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Show .a - i- - "Estimates Cheerfullj' Given. ' p ? WBT itli Sin S. ... CF BiGH SOUNTlf HIE IB The Misses Gr.n e Nelson s. 0 ' ;M Local Ne ws Cabinet Work's Rpcvmiay i i - andj UP! nom-tuIU- Melvina Jackson and Mr. Milton! that there are bright prospects . Nelson of Bountiful aie visiting or taxes m Kiel'. C onnty being In re this aeek. raised is evident from fact that We always carry a hill line of the Miss Lucy Wade has returned jVr- 1otersmi, a representative of ate iky' n .,f Ivqualizatiou home after spending several weeks ll -- cat on ' v ils ;,t tlie County Monday visiting in Idaho. looking ot er the records and found g,)nc 0f our Real Estate had home M inlay from Brigham City sold from $30 to SCO per acre and after visiting there for sever 1 our.t sense I valuation on farm land weeks. She was accompanied by iu'!e co ut y is 915. To some it i lam'mo'tnjM;FsCieostosamiMrS. waiter mat ai ar that the Board of j, (trow who w dl visit here for a EiimhVntici would la justified Qltinfwltmtnrg p ! Horne Delight fresh from BlVaUv tht; - General Contractors and Builders. . p 'XV J Ogden Bilking Company. makers retiir-od)v,j1T(- Smith Bros, Over Shot nay Stacker of N , Fred Smith. Goot'ge A. Smith. Randolph Oarage We have all kinds of caseins, S13.pl as war tax, and others 303 for , 30-- inner tubes, $2. 85 3 Mr. nrd Mr. 'Will. have retimed to Logan after an ext ended visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed HARRY VOLK ys Factrelt of FULL MARKET PRICES PAID ECU Bountiful are Biting lice wilhjunty .s2t2(; Box Elder $5. 2b; Cache t',24 28. relatives and friends. Hides, Furs j pelts, wool , Junk , Scrap Ikon, rnetal, Rubbers , bones and rags. Nov notice somr of the valuaMiss Eliza Jacorson 01 Lruicrott. tions of comities, that, are a little Idaho is he guest of her sister, more in our clar-- Morgan $(.28 Mrs. Lena rd Shelby, this week.J Summit Si. 90; "Wasatch $10.72; A large number of nur towns-- i Dusclieue, the lowest in the State. ,nd$8.9'): San J mil SS.fiO eople spent Pioneer Day at Ideal $4.95-(hThere celebration ar ether counties but this Beach, there being no is a fa.r s mi le beiv. No doubt in a f w nays lie- SlaB 'vj A'lDou of Salt Lakeir. te Boa id of Equalization willno- in town this week in the interes's ifyt.ic C ninty Commissioners of the Da Mies Beebe Music Co. thattlie aosRsed valuation of Rich Mr Rulon Garner return Count;, i ill b" raised ami that on to his home in Plane City after a certain date the County ("Smm. issioiK'fs v.ill a anee spmd'ng several weeks here. bsolutdy Reliable, Give sell at a bargain E veins all kinds 1J gvr", to w.tli th meet State Bo Hex and t &. Spencer, Mgrs 'Our line of Slaying Machine Extras is complete. For Deerfng, Moline and McCormack machines. Wyoming Ms Utah Made Summer Heat C.noonated Bi'verages. ul and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. a make protest if they have a just family and Mr. and Mrs. Elija cause. It seems to us that this is Spender returned home "Wednesof vital importance to every tai-pa- y day after an extended trip into r in the county to wake up Yellowstone Nnt'onal Park. along this line before it hi too Ralph Snowball of Garden City late. was a businecs u'sitor in town this Week. Place 1 , J Snowball ten rial. - I Also gas, oil and assessories of 1 ILS U - We h ave four second hand Ford .and I Dodge cars, which we will CohfectioiiSi We especially rccomniehd them in making the raise. But let us give ou prni facts and figures and then be our own judge. F'rexnirpln Salt Lake Comity's assissed '.nliini ion ns Se2.ll per ac, mil bear , miudKich Cou-iit13: Pa vis County's, the true k garden of Utah $37.75; Utah Utah County $27.(4; Webtr Co- - Arch McKinnon, D. D. Wade and Harry Nichols made a business trip io Halt Lake City thi.- - week. & Utah Made Candies I j ? Ice Crem Also Conjoint Program Willis Call returned to his homo For Sunday evening July in Odgen Wednesday after spend, 7:30 P.M. ing several weeks in Randolph. 27 Pcp.acers; lu.t Beaerages, A good line of Ladms and G mis Toilm Articles. KoiliiK supplic's and finishing. Ice Creani. G tiara nUcd the Best Made Candi and in the State, Confections. i at Song Ve also have in stock the Deering NOTICE Mow-er- s and Hay Rakes, Jenkins Stackers, Moline Pijsh Rakes, Moline Mowers and Hay Rakes Moline and Milwaukee binders &Binding twine anything in the machine ery line, see us first Prices right Piayer Every Saturday night there will Song be a picture show, with dance in John Ilistie'y of Pi iiumrs connection, at the Snowb ill Opera Snowball 1, me House. Admission 10c and 20c, Voc.ilSoo Shelby Show starts at 9:00 P.M. Declamation Arvil i Jacobson a formerly Mildred Spencer of Kate Brew Pioneer Btoiy Born to Mr. and Mrs. (Pen at Kninht, Vyo., on July 22. baby boy. Mrs. Spnnoer was All-lv- If you need d. Vocal Sole Music Margaret Pope ' EbSiy this n Owm, TelUid N City. George Kennedy and sons ha C. A. Piggo't c line up from returned home from the Yellow Salt Lake City to be with his st"ne Paik. Mrs. Kemieda rewife who is visiting here, and maineii at Lava Hot Springs. fs the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. George Biougli. manager of the Gray. Randolph Billihrdllall has installLOST ed a new musical instrument weie! One brown coll three mouths plays the piano and violin. - Spencer Eros. &Cs. to loan 011 bankable security. If you need some in your business come and consult u and let us know the state c your affairs. If your proposition is- at all reasonable you'll find us ready to meet you more than half way. Do not hesitate because your business may not be of large dimensions as yet It may be some day. - of Randolph, Randolph, Utah. C. V,T. Walton, Cashier,. Mrs Burns Letter Here is a lettei that of in Wrest, proe is certain tins v- cases of this sort occur in utmost every neigh. oi hood,, and iieo- le should know what to do in like Oircunisti lie s: icinity, as n and Mrs. Ernst! Findlay li ave returned home from Fossil . Wyo., for a short visit. Mr. ree btnd f "r- circMlTrs, J CHliiNDi & CO., Toledo, Ohio, Sold DrugRlsts. 75c & a. idUs to t conlijiaU?n , MSCKIE ' tr ' t 1- - Evanston Lumber Co. standard Timber Co., Owners. 'OURREPORVER -- -- bm'rn road evrn woua, Marion Smith. PAT Announcemant SftNsi VJHEXi FOVKS VRMEU.EO COUUO KECV BN -- fRWN, EROiCK OP ErA, BUt SUNCfc A,UtOS VatSB ARE LEAVIN' TOWN BV abouts will be appieciatial. Dr. A. P. Thompson has resumed-hipractice atEanston. "Wyo. and is now' prepared to meet the puplic CVAAt-ACE- '. NVAEN POLKS GrO MtStTlNj . E.R. s WME MlSfTORS, NVSHy -- Haying Is Here SAYS machine parts for Deering McCormick, John Deere and Milwaukee mowers. We have fHEN'D YELL NE ABOOt Machine Oil, Grindstones, VT. Cable, Rake-teet- h and Push rake teeth Bailey, Secretary of State Board of Equalization, plumed our Comity Clerk on Friday that the assessed valuation on grazing Dndwiilbo raised TO per cet, on farm land 60 percent, on range cattle 2a per cent, bank j 00 per Let us fill your orders. cent, met chandise 150 per cent. The County Commissioners are given a chance to meet with the; Board Tuesnay 29. in rHfttt.ce; Silt Lake. JL Rick Gt. Furniture st 'n 4 A full line of Building Materials Mr.. Deafness Cannot Be Cured to people in old with small while tar fix forehead. Colt was driven, or followed some animals, uway from my 12th. premises Saturday, June j Any information as to its where- overihe Evanston National Bank building. by local applications, as they canno; reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional vemtehes. Deafness is caused by an inflamed conditional the ir cqus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or impetfect hear'ng, and When it is entirely closed, DeaVcss Js the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine ates out of en are caused by Catarrh, which is notmng but n inflamed 'c,ndi-ipoof the mucous surfa s. We ill tive One Hundred Dollus for anv ?are of Deafness (caused h caauh) fhai cannot be umd, by Halls Ca mil Cure to & -, Plenty of Cash Here Bank Lumber L S. |