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Show MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, VOL. IV. r - - i - i "- UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE JO, 18S3. NO. 10. - CTliE JOLLEY HOlLSEjctf mokom, fan r:n;. NEWS SUMMARY CORRESPONDENCE. Parian J ivicFarlan, Wahingtoti. June ml LSS. Keeps a first class jouse in every CMFEUOR IS Till: IJF.AI). fc.Pi.roR Sentivki. The past week respect. Traveler? on the S. l Y. was called an dull one on STOfiE-GUTTE- R. The ditd Horses 15. Jvne us a call. Berlin, should Emperor Ivy. give HiU because so many Senators Cap.tol 11 at O'Hor;. IIASTI, UTAH. .ami carriages always on hand ' es were absent, atThe 4edth of the Emperor has caused and Represcntati intense excitement 1:1 the city. All tending the St- Louis National Conven- Tombstones, Monuments, Cattle brand- members of the royal family and min- tion. The House, or rather all that yas ' hnu-Aiall- ' Left ear cut and lops down. Rigid err cut sw allow fork. Horse,? brand- left shoulder. e Creek Range Between and Ephraim. San Pete County. Name and Address J. W. Hoo.jax. ' Marti, IT tali ed or. Six-Mil- CONSOLIDATED Implement Company, ( Incorporated) AND JOBBERS IMl'ORTEKS OF Agricultnral ;nplemerfts. hloek soutti gf Theatre Lake City. alt Hu e nt Oyden, Milford and Loyaii. Broach struggled along manfully .iith tariii liili' nj.ost of the time, au the isterial council was held just before the Senate managed to pass about hree measures. This last sqaiide Emperor died. Prince Bismarck, who hundred marvelous, but I will have to presided at the council was much agi- that som$ of these bills were rjvate tated. The Bourse closed ou account of '' pensions death of the the Emperor. It requires considerable povw rs of The Heiehsanzeiffn official paper, to hold the congre sprier, publishes the lolloping announcement. application "The royal sufferer has ended his quietly at their desks when buleiines $t. Louis weie being posted everv earthly career. By God's decree, the from few minutes in the corridors. And laial-I- v Emperor-King- , our most gracious when names of Qiav, Bl.uk and master, passed to his eternal rest shortly Thurman the had all been pi iced 'frfoie after n oclock this morning, after long and grievous sulleting? which were that bodv, and it was tLppght a contest, un-- . borne with admirable foitimde and sub- would ensue, the buerot As fqiniiiuetvified. uie cuntrolably mission to Gods will. The royal house f was of red bandanna nation the and German people have been twice bereaved within a short time. They deep- seconded by Sttq after State, it becomwork of the Con-- ' the that ing apparent all mourn of the decease too ly early vention was rapilv coming to avnd, our much beloved ruler. then the reading of a telegiant aniiopnc-- ' Minister ok State. (Signed.) Bells in Beilin began tolling at 2. ing the choice of the Convention, Congress broke into a scene of the mutest o'clock this afternoon. Mourning is confusion. on many houses. The municdisplayed tar itl reOld Democrats and ipal council received the notice' of the forms and Randallites young,ill on al.eii death of the Emperoi h hile in session. feet in an instant weie cheering lustily for They immediately adjourned. the Old Roman and Cleveland; nor The Bundesrath met at noon complete Prince Biamarck formally announced-th- would the scene have been band 11111a death of Einperoi Frederick, and without tiie wavingc of the red msp ru.njs article ol the accession to the throne of William, which inh'td been a foi seven! davs. dress the House who takes the title ol'NVilhani 1 1. few exceptions Demovery bpt Witlj A bulletin issued Potsdam, Junk 15. an hour beioie the Emperor died said cratic Congiessnen express them gives tnat the Emperor had been lying for well satis, ied u ,th the nominations and some time in a light slumber, broken by platform. Sin e the nomination of Mr. 'i harm m wakeful intervals during wh'ch he showed distinct signs of consciousness. red Bandannas llatgv o a ;.vl oyr the To enthusiast. Dem ciacv, it is of suffering pain. otv. oniQ-nHe gave no indication ol war. a;id the 11. sigma of the His pulse and ' breathing 'were very of A party' principle. pmm.ncnl on. weak. There has been no material told dealer coi voiii tesp, mdci'.i last change during the night. AH the mem- night ffiui he hud telepiapired clet an bers of the imperial family remained at foi 500 dozen of llieih as soon as it bethe castle uiitil after midnight. The woul be came certain tha Empiess did not leave the castle, and at nominated' and had'llp.iinjau received tpforma bed4 oclock resumed tier watch at the tion fi..m his j 'limn ; inn; that sinnlm side of the' Emperor. pouring union all ov.c; the During the early houts of the even- orders weie and that 5,000000 red bancountry, comwas condition the ing Emperors dannas would lie on the m uket liyloie paratively good and he sat for half an the middle of July. Looms ate already hour in a chair, and took some nourishment. At 3 oclock theie was an alarm- running night fi'Rl day 10 meet the ing increase jn his majestys weakness, As a United States Sei.atm Mi. Thurand relatives who had left the place to sd! the people of were telegraphed to icturn. At 4 man was a friepd D.strict of Columbia. Irrespective oclock lie became restless and soon the the whole family assembled in a f their political leanings,' they aie glad aitr room adjacent to the one in which the to see him honored. Their courfnent the nomination is that it proposes Emperor lay. At 10 oclock this morn- upon for a position for lower his ing' access to the place was stopped. thancandidacy his desert. Count Von Stollberg Wernergere, A Washington editor says the DemoCount Chamberlain, was the only minkind word for cratic party (Reserves ister piesent at that hour. Chaplains Persins and Regge were also in attend- the excejlent precedent it lias made in ' cutting down the lengtk ofats p',.S rtu. ance. The Emperor lay this morning in aj The platform d of 18.SS is oafy a little than one-thira? long as that of Jethargic condition, sometimes rousing more and 1S84, consequently three times as 'few for a minutes. During the last: hour of his fife he made several fruit- readable. Instead of wasting columns of less attempts to make himself under- space with high sounding phrases, the stood. He died without a struggle, sur- St. Louis Convention addressed itself to rounded by all members of his family. business, reviewed btiefly what it con The remains now lie in the bed where sidered the strong points in the adminhe died. Von Werner sketched the istration of Piesident Cleveland, diew the parties on the tariff Emperors leatuies after death. The the line between and stopped before saving dag flying over the palace was lowered question, much more than was necessary. Said to half mast at n. 30 this morning. If the Republican party will follow-suit- , Prince Bismarck arrived at Potsdam he : and tile candidates on both sides at 1. 40 this afternoon Hussars occupy the road from Friedrichskron Casde to will write correspondingly short lctteis San Souci. In the interior of the castles of acceptance, the newspapers and the public will be grateful, and, your Lehr battalion mounts guard. adds, the people will read The ministers are now assembled at Castle. Friedrichskron They aie what they have to say. editor who is Another Washington awaiting an audience with the new EmThe most so well pleased says : peror ancj Empress, who are at the not noticeable feature of the St. Louis stradcastle. a platform is its conspicuous dle Vienna. June 15. An order has been lackyclept of any allusion to Civil Service re-- fr acon issued closing the Royal theatre mi, the Prohibition question, and Adcount of the death qf Emperor ministrations Fish Treaty, or relief Frederick. from the Internal Revenue war tax. Rome, June 15 Signor Crispi, prime At the piesent writing General Sherminister, announced the death of Emp- idans condition is the same, no better, eror Frederick to the Chamber of Dep- no worse and lus physicians sav it is He made a pathetic impossble to predict the futuie course uties to day. illusion to the dead ruler. of his ease. Rumors are current thdt Secretary London, June 15. Much sorrow is to resign soon, hoth expiessed at the death of the Emperor Whitney is going of Germany, who was very popular here, on account of lin health an iiis private It is not 'probable however Flags are flying at half mast and blinds business. will leave the Cabinet at the of many houses are lowered. Immediat that he ! ly upon receipt of the intelligence of the beginning of a Presidenti d campaign. le March. It next relite most will telelikely death Victoria Queen pmperors lime that graphed a message of sympathy and has been understood for some sorrow to Empress Victoria. The prince it would be agreeable to him to be reof Wales has returned from Ascot Health lieved of his present duties g The President has signed the bill start for Berlin toand will 14 it, Sills, Etc. WOR- K-t Neatly and Promptly px,ecuted and on Yen Reasonable Terms. OOLITE -- --4- L s YHifi Eh astus Lnow, Pres. Vice-pre- s Building Stone will be 1'urnistod ip shape pr sie t,o order, ami wjll heijeli.veyed Jt.9 any point in the Tenitory on the ist Wilkes A a prove. Land Agents Salt Lake City .V.aynor d. SunmQns, Land Agents, S'alt Lake city Bird A. Lowe, Land Agents, salt Lake Gity T C Bailey, Land Agent, Salt Lgke City S W Darke & Co, Land Agents. Salt Lake City WnTT. Reid, Land Agens, Manti, HQNEST OPINION. Temple Office, Manti Utah, pro. C. E. Johnson. 1 take pleasure in attesting to the merits of Joiinsqns Essence of Life, having used it personally, and also in my family, with the most gratifying results. I consider it a safe, prompt and efficacious Jso. B. Maiben. remedy. Johnsons Essence of Life is sold ai the Manti Co-o- p Store, price 50 cts. per bottle. )o( Cure of Cancer and Ulcers,, Judge T. C. McLondon writes to tbs Swift (Specific po. : About three years ago, Jerry Bradley, had a cancerous sore on bis lace, near the right eye. It caused him a great deal of pain, and bo lost the sight of tho eye, but was finally cured by the use of Swifts Specific. This case is well known in Wilkes Co., Ga., where he lived. Mr. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tate Co., I suffered a great deal Miss., writes: from old ulcers for years. Your medicine was recommended, and after using six bottles I was completely cured. Your medicine docs even more than you claim for it. I have known it to cure cases which were thought hopeless. Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith, No. C74 Warren St., Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: I commenced using S. S. S. about three years ago. Iliad suffered with a sore throat for over a year, I used a great many other remedies witti no good resuits. My little girl, also, had sore fingers; it commenced from the quick, and then the nails would come off. We doctored her for over two years, and when I commenced using 8. S. 8. 1 thought I would see what it would do foi her. I am thankful to say that it entirely cured her. It is the best remedy T know cf for the blood. I really believe it was tha means of saving my life. The doctor told me I had a throat disease similar to General Grants. I cheerfully recommend it to all suffering fromdisordered jlood. Treatise on Biood and Ekin Diseases mailed free. Tttb Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. lack, side or Fr lamePrice 5 cents. Plsiler Manti and H. Porous chest, Shiloh's Sold By I- - B. Brunei, Ephnim. That Hacking Cough can bs quickly csredjfcy Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold By I. B. Brunei. Manti and II. P, Larson, Ephrann. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis im mediately reli veu by Shiloh's Cure- - Sold By I. B. Brunei, Manti audH. F. Larson, Ephraim. THE rj ,r fi v tne Ns1, beirg hardier, '? letter ( crops. CATALOGUE v o y fee i i ri a1 ir.a J :re ppii-- ' of- - And Groceries Hardware, Crock; vy, Glass- ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, &, Shoes, Peadf lade Clothing a specialty, xio'W PRICES, at Produce t;ik,en HXJ? J, P, Meilstrup, Prop, ii J- - SEtfgQ F. tho Highest Price. a call; an4 be convinced Please give me DOR I U S, F- - sajeinan, John UHCHEE with Atlssitic. li NEBAL 3UPPLT 1 file ELDEEDGE B is sold with the of guarantee being the BEST that can be MADE. ENTS WANJEP, Pendteioo. mi nister. P.ertin The President desires you to make expression through the foreign offit e of the respectful sympathy fe.lt throughout the United States for the German nation in tire loss of their Emperor, who has at last yielded to death with such lot y courage and calm resignation to div ne decree. : (Signed) BAYARD Main - Street,--- 0 Manti, Do what is right. home - r.! ; ; V,!-.1- "q ' J' . i .. It is right to use products in preference to imported articles. It is right to furnish our owi) - . people employment. It is right to patronize hopifi stitutions exclusively. 4 'V1 in- THEREFORE It is right to purchase the Boots 'G, . and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution esheeially as they are moderate in price, elegant in style and superior in quality. SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS 1! I , -- i av J J52Y ; tWiiiL'ijlTO" rand The ndvi'rt, Of thst Jrc5u u, . , eimci.enllv 5 11 ennplg 'v.n to liiH fdlow-i- " sll ho (lerire it, .i;U'ju Heed, (rRiot.i Hill! urrng tha ;i, 1 - :m Cure for (.Uai). liy is fufiereint.H l ' he will etna iii1'., v with the (Ini' fame vhleh M.' y . . Coughs. Crv-Bronchitis,, tiou. v.il, '.Vi t" : r . .v r .j t 1 . ,r . larrczt tobacco Jersey City, N. J. a iipmptiis tobacco. (iS ZC) it made and sold the enornc cf 27,983,200 lbs. cf fourteen th 3 y J. nd ions of tobaeoa. of all tills wm more than in the United States lac co tlat there were 966 fnctono . "L.a ia the lart ci years this factory Govt.-.- : AdPTo! t!ie United States i of over Forty-fotbed thousand dollars (044 "s0 S. Treasury i. lexers I t. t i cf this factory is a v v ll pgr year or 50,000.00 per c t .'acicry employs abvojt 3,53 d; v? f'etcry nakes tuch a civ iCIIiriaxPlu'fthrtmr.nyo:. imitatcit in aia,n: ha 2 t red 1 ' c 7 of nc l v 1 3 nct for the f- -i t.i c 0 of inftrior go-jdt ' . p'ty-ro- BOUGHT AND HANDLED ON COMMISSION. Co., Sep In. Otjhr uilh Represented by JOH.Y, F. LEE. ; . j. ' ..i r v 0 PI f Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker! r: A. J very A , i . x r.oui.d ; u 3t . uVeri; tion, .1.0 - trvl, j.CrJLLA-- iLi F iTt S ,'ip 1 y .;.. ,:hN TA AV V. II,., icn, IT-- . y . : .r . 0 nor . . he s cv try yctr. fester Lclr s t ar.d i. up.t Vof Ji tiro ONLY POULTRY JOURNAL published IVesf of tlie ROCKY tf:e 'O'r'i I.:,.. continue a f.ctory SUMMERHAyS MID CO,, SALT LAKE CITY AND NEPHI, tl. b -- lobs Catarrh Remedy a positive 2 6 wool j,ftcU. 7- Why will you cough when Shilohs Cure will give immediate rebel? Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and Jr, Sold by I. 11 Brunei, Manti, and H. P, Larson, Ephraim. 6 La a fi 3 $23 was established as long ago d t n , facUwy t y riakea the popilar and trt . Flu", tl c ccknowlcdgtd tin - 1 b. SkSsCa Asthma, ticp,ihe .t.:ivr Prfwnp a. wilso, m YOU CAN BEl'J : Luis;!Ssif&j . i'll-,- Capital. Mouth. Sold by 1. B. Brunei, Manti, and II. P. Larsen, Bphraim. :h- -: .) f-- '1 he Rev. Geo. II. Thajer of Bourbon, Ind., says: Both nrvself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Sold by I. B. Brunei, Manti, and H. P. Larson, Ephraim. Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Diz.iness. Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? Shilohs Vitalizer is a positive cure. Sold by I. B. Brunei, Manti, and H. P, Larson. Ephraim. for - Furniture, Etc. in CHICAGO, .c;,- - ' ist-188- 0, cure -- CO. MANUFACTURING J that pensions heretofore and hereafter be granted to wid ms of soldiers of the war of Rebelli m shall commence at the date of the death of their husbands. This legislation favorably effects all Haims of widows of the late war, which have been filed in tile Penand sion Office on or after Julv ist, which have been allowed to commenc from the date of the filing the claims. It will not favorably effect the cases of such widows as weie filed before July and which have already been al, Sh S7ST0VESv 3S3 and 363 WABASH AVE., pio-vidin- lowed. goods, gOsTUVE FURNITURE;jsy- No. S. eldhedge USE, TRlMMINGT, CLRIES, Sbnttlii 1 probably night. The stock market is inactive Foreign securities a shade firmer the impression of operatois being that the death of the Emperor of Gemany will cause a weakening of Prince Bismark, and that the peace policy will continue to predomitv ate in Germany, W. II. Smith, leader of government, announced this afternoon in the House of Commons the death of Empeior Frederick. lie will move an address on Monday, expressing the sorrow of the English nation. Lord Salisbury announced the death of the Emperor to the House of Lord's this afternoon, and said on Monday he would move an address to the Queen and Dowager Empress Victoria. Washington, June 15. Intelhgents of the death of the Emperor was received by Secietaiy Bayard this morning, by cable message, from the United States The Secretary Legation at Berlin. immediately informed the President and the following telegram was sent to Hi f7DRY Dealers jllSrilOUTL 1 ' v UTAH, 1 Berlin: A To h block W. of Main, St.' N. Terms of iOjBSRt Ilag a good Ami well assorted slock Off Goods ' Treas F. R. Snow, Secv lOitKf'jlOMJ.ME SDI.HMID 13 11 Diriits A Pitcrson, Epjiraim, Agents fur Son Pete County. , -- BTQm For Sale - .? r-- r-r I Barnard White, t. EPHFJAIF CITY, This e AN HrXOIlAaNTG-TII- . Tablets, to-da- Wagons ,Que - left present in the death chamlike out: istersatWere Freidrickikron Balace. A min- the ber ed y ,1 uod. year; mum V celts. 'Oiu-.1, f i.'IKI Ki, 1 n : , CcB |