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Show To Kill l ftrnse OcriiiA. Smoking Is a preventative of disease according to a cvlelirntPd Viennese pro fessor of chemistry. He estimates tlmt the chances of a smoker catching dipli thorla, smallpox, cholera or other contagious disease whose germs are Inhaled through the throat and lungs, as com one In twenty pared to the eight. Hu asserts that smoking tends to check the development of haoh rla and kill them. It Is well known that smok lng is forbidden by physicians and etn ployea In laboratories given over to the cultivation and propagation of genii' of different diseases for expel imettts Smoke kills these minute organisms, and what applies to a chemists workshop ap lies equally to the human body. r, TO CTIIE A COLD IV ONE DAT. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tat, lets. All Druggist refund the money it it fails locure.iac Mr. Tlptilt 4s extremely exeluslve." Well, of court, she doesn't Uh tu mwi who remembers amybody when father her drove a dray." When bilious or costive, eal a CmrH candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, lou, cities of over 10, tan Japan baa forty-onInhabitant!. e Catarrh laaconstitutlonnldiacasennd requiresaconst' tutional remedy like Hi kkIh Hamiimrillii. Th medicine purillu the blood and euros catarri b the Sarsaparilla, In fact the One T?ue P. beat IIUUU him c 1 I C'OV easy tn tnv, int-hc- i ,u Purifier, t. to take, g:,u. Denver Directory. kl IIMlI That woman schemes I BLOODHOUNDS GUARD TEXAS CONVICTS. Austin, Tex,, corrrspondenee of the New York World: Perhaps in no other state in the union are blo.xUn inds used so generally and so successfully to capture escaped convicts as in Texas. The system of dealing with ('outlets adopted by this commonwealth mhkea the use of dogs almost impera- tive, and the convicts well know the almost inevitable result of an at'epipt to escape. There are two penitentiaries in Texas one at ITuntsvIlIe and the other at Rusk. There are now more than 4,000 convicts either at these Institutions or at some convict farm In the wilds of the state. It Is at these convict farms that bloodhounds are used not only to prevent the convicts from running hway, hut also to capture them after they have fled. Fully 1,000 convicts are hired out under Texas convict contract system, a system that enables the two penitentiaries to be and occasionaly return a profit to the state. About 000 of the convicts are leased to lailroad companies, and are used to keep the roadbeds In repair. Twice that number are worked on farms. In tome instances the farmer hires a gang of men, paying the state a certain sum monthly for their work. More often .he state and the farmer enter into a The farmer furnishes partnership. the land and the Implements, while the state furnishes the labor. In any event, the state guards and feeds the men, and each convict camp Is visited on each of these farms. They sleep at FAT WOMEN. y frame buildnight in a long, Important ing, with Iron bars at the windows. II. w to Get Thin Diet In one end of the building is the kitchFactor. A great many women, convinced that en. The rest of the structure is divided by a narrow hall, with lattice flesh is inimical to beauty Is the deathblow to grace, as an arbitrary work walls. In this hall a guard with a loaded rifle is stationed. He can critic puts it injure health In the enkeep his eyes on all the convicts, deavor to reduce weight, says the New whether sleep ng or eating, and hia York Tribune. They put themselves to presence keeps the men quiet and or- great trouble and Inconvenience, swalAt night the men sleep on low all sorts of preventives and remederly. one-stor- hunks arranged around the wall of one of the rooms. The other room Is and Is furnishused as a dining-room- , ed with plain tables and benches. These convict farms are scientifically cultivated and are regarded by Texas capitalists as good Investments. The work is not Interrupted by holidays, camp meetings or Sunday Bchool picnics, and rain Is the only thing that will stop the ploughs and hoes. Opening the Olympic Games. dies in order to get thin and then stand aghast at the spectacle of their wrinkled, flabby faces and throats, the result of the falling away of flesh under the elastic skin. As a matter of fact, a number of the notable women of the world, famous not only for their beauty, but for the rarer charms of Intellect and subtle fascination, women who have helped to make history and been a power in their day, were of distinctly generous proportions. Cleopatra, she whose ihflnite variety" of d charm and temper could win warriors to forget their ambitious, was small and stout. Marie was of the plump order, though of fine bearing, and, to come tail down to the present day, view the widowed Victoria, sovereign of the united queendom; the increasing proportions of Queen Margherita of Italy and the generous outlines of Queen Isabella of Spain. It is worthy of note that most of the great Interpreters of song are stout, or bordering on that condition, and there have been lights stern-hearte- The crown prince, taking his somd in the arena, facing the king, then made a short speech, in which, he touched upon the origin of the enterprise, and the obstacles surmounted In bringing it to fruition. Addressing the king, he asked him to proclaim the opening of the Olympic games, and the king, rising, declared them opened. It was a thrilling moment. Fifteen hundred and two years before the Emperor Theodosius had suppressed the Olympic games, thinking, no doubt, Tone and treogtlion rolnxe weakened nterineoritan. ltoom ai, in i Arapahoe at Otll.e Aihaux CTATP "Tk. URL Hotel 0 I M I L flRC Denver. Io. ket irf. area re booh, valuable tolll.sk, ore rlilppc-ia- . made bee I I t rpnpCpiCC 1.V17 ki pr'f ami ideka. i I' llueiffnr iiroit.. -- 5 cent a bottle. away after awhile. Mrs Hlphy, did yon pet anything for e coii-- a while you were out-- ' Tommy No; I dhln t have any money but a wouldn t break it for the world.$5 bill and I Thats x?hat people say when advised to take something to cure that cough. Have you ever noticed that the cough that goes away after awhile takes the cougher along? And he doesn't come back t The Faetest Train In the West. Is the famous r ulon Pacific Overland Llrrf. Ited, j tinning exery day In the year, leaving Denver ::h) p. 111.. arrlvlnp Ogden 1:40 m and Salt l.ake ti lO p. m. following day,p.and San Fran ax o b'4o p. m. second day out of Denver. Ties train carries through Pullman palace altepers, Pullman dining cars (meals a la carle": and the famous buffet library cars, yni hejt time, Denver to California, by ove: nine hours. Ask about it at the ticket oflict , .ML 17th St., corner Curtis. It is Shameful that the tates have to womens legislate about theater hats. -- XV e . it shows hoxv little Why? individual men have with thedr wives. Ayers Cherry Pectoral intlu-enc- Cures Coughs. Did Yon Ever See an Indian? Expect not. so end a two-cestamp to the General passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, and he will send you I fine colored picture of one. What makes all the girls dislike Beatrice so much?" Why, you see she has naturally curly hair." Dont Tobacco Spit and Smole Tour Life km. It you want to quit tobacco usng eaully and forever, regtiin lost manhood, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and record for largest sales the r the vigor, take that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 4f).00 cured. who from your druggist, Buy will guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. wonder-worke- ESTEY There are fewer Roman Catholics, proportionately, in Sweden than in any other European ennntrv only 810 out of a population of 4,744,400. Write for Illustrated Catalogue with prices, to Estcy Organ Company, Braitleboro, Vt. The Quickest Train to California. The famous T'nlon Pacific Overland Limited. The finest, fastest and train out of Denver, carrying through sleepers. dining cars, and the elegantly appointed buffet library and smoking cars, all lighted with Iintscii light, and heated by steam. Call at I'nlnn Pacific ticket office, 1)41 17th St., corner Curtis, for information, rates, time tubles, etc. Just try a iOc box of Cascarets, the finest liver and boxxel regulator ever made. I guess Well, are yon ready for winter? and got back so; we've pawned the the l Knkora and nil Ain N of tMijn i, .1 Mall Ordota i'iunii iturlirrH1 HnppMo-i-ipcral.i , m,, GRINDING nation, allay pain, care wind eohe. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination and Advice as to TatentablUty of la eniion. Send for Inventors' Guide, or How to Get A O FAKKELL & SON, Washington, D. a Patent The Acme Lamp Stove They have invented a method of photo"Is that so? graphing in colors, I see. Well, Its rough on us red headed people. 1i uMiora vsti. i, ,, Motto Uifin&u. All LMig ( hutfiir, It Tiiil so Mil, YVlnilowT Syrup forchiiarta teihiog, softenbooming the:; uma. reducetinflam. . AGHINIST of MlMNO 1HINUN eu Ripe K Mnohltiery,Repair imd cutiui Nook ft UhivIiIp. When all other dames are out. Foreigners complain that our railway stations are so far apart. "Yes, thats what the govt 'or of North Carolina said to the South Carolina. governor Two bottles of JMsos Cure for Consumption cured me of a had lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton. Ind.. March ilti. ISP 5. SEALS, RUBBER STAMPStrsi "Qke A M tg. i o., toW l4vrnou Mi r Hot HfVBtupk In rarlou Is a fact yon need not doubt: way Bhe pay her calls on balmy days, Will warm your room at a cost of 3 cents per day and not affect the light. j Delivered on receipt of $1. ACME COMPANY 33 Wendell St. Boston, Mass. " DENVER turn I'rluo. on ill BRUSH u . lly gu irnt t Send foi .1 il . STEESSZ3BST . Denver Public Works, M. K SMITH, Presiocnt. ORES SOLO ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. birthday, Celebrating in 17 its seventy-firs- t The Companion offers its readers many exceptwo The brilliaut features. hemispheres tionally have been explored in search of attractive matter. St The 'YbuthS V! (ompanfon Vt Denver, Colo. E. E. BURLINGAMES ASSAY OFFICE LABORATORY EatsMUhM in Colorado, 166. Samples by mall of express will receive prompt snd carolul nUeiiUon GOLD AND For the 'Whole Family. SILVER BULLION Refined, MalUd and Attayad or Purrhaitd. COLO. Addrexa. I7J4 and 173S Lawrence St.. DENVER, Mm. Burton Harrison, THE COMPANY PAYS THE FRtlCHr Will En their oommoii'MnM new etunl hnrue 1 vhtm. ft ton t rock Su) foot each shift. just ua aufa tud reliable na Jictiube parked auyHhtr stigma No ug wherl or a jack cun go. elotcbM to lireak. yu etui. t wrought iron ami aieol ami will m mi before breaking. Over Ml in uh lome riiiiiuiin o yearn without on dollar' xpYHiHO, We make hor-- e ihoisu at price, $35, 60, 6 100 tlj ONE POPULAR THE WRITERS FOR 1897. supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1897. The timely Editorials, the Current Events, the and Nature and Science Departments give Current Topics much valuable information every week. Send for Full Prospectus. A delightful 9; jr OR staff writers fully In addition to twenty-fiv- e two huudied of the most famous men ana women of both the Old aud the New World, iucludinf? the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers and musicians, are contributors to The Companion. v! i Vt V! BLOODHOUNDS RUN A CRIMINAL TO EA FREE Vtf RTH. Vt it frequent intervals by an inspector, 'hn reports the condition to the state !ron board. These convict farms are usually WINDSOR In unsettled regions, in order that the prisoners may be isolated DENVER. from honest labor and ineentixes to fun away. One guard is assigned to First Class Hotel In the City Only H' eight men, and. rifle in hand, Centrally Located. mar them while they are at kork. Should one of his charges run Asx a.v no excuse is accepted from the fcuaid. He is at once discharged and lITorts are made to catch the runaway. lllooillioiniilii for tlir intll Tiieic is a pack of bloodhounds at tech of thi'se eonsict farms. Tljt'se Bogs, trained from puppx hood to look Upon ni an as a natural enemy, are (American Tlau ) lieser allowed to become famjliar with Perfect Service. Table Unexcelled. inj man but their keeper, who is known as the dog sergeant. When RATES: 9k 00 to 93.50 per day. the eouviets are at work in the fields The only TURKISH PATHS In the stata the dogs are always under leash near The fineat in the West, connected with till By in the care of their trainer. When Windsor. Send for Illustrated book, fiee. 5 convict attempts to escape four or J. A. WHitilN, Manager,' Eve dogs are released and put on the trail, while the trainer and guards follow them as closely as possible. As a rule, convicts attempt to ape during the late summer, when the corn is high enough to ofter a hiding place, or when working in a recently cleared field that is surrounded by brush and underwood that will offer security from the rifle of the guard. At such times when a convict can hide himself by a short run, the temptation to make a dash for liberty is too trcng to resist, and the convict runs awvv. Within a few minutes the dogs are on his trail, and his capture is usually a matter only of a few hours. Negro convicts attempt to escape or no pay. Mrs. cijreo If I lllYU M. HOWAN. Milwaukee, W, nni'-more frequently than white men, but their attempts are rarely sucess-fu- l. htblU Mwi Rook Mat ndon np Head for an IIluRtratnd circular to T WHIM CO lwCurLiaHt,. Denver, Uoloa HOTEL, -y -- h OPIUM WOOLUT, ATLAMA, I a. Thompsons Eye Water. Habit Cured. Kst. In 171. Thou 'mU c ired. Cheapest and boat cure. Frkk Tkiai, State case. Ur. Marsh, iumoy. Mb t. FCR SURE CURE PILE S b'evdui Protru tine rtiktielA t mrp u Itcbtug and Knnd, Dr. ok, absorbs Wo. tutuor. ktuuUaw er PILE REMEDY. Stops ill postil' r ui r L ;runArseut ftmuL IU. HUKAMUk. Pl.tl.. A ll i. XIII. No. 4S (i3 advertiser, please sar that in this paper. ment saw the advert!' you W N. U. Denver. When writing to v Vol. When the hounds are released and put on tiie trail they follow thetr quarry rapidly, and the keeper is compell-t- d He to keep well up with them. knows well that when the convict is fun to bay the dogs would make short woik of him unless he is there to call them off. Negroes when attempting to escape usually act in concert, and several start at once. They walk in that in abolishing this hated survival of paganism he was furthering tint cause of progress; and here was t Christian monarch, amid the applause of an assemblage composed almost exclusively of Christians, announcing the formal annulment of the imperial decree; while a few feet away stood tlio archbishop of Athens, and Pere Didon, the celebrated Dominican preacher, w ho, in his Easter sermon in the Catholic cathedral the day before, had paid an eloquent tribute to pagan Greece. When the king had resumed hie seat the Olympic ode, written for the occasion by the Greek composer Samara, was sung by a chorus of one hundred and fifty voices. Once before music had been associated with the revival of the Olympic games. The Olympic Games of 1S9G, by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, in the November Century. Famine llreatt. In times of famine bread ha3 beett baked from wood bran and husks of corn. The xvoodbread is made by selecting the sawdust of the least resinous wood the beech, for example and washing it with water to remove any soluble matter. It is then dried in an oven and reduced to fine powder. With the addition of a little flour, some yeast and water, it forms a dough which, when baked, constitutes a broad resembling in appearance and taste our ordinary brown bread. IXettor Said Differently. My friends and fellow-patriot- s. orator shouted, as he pounded the the de- fenseless air, our friends, the enemy, have boasted that they can elect a yellow dog this year. Let us get together, put our shoulders to the wheel and show them that we can elect just aa ellow a dog as they can. That is to in the literary world decidedly fat, whether tall of stature or the reverse. George Sand was fat and small, and likewise lime. De Stael. Fashions votaries will doubtless continue to strive after the slenderness which seems so desirable. For those willing to sacrifice the promptings of appetite for the desired aim an authority recommends that they should regulate their days as follows: A tumblerful of hot water must be taken on waking in the morning. Rise early and have a tepid bath, with vigorous rubbing afterward with a flesh brush. Avoid drinking at meals and have only three meals a day. Take one small cup of tea at breakfast, some dry toast, boiled fish or a small cutlet and a baked apple or a little fresh fruit. At dinner, which should be at midday, take white fish or meat, dry toast or stale bread, vegetables and fruit, either fresh or stewed. For supper, toast, salad, fruit and eix ounces of wine or water. Hot water with lemon Juice in it is good for supper. to Jan. V? 1897, with 1, Beautiful Calendar. w w As a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1S96, to all new subscribers. One of the most beautiful Calendars issued this year will also be given to each new subscriber. It is made up of Fore Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. Its size is 10 by 24 inches. The subjects are delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than one dollar. vt vt vt V? vt vt vt vt vt vt IAN MACLAREN. RUDYARD KIPLING. HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. MAX ORELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE LONGFELLOW. HON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LIEUT. R. E. PEARY, U. S. N. DR. CYRUS EDSON. DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. And One Hundred Others. 700 Large Pages In Each Volume. 11 I - V? lilt lllllll tllllt llllllllll Hill lllllllllllt llllllt MllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllMIIHIICIUIIIIIIt I . New 8ubecrlbn who will cot out this illp and tend it at once with name ; - Or - 5 vt iZ vt I vt 3 C ll Q 3 I FREE. I IS -" and addreee and $1 7ft (the mbeurlptlon price) will receive: z The Youth i Companion every week from time eubacription if m- 2 ceived to Janaary 1, 189? FREE Thankatmng, Christmas and New Years Doable Numbers FREE- - The Companion Calendar for 1897. The most costly gift 87 . , of its kind The Companion hae ever offered ; And The Youths Companion 02 Weeks, a full year, to January 1, 189S. FREE THE YOUTHS And She Only Shivered. Dark policeman to the Kneippist, Wading in the dew: Mornin, madam! Is it Is It Cool enough for you? Chicago Tribune. Vt V! VI Vt Vt Vt vt vt vt vt; vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt vt ;t vt vt Vt COMPANION, Boston, Mass Important Notice! The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a de- CLASS AND GLASS MAKING. Flexible glass was known in Persia In 1610. Strass invented the glass that bears his name in 1760. The revival of glass making at Venice occurred in 1838. Tlievart discovered the art of casting plate glass in 1666. Window glass was manufactured at Pittsburg, Pa,, in ISOS. Experiments in glass making were instituted in New York In 1872. A flint glass manufactory was established at Sandwich, Maes., in 1825. In 1747 Connecticut granted to Thomas Darling the exclusive right to make glass in the colony. Plate glass windows lor coaches were made at the duke of Buckinghams works, London, in 1673. Flexible glass was reinvented in France in 1620, but the art was again lost with the death of the inventor. Flint glass was rediscovered by the English in 1615. In the same year coal was substituted by Sir Robert Mansell instead of wood as fuel in Distinguished Writers V! beverlicious, nutritious, and age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yellow Labels. Be sure that the Yellow are on every Label and our Trade-Mar- k package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. flesh-formi- ng -- The rest was lost in the vociferous applause of the patriots. Indianapolis Journal. Lombardys Iron Crown, The iron crown of Lombardy takes its name from the fact that within ths gold circlet is a strip of iron, supposed s i reams, swim river and resort to to he made of one of the nails of the other tricks to throw the dogs off the cross. Napoleon was crowned with scent; but these tactics rarely avail, this symbol at his coronation as Kiaj are on too for the dogs the trail put of Italy. soon after the escape to let the run-awfar. Even politics do not affect public inA Texas Convict Farm terest in the Addicks drama. Boston From 80 to 100 convict are worked Globfl CATHARTIC n. DRJSSISTS re th Idel Lin, mnatinsfion. Csint to rore Turn V rrmmrrmT u U a il a I LLlz ti,?. fu'T.rnyreeof hfm. laOOUiJUiuui rrip or rrine. filit r.u.e ffisf nsl '1 rsl 11. ! pi, i ml booklet free. Ad. STFIUTNO BF.MKDT ( ().. rhir.ro, flontrrsl. Can. , or fw York. S RQAT |