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Show THE RICH COUNTV. NEWS, RANDOLPH. UTAH tatata rjffu va za tavja $ 2 Ikisiness K ' 1 " Directory. rat claws hervn e pplv Tii Tl am DEV x'Arjrjs.Tj&jiTjLTAf''' Dr PH S C I AND SURGEON Ubsto i fries spscialty Off 'ca nt Residence. Utah- - ?JandcJph Fred money. 11. Morgan . LAW ATTORNEY AT J war Tamil, Irrigation, Probate and Genera! Law Practice . N OTA It T VO BL1G Jack Sears in represents both hanging on the both dry, Utah his cartoon this week Utah and the U. S. prohibition line, and being labeled very Randolph Utah July -- zsirejiSmce) prohibition I began monies tee to Sabs. I savings Man.? tlTAfl These tablets aie intended especially Two Years of Prohibition Haye Helped the Thrift ITabit, 'and is Increasing With National Prohibition. K02Y WESTER it .v Deeds, Mortgages and aii Land Malleis Adjusted Utah FULL OF 11B Kal miiay Jacobson Hotel -- Girls from Rich ('.unity erving the-- Count! v hi N.I'Sf!-- First Class Rooms. Despite its scope Swift & Company is a business of infinite details, requiring infinite attention. Patronage. Prices right. Vm, Jacobson, l J C:.!.s Proprietor. . - l!:milofh. f Jevcliy Jo-ep- Rich County Boys in Set vice Over Se is. precision. A highly perishable product must be handled with speed and care to avoid loss. The Jeweler Prop Randolph David Leltoy Dean, Woodruff be done with expert ski!! and scientific ingstrum, L im L. Lutz Austin Willis Nil man Oiay Smilh : liiindolph Laketown Randolph Randolph Uipk Sjiencer, Randolpli Ftanklm Buck woodruff Jo-ep- 'n W and Designers of Order Worl Evanston, Chemists, engineers, accountants, and other specialists are required to take care of our intricate problems. (special Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our four hundred branch houses. Branch house organizations must show activity and energy to sell at the market in the face of acute competition from other large packers, and hundreds of small ones. Wyoming. Afrits wanted ;r&, fy vet it Jor my wife CTPERUKE it, OThcR A3 GOOD. Address Swift Union Stock Yards, ?rW -- m1 HOMU ha ton wiPbatf 'he 1 hi- - hi. manor of ile - t it t, Tiri e " pa r t V v or orhman hi j and best d rt pa c i" imc ' t num- f c c. ior" .ih v f i ml r ji ir at s i t mm ent I' .,'nn h t " i t Thr: rt: ALL n l fiur i r sL-- rr r r o.r. ' t . .uir - vforr for . & Company, Chicago, 111. NEW HOME". mK. rvWAP-RAMVE- Call Kennedy," Let us send you a Swift "Dollar. It will interest you. NO I"'ti United States. e i . Swift & Company, U. S. A. nr i;i ln.es. i w co..czmss. vtw ru: i Address New Heme Sewing Ma chine Co.; 427 So. Wabash Ave Chicago Lame Shoulder This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of tfie muscles. All that is needed is absolute' rest aucL a fqw applications of Chamberlains Li5- men!. Try it.' '' j Jv 0YE8-ACIBIY- Y placed . :'VY' 19id. Kavacnah, Mo, Oct, I used a bottle of Utiainherla'ins Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about years ago and it cured we of flux (dysentery.) I had another attack of the same complaint some three or four years ago and a few doses of this rem-d- y cured me. I have recommended Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy to dozens of people since I first used it. rs a the growth-pr- o c the stomach has upset many o rlghisTest. If your stomach i3 dissolve two or three . d, fs so definite in Its ktlp t n child ci ary zie. I ahercky science refitvs Lnat the wKar tins' ere nc?dfrl fry norm?! (growth. ' wttt izeiu a dfcroffV j Es.l-j'!?Ess- .') c-.- rpv' y t.v Ccctt L. rowi,p, S.VkCc'; Being Critical. 1, XJ. J. 19-- 3 It is much easier lo be critical thao lo be correct. Disraeli. lEMOIli o the tongue before rearing and enjoy refreshing sleep. The purity and guaranteed by goodness cf SCOTT & BOWKE MASERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION .pbif WM tPhat Daily Tnougnt, you were, other may answer for; what you tried to be you must answer for yourself. Ruekfn. Randolph, Xantippo It), Reid in Geialdine Fairai in Slone" il Dalton The Jtluetdrd, The Ganien llali," Parentage,' Mickey," . says that be is CkShier of Die above! Mo,,ml Loiiler S,W named. ht.. ik; Hint the afaAe and fore- -' ajiie ,llllir going rejiot t coutiims a lull, (rue and Up1(.ks man. and correct statement of the said bank at the Hose of business on the 30th. day of Ju-ie- , 1910. Cbas. W. Walton. (Signed) Correct Attesf : John Kennedy, Joseph E. lli.teh, Joseph Weston, Ptler Johnson, Direotoi-- . Subsclihed and swim lo bidore me tins I4lli day of July, 191!). Fred R. Moigau, Nutaiy Vublio. (Seal) Aly Ci mmi-sicixpms li.e slh ii day of June, I9l2. Stale of Utah. Oflice of Bank Conmns loner. L X. T. Pui ter, Bank Cominissionei v of the Stale of Flail, do hereby' in that the foregoing is a full, tme and col rt copy of tiie statement of tho above nanietl eo npnny, filed in my offici' tins lOtli day of July, 191b. N. T loi ler,: Iaiik CoinmisSionei rti-f.- Rich County Boys in Service All these requirements of intelligence, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. How can the workings of this delicate human mechanism be improved upon? Do you believe that Government direction would add to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the producer and consumer? 7 II NO Randolph Fdgar Pope Woodiulf Chester Walton, Wallace Me. 18 in The foU'iwii g a,p.etra pictures tliat will he siiou n twice a month: A B'lbert Smith Kuiiiiolph ICurnest Fied Johnson Itai dolph h Jones Iiiiiidolph Each manufacturing operation must h Saturday July 20, Doilhy Love Letters I toy Nelson, July PUBS Tuesday July 2, Julius Bebon in One Mole Ameiican" Cox, iVoouruCi loicm e Will ton. I Wood uff liieb County Roys Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice. Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowledge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live . animals will yield. July De 5. Uiuhiu-- in connection. L. K. Engstrum, w . Katliemu Watches U-- r ' lirleive Randolph Makers I divine will do tor you. Ti ey only cost a q uni ter. arid Notary Public i5G SIATJggSMSOOAIlO tni-so- il, Licensed Abstractor Thone 1919 forsinu! ich troubles, bilhousness and constipation. If you have any troubles of give hem a trial and leul-z- o lor y our.selr u liat a f irst Class me Arch IVicKinnon I'in-iu.- us 26 Chamberlain's Tablets Utah. Randolph, . Reis y s , 1 Wasters has been a term of reproach always given to the citia.ns of the United States, but now that term can be no longer applied, as with the drank evil beihg minimized, and the great campaign for thrift being carried on in the schools, we shall no longer be entitled to the name of . Wasters, but rather WSScrs. LICENSED ABSTRACTER OF TITLES We solicit, your Rich-Count- dry. and CAFE Tbe -- N 1 Made (o j Reav. . GtyS-S- I tte Ruck I oni i .siouer For two years, Utah has been hung of Utah of (he condition a f Published I y THE RICH COUNTY tle clothes ion line, on the prohibit high The Hank of Handolpb" j,aml dry, and just a short time ago, NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY Lot ated at Kand'ilvh, in the County the rest of the U. S. followed suit. , fluw nwDfror Df.fuvoi One of the great things that has of Jtich, fcinte of Utah, at the cln-- e of r Off-p:ir (boon discovered by prohibition, is that business on the 80th dav of under t!e net of .Jnich 3. 1S79. 1919, June, now more man has money the average RESOURCES to save, and not only are the banks ARTHUR McKinnon S. S. W. more but depositors, carrying Publisher and Thrift Stamps are being purchased Ilitdislied eierv Saturday at ISando'oh, by those who formerly wasted their -j- W fiEPBIT OH, Scf'DRYl k of A |