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Show interests and the sense of justice f telegraph line ever built in the true are slowly provoked to United States was largely built at the the people, they ; but w hen they once action Government. aggressive Ledetal Wc have eulcittJ upon a dangerous expense of the so called trusts see these great had then plainly ot our civilization. Suppose that the government epoch in i lie evolution out to contrul arbitrarily the the extended reaching and Moise -Mr. h h t with-iout hi t ; now i dii Walu .t;i, tit passes cost of necessaries of business or of lile, u orubmktion sjsu.u " idu.dlv ovei the cuiintiy, there r will he a speedy popular combiit have mo men managing v4 ,n,is" .,1 vane Cotpoiate, would Ai.EiJiUTOR.Y. nation e against the combines, and it will mfluem than , A'jy mote political toiumeiCial interest, 10 fix revolutiona!i.!f revolutionary action be In leaving the Sfm m.i , t the editor- the puue Uj oi.snmeis of all ?urtS of has atari times tsjsn exercised by Jay b needed to overthrow this asshall the in his ?nd i preset Gould ial columns otwlnch u ivc had the pleas- things and pogtners ommoditie. independent pnd economic be telegraphic systun sault upon th'e natural ure of contributing- m.iHe of lfcss. the of the ecdiamuc operation of the law management of t'That and of laws consumption, production there might past year. I teel that I Ivf e much to he ol supply add demand, One hf the first, of and of supply and demand. There is, but, without beef! saying; less w no combinagoes one of the grestst as ell j$ stealing grateful for and that can do exhowever, mill a faint ray of hope to than to express this feef ng in a few word; tions ever formed was the Standard Oil baling our knowledge upon human that so;: e people since the cuTlossal ronspira-toi- s is no probability 'through tile colum:' of Company. and it has thus far been so perience, there o' the laciilc tailroads have come The objei ts I hat e cdeavoied to keep emineuily successful in absolute control- Government olfitpais could never have forv oi with a compromise to fund the in view in all mv cont unions have been ling the market price o' oil, regardless stolen such amounts as are represented stock qrthe West- piocecds of their rascality into a' fifty instruction, defense Ol the truth, and ot consumers or producers, and in de- - by the water? in the U.id, and other trusts may do Telegraph Company, on years impartiality i. t fdicsm. How I have' fianheu supposed well fettted piincipfes ern Union using later on. The lamented Judge sam the taxare the telegraph 'succeeded in my endeavors is not for me ot poht'ial economy, that tt has inevi- which, those iv e described such a scheme as same truth LLpT The to ed dividends. from i the bVood of imitators. pay to say, but were to judge tably bted an ugly They this, as an invention to increase the Tht next great combine was whisky applies to the Pacific railroads. 'many encuur.tgmg- juucicmanuiin with money plunderer's stealing poweis, through 'remarks that have been bestowed upon trust, commonly known as the whisky were limit by private part;es a re made long obtained from the sale ol Government which his felonious lingersthe ne by triends near and far off, I would ring. This so strong and to reach into pockets of who men enough he lands. and bonds efforts that in my that it commanded the subimssion. bejustiiied supposing his lien on he so that lays not this work of only posterity, control paid hav e not resisted m total failure. i.Ot otily Of States, but ot the National the anticipates for yet uqcreated, property " 1 shall aluus look back' Upon mv stay Government, to its behe-.t- s and interests to themselves extravagant prices of coming ages, coins the industry in this comity a., upon ope of the mosj It insists upon a monopoly tax upon doing it, hut they robbed the treasury of labor millions of dollars over and of future generation? into cash, and pleasant sections of my life. The bless- whisky, but generally pays the tax (if at own estimate of the cost of snatches tile inheritance fro. pi children their above ings hav e here enjoyed, the kindness all,i only when it suits its own conveniwhose fathers are unborn. of my friends, (and I must mention those ence. lie people ! this country have the ropds. The building of a road to the V. M. Fai'shlr, in the Not ih Amai-catime a military politithe Pacific was at of from Germany and Scandinavia become of already hearing weary Rerit'o. it and commercial and ot the teadlne'ss cal, necessity, the leading tiust conspiracies f r the monopoly ol Government lliat counwas on 'and that ground brethren to give instructions heel, salt, gas, coal, oil, rubber, lead, sels, the religious spirit fbat pervades lead pencils, copper, etc., indeed almost aid was given yn its construction. Bin "the larger poition of the people, all have everything which may be controlled by if the Govermqent had lght to lGft build it it had a right to build it withrombined in making this plhce and this aggiegated capital. the aid of private parties. Had it pedple objects of' my siiicere love. l'eihipsone clear snd concise statute out done so, and then operated it. these might As in nature nights follow das in forbidding or aggiegated have been coipmations soiiie stealing, and the manaex in human so succession, as a unit uninterrupted capital to do business except for a live can Where .No anybody would break up these pernicious trusts, gers might have gained some political 'perience that year without experiencing sorrow as well which have been so Seiious a' menace, influence, but does any one imagine could have gained such influence as joy. But daik hours viewed in the to commeicial they to and uni progiess magical light of memory are not as a rule future n itional pr. spenty The intro- over Congress as that exercised by the in shades Like the painduction of such an enactment is impeia-tivel- railway ting, junj disclosed by the Credit unpleasant. ' or that all oi tings, they serve to give r.llto the light demanded bv the requirements of Mobihcr investigation, committed have could more the them the together landscape jf all the situation, Otherwise parts competi- such robberies as have been total a by lo and exposed 'produce prominence tion, the lile of all trade, will he eventuwhich without 'those shades w'ould he ally ciushed out. An economic wiiter the recent repoit 0 tle Pacific Railway YV'hen therefore of flat and effectless. The trusts are, Commission? great fence says officials would have Government joy and Sorrow, as a certain poet Says, m effect, corporations created without lile is make the been to it to sent penitentiary for the .walk together, the consent ol the state, and not subhundredth part of the offenses that have more like life, more worth living. ' over exercised control the to legal I wish thd SbNfiNKL much success in ject "gieat financieis, The combination ot made pnvate citizensand ized I mted States its career. I hope it Will be able to coal coiporatioiis.to sustain the judges, governors, prices of Senators. Had the Government built maintain the noble principles which coal companies limit and to productions have been taught us by noble men. and is radicallyarbitrarily a trust in the general the Pacific railioads andin tle telegraph j,t$ possession lin,es and kept them that the people of this county particu- scope of its operations, l'tye steel-rail the cost of the byilding would by this larly, will patrom.e it, in as much as it combination of i? character. iije cis ceased to he a factor in operatrue to the cause of the people in Tne object' of all iJft.se ot??? combinations time have This would have been a jtgiSalSl them. ting every respect. to an i legal purpose by ega tjjcct San is and also to beautiful Success means. What is to' be done with them? few big steps towaids an important Iete! May the choicest blessings of an It is a well settled piinciple of law that permanent advantage to the people at f It would mean cheaper teleall wise Providence be poured out upon associations have no more to inflict large fight them. tiavel to and all that belongs the people and graphic facilities, draper EVEU iiijmies upon otheis than individuals cheaper TornpL. for freight for all J. M. Sj ODAHL. have. But these associations merely time to trausportatjon ol having instead come. Uyt agree verbally to quit selling their pro- what should he leaUy theirs, theyare SEWING MACHINE MANGE, MBS. ducts until their price? sluul be qftered now - ao union SQUARE.NX- - DALLAS, to pay large tiibute to compelled Till: SUPREMACY pFTIIE LIE. 'LL. TEX. them. The trusts do not hesitate t a lew millionaiies (or its use. And ATI ANTA RA rr yet undersell troublesome competitors or to m the of facts the work these teeth the tell difficult to very is sometimes lt overbid them for necessary paw mater' of much better dressed gigantic and (Jaitgemus trusts or truth. A lie al, making themselves, if successful, combinations, seems to be increasing; than the truth. The truth is a laboring! thetliys only wholesale buyers and the only and on. Tice plain truth is successful stock steadily the lie going the man; to almost cott to Mid. B iy direct oi Old wholesale sellers of the commodities broker. The trutli may tramp wearily they deal in. After having established is that gigantic corporation like the fcstablished Manufacturers, and avoid paying i.fimUe- and painfully; the'lie 'rultjs in a palace. themselves by bicakiijg down competi- Pacific railroads and the Western Union men'8 We quota liek-- a profits. Company ar,e beyond and The trutli hesitates and stammers; the lie tion, they make the consumer pay the Telegraph s Warren tJ TfSPrclAL BARGAIN of control above the of smooth voluble sentences as municipal and Js easy of the experiment qnd such Rota State laws It is even doubt&0etft?e0rirn,2 $27 " as the book is prolific of musical babble. expense oj rt Vfc KeclH busias think the biuiOH they charge of ers vast Octivi orpMit 8 frets XTr'T whether the ed the further pow by b many, Truth limps with a imis will hear. It difficult, if not ness Ileed. ?blptOifly will the General Government prove to lie dances with sound and graceful 5 5 Octave possible to push these combinations as he sufficiently potential against such an Keedi, J4fcTopS feet. Do you ask who is to blame for conspiracies Octave Cottier. V SC.C. without such invasion of this condition of society? You are aggregation ol capital and brains. Exerprivate right as would, pel haps, constifunctions that aie laigely public everybody is. While professing to love tute an equivalent or greater evil. It is cising REIflEIuBEli . We do not s!b yen t the truth we are bored by it. yiple evident, however, that there must be in their character they nevertheless send ns e cent ontil afterj all the rights and all the advantages pretending to scorn the ie we are devised some system of legtilation to kae received tVgf" lit tested It and i enraptured with it. We can see us meet a new danger with new lemedies. of private enterprises. As absolutely Jtiaonlv r factory. of lor the transaction ary to send as rf r 'i paint, powder, and false hair, but there Possibly rascalities of tlris nature may essential agencies as to year rMiMl business they are protected by the busiis music in its voice and its manner are and Ofpran wni Ner be repressed by taxation. At any rate, ness inteiests of from I on 10 da the the lie vu a is Truth country plodder; thp engaging. if jthertrusts be pot conspiracies, there i JttuiUyoai a is a poet. Trutli raises the corn, should peral 1011 of laws enacted for the purits price, and p'7 t s be such publicity o i't'uir if itdoes ' of bringing them into subjection but the lie pockets the money 8 rslurn it and 'a v j among gentlemen as to en- pose o authoiity. fMrM K'N v v In this lile facts are fougp stones. able the to take proper measures There is nothing democratic about ot Fiction is the carved figure. Facts be- for self ptjbiic PFFEREMCE, tii.ms protection. ,Try port c urn uch vast monopolies for .controlling liWiaSHiaU255SSaBBitri,5 long to all men. Fiction belongs to are odious, generally Comparisons LAUGH I LLCS1 RATED CATALOGUE FLU I'. ,1.1 e intelh-cncthose channels vvljich tlnough the cnosen. Fact is mere discovery; I shall, npveifheless, attempt to and traffic are effected. Com- Q08FJE3H & CO WASKv0Tr fiction is creation. The man who writes bpt make one. The corporations and te slmui. is crushed by its very weight, an original story has a finer mind, has of tlfis gloriously fiee country petition trusts men and the business throat, by the a mind more m keeping may well be compared to the aristocracy holding faculty of creation, than the man in Europe in their relations with the forcing them to deliver. inThey are method, who compiles an encyclopedia. One is despotic in spirit, tyrannical people : both are tolerated and highly openly hostile to liberty and free institur industry; the other is genius. The the corporations aiid threatening menaces to the is truth; the story vvpiter js the privileged, although and trusts are far more influential, tions, of'hapir.ess, and to equality and pursuijt nc.Artanuiw Tavdcr. poweiful, and injurious heie than are equal opportunities under the lqvv. o the aristocracy of Europe in their own Whet) tl) people of this country once countries. And, inconsistent as it may will haidly DECORATION DAY. wide open their eyas get appear, many of our Fourth of July permit suefi flangerous excrescences to since the that have The years elapsed and otheis loudly denounce orators close of tire civil war have served to the blooded and titled atistocray of fasten their deathlike grip upon our laws; and if the recent obliterate all sectional leelipgs, and a Europe, vyhich clops not and can not in- liberties ancj our united and prosperous natiop join in jure us here, hut sav nothing about the cansolidation of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company with the Western keeping green the graves of all its belov- great combinations lime in our midst, Union shall have the practical effect to ed dead. If is in tips spirit that the and all.qvy them to continue to rijle and direct public attention seriously to the New ot tire York Family a for Let us publisher rob us. moment look just and abnormal groth of the .Story Papkr li.ys had written a thrilling at things as they really are. Practically monstrous Union Western monopoly, there will and pathetic romance, peculiarly appro- all the great necessities of life in this arise such a loud and vigorous protest priate to this national holiday, entitled country, excepting only the air and of public sentiment in opposition to the Faithful Lenore, qr, His Grave Kept that would be monopolized if it had introduction of such, a dangeneral In the same paper will also he solidity, like the Green are now controleqith in public business aflaiis, factor gerous Life of the a found weekly instalment led by soulless and mercenaty rombma and Adventures as a Showman of P. T. tions. Are these tlpngs inevitable? Are as will raise such a flood tide cf antagonBarnum. written by hitqself. ancj, equally they the legitimate product of our civili- ism that those who have provoked it if they shall be interesting tp the young folks as well as zation? If they ate, we had better begin must not complain of justice by its line the literbeyond swept rare These families. beads of afe. anew. But they are not the outgrowth They are so big that they ary treats, and those of our readers who of progress. But the aie rather fun violence. will not be admonished; they will not are not already enjoying them will do gous growth hornble excrescences well tq obtain No. ?66 ot the New York They are the fruits of bad legislation bend, and that means that sooner or must be broken. No doubt later Family Sjoky Paper of their newsdeal s and had judicial construction of already there they are a great many well meaning er or send direct to the publisher, bad laws. Laws enacted by professional in this country who are allowing Publishing House, Nps. 24 and 26 politicians have erected monopolies people fears foolish make them think and re New and York, Street, Vandewater, that have already absorbed more than act falsely, nottoonly to their own true dolone four for months ceive the paper l of the w ealth of the country and interest, but to their Americanism, to lar, postage free. like vampires are sucking the and honest of the people. The unoiganied njas their (natural tendencies view convictions. the steady 'They ses of consumers and producers can of monopolistic monstrosities The last weeks Salt Lake Tribune growth es themseh these trusts against with increasing alarm, but they do in speaking of the Democratic platform protect in but one way, and that is through law to prevent it. They ardently adopted by the convention at St. Louis, which will utterly overthrow and pre nothing believe in democratic institutions, and says' that this platform was prepared in vent suclj giant growths. The primary feel their hearts stirred now and then Washington and submitted to the ap- object and justification of government or at Council Mormon a of by High passion for liberty, and yet proval is to protect the weak and prevent before of their shut Seventies to the steady growth of least a Quorum eyes few from wronging the many a sentiment voted upon. This is no dobut intend- powerlul public among the friends of But if we cannot bring the Standard O ed to be very funny. We hardly think, Trust into subjection monopoly in favor of a strong governto how the l.iW, tt'is probable, however. But one thing will we ever cope with all these other ment that will de pend on force alone for the maintenance of public order The T'rib had nothing to do is certain. trusts organized for the express purWiry is this? There is on the other with it. It bears evident marks of lispose of evading alllAvvs Congress may hand a growing sentiment of unrest ting composed bv gentlemen and patriand violate to with pass, iniquity every ots. The Tib did never vote on it. disgust among; all who really beState law that can be enacted. But and lieve in democratic institutions. They these combinations have at present to see that something must' be upon Congresses and Legis- begin The latest tumor about the celebrat such a grip done, but they are not agreed as to will that efficnot is latures, to the they ed traveler H. M. Stanley permit what that something is. Many of them effect that he has been wounded irt a ient laws to testrain them to be enacted. wilfully shut their ees to the only Think of it! It is estimated by reliable can put an end to the light with the natives of Africa and that much more of the wealth 'remedy that that half of his escort has deserted him. authority enables rich men to rule that tendency is United of the now States owned and He has so often been pronounced dead It is not ignorance that makes by corporations and monopo- voters poverty, that it is perhaps best not to believe controlled submissive. Ignorance does not this new report before it receives listic trusts, than by private persons. make men humble; it makes them Fifty years ago corporations were noth- conceited. It is further verification. dependence, not fear, ing; now they are everything. Tliev that enables the rich man to carry his all dominate channels of activity ; they followers to the as the old polls, We learn with pleasure that J 4.000 control governors, judges and legisla- took his retainers into battle. baron The or donated make been hewers of wood promised and tures; have already they salvation for republican institutions only San Pete ers draw of of of all the who are outside is the utter abolition of our water towards the erection tTSTtTfrr9cRio present ottnetr$MtfT Stake Academy. Everybody should of their charmed circles. It is perhaps system tolerating unequal opportunities ktouik n'U4 eejn&iNiniri contribute towards this building, and well from an orthodox, fire and brim- whether they be natural or the creatures kind all this of stone cause that in a are soulless of law. show that standpoint, they entities without moral responsibility. Or hearts are united. Harshly as the system grates on the what would be their future state? The iaP dangerous trusts. The liiime Sentinel 1 first 1 W - iK-- i ever-tGe- d muiii-unat- i he . .TTr-- Q THE - puU-u-ti- a 1 I thirty-thre- ob-tain- en e 1 1 n partii-lularly- ,) y Ml& yt 'WU , L irECTricR-k- 3 Lcos.Mo.-T'sANrRAweisei)- is-i- r ordi-ance- stone-bruis- e; - of 1 erf-jo- v (Ml m ur-- a untfer-standing- s JiotS'-- l, k th-n-- I . vy-t- God-give- n m com-pile- CD Ml CD (fl tr1 L b P H jn H EHMOBSa in Mun-ro- life-bloo- a old-tim- e j somiarj Saejsj I H 8 a sj d f sen SCn one-hal- -- nytft T 3CL J HP ga. icr?C5 eTuzi. |