairo is the Oxford of the Mohammedan world, the University of pepuuui a3 0 da s,u Auoduioo'saot 0 qO jj sj;tiap b s.aq sooo .se-uauqx uayoj;j sjejisav nopuoq mo,, s,8doad no sia3 ubui sssuisng sih ,,'ij qai oj aannqa jduosnnjx uoisog oAuq, j.uptp A'poqXjaAa Xiasiai Bqi os pntspi aqi lie aauujsip ..Suyaaq ami qdaq upniAY b inoqa IJ3 oi sba oqA dsso3 jo uq aaipip b pjnaq p.aqs,, i&iqnojj eqj sba jBqAV,, i pun-ieaaq- poo3 b - Cleanliness Is Essential to the Production of Milk of Low Bacterial Count way for such cities and towns to Insupply Is through the It seems a queer univer- sure a safe milk of two or more adjacent sity to those familiar with the higher towns In hiring a milk Inspector and institutions of learning of the West a laboratory. The cost of maintaining Its classrooms are the halls and Its professors supervising such a plan may be proplches of on receive no salaries but are primarily rated among the different towns of population without the the basis emreligious officials, government burdensome to any one ployees, lawyers and the like who expense being teach in addition to performing their of them. State and federal authorities In The pupils, who at are always willing to regular duties. Work of this sort times number more than 5,000, squat In This plan of town on mats while their instructors lecture. This premier college of the milk and dairy Inspection has been Moslem world has been In existence carried out In different parts of the country, probably the most conspicufor 950 years and hundreds of thousands of students have passed ous example being the group of towns northern New Jersey known as through Its doors. It has been the InThe In these towns the Oranges. center of the nationalist propaganda which has sought entire freedom for plan has been In use for a number of years with results that have been very Egypt. More, It is the hotbed of satisfactory to all concerned. which, like its companion movement In the past would combine Its own culture MARKS OF GOOD DAIRY COW with militarism to dominate the world. But would go further, and Leanness Should Be and would bring the world, as well, Angularity When In Milk MamApparent under the religion of Mohammed. mary System Important Glimpse at Egypts Past A good dairy cow should show The Egypt that emerges now again as a kingdom has had a checkered angularity and leanness In appearhistory, but that Is reasonable enough ance when In milk. A feminine head; when one recalls that It had one of a bright full eye; a wide muzzle and the earliest of starts. Here Is one of large open nostifls Indicate dairy the first places In which man lived temperament. The chest should be an ordered life and left records of full and deep, giving ample room for his activities. Some anthropologists. large heart and' lung development A d In fact, look upon central Africa as long, deep, wide body with the place of origin of man, and upon ribs gives room for handling large amounts of feed. And of extreme imEgypt as one of the first mamIn his diffusion over the other conportance Is a tinents. mary system made up of long, branchAfter the long reign of the Pharaohs ing milk veins entering large milk Egypt had its Grecian and Roman wells; teats of convenient and uniregimes which brought but few form size, good shape and well placed changes. Then In 641 A. D. came the in the udder and an udder that Is invasion of the Saracens, from which large, well shaped and has a mellow, flexible handling quality. time began Egypts Mohammedan history. For a time the country was a province of the Arabian caliphs; later It was Independent, though still DAIRY COWS WORK HARDEST Mohammedan, under the Mamelukes; Animals Give From Five to Ten Times find finally, In 1516, it became a provTheir Weight In Milk Need ince of Turkey, which controlled It Best- - ef Feed. 7 first through a governor and . later through a sort of hereditary viceroy or khedlve. People seldom think of the dairy For the third time Europe took a cow as 'a hard working animal, yet hand in the affairs of Egypt in 1793 it is a fact that she works harder than Every year when Napoleon won his battle of the other domestic animals. The British drove the she gives from five to ten times-hePyramids. French out In 1801 and turned the weight In milk, containing as much country back to Turkey. In 1869 came actual dry matter as do the bodies the building of the Suez canal by De of two or three steers: It requires Lesseps, which has given Europe an approximately the same amount of eng Interest In Egyptian af- ergy to produce 20 pounds of milk as It dees to plow an acre of land. fairs. To protects European bondholders France and ' Great Britain This gives us some, ' conception of made a joint intervention in 1879 and the enormous . amount of wprk the for a while controlled finances. The cow does and Indicates why she should uprising In 1882 against the khedlve be well fed and cared for. Utah T was suppressed by the British alone, Farmer. and afjer that' they controlled finances Best Roughage for Cows.' without assistance. ' The government Clover hay is one of the best of all was In effect Egyptian with British assistance and with the nominal roughages for tlie cow; It furnishes large amounts of crude protein so suzerainty of Turkey acknowledged. When the World war began Great essential to milk production and Is Britain established a protectorate, palatable and much relished. Clover abolished. Turkeys suzerainty, deposed hay is unusually rich in lime and lime the Germanophlle khedive, and ap- Is also needed. pointed another, prince of the family Plant Food Removed. to be sultan. The British protectorate A ton of butter removes only sew Is now being withdrawn, but instead of the former Turkish Interest being enty cents worth of plant food from the farm, while the sale of the feeds restored, Egypt Is set up as on Indethat produce It would carry away over pendent kingdom. $400 In soil fertility. m jb noydaaaj eqj jb amp i.upip aqs s.f bs" pncjij,, BUmaAg jay p9iodg HB9ABt pnomaaaSB aqj jo pna sjq daq aq Avoq oi SB luaps si nopipBJi inq safipnj q paaads sbay ajp, SupaAJBm siq s.quoni aqx 'amp no paqsjug sba q;iiA em pus uiBS.req aqi jo iJBd siq idj.iasuB.q paambaj jdaq pAap eqx eiq joj inos sjq afiuuqaxa oi pAap oo; aqi qq.tt pudmoa b apBiu qsBi eip Suipug inq p op oi ji oi an pqSju aiSuts b ui aiqig a.iqna aip supS .sassu no ino idoo ppio.YY aq j; painmmoa aq pinoAY aauai uas aqi inqi ppp sbay inq nopaajap emus joj qinap oi paumapuoa sba oq.u jpiora jood b jo lyoAY eip sbas oqp spp uojqpBjj oi Siitpjoaay poa.iiffi ' J8A .SJB3JJ aqi IB nqoa qaoiS 1 uaqui sbay puu stqqs ,sassv uo paquasm djqsuBnniJOAY 00g jo aaaul apsmbxa ub si ji aiqia s.p.YaQ aqx., aqq spoyna aqi sjBaq pajq.Y auo aqi sj eanaisjxa up sa.micli.iac; eip jo sajdoa snoniBj isoin aq jo auo flJtqx aqi jo noisnpuoa injjcaj 90yd JOM joj uuojjod 0 P9S!SSV 9AEH 01 G33IU0SV 3131a NV1VS Mpsov q PUZZ 3 6H JPPY AH0AVB08V1 SITI93 Yyjb joj noX oi paiiom oq in Of ejaqio IIS Suisssdjns (SJvaX ss) A88I aonis fpauiaj ireoixaj s4aiuuijo .Stnii'eM oa TiTTnjeD jdrnojd bohd jCpjojub suotfod mjis pajpatf pal 9IJ psqsiauq EUI3Z33 JO -- luoifBii paiuSjjaj jseuQ-Sp- is 'XH pu 'AJtmiqOBUl poaohXui) 'aoTAJWseft 0911 looq pQ9 eojApy o a UN W 'AilsoB tUJBj OH nq aiav ijaAi. iqvaonMMm siiBiYd Xsjipsojg 'AY 8Z1 JKa qosoff Sooq xsvoa xsasi. 'oa sxaodKi ianotn jo paaravivnS uotitojsw? yuuR ouq joi nn 'inalub ao asmisod iud nox iq dm A3NOK Qtf joaiGpjoiaaoa jajaid iT)umoid siapioiji xoqsao oTajooaj aoda pans noji. aas B U p9qm9S9B-9- J puu pail aumsip eq a vs :99ts ynjq moj; paraoJlS aoo tiaiood Aidrajs pau ijpnos s) 6aow9(oia 10 eqi o8tiq aoaoasoop paipaduqs-tup g ji uuq eaSpa djqs IsiaamqaunB Aioxbs omt tiaapaja SPUO08H $49 9TBJQDOB tdjjS 9XqBUOOXOO pav lunaujsqns qi?M paoatquq Aii99i9d b laoxTianansB pj pams siooqs: aMoai aodB9M np9Moa tsoia 8aomuj-pjoqx 'an$niojay t pQB oqs$ to pom isaiva 133SHVW ueuuao 3NinN32 aopd isioeds Jit( '06t JVn3aq tioj (ontauis nsoijamy pjvpasts siooqi ju9uiqsB)lv jajsg 9psm Ojs; jsora pns isaq jssjs joioafa aaizaSa Bqj opvuiojnii qqJA loiina omy loqu 6 'TO-0- nn-i.- 7 VJ -- eqsij 1 MSN pubjo in r . P.A3 9UQ P9JBJ09Q well-arche- way-statio- b o; )(uoiq U39OT UBUuao 3NinN39 (91) m3npqq 3 ever-growin- aaarcaousjq PPM,H-P00n,s- lurdaxsQ ZuunpejauBjq pAOQ aqx : . : pSJBU -- snin I J3IB3Q -- - IP-- Is V ominunj) safruunij iCqvg spnpojx HOOl $ |