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Show THE NEW will please remember want wood, hay, wheat, potat- Our friends that we oes, ham, cabbige, store cash at this office. orders and Y A THE AERICAN FARMER. and this paper One yeat for f i.oo, cash in advance. To the bishops of San Pete Blank "Recconnnends t. the House to the Lord at this office, Price: 50 for socents loo for 75 cents; 15 j for $1 and 2.50 Lr Grand Opening Mrs. I. B. Brunei has opened for the winter trade the best line of f MILLINERY City Drug Store I Mr. Anthony Chapman has opened a Stone Yard on the coiner S. E. front the Tabernacle, where he is prepared to do any kind of stone-cuttincarving m stone, lettering of any kind on stone, and m fact anything that can be done in stone. Any kind of a figure Flowers, Angles' Our beautiful Oolite made neatly as hard as granite. Monuments andGravestones a specialty. Wotk promptly attended too and satisfaction guaranteed. 'Terms easy. Bring along your oiders and give luma trial. Any one wishing to buy an organ f f sewing maching can make a good bai-g- a n by calling at this office. We insure cheaper and better terms that auybody else. in an endless variety. D. CARVING IN STONE. 500. of all kinds the, best as well as cheapest ,ever brought to San Pete. Also DRESS TRIMMINGS R S7C: mchic Ao HCtfE SEWING MACHINE c, - 30 kL. ST Lcuit.UQ. UNION GMICMS. SQUARE.N.- auja Y- 0 DALLAS. TEX. tnonaf Do what is right. It right to use home in preference to imported It is right to furnish people employment. It is right to patronize stitutions exclusively. is 27 -- Mr. James E, Hoggan IN THREE Bedroom, Carpet SHAPES FoR Parlor and Sitting room Tim Ladies of Manti and vicinity are invited to call and see how the Carpet is mad- -. Mr. I f 0 jp; !ii says that as well as his .carpet being of as good material it is also new. Carpet on Exhibition Co-op- . 48 13 nma mi mu. ooss PitkfdiUfi'iS rTiiis E CAItD.J Clu ster, Price, Moroni, Draper, Fountain :00 a. m. 9 :30 9 4) Green, 10 :10 10.30 Divide, MainSt. Nephi, 11 :20 Arrive Nephi, 11:25 lloing South hare s 12 :30 m. Nephi, Main St Nephi, 12. 40 1.30 Divide, FountainGreen,l :65 p. m. 2.15 Draper, 2 :30 Moroni. Arrive Chester, 3:00 Stages connect at, Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Sevier. Thko. Bkuback, Manager. II. S. Kerr, General Supt. PAPER13 .niaL mea theii srhu the iPupi by tl Jteac catt! fur t use L A .and belli but pie whi1 The ed t jinn sora leav dear toge niun by it WITH M.il per nuai collt whic fcand a; that bsbli WEEKLY CALL One .V, rf..- - 7. : oft! 55 Year, h THE SAN FRANCISCO MORNING CALL Wfe, $6.00 pe Tear, AS PREMIUMS FOR oiQ a 0.0 ex- 5) in- side chui whu THE SAN FBANCISC0 pxE y. Trins leaye daily (Sunday cepted) going north ' ' ALLEY AN 127-TIM- at the home price, elegant in style and superior in quality. SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS very (incline of Gl3L products articles. our own THEREFORE is It right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution eshecially as they are moderate in LADIES. () a T1 drev , To The 322. A Hoi kora! leat PURE LIQUORS, I? making A) kept lot of Drugs south of Provo and also keeps on hand the best liquors and cigars. 33 0.ue Six Thr - Mr. I. B. Brunei has the best assorted or Medical Purposes. Main street, Manti. j Guam tee Better and Che? er Work thau iyone SA else in the utility. ITd EESTFlAaOS anJORSlnS IN THE WORLD Arc manufactured and sold tor the by D the ing WEEKLY CALL eight-pag- e paper. It is issued every Thursday, and contain all of( the important news of the week, gleaned from every qu&ttirof the globe, complete up to date of publication. It contains interesting special correspondence from all ol the principal cities of the world and a vast amount of the best selected and original It furnishes the Uttt general literature. and most reliable financial news and market quotations, and gives special attention to horticultural aiuft agricultural news, an! is iu every respect a first-clafamily paper, appealing to the interest of every member of the household. SAN FRANCISCO 'piE is a hnmlsome THE MORNING CALL. (SEVEN ISSUES A WEEKA Is a live metropolitan daily. It has the I.ALi LST CIRCULATION and is recognized being the LEADING NEWSPAPER of the iaeific Const Either of the above pajKjrs wo will send postpaid a.s.a premium on p' u- f the following sulweripiiou tao cc mb. nation: prices SHEEP HERDED. NOTICE TO SMALL SHEEP OWNERS. A Nasal Injector tree of Shiloh's Catatn. The undersigned will take any num- bottle bv t; ber of sheep from 25 up to 2000 head Price 50 cents. Sold from individuals and the herd them on Manti, and II. P. Laison, aar -shares, paying the dividend in cash or The the products of the sheep. For further eg; particulars address: lot Abner Lowrv, Jr., Shilohs Cure will inline L. John Peacock, Croup, Whooping Cough Walter K. Barton Sold by I, B. Brunei. St etling, San Fet Co., Utah. ao Larson, Ephraim. |