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Show f The Home Sentinel ! i i andland, t la- - FOUNTAIN GREEN. Ward Stevenson ol Gunnison paid 'africnJly visit. Our meeting house was artistically a Uapti-t- t, David Cand'and was in town on Sat. decorated for the 4th. last as a delegate to the convention. A MeeKly Xt'Cfapert Monday evening at the Caucus the There will be a conference of the People's Patty elected Delegates to at Devote! to the general interest of Seventies ne.t Sunday in the tend the conventions to be held ai Manti and Mt. Pleasant. athepeopleof San 1'eteand surround mg counties. Clutr. John the hrc-8. W. HeBuutr, Mownl ol the Fure-iuur--e- Sujit. ", Anna Ras- - A Go, n Client!. Chntenen, KlirMrrrv Spert Moi immlitt U Hue it.it m , Fountain i.ieen. iSertha ohi-narali J.ilnJ n Hume, 1ihv Catherine Hee, X' he Mierament of tin (U-- s tAereie 1Aunt huima Hayward Lord s supper, Chester. xinrA "Wandering Home Hannah Lar sen Co.. Moroni. Door little Jim," Maria Recitation Ander-on- . Fountain (reen. Plea-an- t. Addre- Mipt. i hritensen, Mt. M , ii i ale-a- Notices are out for a meeting to be held at 6 p. in. July S, for the purpose ol One year, electing a school trustee pr the ensuin; three years and reading of financial re .Six months, 1.23 An xu Im Ninety Fiva," Kther of School Trustees of this District. was in the taken port adjournment Moroni, Three mouths. .75 case ol J. I Larsen vt. the Seed of Abraham4 snrMe. -" far Parley Some ol our euterprizing young ladies Uen)aimn Gould. Fountain Green, lane until 2 oclock V. JI. arner, Ncphi. Bishop speeek AdvertlaiBar Ram as ApiUlrat luu. accompanied a few uf the young men t Music Hrasa Hand. Parties wishing to sell or ship wool the canyon for evergreens. And in goQ B. Maiben. J. Remarks Closing to secure the Anthem 'Hark the on of Jubilee, Address communications to the would do well to see L- - S Holdaway ing up the mountain-sid- e Moroni Choir. before going elsewhere. be found, ferns beauiilul to most they Home 5e.vti.vel Company, Benediction a Supt. David caudland. came to as they thought, a pile of old Mr. Watson, Chief Mechanic ol the P.O.Box 57, Manti. U. T. straw which turned out to be a huge AFTERNOON, Sanpete Valley Railroad is over repair- porcupine. The brave mountaineresses Jas. T. Jakema.n, Mimic by the Bril's? Biiml. ing the Steam Thresher Engine. little a rotk a mounted ur Mountain Home o dear," higher up just soiui Manager. Moroni.choir. To the Bishops of San Pete Blank and viewed the armed animal while the N. II. Felt, Asst Manager. Pra er Supt. Edw ard Cliff. Reccommends to the House of the trappers(?i with pebbles invited hint to Sonk e itre trundling to Mount Zion" A litde Ligherupand the Fountain Green choir. Lord t this office, Price; soforsocents scamper. Addreas llardy. Moroni, hupt. Aaron 100 for 75 cents; J50 for r and $ 2.50 for coveted ferns were found, higher than The Lord' Cl am ST. HANS EXCURSION. Dntyer xeri ever white woman bad ascended, where I 00 Cternisii Faux. Moroni. A the Robber. saw an also nest. Recitation The Quaker eagle's they On Monday morning last the lawn The Convention held in Manti on Mary A. Larson. Wonoui. was enlivened by music from the Manti on hand a full Wm. Bodden fcong- - Gypey Madden," Janey Fdraonijs Silver Band and some 35 vehicles filled Saturday fast, was unanimous in nomi- line of Flannels,keeps Fluk Jane Lamb. and Lioseys, Jeans, and) W. K. Reid as Representa-tivetorFupt. Essay1 Sabbath fcchnol Work, to the brim with smiling-facewifi exchange at Whole whichhe pleasure nating this District. the arns. David CamUand. Cheater. in lull Minutes seekers "pulled out Lorn the hunt of next Music Hrans Wand. sale prices for wool in any 32 issue. of Class Exercise the Tabernacle block and vended their Baptism I Moroni S. W. L. S. Holdaway will stand theFamousl 11 Maggie Montley, way to Funks Lake. Bro. Henmogsen We learned, from good authority Flow era" Ella Ivory, my Song Buy lea the van with the Danish colors that some of the good citizens of Ster- Stallion Cap, (Percheron and French,) I Fountain Graeu. First CoirmandBient,' Class Exercise and t Wm Johnsons at Ft. Green and Roy-- 1 .was followed flying, by ling. while celebrating the 4th. at Funks As. Supt. K. E. Taylor. Freedom. at Ephraim and Manti, during the eight teams; then came Bro. E. lessen in a genaiue knockC. indulged j. Christiuasen, Speech supt. and the King Oscar's flag (Swedish) fol- down. Fountain Gre. Results, a broken nose and a month of July. lowed by nine teams, at this point in the few sore heads. Beautitui Home," R. P. Larson song & Co., Moroni. procession Bro. J. R. Nielsen occupied 15 Recitation The Pioneers of47 CarlenIa IMPRACTICAL LAW j& position with the Norwegian standard. Messrs. Booth A Wilson, attorneys at Talor, Freedom. The burning PTaxie" Nellie! Recitation Upon arriving at the Jaike the pro- law, have just completed arrangements About a month ago a young woman Green, Gnnan. Fountain gramme of the day commenced with whereby they are prepared to prosecute by the name of Gave N. Edmunds, Wales. of Supt. speech Peterson, Ephmusic by the band. Prayer was offered claims at Washington for Indian depreThe Recitation perplexed Housekeepwas at Mr. Provstgaards, iu Manti er Rachel Rees, W ales. dations committed in this western onm raim, by Bro. E. Jessen, in Danish. unwell and wishing to go The Latter-daClass Kxereis' Dispen-of Zion was sung in Danish try. There are thousands of dollars of and feeling Ration," Caroline Jensen, Moroni. home, Mrs. Provstgaard kindly under and in its original music "(The Star iust such claims in this territory, lei took 0 drink Recitation tonight my her there in a buggy, to Bov," Annie Bradley, Moroni S, V. all who have claims which can be estab- I11 a few conveyMrs. P. was .Spangled Banner") confounded days The Comical nay to Heaven," Song Bro. P. O, Hansen then addressed the lished attend to this matter at once. by being arrested and taken to Ephraim Benjamin Gould. Fountain Green. Assembly in Danish, complimtnting the Speech SUMt. Hetuunger Moroni S. W, There was an assault and battery per- charged with violating Ephraims Quar. Irene Danish on the great advantages and Dialogue Sunday Excursions, rantme Law. by taking into that city a Bradley ami others, Moroni S.W privileges gained by being in Zion. Ex petrated within the jurisdiction of Manti person infected with .station Recitation a contagious disAgents Story, May ported them not to forget the place ol last waek. The complainant, L. P ease. to wit: diphtheria Orowther, Fountain Green. as the Board their nativity, and tojfeach their children Christian, was pretty badly hurt, and of Recitation tler Joe. Pauline Letter, Health, pronounced that to be the Moroni, their mother tongue. Said National the defendant. Isaac Vorhess, was fined ailment We are the Seed of I under which the young lady Song, by request. fifty dollars. The particulars seem, by prejudices should be avoided. Abraham. Benjamin Gould, was suffering. Christian Beck sang the Danish Na common concent, to have retired into Spet eli Bp. in ms, Momni. As Mrs. Provstgaard was entirely inupt. Langley Bailey, Nephi. Speed! tional Air very nicel. He has an excel obscurity, at least, the Sentinel has nocent Music auv of Nearer my God to thee, Brass of the cause knowledge tent voic. Bro. J . R. Nielsen next spoke been unable to learn more. Band, of Miss Petersons sickness, or ol any Closing Remarks J. B. Maiben. in the Norwegian tongue, Felt glad Ml together" Moroni Choir. We learn that Sister Charlotte Carter, intent to violate law, whether of City or Song to be a Norsnjan. Spoke of his country OouiiMilor V. K. Benediction Nathan Faux, Reid was retained Territory, to in the olden times.how they were of th the daughter of Brother Albert Smvth, defend the mo run i. lady. Judge Jacob Johnson House of Israel; how when they came of Manti, died at Mancos, La Plata the city. to Norway they were barbarians; spoke County. Colorado, on the 22nd offline. prosecuting for 18th of June the time set of their primitive mode of worshiping The cause of her death was inflamation forUpon the trial, the defendant's counsel deHod. and the origin of the days of the aaused by a sivere cold after the murred to the complaint upon the week. Spoke of the political situation birth of her child, which was five She leaven a hus- ground, that it did not state facts that they were subjects of Swedeo, but months old to constitute a public offense, and possesed more liberty than that country. band and her inbaby behind, besides her after arguments of counsel pro and con, Manti and Colorado, to Sister Skogaard sang a comic song in many friends Struck bv Lightning: Lockport (N.l A new mourn her los. She was a faithful the demurrer was sustained. the Norwegian language Y.), July 2 Mary Hawkes and Lizzie was then Latter-daand the defenfiled, complaint Saint died and I Bro. N. W. Anderson, representing in full faith of dant again demuried, for the same reas- Hawkes while swinging in a hammock fiweeden, said lie thought it an injustice the Gospel of Christ. The Sentinel were struck by lightning this afternoon d obtained a on, ai extends postponement for to some of the invited guests to have all sympathy to.the bereaved. the purpose of prepairing to argue said and instantly killed They were thrown the exercises in foreign tongues, so he We The lightning left iwaily twenty feet. demurer. to receive a visit werj pleased would speak English. Fell proud to as on a bright red streak tcross the bosom of was from H. The case last Mr. Saturday Goddard, postponed and came up aociate with those of the same nationali representing Yaggys Anatomical and oil Tuesday the 2nd of tins month and each girl. ty of his father, lbs father was a Swede Geographical the Studies defendant and the Physiargued that the demurier his mother came from Denmark and he A Bank Robbery, Ligonier (Ind.) Anatomical Aid. should be sustained upon the grounds ivas born in America, asked what cian's July 2 A bold bank robheiy was perThe excellent also features of that Anatomthe fhe. stated, ol section the ordihe was. Swedes The were countryman While the cashical are well known, having nance under which the defendant was petrated here t endeavoring to give the masses an ed- provedStudy ier of Sul Rliers bank was at dinnerl a valnable aid in our Schools in brought to trial was, had unreasonable, education opucation, they compulsary some unknown thief entered the bank I pressive. and . opposed to the general In that country and that he was pleased leaching Phvsiologv. Yaggvs Geographical Study is being law of the Territory, hence void, Be-- through a side w'indow and rifled the with the advancement of intelligence ntroduced for the finst time in this lowe give the full text of the Courts cash drawer. Fortunatlv, the vault was While was there. he proud ol his cality and we are locked and the thief had to be contentdecision to learn the glad that fathers country thought the people Trustees of ed with something less than frooo. The various the School Districts from there should be glad they had left window through which an entrance was the Judges opinion and d ecisionft behind as they had bettered their con- in Sanpete C'ountv are securing them is but a few feet from the affected, the ir school the year. By coming dition by so doing. We have various In the Justice court at Ephraim City J street, and in plain view of everv of Mr. Goddard courtesy we had the flags here, each leels proud ofhisnati Peteison, (ustice of the Peace, Citv of viewing this apparatus C, otial Colors, but with himself, the privilege of Ephraim, Plaintiff; v. Inch is vj. Maria Pvovs and embraces very complete stars and stripes were his colors; he had P defendant. ililical, Geological and Astronomical gaard, been born under them, had become ac1 he court has listened with patience customed to them, and loved them as Geography. Ihe Maps are excellent, possessing to die arguments used in this deinuie, his flag. Liked to see each one feel both in behalf of the Plaintiffand Defennew and valuable featuersand the dant and having consulted the statutes pleased when they saw their national many Physical Sections are really fine works of emblem. It was natural. the Territory and erd, nances of the I art. Vienna, July 2. Fifteen Miss Marv Tunel sang a very prettv thousand find in the best judgment of the 1 he Chart of the Heavens workmen have strack at Brunn, includand Solar City, Sweedish song. court the that Mayor aiiu counci City Music by the band, the Danish Nation- Svstem.and the Astronomical plates will have exceeded their ing all bakers in the city Military for-- 1 authotity in theh Ces have arrived ou the prove invaluable to teachers and very scene; but there al Air; Den Tapprt Land Soldat. for anxiety and welfare of is no protection tractive to pupils, who will ake great the Tne strikers demand an rioting Bp. llans Jensen said this was the people; and if Sec. 3 of an ordinance increase of over first Scandinavian excursion from Manti. deight in the study. 30 per cent in their a board of health he earned the good judgement creating and was intended to draw ofl from of Uhee compliment out. would be and result in the detri- wages. Manti SchooITrustees in securing ment to the citizens and the common the other Nationalities This is the birth-daof John the Baptist and the this apparatus for our District .Schools wealth and would ESTRAY NOTICE. be a barrier to business and an oppression on longest day of the year, and that ii the and society I have in my possession One roan, reason it is celebrated. This day bad would not be what undoubtedly the more significance to him as it was his Mare, white in lace, four feet Citv Council intended it to pinto and Mayor own natal-daand that he had presidabout be; for the welfare and well being of its and legs white up to knees, ed over the Scandinavians here (or 33 habitants, but would frustrate said seven years old; branded qp on left years. lesigns and result in the oppression of shonlder, alsoD (combined) on left Was in the war of 1848 and though the Citizen in their innocence having thigh. If the above described an ntal is that it was of considerable importance no intent of violating said ordinance not claimed w'ithin fifteen .lavs from to us as a people. that if it had not transwhere Legislature in passing laws and date, the same will be sold at auction NOTICE! to the highest cash bidder, on Tlmisday, pired the Gospel could not have been Councils by passing ordinances City preached in that country. Closed with must be governed by reason, justice anti the 18th day ol July, 1889, at 10 oclock The first examination t public of a short speech in the Danish language a. nr., at the Estray Pound school teachers will be held at Eph right and when that is overstepped it tn which he said that President Canon John C M r.LLOR, is to the detriment of those it falls m aim 30th upon 1889. July had said that the Danish were among Pound keeper. The covers is what Persons complaint to requited Fayette. Sanpete Co,. July 3id. 1889 attend the Univerdesiring the best people of Europe. law to and according the within of Deseret as law, Nomal Bro. Wm. Hill gave a very interesting sity Students are respectfully requested to be present on but the ordinance under which it was though brief address. Said the boy who the above named date and at the same drawn hasnt the requisite grounds m NEW TAYLOR SHOP, MANTI. was born 60 years ago, was a good bov us section but go outside of the statutes place for examination. and had made a good man. the Ter of Utah, under whu.li said Peter GREAvrs Jr., of Brest. Maiben was pleased to be with ordinance is formulated. It;s therethe people on this excursion and asked Co, Supt. of Schoo s. Alter twenty-fou- r fore desired according to the best judgyers practice, God to bless Bp. Jensen and hoped he of ment the NOTICE!! Couit Iain that the demur be prepared to do all kinds of I have of returns the day. many might sustained and the Defendant discharged J work in the newest fashion. Blessed the people on this occasion. By request of the First Council of In and fr the City of Ephraim. Music by the band and prayer by Bro. Seventies. I will guarantee clotln-- to fit an,d assent of the Presidency C. J. H. WoJskow in Danish closed the of the Stake, a.Seventies Conference will J. Peterson, Justice ot the i eace. work will be done well and f and exercises. be held in the Manti Tabernacle, on Sun-dastrong. The remainder of the day was spent fuly 14, 1S89, at 10 oclock a.tn. and SANPETE STAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL Price of work from $L50 to $5.00. in pleasure: boating, etc. being indulg2 oclock n . m. .The Saints JUBILEE. generally ed in. are invited to attend but the Presidents per suit. Very best broad cloth! In behalf of the visiting parties who and members of Seventies NO 27 MORONI CITV. $6.00 per suit. Quorum were not Scandinavians, the Sentinel throughout the Stake, in particular Residence four blocks East of a fine procession with Banners will say that they were all well pleased, Quite Daniel Henrie, and we all hope that St. Hans day. or In feehall of the Presidents of the 48th flying headed by the Brass Band, formed Assembly Hall. some other day will be honored in like Quorum, Manti.promptly at half past 10 oclock on J. A. Tho. Palmer, manner by our Scandinavian friends Tuesday morning, June 18, 1889, and Manli, Utah. Co., Sanpete countermarched m fiont each year LIST OF LETTERS Irons residence receiving officersBishop and Remaining in Manti Postoffice, Julv and visitors. The assembly was comfortably in the largfe and elegant taberseated 1SS9. nacle at n oclock and the following Mrs, Marion Pratt, of exercises was fendered programme Miss Genie Cox. , Also Item, or luterni, Clipping-- and in a very pleasing and satisfactory manMrs. Eliza Fosuec, ner. , Main St., Hu unison, Utah, Mrs M, J. Farmer, O Lord Hymn accept our Mrs. Hannah Madsen, Moroni choir. First-clas- s 2 raver supt. Aaron Jl.irdv,. Moron, Accomodations for Tragents list. S sontr Lift up your heads, Ft. Mathias C. Andersen, velers. Good Stabling, Feed, Etc. choir. Mr G. W. R. Dent, Peter Greaves, Jr. of F.pirui.i, a BMaiben, Stake Su'ptH,'U tr5 At,dr,'!i Mr. Charel Eriksen, RATES REASONABLE in town. a 5 t'hiss Excrcis. the On Dr. D. H. Gray. Creation " Moroni. Gtc, Joseph S. T. Kenner of Sterling favoied us Mr. L. Goldbrandsen, 6 Class Exereist W nrd of Ann SMirrnscn, Fountrtin Wisdom," JUrV with a call. Urcn, h"nit "The Sahlmth School Anders Jensen Bell lie. k. Addle Camlluiid, KHudii L. S. Holdawayis paying the highest J. A. Mayetis r. HAS OPENED A R. Peterson prices for wool. r m,t Kccs? Elenor W?",Gu'I,y C. Rickison Address supt, Edward Cliff. Honey for sale at Joseph S Braith-waiteIf not ca'led for in thirteen W Hlt,nR for Hrinmry, Jane Two Doors North six blocks west of the Temple, be Sent to dead fetter office. days Of Co-o- p hemp, Momm. Store, U Miisio-Jr:- mj Manti. Band. TI H. Baker, P.M. Lt UecUfttuxi The BuxJe Au b ... rr 1 1 il on t A committee of arrangements hav been appointed Dr the celebration $2.00 the 24th. alien-son- y. A CO. N . V o(DEALERS lN)o Merchandise- - -- General Are Still at Their Old Stand,- ! - Main Street, Manti, Utah 1 l (ot suf-ficie- nt American. MANTI ROLLER MILLS LOUIS The Best Grades of Custom Work a Specialty John Lowry I TellYou, If you want nt a & Son, bargain call at Lowrys I v GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE, (.And See There :)n fXJIRY GOODS, ST GROCERIES, ffiPMEN S CLOTHING, fBSHOUSE TILM MINGS, urn iture, Etc BABY CARRIAGES. livid in Stret, F o rvio-nti- . I Tko County dis-ne- I I s y. 1 CENERAL DEWS. lonnrau Manti Ito ms Robbins House, 1 1 u-.- - 13 M. H. SPERRY, m he-te- Bartoer SHop s, Song,' Fannie Manti, Give him a call. Flour, JfflT'Orders and Correpomlence solicited w Foreign. BECKEB, LESSEE, Manulactures y - f. Do what is right. It ia right to use home products in preference to imported articles. It ia right to furnish our own people employment. It ia right to patronize home institutions exclusively. THEREFORE It is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution especially as they are moderate in price, elegant in style and superior in quality. . SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS |