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Show "I u Itat C::!3 Fc:I it COMMUNITY HAULING CONSERVES ' FARM LABOR AT BUSY SEASONS Cqltnife Days M Is the complaint of many a woman fe the household, office or factory. Aftersuffering feeling pria, nervous, SEES NEED OF FEDERAL dizzy, weak and dragged-dow- n ,, by weaknesses,, of her sex with eyes sunken, black circles and pale cheeks such a woman is quickly ed to, health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce. Changed, too, in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription the skiff becomes clear, the eyes brighter, the cheeks plump. It is ".purely vegetable apd contains no ' , alcohol. sell in Druggists it tablets or I liquid, or send Doctor Pierce, at Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents for trial package. , Redding, Caup. "Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription is perfectly wonderful. I owe everything to this medicine. When I was passing thru middle age I suffered everything. Finally, I decided to take Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. It stopped the headaches, the pains and the hemorrhages. I never had any more trouble. It really is great." Mbs. R. B. Ralph, 60 Terllurium Street. . AID Congress Favors Creation of Highway Transportation Bureau - Roads Lead to Wealth. " Creation of a permanent national bureau of transportation, ' together with continuance of state organizations, has been recommended as one of the most important steps in the work of construction.'. . Without' attempting to seize any credit for them- -- selves, it is the opinion of highway joflldals that such investigations as had been undertaken in the several states Of the Union an Immediate economic need for the continuance of the work .which 'has for its basis elimination of waste effort in transportation, with a resultant decrease of living costs, as an immediate development of the vast potential resources of the nation now lying dormant for. want of means of 'convey- A Mistake. Our pretty .neighbor must be very much iif' love with .her husband. I heard her the other day say she was going to dp her best to make'her Billys life happy. Billys not her husband ; lie's her-- , poodle. . . . As a result of the deliberations of a meeting in Chicago the committee went on record as favoring these .points: The enactment by congress of an amendment to the' present fed. eral aid road act, which would provide '$500,000,000 for work on the roads of the' United States during the next seyen years; the creation of a federal highway commission of five skilled engineers who should have charge of the expenditure of this fund in conference with the highway No Room for the Incompetent of the various states; the Much of the work done in this world construction of a national system of has to be undone. Incompetency is highways, the location of which is to the greatest drawback to progress. In- be determined by the commission and competents are the most costly mem- the supervision of which is to remain bers of society, and always will be. in charge of the state highway deThats why there is aiways-- premium partments, and, finally, changes in the' on brains and skill, which combine to present federal aid act which would do away with the restrictions now. produce efficiency, Exchange. limiting federal aid to roads on 70 per cent of the mileage of which there is post delivery and of- the limitation of $10,000 per mile under fed-eraid. Reports front , all sections of the country showed 'that it has been pos--, bring about a very marked , sible to Increase in marketing through Improved transportation' wherever , the road would stand the traffic. The conclusions reached were that all that Is necessary today to, add untold wealth al - lUCIflf STRIKE cigarette. Flavor is ggg!d in by toasting Autotruck Delivers Farmers Produce (Prepared by the United States Department Of Agriculture.) "Id almost be money ahead if I dumped this milk into the brook this morning Instead of carrying It to the creamery. With the best horse, In the barn its a two-hojob to carry 300 pounds of milk three miles, and it has to be done every day. Those strawberries simply must be picked this forenoon, too. Rain last night and sunshine today; all the berries. not in the cooling room by noon will be ' spoiled." This farmer had encountered one of the periods In his farm work when the proprietors presence Is desperately needed in two places at the same time. Turning to save a profit on his dairy, he was likely to lose one on his strawberry crop ; if he saved the berries he lost the milk, for milk and strawberries whit for no man. Starts on the Trip. "Well, Ive got the milk ready to go, Here hut I havent picked the berries. ' v goes for the milk. Two minutes later he guided old Jim and the buckboard around the maple on the corner and urged the horse Into his best gait when they reached the main road. Every, minute A half was valuable this morning. mile from home a forewheel began to give off slight, complaining sounds.; A dry axle, groaned the 'farmer. ' i . ; Ill have to stop at Yelps and grease the wheels, THE BIG 4 ttMX Elevating Road Grader at Work. to the resources of the .country, toStomachiKidneys-Heart-Lir- er gether with an enormously stimulated of all kinds of supplies, is Bleep the vital organs healthy by aproduction road system which will not only up the virgin territories of the rd remedy for kidney, liver, open West and South, but which will quick and tunic acid troubles en the pulse of trade in the most congested districts of the East, wherq the casual observer migfit believe that traffic has been fully developed, but which close students say could he .geared up to a remarkable extent through efficient use off the for highways. Holland of Tbo MtknI Remedy In standing by the creation of a ContuziM And tndoraed by Queen Wilhel-Brffederal road commission, the officials Atoll druggists, three sizes. of the body expressed their belief in Gold MkU m erery bes Laek fe the r emdjweeet.no.imituiee the feeling, now generally prevalent throughout the United States among Inside .Work. road men, that the time has come Aiitet Madam, :lt is ihot faces when transportation on the highways Madalone that paint; it is souls. is deserving of more substantial recogam Ohl You .da iinteriors, then? . nition than that accorded It as a bureau, which, while It has been as Soeeess ik sometimes In knowing efficient as the limitations of .the taw , whea to 4utt. Speculators should has permitted,. would be dignified if know this. Elevated to the rank of a commission, and would make of five different districts of the United States with their diverse needs. Beat As for the futurq of the highways A yoo always weak, ayiaamhls and committee, the work already .transport ? Then its time yes found out done by toe voluntary organizations what is Wrong. Kid mtj weaksess qzuzez has opened such a vast field for remuch zoffering from bzckzpfce, lame-netin the economic life of the search ztiffnesz tod ripso&tic pains, and efcuntry that It is beliefred this work if neglected brings danger of serious should be continued as a branch untroubles dropey, gravel and Brights der the proposed road commission by disease. Don't delay. Use Doans Kid-Msalaried men who should be experts Pint. They have helped thoumads In the field, and who would give all of and should help yon. , Ask year neighbor I their time to a close development of An Idaho Case the problems which the present committee has (thus far only had time to Mrs. C. V. Btokes-berPark And Mcuncover. Kinley Sts., Emmett, Idaho,' says: "My back was weak and GOOD ROADS OF IMPORTANCE lame, and it pained W me so I was mlzer-; 7 able. My- - kidneys Developed Into National Problem and acted Irregularly and I was annoyed by Deserves Thoughtful Considers- disorders. bladder tlon of Citizens. Day after day, I Was laid up with sick, dizzy headaches. I The question of good roads Is of to was also was nervrr chills and subject national importance.- - It used to be ous. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and discussed in local townships; It grew they gave me a lasting cure. question, (hen a state " to be a county CztDoznzzt Any Store, toe Bo problem, and now it has assumed national Importance and deserves the thought) consideration of every citiFOSTER. M1LBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. zen. , COLD MEDAL ... r , - possible-representatio- 0 Fra IfcMorall half-sick- V y, - V DOANS i S5Sr When he reached Yelps farm two more of the buckboards wheels were squealing wildly. Can I borrow your wagon .wrench, jack, and some axle grease? he called, catching sight of his neighbor, oddly muffled in gauze and gloves under a tree in the orchard. Kime the Sure ! Help yourself, hearty reply. Td find the things for you myself, but I'm so busy I cant spare a minute. Im trying to hive some Of my bees that swarmed this morning, and Ive got a dozen crates of lettuce all packed that must go on the1 noon train. Theres another man in the same fix, thought Stevens as he worked. Hes got to stop profitable work to haul stuff Into town. Probably Hamilton and Grosner and Phillips and Jones are no better off, either. I cant afford a truck to haul just my own produce, but if those fellows would make it worth my while to buy a truck and carry their stuff to market, too, there ought to be a way out of this for all :of ' us. He thought the matter out to a conclusion, and that evening drove around to his, neighbors with his proposition. He called only at the farms that lay between his own place and the village, and to their owners he made a proposition that ran something like this, i How much would it be worth to you to have your milk and farm produce carried Into town for you every day? There are days when you have to make a trip that takes an hour or more of your time at the busiest season of the to haul your milk to the year ' 1 (Relief 6 Bell-an- s Hot water Sure Relief IgE LL-Aindigestion NS DONT CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped' Hock or Bursitis FOR will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blis- ter or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. $2. 50 a bottle delivered. BdOkGRfTN. ABSORBINE, JR., lor mankind, the' antlievde , liniment for Boils, Bruises, Sores. Swelling, Varicose Vein. Pri 11.25 a bottle at druc Allays Pain and Inflammation. fiau or fetirered. Will ;ell you more if youwrite- - W.'F. teUNG, Inc., 310 Temple St., Springfield, Mast. POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. Barry's Freckle Ointment---You- r drunist or py mail, 65c. Free book. Dr. CV M. Barry Co., 2B7S Mich lean Avanuo, Ckicilt Kill That Cold With - 1 Sure If a man lives for himself alone he FRECKLES dies unmourned. ance. " KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really as a medicine for stands out' curable ailments of the kidnept, liver and bladder. stands the Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t highest for the reason that it hae proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. .Swamp-Roo- t makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases." It is a gentle, ' healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. ' Sold at all djug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, "!N. Y., for a sample bottle. - When writing be sure andi mention this paper. Adv. Road tk FOR SWAMP-ROO-T just creamery, and there are other times when yotl11 have a load of things that yon want to send. Suppose I buy a light truck would you be willing toe pay n enough for hauling your prod-ducto make it worth my while? Yes; wed be willing to do that, providing your charges arent too steep. How would you regulate the prices?" Ive been consulting a bulletin on this subject issued by the United States Department of . Agriculture. Maryland farmers have already put an idea like this Into execution, a? cording to the departments representatives. They own and operate a basis, and the truck on rate Is 15 cents per hundredweight for first-clagoods. I believe I can haul your produce With a light truck for 20 cents a hundred, pounds during the The summer months. idea in Maryland Is not managed to secure a profit, but I' shall have to make a profit to pay for thte time I am taking from my own work.,. How wljl we manage when we want things brought out from town? Telephone your orders and have the merchants deliver the goods at tic crcvj?"v where I can pick them ss -- and Collects Purchases at City Statiqn. all up at once and Til bring them out to you. The scheme was adopted and these farmers found tire solution to their hauling problems Where there are only a few farmers and the route Is short it is sometimes servpossible to organize motor-truc- k ice in this way, if a farmer can be found who is willing to undertake the Work. In most cases,-- however, the volume of business increases so rapidly that.it cannot bejiandled by one truck or one man, and when this stage motor-truc- k is reached a association is the best solution. Forming an Association. Such an association can be orgqized as a regular stock company. - Bulletin 541, United States Department of Agriculture, which may be' had' on re quest, contains information regarding under which a the association should be organized, and farmers bulletin 1032 tells how the motor-truc- k route ought to be operated, how prices are fixed, and the running expenses met. In the hands of the scrupulous inenterdividual, or as a motor-truc- k offer will route the prise, transportation to quick, economical those farmers who must reach the market every day or two with small loads of milk or farm produce and whose business does not ' warrant them in purchasing a truck solely for their x own tise. . for Colds, Coughs ' Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in. 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache form does not affect the head Cascara is beat Tonic this in Quinine Laxative No Opiate in Hills, m ALL DRUGGISTS SELL , If THE GOT Vigorous States Department of Agriculture, rat. extermination work throughout ithe country is being carried forward vigorously under the combined efforts of the county agricultural demonstrators sent out by the states relations service and the rodent control experts representing the bureau of biological survey. At iBlackstone, Va., the home demon- Stratton agent and the biological survey representative joined in a rat campaign which promised to send 12,000 rodents into the rat hereafter, When the final count of rat tails was taken It was found that 30,000 of, the pests iad been killed in the one town.. . At Fargo, N. D., the citizens were annoyed by a heavy Infestation of rats. A bureau representative enof the city listed the the commercial club, the health' department, the boy scouts, womens clubs,' and other organizations, and conducted a very successful campaign against the pest. In this instance the poison, barium carbonate, was purchased In quantities and used com-mlssl- s, as a destructive agent with excellent results.A statewide - rat eradication cam- paign In Texas will soon be launched egainst rato' The bureau of biological survey has been asked to detail a specialist to direct the operation. Compound Distemper Spobns at the as a a Better ' first sign of still, give It preventive cough. SPOHNS acts equally well before he shows signs of sickness. as preventive or cure. By reason of its gertnicidal qualities. It expels the disease germs, abates fever, restores appetttd and 60 cents and $1.16 per bottle. condition. Buy of your druggist. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSHEN, IND. . Any slight disorder or impurities is a source of danger, as every vita organ of the body depends upon the blood supply to properly perform functions. its ' Many painful and dangerous diseases are the direct result of a bad condition of the blood. Among the most serious are Rheumatism, with its torturing pain; Eczema. Tetter, Erysipelas and other disfiguring skin diseases; general debility, which makes the strongest men THROUGHOUT COUNTRY (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) According to reports to the United But JOBS UP MIXED v at That, Old Gentieman Had Equipped Coffin for the Crossing . of the River. Joseph C. Lincoln told this story at the luncheon of the Brooklyn colony of the Society of New England Women recently to illustrate the efficacy in the old days of New England rum: An old Cape Cod settler made both boats and coffins.. One day lie was called upon to make a coffin to be finished in two days. The old fellow demurred because he was busy making a boat. But the need for the odffin was imperative, so it occurred, to the insistent customers that New England mm might help. So a bottle was forthcoming. The old fellow took a 'swig and agreed that he reckoned he would, have to accommodate the gentleman. In two days they returned to find the old man asleep in the corner, the bottle empty and the coffin ready, resting on two chairs. But the old captain had put a centerboald in , the coffin. . helpless, and many other diseases are the direct result of impure blood. Tou can in a large measure avoid liability to disease by the use of S. S. S., the wonderful blood remedy that has been in constant use for more than fifty years. S. S. S. cleanses the blood thoroughly. It is sold by druggists everywhere. For valuable literature and medical advice absolutely free, write today to Chief Medical AdyjS&F; 159 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. . Belgian Fishing Industry, Plans are being drawn for the coi struction of a large fishing harbor i Zeebrugge, which will not interfei with the working of the port as a con mercial center. This is but a part of project for the establishment of ji hi tional fishing industry. At present Be gium is almost entirely dependent o foreign imports, especially of preserve fish. The building of the new liarbt will he undertaken by the governmen which will also provide for the rapi handling and transportation of goods private enterprise will establish tli necessary cold storage and erect work for making cases and barrels and fa tories for pickling, drying and pr serving fish. :: Turks and Ducks. Janet, a was Sett: up one morning recently when s fired this question at her mother: Where is my old sweater, motliei Why, you sent it to fjhe' lit said her mother. .. Armenians, Well, why dont they send it bat Didnt the ducks kill all the Aran ians? came back Janet. She had heard about the Turki Smugglers Gain $30,000,000. outrages in the near, east, .but e The Japanese are said to have made dently thought the Turks Were a profit of more than $30,000,000 last species of barnyard fowl; which year by smuggling opium in the form her youthful mind easily became ci at morphine into China. fused with the 'duck. four-year-ol- . , . 1 It's Up to You as a Parent whether you feed your hoy or iil real building food,or dUJUC thing that merely "tastes good CAREFULLY TEST OLD SEEDS Moistened Blotting Paper and Two Ordinary Dinner Plates Make Sat- isfactory Contrivance Test all qld seeds before planting. Make a tester from two dinner plates. Put a piece of moist blotting paper in one plateT place some seeds on It, put another piece of moist blotting papjk over the seeds, and Invert the other plate over all. In a few days, remove the plate, turn back the blotting paper, figure the percentage of germi nated seeds, and If below ninety pel cent, buy new seeds. - Be pre- Every Drop of Y our Blood Should BeAbsolutely Pure EXTERMINATING RATS County Agricultural Demonstrators and Rodent Control Experts Making Determined Efforts to Destroy Little Pests. IT Early spring brings with It Coughs, Colds, Distemper. pared. Give your horse by-la- Wortc Is Now Being Parried on in Manner. ' ESj QUININE CASCARA furnishes exactly the food values needed to build young bod-- ' ies, and the taste is delightful- Grocers everywhere sell this ' staunch wheat and malted barley food Ready to eat Economical . |