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Show 5 -- 0t. Tltr3HE . ' YOL. Y. MANTI CITY, SAN PETE COUNTY, , UTAH MONDAY, JULY- - HOW. TO SAVE MONEY' ORATION. ave money by buying your goods cheap for cash from Delivered in Manti, July 4th, I SS9, by Wm; Hill. Fellow Citizens : M. G. Rolph, I. Dealer in i Dry Goods, and r Shoes, Hats, Stationary, A. Notions. The only house in tfye, County ing a strict Cash Buisness. Groceries, Boot's Wall-pape- do- on this occasion to celebrate the Nations Birthday ; a day that is dear to the heart ofeyery American citizen; a day that is annually Matson & Hanson. Headquarters for Boots &. Slices Main St., Mt. Pleasant. Having bad 25 years experience n the manufacture Boots and Shoes, we can select 3 better article for the Money than the average Clerk, and will give our customers the benefit of our experience. Coire and be coi vinced. tf wel- comed by millions of people, not only in our own land, hut our Natal Day receives an enthusiastic welcome in England, France, Germany, Spain, and in every country where the tongue is spoken, or a heart, throbs at the sound of the word Liberty The liberty for which the Hebrew Slaves of Egypt sought, of which Babylonias captives sung, and for which the martyrs of protetanism suffered and died. Liberty for which our Puritan Fathers yearned and finally gained ; which the Nihilists of Russia and oppressed of all despotic nations hope for, struggle for, live for, and die for. God given, we enjoy Phis is the anniversary of of one of the niot--t phil anthropic instruments that has ever teen recognized or adopted by an earthly government ; an instrument which sent a thrill of joy to the hearts of the struggling colonists; which bid defiance to their oppressors, and Englands king ; which astounded and terrified the despotic rulers ot all nations, and bespoke a brighter day for suffering humanity the woild over, I rejoice with you in the Declaration of Independence which has just been read with such force, such masterly power, and such elocutionary efitct by our esteemed Wm. K. ReiiCE.-q- . The doctrines of this Declaration were inspired and germinated in the hearts of .some of the noblest men whose names ever grcaed the annals of history. Eternity alone will reveal to tlw 'hunugrace the debt of gratitude it owes to the peerless and immortal names of Jefferson, Adams, Hancock. Lee, and. in fact, all the signers of that glorious document. In speaking of the phenominal success and bf the hazardous struggles made by the United Colonic for their independence, , we often overlook the noble magnanimity, spotless reputation and of the patriotic statesmen whose indefatigable labors contributed so much to the freedom of the people and the establishment of this great government Fvery true citizen loves to dwell upon the achievements of the past, and our hearts are warmed anew by a contemplation of these excitscenes. ing and Our children and childrens children must not be allowed to forget the arduous struggles, earnest work, and grand successes of their forefathers. We, therefore, diiect attention to the condition of the colonists who settled upon this continent as subjects of the British Crown. After years of faithful allegiance they were subjected to injustice in various forms and, in Anglo-Saxo- - We have met soul-inspirin- n g ! Phi-liber- heaven-inspire- ty d, to-da- BAKEKY. Fiesh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Nvts and iCandies. Ice Cream, Soda water. ' Milk Shake, Cigars and Tobacco, Etc, M. C. Kroll, Prop.. Main St., Mt. Pleasant. Give us a call. Mt, Pleasant Planing es Mill. fellow-- townsman, Lumber. Pickets, Mouldings, &c. All kinds of Custom work done on short notice. Orders by Mail Promptly attended to. Bent 1 lansen Prop., Main St. Mt. Pleasant LOWERS STAGE XjUsruand Fair view JSetweenThistle Station Tuesday & Friday of each week Stages leave Fairview for Thistle at 5 a. m. Arrive at Thi-tl- e at 1 :00 p m. and Saturday Every Wedue-da- v Leaves Thistle for Fairview 9 a. m. arriving at 5 p. m. and connects with the Mt. Pleasant Stage. Connection is made with the D.& R G. Ry. at Thistle. Peter Greaves Jr n soul-inspirin- iH, AGENT FOE- - D, ill), Osborn 4 Co ST Steel Frame Binder. Nos 4 & 5 Front and Rear Cut Mowers. 2X7" Coates Steel and Wood Wheel Hay Rakes. full stock of Rake teeth and Sections with large variety of Machine Extras, kept Continually on hand at 3 Ephraim, Utah. g many cases, inhuman treatment by the minions of the crown, who were clothed with a brief authority. The hardy settlers and pioneers were compelled to receive as Governors and Colonial rulers, the bloated aristocrat and favorites of England, who. in many cases, play ed the role of master and tyrant. Increased insults and indignities followed every protest, and appeal; JJnjust taxation added to the burden, until forbearance ceased to bea virtue, and the hardy sons of toil, threw down the gauntlet to the well disciplined army ot and arrayed themselves against one of the most powerful 'European Nations. From the plow, the workshop, the office and .the pulpit, earnest and determined men rallied to the side of right against tion of the hour. Hesitancy, doubt and fear deterred, for sontetime, the patriotic band. At last( yielding to the logical arguments of Jefferson, the earnest pleas of an took and Adams, and the fiery, impassioned and eloquent appeal of Patrick Henry, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, The old Bellman, anxiously waiting in the tower, received tje news, grasped the rope and in response to Jin message Ring the bell. sent the glad tidings pealing forth thal tie die was cast. Henceforth the watchword must be Libert v or death. The multitude spread the gfu tuijnss and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed, an enthusiasm Undying and increasing with the laps- ot with a greyter ya.ufi, felt force than, ever, and, imbued by tin same spirit, we have now to give vent to those feeling- gratitude and praise winch, fill every ioval heart. ! 8, pete county was organized in Manti. Mrs. E B W ells and Mrs. Z. I), Young were present and assisted in the organization. Mrs. Young was elected Chairman. After several short speeches, the following ladies were elected OFFICERS THE OK Ellen Jakeman, Manti. resident. Ester Anderson, M.uiti, t vice" Ellen Armstrong, Ephraim, 2 T. M.Encksop, MtAIeasant. 3 M M. A. Frantzen. 4 Siring, Clarissa Faux, Moroni, 5 Augsta Swalherg, Gunnison 6 Sarah P. Voihees, Manti, Secretary L. L. Dalton, Cot. tlargaret Kjar, Treasurer, Executn e Committee Mrs. C. Brown Chairman, Mrs. Bell Reid, Margaret Sloan. Marv Luke, Sarah P. Reynolds. The Rules and regulations of the National W. S. A. were adopted. Up to the present time, some 70 names have been enrolled. ioi: ; -- U Under the generalship of the noble and lmmoitdl Waslnngton, the aimies were led. the battle raged; years of aqd death ensued.Througfi the patriot army many vicissitudes snuggled on. escaped the disaster threatened by the treachery ot Arnold smvived the sufieniigs 01 Valley Forge, endured the various hardships and revises until finally, Cornwallis vvas in Vojktown, and the seige and subsequent surrender of tbe British Forces sealed the doom of Monarchist tyranny; and the banners ot the Colonists waved m victory. You are all familiar with the era ot prosperity which followed. Honorable, upright, patriotic statesmen conducted the affairs of the Mate and a form of government was inaugar-atewith the noble valient Washington at the head, destmdd to call fnth the adnrilation of the civilized world. t hese statesmen knew no policy but piinciple, no law but justice, no motto but tiuth, and to God they lelt the result. The record of their lives seems to say. Perish policy ami cunning. Perish all that slums the light, Whether losing, whether winning, Trust in God and do the right. But these noble men did not absorb all the broad ideas, nor compass all the good that humanityLacraves for and dea Lincoln tf proserves. It was left claim, and a Grant to establish, the emancipation of the colored race and liee our Nation from the curse of sla-- , nl-- ' Martin & Drake. A .so Agents for Studer-- j baker Wagon. Buggies and Car riage; a No for all kinds of farming heap for itiiplement. easvtemis. .John Pit cash, or ; E. F. Doriu men. it Non, Sales5. Ephraim City, UtahS5 IMPORTERS & ws&co BREEDERS ofi - Suffolk Punch". English Shire and Cleveland Bay Horses. Shetland Ponies. Short Horn and Holstein Cattle. Stock for sale at all time at Living prices and on Easy terms. Visitors welcome. Correspon deuce invited. We have the largest and fine- lot of Blooded horses in the weat Rtiv 17, 67 gAN COMMfSSIO.X At the Very Lowest Rate and will make nLiberal ac Trins leaye daily (Sunday going north - vance on all shipments. We - ljave just received two Car Loads of MitchellBain and which we Cooper Wagons, made expressly for our trade, and Gilpin Sulky Plows, Wood. alhofiandle the Harrows Hand Champion and MeCormic Mowers and Binders, cfc nows & q Neplii, Juab U., Hi an wJ niMHTIIT Tiieo. Bkuback, Manager, N'upt. 'Music Siore, A.Marker, EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. Musical Instruments, Strings & Trimmings. Best Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra & Band Music, Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing in it and much good information in for musicians Send rue your orders for what you want 111 the Music line. ALSO Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Plate Jewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motto. Square Dealing Fair terms Standard good, low, Prices. John R. Neilson, 3 0 d p. 14-1- 3 THE IfiTMill linHTimifglWI ! m fn riantizL. Cooperative MERCANTILE y uVu INSTITUTION. J. II. WODSKOW, W. T. REID, President. g)flT New Secretery Supplys Constantly Arriving. mxJ CTSummer Goods, Ladies and Gent lemens DEALER IK ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Co-o- Andrews Oo, 0- -; p. m. Block South of .South Jay-Eye-S- O, Arrue Chester, 3:00 Stages connect at Moroni, for all parts of San ete and Sevier. i WAGONS AND IMPLIUENTS. 157, 2 :30 II. S. Kekk, General and of all kinds in Car Lo ids or less, guarantee thellghest Market Price in Cosh. p 2.15 Draper, Moroni. RAIN - 1 :G5 also Buy and Sell )' 9 :00 a. m. Chester, 9 :30 Moroni, 9 45 Draper, Fountain Green, 10 :10 10:30 Divide, MaiijSt,Nephi, 1 :20 Arrive Nephi, 11:25 Going South leaves 12 :30 m. Nephi, Main St Nephi, 12.40 130 Divide, FountainGreen.l we handle Wool on yALLEY -- lelts and Furs pay the highest market Price. We also For which PfvofUy JpT Ikahrs in Wool, Hides, rTTIME CARD.jjF mag-niiice- nt anxipus particular. Trices Moderate, and excited of Federal Hall. On Thursday.June zoth. a permanent in front sembled terras easy. the decision of a branch of the National Shop at Residence 2 trlpqkswest Philadelphia, awaiting on the ques organization Womans Sufferage Association for San their representatives of of Tuttles Store, Manti. We have a large stock of and fresh Goods at lowest price ; and replenish every week. Our hoots and shoes in great varieties and low prices cannot he excelled. Our Glas ware and Crockery department is complete We carry a. full stm k of Dry Goods, Groceries o and Hard wt , Mens and its, Felt and Straw jBovs clothing, from 2d cents and upwards ii. short, everything that belongs to a well stock we have. Produce taken at the highest prices. seli-cte- very, h is customary on these occasions to speak of the past, with its vistas of achievements but the orators ot the future must be able with clearness and force to mirror to his contem-poi.u- u s the possibilities ot the future, individuals who have passed the zenith of then usefulness, strength and power invariably revert to the past. They hug the deal delusion of past strengthand departed triumphs, and now sit supine. So it was with Rome; so long as she was increasing in power and dominion, her lneiature, preserved for our perusal, points upwaid and onward, but the kevstone in the aich of triumph once ciossed. although it took her three bundled years to die, she pointed through that epoch ever back with the pride of a kingdom slain, th lire decayed grandeur of her past. Wtien indolence, arrogance, treachery, cunning and party sqife exist, there are breakers ahead. Injustice to the laboring classes ard the monopolies of the rich often endanif we would ger the peace of nations. preserve our national honor unsullied wre must sustain the glorious principles of our Constitution. Justice must be True merit and inteldealt out to all. ligence must be recognized regardless of color, ci eed or sex. Unholy ruedu-dic- e must be banished, and the citizen of this fair land must stand shoulder to shoulder with all who desire to perpetWho uate our form of government. will dare in the light of the 19th century to join tne unfeeling multitude who. with scorn and ribald jest and r'dicnle, deny unto the women of America, the enfranchisement enjoyed bv the Negro Future heroes will write their race? names in letters ofgold upon the spires ot fame, by breaking the political fetters of vfoman. VVitti greater justice and truth, the bafmer of freedom will continue to wave inviting the oppressed of all nations to seek the freedom, equality, thappiness, and prosperity guaranteed by our Magna Charta. jji OS n-- - soul-inspiri- i .J.P.Meilstrup.$- ARMERS EXCHANGl .i to-da- snow-cappe- ,nti mARMERS EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. For over a century our flag has been Boot and Shoe Maker unfurled, and we are justly proud of our record and achievements, and toBrit-tain- y day a united nation join Tn gratitude All kinds of Custom Work neatly Dealer in . and praise to the God of Nations for the blessings enjoyed. done arid a good fit guaranteed With increasing pride we watch the Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Etc., Stars and Stripes floating in .the breeze, a full line of and rejoice in the thought that it waves Repairing done on Short Notice Chemicals. Proprietary Articles, in every land and dime where Americas Son. 5 Doors west of Lowry 7 including sons arefonnd. Toilet goods, Perfumeries, Soaps, Glorious truth! On the towering and Manti, Utah. heights of the Sierr3 Combs, Brushes, 'Flavoring Ex- might. Californias vales, thro Nevada, mystic Tobacdeand the tracts, Groceries, Cigars We will not d well upon in the .snowy regions along Canada's co, Etc., Etc., constantly on band. tails of that eventful strife, begun border, amid the cities of eastern coast, Utah. 1413 Ephraim City, as a protest against tyranny and a and the green glades ofourthe sunny south JAMES Y. STEYEiYSOA, grand, lofty into a and echoing along plea for justice, developing Rocky Mountain range, peal forth the and for independliberty struggle strains of P. 0. BRANTZEG, Ephraim, Utah. in tbe banner. The Boot and Shoemaker. First Class ence. and culminating It wave Oh, may long a and 1 Nation, a Republic. of Custom Work and Repairing dQne. birth the laud of the free one hun- OerAnd a full line of Harness. of home of the brave. month the Keeps the In July, bis as Call and see Mr. Brantzeg an woik is truely first class- - in every dred and .thirteen years ago,' asRepairing a Specialty fT"3 THE LADIES ORGANIZE. multitude and II.P.LARSErJ.P.M. NO. 12. 18S9 Straw Hats, Dress Goods Cashmers.Cassimers, Etc SUMMER SUITS. fT . . . v 3 iTIIard ware, Groceries, Glassware,' Notions, Stoves, Wagon Timber Plows, TUTJLIN ST. Etc. Bolts, Etc., M-AJNTT- X eorg.e; A.LOWQ' Salt Lake City. Dealer In (L ' , ? Schuttler Farm aud Freight Wagons. Spring Wagons of Every Decription. Buggies, Road Carts and Buckboard Advance and Minnesota Chief Thresh- ing Machines. Buckeye ". . . . Cord Binders . ; . 1 0 Buckeye & Mowers. Haines Crown ,, and Kntidolph ' eaders. Ames Steemt Engines. Lane Saw mills, Shingle mills and Wood Baker and Ashley Barb Fence Working Machinery. JJWire Railroad Contractors Supplies. Representea-UyManti George Snow, Moroni T. J. Morley, - Salina F: G. Willis, - |