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Show r Serves. All i;, e;:, cranky, majbe full ol aches and pains, isn't that a realistic description of one crotchety, Fiddly, Votin' Plilliianptior. Massachusetts, recently lronrht A Mrs. Kiee, wife of the s who is all nerves ? Paine's Celery Compound will sootne the w' W. irritated, strengthen the weakened, and brace up the shattered nerves. Unique In its combination of nerve remedies, g unique in iu in action upon the whole system, unique wonderful cures of nervous diseases. - iropB-.11- igor-fttin- fiCjf in 3 Us Paines i Wit; mdoj. and.-- , Compound Celery relied that it fin be implicitly upon to do all promisee. was stifftTiiiff with nervousness and general breskkHD of my entire system, and found Fame's Celery Compound to quickly quiet my whole system to nervousness and restore my M P. B. Korlrtmjn. vigor and energya. again 91. Six for i. liruggista, Reed Station, Wells. Richardson & Co. Prop., Burlington, Yt. link j ho s . tect t, ookt nil flouj. LACTATEB FOOD rani iatlrs DYES DIAMOND tmpn' rtiroc; OlGIUlEADAGHE ractij upp(j- Xl.V, They also relieve Dis tress from Hpepsia. In d gee t ton s nd Too Heart ; ii indf.j Eating. A perfeet reoi ody for ri.uiefls,Naus. lrowsiUfW, Bad Tat iu the Mouth, Coatei Tongue, P.iin m the Side The FOKPI1) LIVER. reguttto the Bowels Purelv Vegetable. ie ni.. '8 at lie sif Out; Price 2S CASTES ITZriCIlCE CO., 1:I77Y:2!L Small Pill. Small Dose. SmaM Price. fl- ;8 lvL II- I- , heir my df. our t K pam f IDOVtq Tbs Railroad System of Texas having developed so as to brine within easy arcets of good interior and seaboard markets the lands granted to the retnov HOUSTON &TEXAS CENTLRY.CO. h It has been determined to ofler to Battlers the nfall i. Eenowned ms-er- Agricultl Lands the line of the Fort Worth A Denver along nl C't; LocatedCity ft. it., beginning with Wilbargvr V)unt, compriiinc lie gu tie n 200,000 ACRES lands were cl' These nth titer They are adapted to the growth of cotton. corn, oats, wheat, liting bariev, rv, vegetables, orchards ani guiuvus and grasses nmcui domestic 'fuge. tneSituated in tho elevated and healthy region known of Texas, thev poaeees a e ti as the bout hern Panhandle climatef favorat-l- to man ana bexsi, where nin . fresviol work can be carrietl no the year round, and outdoor n.i.p, i are in marked contrast with regions of early and late II 1 & of destructive blizzards " in. and local government i rof,- - Population is fast pouring 'Is Tabeady esfabhshsa, with t bools. hurt hes, Ac. rms of Sai k. One-fift- h cash, balance in four equal l0(l ST yearly psvmcnts, with interest on defened phj merits. aplTlPv For further information as to these aua lands in adjaentountiee, apply to qpw J IS. NAPIER, Vernon, Texas, tl .ii, who is prepared to show to purchasers;; or to 8. pet ;a1 of a- c. C. H d of - as to eotL timlrer and GIBBS, Land Agt, Houston, Tex. j Rwlfts Specific has cures me of a malignant breokmg out on iny leg. which caused intolerable pain. It was called Eczema by the doctors four of whom treated me .mo relief. 1 candidly confess that I owewith my .present good health to S. 8. S .which In my 9 a i M iCatnnatiOQ is mvaluable ns a blond remedy. befoi- - t miks.tulia Dewitt, 2 m ll " a Jf 2227 N. 10th St.. 8L Mo. Our bahy when two months old Iniis, was attack-- r Vd with Scrofula, which for a long time deDoyed her eyentcht entirely, andtaused ua ita despair of her life. The doctor failed to Jrelleve her, and we gave Swllts frpeclfle, jwblchsoon cured her entirely, and ahe is 4now bale and haarty. ti v. Delk, Will's Point, Texas. 9 JV I RemfuladeveToped on nay daughter nwell ring and lumps on her neck, we gave her Swtft8 Sixectne, and the result was wonder- if ul and ttv core prompt. 8 A. DbARMONI), Cleveland, Tenn. riTSend for book giving history of blood niseawaand advice tosufrerer. mailed free. TDK SWIFT SPEUIFK' CO. Drawer 3, Atlauta, Ga. , !l CATARRH er motLq: by using port.rf Elys Cream Balm. me a' t0 I USX ilbast, Apply Balm into eai h noatril. Warren Rt.. N. T. . ei4y BHOS SritlHEBSiHlIBU IffeacBILB BISIBIB ,p U3ED BEFORE CONFINEMENT. oob to Motbiks1 MAiun-rnti- . K flCjal kkui sxbcu.i.bBold rent. ltfulO jnly mn 01 the ., DIlllXS, all for 11 Po Bend 20 cents 1 Sfjln poses. mat' is latkDnrce.STs. aiumxjc bt iu, mailing complete ai handsome Catalogue. J particulars, address, bar rounds. ileah'K rhieh a cd locks GOULD, AUSTIN & CALDWELL C fr ,6TJtl ntle - knderfl Lak b be vith t' the o'C of ,, - voruf- i 1 : 30 8 Chic 111. DAYS TRIAL. EUSTICTBUSS different from all pad others Ia cunsiispe. with Self Ball in center, adapts adjusting M Itself toall s body while t ball n the presses the intestinesnipjust abacH as per- with the finger. With light pressor , C,t o. a and and radical night, fJnrff,',1IT Xir Tala14 hvl I iwiiely day Unrahln ltlAser and chap Rontbymaii, iro- - K4MLK8TSH TRLSS MfO. Ul t0.f e hOD jif las ptraypi ailed JONES to ilr.Fratt of seeins n the ti hie , r dHVHK in . T OWIV'i rife W, . ruTUL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF-- JIBW YORK. L.r(ii, Che.iw.; ,u iet I. ike Worl.. ASSETS of h ,,!.8iMQ50BTZ. Oil" fHcll. A(x nd ie hor-- f the tor, isted b j ad beit nithoC od froi he 190.000.000. WM F. ALLFN. Aeatral Agent I preecrlhe and fullTew dorse Big to as the only forthtcertaincure specific dis-aae. of this O. H.I.Nl.RAHAM.M- 0., Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sold Big O for znanv vears, and It has r'vcn'the best of saus-ictio- 5 sun-ther- e eo many of the sex are subject, are prolific pauses of pale, sallow faces, blotched with unsightly pimples, dull lustreless eyes and emaciated forme. Women eo afilicted. can be permanently cured by using Lr. lierces Favorite Prescription; and with the restoration of health comes that beauty which, combined with good qualities ot head and heart, makes women angels of loveliness. Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Th's guarantee has been piiuted on the and faithfully carried out for many years. Dis hard the man who has fruxen to death. blue. Miss, how old I am Well, Well, Thirty what? I'll thirty and forty. Judge Witness I age down at thirty-nine- ; won't loose anything by that. There was company at dinner and Bobby's mother was somewhat surprised when llohhy refused pie. Why, of the guests, Bobby, remarked Yes, arent you fond of pie? marm. Im as load of it as any little boy, but my sister made that pie. Nothin" Like It! On what Tho Little Judge Every day swells the volume of proof me wish hold this do to that as a specific for all Blood diseases, grounds you nothing equals Dr. Pierce's bidden Medical man? Ollieer La m men "Well there Discovery. Remember, this is an old established remedy with a record! It has was a murther committed, sor; and, been weighed in t be balance mid found fulalthough Oi have me doubts about filling every claim! It has lie.m tested this man bein the criminal, it many years in thousands of cases with wouldnt do to let him go until we fluttering success! For throat and Lung Puck. troubles, Catarrh, Kidney disease. Liver catch another felly. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and had six a copy of Helen, years old, all disorders resulting from impoverished her. She Fables to blood, there is nothing l.ke Dr. Pierce's given .Esop's Golden Medical Discovf ry the looked at title attentively page and every growing in favor! for a fewmonients.notieingprohahly Dr. Gatlings latest invention is a police the diphthong E, in capitals, for the gnu or street piece for use iu riots. first time. That A is in a hurry, she said. Ilowa Your Liver. Why it, Auntie? The old lady who rejilied, when asked so? said her aunt. Because its how her liver was, "God bless me, I never Boston Times. the E. beard that there was such a tldng in the crowding noted for was her A mother was correcting her little house, amiability. Prometheus, when chained to a roik, the other day, and appealing to boy be well as have to might pretended happy, as the man chained to a diseased him, asked how he would if ho ver. For poor Prometheus, there had a son who this do and dilnt was no escape, but by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, the didn't do that, and so on. When disagreeable feelings, irritable temper, con- bhe had reached the end of the in, dizzmeHS and sick stipation, he answered: Well, mamma, headache, which are caused by a diseased quiry it I had a little boy eight years old, liver, promptly disappear. I don't think Id exjiect the earth of There are people who feed themselves him. with their grief until they get fat on it. I'd like a vacaSociety Reporter and all Wait- tion of a month, sir. For Rickets, City Editor ing Riaordera oftlilldreii Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oii, Why, what do you mean? We cant with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. The you now, right in the midst of rapidity with which children gain flesh and spare I have used tho season. Whats the matter? strength is wonderful. Oh nothing much; Fcotts Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Society Reporter Marasmus of long standing. In every case only iu writing up the Blowout wedJ. M. ding I said; The happy pair enterlife the improvement was marked. Main. M. D., New York. Sold by all drugunder auspicious circumstances, gists. and it appeared in the paper suspiIt is the fellow with the sand who lays cious. 1 guess Id better go south for siege to the girl with the rocks. the rest of the winter. Toledo Blade. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor; Please inform your readJoshua, said a farmer who lived a ers that I have a positive remedy for conBy its timely use thousands of few miles from a Western town, in sumption. hopeless cases have been permanently conversation with his son, where do cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frke to any of your readwe had think better you plant our ers who have consumption if they will send I next dont know, Spring. me their express and P. 0. address. Repotatoes spectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., lSIPearl father, I hadnt thought ol'it. How street, New Y'ork. would the land down by the creek do? Down by the creek? repeated tho An electric car line to the top of Miold man, scornfully. Well plant ssionary Ridge is proposed. them at thecornerofOneliurdred and Eighteenth and Uay street, lot (5, block 317, Jenkins addition to the city of Swamp Ilollow. tl hen fishy vu nlrk. we gave her Castorla. Von Bulow was walking one day hen she u n I him. eherrieu for Castorla, in Berlin, when he met a man with When she became Mies, she clung to Castorla, whom he had formerly been on somehen nhe had Children, she gave them Castorla what intimate terms, but whose acquaintance he was desirious ot dropping. The quondam friend at oncenc-coste- d him. How do you do, 'Von Conversation enriches the understanding Bulow? delighted to see you! Now but solitude is tho school of genius. i'll bet that you dont remember my It is an old adage, "To be forewarned is name! Youve won that bet, reto be forearmed. So let it be in your plied Von Bulow, and turning on his case, who read this, and keep on hand Alheel he walked off in the opposite diwhich no Li all sold len's is Balsam, by rection. druggists. A teacher in the infant department Cranberry sauce differs from mercy in that it should always be strained. of nn Eighth Ward Sunday-Schoo- l recentlyohserved a girl in the class making desperate efforts to waatcdi 9FriRriiAH8 vrii. suppress the exhibition of something lOfll Hrwft?r n Rela anfetj to Intro which seemed to Holder GIVEN AWAY please her wondcrluL owner boree buf dure them, Kverj from liot. I.ibc never under horie'i Thinking that relieveing her feet. Send cents In stamps to pa? !y. postage and packing for Ntckle mind might quiet the chi Id, the teachPlated Sample that aella for centa. Address, er inquired the cause of her merriBrewster Mf g Co., Holly ,MicL ment. Why, exclaimed the child, my drnm mas dead, and papas goin to let me sing at ze funeral zis a.f ernoon. do not mean merely to stop them lor a time and then have them return I mean a raairaJ cure. Ibae An English rector in a Sussex parmade FI18, EPILEPSY or PALLING SICKNESS a hi I warrant my remedy to cure the ish once visited study. a poor old widow worat cases. Because others have fayed la no reason tor not now receiving a cure Send at once for treatise who had nine or ten children. All of and f rao Bottle of my infallible nr edy Give Lxprem Aad P. O. II i. Ktor, M. C. 133 IVarl St. N T' them except the daughter had gone out into the world and left her. At CURED! last thedaughtermarriedand left the JGenaaa Asllinu i areneverattojrive tw dia0 rtixffm uie wont caee,lneuree comfortsaid the mother alone. Dame, effectareree wherea lother fad, iableeieep; frtai rmmiiMf mM mtrpttcal Pnoe GOc. and y feel lonely now, must rector, you mad. l.OOkOiDrcwisteorbv Saiopta FKKKi; STHIKFM AN Ht. M i,c after ha ing had so large a family. 'wrtmp I do feel it YVs, sir, she answered. address of Soldier I have n ought lip a large WANTED The anc1!tUMrwwho HOME- - lonesome. le tuaa and here I am now living family, June before SOLDIERS alone. And 1 misses'em and I wants em: but I misses'em more than I HOMESTEADS. W. E. MOSES, Colo. wants 'em. (711:dub thia paper. DENVER Fresh Reliable. Only J and t cent per targe packace. Philadelphia mar. (in Dakota:) rcb. Mtiie Novelty present What did that man do, steal a mvith reed frarnts. One acra Gtaa. Beautiful Garden Guide FREE. Leader lynching mob BUCAftibiaJtockjord3sed iaxiu. itockltAro UL horse? We manufartoiw to sell Worse Kill somebody? Worse. direct t private per tie, and deliver free of 'ner that, stranger. We don't lynch rhajirewlfhtn W milrv of Cbtseo Bmd for CatainmM. fellers fer and killin' no UAA RAPPER Mfr Ujbwi A., tkittjs more. We're a find PIros Cure for people THE CnncumpUim wen we an't pushed to hard. But, BEST remedy for boarrrneee and to you see, there a n't no law to reach clear the throat. There isnt? that fellers case. No Sir. Mkcorvws0Twfklapfortau Hes one o tlie.-ife 601 Uvatboad vt m t wr! rt!v st Asim. eastern coyotes wot comes around nttm(rl0 TtrBk rilL itJiirM. 1KI a t.4 CAN BE t I RF.n. A tnl hot suggestin jawbreakin Injun names to anv one aifiicteA for north and south Dakota. ASTHMA tieLA(tentTAFTfreePRO, Locheater, h. l 1 indig.-stion- IMara-mi- W W five-year-o- hl dTOSIOADAY! XraA:T 2.' TCUrTfITsT 1 ASTHMA j - AuOUO fr . lioss-steali- M-- 4 n law-abidi- n e ha-- off I:- darnaj6, but ret 1 . . )T3 que-tio- w with a steel guard and a Luckhoin lian-dtThe Lunelle is dressed smooth where the hand it, uml on one side is a silver plate, one and one-hainches long, set into the bundle, on which is scratched in tilde characters, Jim Bowie. On the steel guard of the knife, on the upper side, two notches have been out with file, which old Juan ladillo said were cut to mark the number of men Bowie had killed with the knife. On the lower side of the guard are three notches, winch are said to represent the mini her of Indians with the same knife. The knife scaljied iet-l- s was given to Iadsilo by Bon ie w lnle Bowie was a resident of Sh Augustine, Tex , and was presented by Badillo to are you? its present owner in 1802, when the latsucceeded in recovering from the thirty. ter bet ween C'omanohca ten head of horses which had stolen from Badillos ranch, put your they e miles west of ban Antonio. thirty-figuess you Honey Grove (Tex.) Special. . day! of .journal. Joseph Chamberlain says that one of the forbidden sticks. "Why, n is losing its where dnl you "ot that? she asked; home rule how did yon know where it was? he will not think 1erhaps Mamma, dear, replied the miraculous intuition is so alter he has hvn married longer. philosopher, not the result of forethought. " New t hen ft is a man wlio is about to York Tribune. he shuts the door. l.e told a Mr. and Mrs. Clereland will live at the Wlit'ii it is a woman she iijs'iis it to Victoria hotel when they retire to New make is no one listening Y'ork. outside. If a woman is pretty. The only color, says a scientific To me 'tia no matter. Be she blonds or brunette. note, that can be determined by the So she lets me look at her." sense of touch is blue. Trueenough. An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever, beautiful. The peculiar diseases to which A man nhva s knows when lie elss w D, R. DYCTTEA CO . Ubirago, III. 1.00. Bold by Druggists. N U- - Omaha, 455-- 10. Kirh- -r X. lf x had cured her of a dreadful cough. When a little uinn is hopelessly in love it greatly increases hie sighs. The State of Teias on romiug into the Uuion reserved to itself its public lands, nd afterward devoted the alternating sections to promote schools and aid railroads. The Houston and Texas Central R. R. Co. waa the first to build and select from the then public domain. Foreome rears it has been at the mercy ol its creditors, but has riTently been reorganized and is now ready to part with its landed Sik! K Kill! 13 IMS It ant:j bn. relate, mid make title ther.to. By an will A bwt tt be it found to elsewhere, nouncement, Homo pr miiartt. Tho druciut of U be seen that settlers can have time in ttfpampf iKa wfeprmvoi which to complete purchases. Prtc25etin50ctiMud$! per Bottle The man who invests in a worthless Tfcp JFCEvr eOTTUES are put for (hramab modatwoof oil who 4miro atmvlT fellow. mine is a hole-solXHAH or CROUP HLMPDV. TAeas dour in rrnudy ftr VOAS UMPTIOS Foh Throat DinKASkH, Coiuan. Colos, sA ttU secure reap LCMO DlStASK ete., effectual lelief is found in the use ol Ik Ltrft 1 Jfe&ha. Price 25 "Brown's Bronebial Troihee. cts. Sold only in boxes. etheia. Read! Aprtl M. use. Ornuz era, for AU.E't ll.UN 111 ia a The busy chimney swce upienrs to wfrftnnf cotituh?. Tho tadioo think tkoro ftM fresh soot every day. it ao iHKboai oqooi to ti forH Oruu p aud W hoopla hi ARTlN, DrngceOh. C Couch. SGLJf KT ALL MhUJUSL iih ALLA j lie, t rat in! l'LfKl wtm . Ir. PntfrrwtifiE.-VttoPoeio- LoT.llus.a III Mlpiiiri. dances for dancings The girl wlio sake wears a pair of thin, elegantly finished patent leather low heeKend lacing up the instep witn ribbons. The beauty w ho loves to dance, but wlio lias more than ordinarily pretty feet, which she wishes to display to the best ad vail luge, wears bronze silk stockings, elaborately clocked and Louis NV slippers of tan suede, embroidered on tho toes with gold beads and sometimes having a gilded heel. Miss Ilargous, the beauty, wears t lie former, and Miss iiecksher, the belle, wlio has charming little feet, the hitter. Jliss Do Wolf wears with her India tea gow n a little pair of scarlet satin slippers, sharply pointed at tho Miss toe, and India red stockings. Marbury, who has extremely pretty feet, wears palo blue stockings and black satin slippers embroidered in gohl. Mrs. Janies liarvey Dew wears a pule yellow empire gown, with blue silk stockings and yeliow satin slippers. Mrs. James G. Blaine, jr., receiies her calls in a black lace gown, and wears Bearlet stockings and alim, patent leather slippers. Most of the debutantes wear their white tulle dancing dress, tan suede slippers fastened with small silver tuckles. New Yolk World. low-heele- d KSBTKEKX GKQO FUXT1 AND SEEDS Am hrfcmowteflprfl tho beet, bofof hkrtfler, Mato productive cad yield hotur cxipo. lEDYfr For Stablemen and Stockmen. Cat CURES Brtn. tpriln. tw.!llaf Btlffn, Ustitu, Goatricltoa. Flh Diamond Vera-Cur- a rou i)YsiKiu. POSITIVE Fon INDIGESTION CTHR fuJOWT fr IV, oo rryll Ao A0 8t. Poo, StfcOOOHI, 0 fir a 2381 Only S3 t UtMW. yo. wsMth Amcriesa rara Family Scale ThhfokNwtWoc tho cod OAb ilbi hir b f Cay AW OJW orolo fvMHf pftlahcd wit Ri KeoriLn hnam Crnm u4 loeOrdiB OBglo boKo.nt. m n HUOlbw kuurnroi HcoJo norotlero for )&. A SMC rat id. a kum fl0mio and n O $0, Cm; lb beat and aT mooy Cod (c AoeAdiAogropbwdi.lrech - '1 Scale Ca,. ESSSSSED3SE2Sa ISTHK1 PASTlUFS.3iriL HCDERS . EUy F"3TKEH!t EFiSli and i'mpM tout knrlrl.nnil cnaUawSuQ pwrnrr horl rVDbafr, roUoloH, Few. VXc and t ViN Ifso, pUjc. 'arm F A K LI eywlaftl Kmrlur, ipnid $ t. 4fr utlxNO I MC f1! 3 'Bloc pci Ol, New Oat, Whmt, Potato, eta. IwV wftil m C U IwU 9 Ln Mint k of trio CarwliouMwaiYata rm hwd Cr auuup for otaliii 'U great railway George Stephenson, pioneer, did not know his alphabet un18 til he was years of age; but he no sooner became convinced of the neces-itof learning to read in order to get along in the world than he set about it with all the energy he possessed, and went to school (though he made rather a big school boy) while lie was working twelve hours a day at a very laborious work. Beside learning to read and write and acquiring the other elements of education, he mended clocks and shoes for hig neglibors in liis leisure hours. George Stephensons example shows that a great deal may be done if we only make up onr minds to do it. In wcncpocrt. I.!.MAaY OO lea a AND ALL rouble Arlilng Therefrom. Tour DruQomt or General fiealor will get Vertt-Cuyou if hoi aireatly in tlock, or il mUte rent 00) t tiouHpt bv mini on re ret pt of ' rt. 5 boxt tamp ient on te ept of tKtnt ttamp. THE riiAPwLK A. VOGhLKUOO.. Baltimore, Nfl. MuU.U i Chntllap .11. V.kd BmI. Bcntcb, Vouidi iLnBfkali, Duteaptr, Colic, Whitlow, Poll Bril, a4 Spovim rutulo, Timor, fiptlau. Eliigbo U lu wly &;( Direction with owe A toUi. At Patuuisis a.xn Ceamu. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEA C0 Bittlaort. K4. A ilustbated catalogue tW btO wtrtrri, aufiof Cm nXB THE GREAT Ilnur. Strp)inoiin Lelmre the .... nvt !ptp WHITE WONDER OAT Ml In. jjrra.arl tAI-itiK- ,ug ua iownc. iOUh A. , my tiaewtrotn i.roiusaoty4ennd hoed U Croooe. M lo trw, Quandary, Mistah White Doctah, my little chile done caught de hoopin cough. Doctah Black (after serious thought) You mus take tree hairs from a mules back an put em on dat chile. Dey will cure de chile, but itll kill de mule. But see lieah, doctah, Is a poor man, I is, an I cant afford ter lose dat ere mule. Wont takin' de liaira from some odder place cure de chile widout killin de mule? Only one? You kin take em from de mules hind legs. New York But dat ud kill me. Weekly. Mr. (Inwall Make, a Tnn-SCrik- e. Cfilc.so (III ) Arktniu Traveller. Keb I. A Traveller representative, learning that Mr. George W. Bewail, of Anburn, a lucky number in held had Park, 111., the last drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, interviewed that gentleman. It was found that Mr. Sewall had of ticket No. 40,780, which drew the second capital prize of JtlOO.OOO in the companys drawing of January 15th. Mr. Bewail said; I was asked incidentally by a friend to purchase a ticket in this drawing. I did so, paying one dollar for the same, and gave the matter no further thought until, to my great surprise, I was notified that my ticket had drawn a prize. 1 received my money through the Adams Express company, five days after the date of the drawing. The $10,000 was handed me without question aud without the slightest inconvenience or annoyance to me. The one dollar which I paid for the ticket is the first and only money I have ever invested in the lottery. Mr. Bewail has already invested the proceeds of his lucky draw in Cook connty (111.) bonds, an investmeritwliich is regarded as perfectly safe, and wliich will bring him a comfortable income. one-tent- Khr.wd Advle. to a Stutterer. Tom Merritt is on deck again. If the gentleman from Marion did not bob up at such times the legislature would lose one of its qnainest characters. Merritts stutter gives a peculiar spice to his stories. Several yeurs ago, desiring to achieve distinction as an orator, he sought to liaVe the impediment cured. He heard of a man wlio, it was said, could cure stuttering, and consulted him. Being informed that the impediment could lie removed, he was so elated that he made known the fact to all his friends, one of whom was Sam Buckmaster, who used to run the old Alton penitentiary. Dont do it, was Bnckmnsters A DELIGHTED YOUNG WOMAN. ad-vie- e. ejaculated Merritt, in (A ro boj swarof A Knife n Ilk a Ul.lorf. I suffered for two weeks with neuralgia Thrieis a gentleman living in this o! the face, and procured immediate relief city whu has in lux jHissrssjon a knife ty ueiiig tialvauun Od MRS. YNf. (. BALD. once inin.-- Lv Jim Bowie, which was 4.1:1 N. turey St., Halt,o MJ. to loin by Juan Badillo, a man gneii A t'liicegn lover bet hie girl that hecould w ini left the I.alitte band of to pirntts follow the fortunes of Bowie, and who tell what ehe was thinking of. He thought lie via tin nk. Dj! of him, but ahe wasnt; it lx 'till hi. ii". 'the knife is of tempered the steel, .is about Dr. liu'd'e t ough Svrup, which tile blade sixteen inches long, Ciirreul Wit. L.ve 18 Mind, they say. Before marriiure lie ie;tainly ie, and aftor he needs to Is'. Somerville bottle-wrappe- iK Pokliiirl) cured llir.r l.lllle Pill.. i'eg ls of home some of that curious New lieilford wood thut burns with a bright blue flame. She burned a bit of it to amuse her little son and then hid away the rt-- t. Next dry she found him plating with astonishment. Because your stuttering is all there r. is to you. Dont do it, rejoined Chicago Tribune. Fatti can carry oa conversation in five Buck-maste- different languages. a pimLook at my face and my hsnde-n- ot ple. Such as you saw there some time ego. See my fresh cheeks, and Pm getting a dim- By face waa an tUchi complexion Bkc fallow; &o wauckx they thought me and called ma a fright; Koone weed have pimple and in gray and - aaliow. ple, I don't look at all like I know. used to, 1 U shell fake what I took, evry morn, KWH, . and night. MOMS THIS! I asked the delighted youDg woman what the referred to, and she answered, . We effer One Handred Dollars Rewarl 4or any case al Catarrh that caa net be Dr. Fierces Golden Medical Discovery. It is the bent beaotificr In the world, . icured by taking Halls Catarrh Cure. and the enriches and blood, it because pore rich blood gives good health, . O. purifies r. J. CHENEY A CO., Props.. Teledo,F J. and good health beauty. We, the nadereigaed, have known Cheney lor the iaet 15 yeare, and believe Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery ia guaranteed to cure all Blood, . him perfectly hoaecable in all busiaeee and Scalp Diseases, as Blotches, Eruptions, Tetter, Eczema, able to Skin carry aad financially transactions, out any obligations made by their firm. Sores aud Swellings, in short, all dirrxsca caused by bad Scrofulous Erysipelas, West 4 Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toleblood, or money paid for it will be promptly reloaded. do, Ohio. Walding. Kinnin fc lfarvia, Wholesale Copyrighted, 1888, by Wo eld 's DisranssaT VimtCAi. Aasoci.TKja, Proprietor. Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, E. H. Van Hoesea, Caehier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly npon the bloed and mucus no matter iww tadvrof how kn fncdlHFa . surfaces of tbs system, Price, 75 cents per at ocata, by draggnta. 6AGT8 CA7A8Ib4 BEMEDT. OS. cured pennai-.ntlby to. it bottle. Bold by all Druggie Salt-rheu- r STS A y Pf'gnEiTTTyAJ, |