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Show J V, 4 THJC c FubHshed RICH COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY 'Uk, eond eiiii matter May at the Post Office nt Bader the aet of March Randolph 8. 187; AL LARSON Publisher Published every Saturday at Randolph Marl. Randolph Utah Vi- - nmwiir Tsstc5m ' Dr, M S.Reav. -- PHSIC1AN " ' 1 AND , SUI'hEON ilbaMnct a specialty ( Office at Residence. ' Utah Randolph It, Oliver W. Jacobson also went to the Southern States, Oct. 16, John It f South also went to the Southern States they all left home after a reception and purse to help them on their way. On Mar. 12, at a conjoint meeting of the M. 1. A. the roll call showed 77 males 47 Females Henry Hoffman and Celia A Spencer Presidents, same date Elder Olavus Jacobson was called as second councelor to Bishop John Mar. 28, Henry Kennedy of Argyle. Nicholls of Argyle died, he was one of our early Pioneers and v noted for his May Next, Friday night Apr. let. a pie dance will be given at the Sage Creek School House to raise fntidsfor.a school Library, every one bring an extra pie to be Admi3.sion to dance free - auct-ionedo- membeisof the Woodruff Stake held with Pres JohnwM. Baxter Painter Wedne8dny where she has been visiting with relatives and friends Wednesday evening a very ples ant surprise party was given at the homeof Mr- - and Mrs. Jos. Hatch, by several of' the friends of their daughter .Leiha. Dr.M.C.Campbell ! & i U EVANSTON WYOMING Victrolas and Records Edison 1 and v and Records , TRIAL EVANSTON W TO. On April II, Domineers Lad 297207 ' ' For Service , ' jj:5 TOPS AND SEAT COVERS. OUR WORK IS EQUAL TO Jobs. Sent Out From The Factories. SHOP- - Is built, Lighted and Healed for THIS PURPOSE ESPECIALLY ARE LOCATED AT 713 SAGE ST WE ote' half We Welcome Critique & rfytam Sox, Judmet i " and William D. Alley, of St Chailes, Idaho. John A. Smith, of Randolph, Utah.' John H. Stocker, of Pans, Icaho. By BRIGGS. AM Ybu OuT jUJEEP Gould B. Blakely TWat Pice op RePu4C That ha4 Register. iw ACCUMULATep - NOTICE. United States Land OfficeSalt Lake City, Utah, January 22, 1921. To whom it may Concern: Rich County. AO Joe Am tow A&seitvct) OH-- A MAVS 60. ! Tb BOY'" RAMO COMM.6VB Aim T AmO nun 1U it ,. Apostle A. O. Woodruff had cha- - Get This Feeling and make Randolph The Cleanest City In The 3TATE. By Charles Snghroe 9 Western fjftypw Uimmi , In the matter of the Estate of David , ally. , During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval1 and certification, under . A. B. snowball. Geo. A. Peart Jr. Fackrel! left to make homes in the Big Horn Country MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL Smith Hotel of April regulations 4 25917,departmental the or contests ara:nst protests In the Disti ict Court of the f irst Judi oral distrwet of the Suate of Utah in and for it. Peart and Henry ' PHONE 167J WYO. EVANSTON Notice sr. VVyo. i Chas Cook SEi, Ej ved July 16, 18S4. ns Indemnity Schoo sectl0n -- 4 Township NWi Thurs lay Mar. 31Jhe , vir; Serial No. 023S27 NWi NEJ4 lands, Last- - KaltLake Mer' eat Committee have staged a gre- - I4North Ranec 6 NEV MV, Section 24, Township 9 has filed notice cf intention 10 at time for every one in the ward kian, make three year proof, to establish laim North. Ranee 6 East, Salt Lake Meridian. at their animal ward Reun-- i. Copies of said lists, so far as they to the land above desci i Vd, before Clerk M. P. will start relate to said trafcts by descriptive subI at 2, Program cf the Distr.Ci Court, at sndolph, Utah have been conspicuously posted divisions, after which there will be games on the 50th. oay of Apnl' 1921. I offii e for inspection by any per-s- n this and eats, the evening will be spe- - Claimant mines as witneises: and by the public generinterested Charles II. Alley of Lake! own, Utah. Randolph rge of the colonization. j Continued next week lit East of Court House Blocks South 017818, mission to New Zeland; On Aprrl 24 J, j M- - Grant, A. W Nebeker, Henry JIou- - j y Amusem- - NE4 NE returned from a three years Pure Berkshire Swine GUARANTEED 1 5 schools. WORK 1 j DENTIST BECKWITH BLG. ' kinds of and etc. Automobile Painting: J DR. OTHO L. STONE , Notice is hereby given that the State Notice is hereby given tlia Ernest of Utah has tiled in this office lists of . Rot ert Gubler, of Paris daho, who on . t selected by the said State, under lands, May 8, 1917, made Homestead entry, No section 6 of the Act of Congress, approfor section 13, NEH. NWI Charley Jensons wife died in an Ogden hospital and was brought here On 10 Charles R. Spencer for burial. and Bi 11 Kennedy were married in the On the 20 Robert! Salt Lake Temple 'ielford was taken to the Holy Cross Hospital at salt Lake jafficated with parJan. 28 B. alysis he died Feb. 1, here in interests of the M. I.' On Feb. 8, Geo. A Peart t sot apart as Stake Supt. of Sunday the A Repair all Gloves Coats and Mr. John Hyden of Round DEPARTMEMT Of The INTERIOR, valley is visiting with his sister U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Mrs. Jos. Wilbur this week. Utah March 17, 1921. to Milwuakee Wis. as a missionary, Matt Nicholls. was an Ogden nt in dancing more games some notable in the year 1900. . Jan. week-- ' more eats. ' V1Sltr the Par of 4, Henry Hqffman left for a mission, on Eastman Kodaks and Films Musical Merchandise, Drugs and Patent Medicine. Send us your mail orders , US Robes afrad contagious thing we arent of. of general debility aged 88 years. On the last day of the year 1899 a welcome ' Rugs , - Sarah Corless died of Ar.-ni-c poisoning contracted while at work in a quartz Dec. 17, A Mill at fdurcer jUtah.- McKinnon Jr. Geo. A. Peait Jr. and J. M. Grant were appointed a dance committee home reception given in honor of David and a Jackson a returning missionary send of to Henty Hoffman who will go Make , Cheerfulness is about- the only Dec. 20 Sister Mary Mead Rex mother of our townsman William Rex died EVANSTON DRUG CO GIVE a man feel lil a suckisses he has coaxed see to the ker for wasted upon a little black and white pup. only 3 days, while shining a sheep that a wolf had killed he cut his hand. opRjerlg of farpde lpty Furs One and Dec. 8, Charles if. Craw for the year. ford died of blood poison, he was sick JeV, Retail Dealer Iti JjJVHlStOIl Tan We It makes presid- & Hides, Fuie, Pelts, Wool, Junk, Scrap Iron, Metal, Rubbers, Bones and Rags REFERENCE SloCKGRWERS BANK .EVANSTON WYOMING! Besidenc6 Phone 38 R Office Phone 83 W ghter. were of William son Wholesale passensouth mail Friday en. ger on ihe route to Evanston to engage medical attention for her infant dau- -- Edward Cor less Harry Volk Mrs. Geo Wilson was a Association, their field of labor being Woodruff and Morgan stakes, theytrav Dec. 3 died with out purse or script- I - tli John Sunday Oct. 23, Elders Murry of Arizona and L. J. Callen of Idaho came as missionaries to the M. I. . ABSOLUTLY RELIABLE CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY ' ' Office and Warehouse- on County Road grade The Fourth and held not were of school classes Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday due to the sickness at the home of the teacher Mrs Pickttt. ing. Randolph U ah Randolph, Utah Cashier. C, W. Walton y July 25, Apostle Heber J. Grant was here and preached to a full house. tsept. 17, Our first ward Conference as Automobile Bankof Randolph ff returned Miss Bernice to from a very pleasant trip Ogden Webb. 1" t Stanley - WAN1ED Through the efforts of Couuty Any one wishing to dispose of Assessor Brooker, three hundred On March 13 Elder JohnC. Gray was a second band tchine antf some odd dollars were xecie. washing set apart as second councelor to Bp. A. communicate with Toll3 Ranaolp ved by the County from ChristenMcKinnon. Other missionaries had been Mrs. Alna Barns of Evanston, sen Construction Co. as taxes on called, Wm. T. Rex left on March 15 which for a mission to the other side of the formerly Miss Hattie Pope of Ra- property located at Wasatch world, Tasmania in the Austrilian miss- ndolph) is visiting, with relatives would have otherwise gone to soin other locality., Brooker deserves ion, on April 17, Heber Bowden left and friends in town this week. for a mission to the Southern States, on all credit due him. Sidney Findlay ' land Wilson 170 acres of farming Written By John Snowbsll Marble & Graniie Monuments and Headstones, f The Patrons of a Bank ara fyytk ers ior . withoui depositors a hank could not exist. Ve have ever? con-- , venience and protection for our depoalt ors and we solicit your account pa thk of the service we can render you add that a commercial account we May gives dignity to a mail. .for. Sale Inquire of experiments in getting the most hardy grains and vegetables from our high JOHN H- - BOTT & SON CO altitude. July 20, the Reverend R. P. J of and J. B. Barton of Boice Paris Boyd Manufacturers of Idaho, Sectrian Ministers were given the use of our meeting house, they preached their religion to a full house, and On the night distriuuted their tracts. of July 23, frost killed all tender vegetables, July 24, celebiated in good style, in the fore noon a program in the meetBrigham, Utah & Montpelier, Idaho ing house, after noon all kinds of out door spoits with prizes, much credit due the committee, J. M. Grant, A McKinnon Jr. William Rex, Adria Muir and Lilly 'f JISWS. RANDOLPH. UTAH Local News 1898 &9 ly THE .riSA s. ando,Ph L,tatl ln The Rich County Hews RICH COUNT s. claim of the State to aiv of the tracts' or subdivisions herein' t trrPi on the ground that th v.ne m nne valuable for mineral mail lor agi icultural purposes, will I c leceived and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C Failure so to prot- est or contest, within the time specified E, Johnson. Noticd to Creditors M arch 5 will be considered sufficient evidence el vouCreditors will present claimswith - mineral character of nonthe tracts and chers to the undersigned at her residenthe selections thereof, being otherwise ce at Garden City, Rich County Utah, on free fnm be approved to will objection, or before the 5th, day of July 1921. thetState. Afton Johnson, Administratrix Gould B. Blakely ' No Limit to Hfa Luck. Register, a Smith Is a lucky guy. Isnt he? reHo sure Is, agreed marked Brown. Patience Needed tor Buocsso. Jones. Why, if he tumbled oat of an The advertiser who loses Ms p aeroplane he wonld fall right through tience Will loso out. The hospital skylight erating table." t tad ea to oa op- read advertisements' Mail Order Journal. move . Say it With Flowers ' |