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Show TlIE PlUTE ATURDAY, : s J. F. Dcfmbrk ioit 19ih 18W Garrtvtid County, torn BftUNELL, Satp of Utah; 189G. Advertising rates. or ftni I. MOTH M I W Johnson Hannah It irps Joseph Havenek James W lintaj) Double column rule charged double shore riiZes inl ?3 pr cm Hdillbou.il, nmciM inc per line brevier type (Kerch to line). word, "1 welve lines of thl thonpnrell) type to n Inch. Slice, al rates on niipllcalion. Oulti'H' i"K fbargnu lor inic.it .ix'nl li'illcc., AnnuunieniciiU of imurliqjo, blrtlil and ir fire. SUH8CRIPTI0N , ' 1 as at ... ... 2 O') -. Bi s Csmeron ACliIililltef J T Hilly J F Dickinson George Dodd Ralph lieLnhd Flmer & To Wm Norton jr THAT SCHOOL Qti ESTION ' The edi. hi! triiHlccK ,.f in In rf m( r'rft nave lesu d n on II f ir s iflrStlng to tie held the 2SIhj for the pilrpdse of levy, addition Joseph w MyerJ Aaron Lewis U William i 1 r5 S Hillsdale, Aaay f. O. t Aimy ing dial riel tn.f and dHterminlng (he Improvements, horse and two eo s 4 mbs A say IMacretland Imiirovements, two horses two cattle artlodnt of lax to bt ovlleo'ed for IHtf Jerome Isay Impiovcincntt, house A shlnxle mill la ft that the yeat. probable ensuing 10 acres near Hatchvllle Imp. 3 horses four cows machinery J 0 Harnhurst feasibility of btilldlng a new school H P Clove ttfo horses six cows personal property house will beclfiisiilHul. This subject Johp !roft Imp. tko horses Hue eow C Workman and meeting sbuUlii be of vital concert) Imp. two horses six cattle & 400 Hcres nw Young astato nq ot ne qr a uh of sw q, siM'2isH of s'i of see to oil V0l.erst lakpHyers, educators and r8w parent in he dielriui. tl at ust ctf m y K fihgteitea imp. two horses ajid four entile beariu then mailers uuU Dial Mary a J F Johnson Imp. three horses ami fifteen rattle sw mill Rockeanyoi, vale's schobl Shall p rog teas with other MWFoy l jam Llttl , Imp. four horses four catt Important Uaues In Ihe town. As the P. O. Orton at mailer stands present, the moet James Whitaker' lots 2 A 3 tp.ll r I w feareful trusiH, a, i.asisn U hy the moat James K Keepll , Imp. twohorsi s bklilfu' icai'licr. eoiild not but realize Win Fortherlnghatn nH se qr & sH ne qr see 2 tp 32 s r 3 w an u ..triffo'ifninlile d (Tlcioliy in Simeon Kesler Ihip. tvyoio,ses two cattle Dan Eeevre a u 'S uelni'y sl'bou: 1 lierg lm. three horses live eatrio A T Orton eH se qf she 3 tp 33 s r 5 w lii the Is noi scaling ciiiti()iiy for Jnmes Veltei; s4 se qr sec 28 & se qi sw qr sec 26 tp 32 s r 3 w ami Imp fruj'lls cn. oiled 'll the (llalriot, slid a T Robinson Mr. '"'If. . fcreut many of the larges puptM oft f sw qr SW ql1 Seeds Fralik Wooley 32 s r 5 w lot 4 A s', sn qr sec 2 tp 33 sr 8 w Escalhufe that object Ion ne uh excuae for thir O. , R A ilendrlx, I) It Miller local agent This MOST be rem sixty rHttle 21 n tp35 1 tj fslr praoilcal education will experience a great d'ffleulty in obtaining a llvlihond In thie propresalve world, ami will be doomed to drag out a exi.ieno able to be dominat'd holy by the more Intelligent class, fenlch means only misery for himself k Rouse, ,0 fmves to be the case that the Cuban gen. ral has been foully deal &i h, It wil prove no go d thing for fepairi'Hiid will be J list oiifi sYep toward C'ubws iudegeudeud', J C Jones L(dla A Huntley T F Langford ab-A- T R TatboJ , 4Vm J Hrnyierrfnn Oliver jAtdcrson u that n p. rh d of siukd ha ve ecviiue so vlcioi .),ot tikes dogf iichVaa the Oise, ol1, t young ndii ,vvhq t was execute Ij4 lb nil last Tuewdsjr. He, uo doub vk d in It e glorjwbirb be t&ul!rl 4 would ttonae hv turning mil a t old ha I if an, uutif be was ld' to ominU Jhe bVI ii. f!.r wWh'yo paht'ibe penalhy tii encrifice It' was an nw fu t aevire peanliy, hut if tt ta effi ct- nat in clieeking' the eourae of some . tter young man who la fiapirationa lit the same dirctiiii ll aillW a good iliing. S , pee - ftilensn, SaOerbie'tlssvawfiTo.if-- aghng om eaftd'dltucs tlvTTB HBRAlkjt'rO SAM Lkk4 City, tnalk 2 horns imp 2 Outlie 12 horses 37 7 13 88 4 i 98 17 II v run, 4 v hersea 2 9 sr0t,je saswmtlp hnrseg 5 call It 2 horses 1 enw imp t 2 horses .5 one cow jtnpif liiiUe' .. 8 ca tie 7uses )un(f , - ifii) 4 pomes 2 ekttiw t saw mill imp 2 horses" imp 2 horte 2 cat tie Imp ,2 horses 4 cattle imi) 4hoae imp Imp met a Hilton imp S)o 27l;33 3-- Nelson w 10) 100 An'Imony.Ci.yoto PQ 4 1 S.M.M-No.- l bears North 1 deg,19 mi. West 3637.4 feet dielaui From corner No.l of the Gold Bell which Is Identical with corner No.l the Gold Belt Extension, U S.M.M.N bears North 1 deg.5l mfn.East 6S1 . feet distant. Fromoorner No-.- of tbe GUes,U.S.M..' No.l bears North, 3 deg. 57 min. Eas 31.13 , , 1 ? s KM.,,,' hn.. LUh 2 7 r iJr I g-- jenniNs so RICHFIELD; No. 3117 . . ESOarqr 3o fp 31 . 1 2 w ors r q improvvmeuU 1 P ,,rH 24 1 6 eior. , 2!3e U.S. Land Office, 7 Salt City, Utah. ( December 9t)i, 1896. f PAH: l page. marysVAle, tTAn JonN Meteer; I- 7- - 07 ,q jg btRort tbob, Register. T.C. BalleyJ 1st pub. December 12tli Attorney. p . No. NOTICE t IOTICE 5 e 143 f 13 p?HEBY 1 RlCh-Jrdto- t tlTAIL . IQTCouuty Seat of Sevier County! - Land Office . i Salt Lake City, tbAh. ( Novenjber, ,1898. Notice Is hereby-givet- t that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his Intention tb make final proof in support of Ills claim; and uits Btate any lyiU. .practice In all the that said inoof Wlllbe 'made before tile County Federal. TIMBER LANDS A SPECIALTY. clerk of Wayne Co,. Utah', 'at Lott, Utah, on January 12th, 1897, viz: Joseph E Mangum for 3 F,ast. He the EH SWii Sec 35 Tp 28 8 lii5 MARYSVALE, UTAH; .lames the following Witnesses ontinuqus rCSideliceTlphtf, and cultlVat)bn of, ' said land 'viz: Thomas Baker, Thomas H. Baker, George W. Stringham, Ezrk W. Bullard . Jr., of Thurbert Utah, j tic , I ATTORNE? AT LAW 1 Registm 1st pub. Dec. 5th. Attorney 6- -t No. 3104 NOTICE Dr. E. Smith, BYRON OROG, ! 1, M. Mansflem, mENTIS FbR PUBLICATION. Richfield - Utah. (4-8- 47) l Land Office J Salt Lake City, Utah. : ( Notbmber 2S, 1896. . , Notice lshereby given that the hWlbWlng-namcettler has filed notice of hwiniehiion td1 ntako mil proof in support of his claim, " atid that aid proof will be made before tlie Cqiuity Clerk d P ute County, Ujtah, at Junction Utah, on amiary 23, 1897, viz: Elmer Cb.Nay, H' E.jso. 8570 or the SWH Sec. 4) TplJflS R 3 W- He names the following witnesses tb prove is continuous residence upon and cultivation f, said land.yiz: Thomas C, Smith, William ewis. William Wilson, Ktiyen Manser, Of rTr.' ircleville Utan. f7 f MAM V j;i d BYRON GROO - Atty - Register. 6- -t USD AND HOSB MINING XTTORNEy; li w Twenty five years experience. Correspondence Solicited'. Salt Lake 6ity Utah; H. VAN, AIAHTIN, 4 LAWYERS ft v L is The Paper JPrompt if i : x t. r 1 ' .in j Attention fcllveh to Alt Business Entrusted.- - - - OF OFFIOE EAST SIDE i)ACK80N Southern Utah! iti AVENUE., XJtah! Marysvaie BULLION HOTEL MiHers HOltik. Ware anU OKing! pqpfcidii Avi;. . FIRST CLAS8 AccostlioDATIoif , A YAH WARTIH, iotai'y - Uublic. Legai papers promptly and caw Deeds,; Mortgages, Quit Claims, LeaBes. of attorn drawn, and acf knowledgement taken. fully paired.'' Geneea Real Estate and Miniko BboaBeacIi. transacted.. Gallon him ( GIVEN d RtcilElELl), - FdR PUBIiiCATION. i 18, 1896. ' Advocate Office. Will praoticeln ali the court. x settler .has filed Jhat the followlng-daffie40 Intention to make final proof In 00 notice ofofhis tlincva! and J proof will he his qjnini, support clerk of Wayne county, qr nade boioie the couiny 96 ,tah, Ixm, Utah, on JauUary 4tli, 1W, viz: Nieli Johnson, it. K. No, 12513, dated. NovemGO ber t8th,Us9ii, for the w H sw H see !4, nw H nw 46 ii. sec 2o, 2nd ne It ne ! sec 22, tp 29. s r Se, 8. ' JL, Utah. 76 He names the following witnesses to'ptove his Oft eOlitlnuous of eulrtvntfdD residence ufiou and ne Sat4 land, viz: .,1. fame McClelhtn, Albcick Stevens, Wilitkra 98 counW Ilford iaet, all of BY eon GRCtO, Register. ty. tall. T. C. Bailkv; Atty. 1st pubFov. 21, A-- ) November , AT EAW; t 3097, - 3092. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. two Orrit bat Sar.f LAks City Utah, ATT0BNEY Charles Snow. Walter P.Coleman, Rudolph Naser Thomas B. Klchardson; of Teasdale, Utah. 4 7 2 V sapiOel NbllClS FOR PUBiiCATtON. I-- S feet distant. Said consolidated mining claim cor talus a total area of 68. 8Wacres, all ' whion is hereby applied for, ther beinjf riw Cbnfhota. 3500, 2 The said mintnti eTJittcbelng 01 record In th of the Ohio Mining distrk at Marysvale Utah, in the County and 8tat aforesaid. The presumed general course er di reettoo of the said Hidden Treasure, Gold Belt Geh! BeB Extension, and Giles, Consolidate), mtalng claim, vein, lodes or mineral deposit an-- i the number of feet claimed on the lode In eacl direction from thtipbint of discovery upon each of said claims as sulveyed and plktted bclnj shown upon the plat posted on ffie claim as nea-acan be determined hem present develop uenfc and being as foftews; the Hidden Treasure runt North 29 degJW mta.West 1519. fleet from point Gold Belt runs North 10 deg. 1 of discovery,-th-e min. East 1200 feet and South 10 deg.16 min.West 300 feet frouipoint, ofdpteovery; the cold Be. Exteqyibh rahSfl'ortfl 23 (JegAYest S feet and 'Sooth 23 deg East 1431 feet from the polntof dts covery; the Giles runs North 10 deg.16' finib. Eas; 730 feet and South to deg.16 min.West 615 feet from pointof dtscoveryj.the nearest known locations being the Hard Cash, lot Ko.47; tht Pearl lot No.47 and the Edward lot No.55. I direct that this notice bi' published in the published at Mary'Svale Utah, 3r 60 PtC'TZ newspaper published nearest the said consol t 9S the ll0 ldated mining claim, fora period of ten weeks BYRON GROO 10 12 Regie ter 24 -JEkst pub.Oet.l7th, 27 4 1 snyger: 1 THE PIONEER office of 1 Improvements tt.rto'borsee two m v pro e men ts t w 6 se q r se q r ,ed23 w Wl Bean and Mci3aniei, T NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION; Gilbert Beebe, 1st pub. Den-Mti.- i 7 , tie qr d w qr see 26Pt p 31 rw40 Srhorsra raffle Improvements two horses Diiec-rttl- Almp sw qr nw qr A nw nr aw or on 2 q. & re qr fifteen J W.SmooC . I - the plpCe Commeliclvgat corner No.l of the Gold Belt Exteneioq, which is identical tWth corner No.l of tho Gold Thence North E8 deg. West Belt. 6.'0 feet to corner No.2 which ia identical with oorner No.2 of tlie.Oold Belt. Thence South 23 de.fiast 1434 feet to corner No.3. Thence 8outh 88 deg Eaet 600 feet tQ.&orner No.4. Thence North 23 deg; We3t 1434 feet to Corner No.l the place of beglnnlhg.Comnjvnc-iuat Corner No.l of the Giles and Thence Sjoilth 10 deg. 16 running 840 feet to feoluer No.2 West Bin. Thence North 88 deg.We9t 130 feet t corner No 3 which Is identical witl Oorner No.3 of the Gold Belt. Thenct . Jl , imp 2 horses 2 horses one imp &horse8 3cov.s horses Uo cattle lot .t imp 2'horsei 2 cattle Imp RR'Evai s ., J?)hu F Mu u well Iesac Rldrtfa 24 i- B,paverCo.i& I No. Utah; law. - James Ahialvm M W Warnqr P L Brunson.- - sinomots rok ooev or acw utan tati s imp 4 Digs imp, 4 pigs Geo D Shakespear John 5rerlli . f- - 6 . 3 Ckltle . O. Promptness and accuracy my motto: Salt tiakei Junction, uno Belt Extension, and running Tbenoe North 88 deg. West 600 leet to Notice is given that the following-namecorner No.2, which is identical with settler has hereby filed notice of his Intention td make Eitension. Belt Gold corner No.2 of the final proof In support of his claimj kHaiJiat said Thence North 10 deg.10 miu.East 1500 proof will be made before the County Clerk of eet to corner Jfo 3, which It, Identical Wayne County at Los Utah, on Jan. 25th, 1897 ytli: John Cl Jacobs H E NO- 0753 Dated May 29th with corner No $ of the Giles. Thence 1890 for the NH ofNEH & SEH ofNEH of Sec 8outh 88 deg.East 678.4 feet to corner 14 & SWH of NW54 of Sec 13 Tp 29 S 4 E S L M .. He.hkmes the Thenbe Soutlx,2& Jeg 16 tnln. Utahi H, No.4. following witnesses to prove his continuos resiEast 83 feet to corner No.5. Thence dence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: South 10 deg.l6min.West 1471 feet to Treasure, U 2 20 8' 02 4 32 trap 6 hor, ft cattle Imp 1 horse 8 cows i Cbatwin l&c. . 28 Geo M By bee O D AhlatroRt , of 103 oqttle Xt"ble A Johnson Hjg tus E Jotms n VVm V HpendlQvd e1 LA& nERAiti' Blggeaf.' erlsnit and Bstit?' 1 .S imp Jnaepto'Hilffid . Tr piC Ltufi'brr Co, Robert Mangum John A impend love Myron Iff in ly Orliti L Oox v annam' l&t J I Quthrie W 10 . At i i,aw. Attnieyj Wfttingham Building 623 feet h South 10 deg.16 mio-WfTheiicc North 88 deg Corner No 4 No 6 Thenc corner to 470 feet West North 10 d(g 16 mil. East 1365 feet ti corner No.O lf Thence South 83 deg East 600 feet to tofner No.l, the friat The discover.' or fipgUmiug embraced 1 lodes of said of.eppb pojnta said consolidated etaiin btipg showi op the plat posted on the itafm knd filed with the application for pateni Ffum corner No.l of the lliddei 13 p1, horspi ifbp 2 horse 8 cattle Crl Smith CoNGUBasMliN' Aflett ta trying to tttecl a etiange in riif wrtiinern bound7-arof the Blate and' take a siics1 05?" so agitated Arizona. The (Alt's! inn i ot lmi enmnir wiitf the atate of Nevada annexiogtrs'ierritory to thta state, T'tah Will , If tbia be aooompliatnst, leadif ir'erjpire.ofllie wet D A ftTr sWyi pEf per mfrtKh.1 Imp O w Htivder Joel tf jolmaon Wm J Powell Wm II Powel t f f . Jf. EFf Smft h John M Allen Cf W Johnson ifnd degradedf I tipi tYie ptddltt rtfstj d. niai'd-- d illitt he be fal en out aiitl WOBiHl 19 44 t Ityp. 2 l)prae 'Vllliaqi BGarauer K A Fletcher W J Hiideraoq Hr Johu t DuntiifitC mau.uat closing Ihe MhOAKry P 0. Cannnvllie , ,Ioob Qraff . Ttl h' 215 Imp. one horse three cattle Mde n Imp. 7 cattle I GBT 83 48 il bien given oi fat Washington', which will rathef lend to pm a damper dti Ihe move! ntriotic AiuerU'sns have enlisted .ft ijo to Cutia and ffgl.l b half of thaf hen from jJroviace agaliisi Spain, A they learn thaf their pHtrioli'o n e vl fulon or tie In is direct t'lilon t ' t taw of the luiidj'iliat ths piiiishni-is $5,000 fine and 3 years i inpriROiimeht 4,r inDrfeiii g witli any c uniry h v hieii ihe U are a! rsioe. . yo 70 nH e qr sw qr mv qr wH "v qr see 3 tp :u r w 200 cattle John R Johnson' 90 acres land nee S & 4 tp 31 s r .3 w David Niejitoes four acres ue qr.ipy qrxee 15 tp 31 s r 2 w John R King el4 se qr see Is tp 31 s r 2 w Imp. twent 'u.rsoj el o,t eattie Volney King, Imp. 14 lou ses ten eatfte Alva Reed-8- 0 (teres land nw qr ne qr see sw se qr see 13 to 3) ,s r 2 w 2 horseS 17tio pr sheep T J Rl.l.lle WH nw qr sec 10 tp J1 s r i W el'qhty acres Imp. lliree ho, s- -s A eattie n o witeox 1 v Imp. f.uii lease 2 cattle town lot g 8 Carpenter Imp. Mdse town Inf J K Wilcox Imp 2 luAsestown lof HJ 3f'uiionirh nw qr lie qi sec 15 tp si s r2 wsosere Imp. 8 horses ; cattle .rsmes Farmer ' i Imp. 7 horses 7 cattle todu lot Iuwpzo Farmer Ihiji. one acre In nw qr sw qr see 10 tp at s r 2w statement lias lately Aiyh-o- d 184 . Crtynt t ie qr 814 years experience: 25 Booms 3034 g 1 H young 28 , Amiilng his successor. flit It a ema 4 , h H. Rniierts baa arrived b une fmm a foreign niUrloii, and It is rrfinoreif that Aurlliur RroMtu'i successor is iiamedf, tuYt if Mr. Browns fil iu. now b. ing eieouted, proves I tr.oiual, there will be no huffy about 1 8 8 4 t Eldkr IIow sad and pt 80 pvohorse.s C 11 Gresham house four horses twentv caftli1 , William Wilson , Imp. fifty cattle three horses L Heaps three horses fifty eattie John King Imp. so horses sod cattle J M Genres, Provo tj run 125 horses 250 cattle William Meeks . four horses 230 eattie j , deorge Baker , tiniH jo horses 133 catt'e Thompson Bros. Sclplo, Miliard Co..t'taIi , 15 hoise.s iOou cattle Joseph TTiitchlnsofi, ifont'de, Ut iH Imp. four horses 75 caul ifjftilatn Vht' five horses 'sq eattie JoseytvI'earson , four horses sixty cattle Alma Durfas, Thurbeg horses thirty A L Atari Hite postoflOel? it1 "I' tell horses 3no eattie , Ed Stevens Holden StteA hawses one..U hundred ami twenty five eattie WHlnm Bp.wn Fftyettd 30 horses 230 eattie C W Watts Kanosh three horses 1.30 eattie John Campbell two horses 0 cattle Imp, J A Rogers Kanoafc 3 louse u) eattie D 8 Dorjty , louse oo cattle Fred Giles Thurber 2 horses 2 sheep 8 Niswqngar Koosliarem one hmulre l ooi iflSv eattie Oliver Lewis 4 ealile fmi. town lof . tiildrcu. A T two horses waqon three esttle house two horses two rattle two tiorses two cattle lu sheep D 0 Campbell kod posterity. Too much cannot be s ftnue then, lo help the children aloug these lines, and every one who baa the cause of humanity at heart Shoul d Come out ou the 28h, and cast vo; 6 fii hebulf of the school and hij Ir 17 Imp. tw. nlvlwo horses 80 cattle W I Butler F Mnodv ) . 4 ImjJ. twohorscs ten cattle .1 mie-efuh- la 12 273 cheep 310 iheefi Juhn'IcInelf All business promptly attehded td. , Utah, Gilbert Beebe. Land and Mining Attorheij- - Commencing at cor-u- tr of beginning. No.l of ihe Gold Belt, which Is identical with corner Ro.l of the Gold corner No e. James Walker J I Barker Geulge Davtj BAILEE G. ss Sallfidj S - W W Hall Legal papers carefully and accurately draw and surveys promptly executed. - enn-(Jucil- for the time I. now draw Ihg near When a ImV nr girl who fade lo enquire surveyor Sevier Oouii ty. FOR d H edted, T. Mineral Sarreyor. D. COUNTV 3 4 2 4 8 4 ll 2 horses tools APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 2434 - 8 E. C. Phillipp D- Schoeter, U. 8. Imp ahorees 1 cattle 2 horses 2breeHtiiachinery J E Thompson B B Thompson William Lewtnan 00 16 itTOBNEYS - AT LAW. U.S.Land Office, PRACTICE ALL COURTS'. Salt Lake City, Utah. ( December 7, 1896. , Richfield , Utah. Notice is hereby given that the iollowln n amed settler has filed notice of his intention td make final proof In suyport of hts claim.and that Said & proof will be made befpye the CoijntjClrk .of Piute County ,btah,at Junction Utah, on Januaiy ATT03SEYS AT LAW. 20, 1897, viz : George T. Henry H E No. 9276 for the 8EM 8WH 8W54 SE fourth Sec 31 Tp27 S B 3 W EH NW fourth Sec. 6 Tp 28 8 E 3 W. cornf Mr. Jennings has pracUceli He names the following witnesses to prove, his twenty years, in 30 nil u East 323 feet to corner No.3 continuous residence upon and cultivation of the Supreme Courts of the States 297.4 d United West nalu. Thence South 66deg.45 Chris States. He wlilattend In person all the District Kottke, 29 said land, viz: Jeremiah Dennis, North 4. No. Thence ooruet to feet Edward Fotsyi HI A. Beckstead of Marysvatc Courts; held in each couutjr oi this district deg.jO mlu. West 1320 feet to corner ctiiii; feYRON GROO T&ence North od deg 45 mlu. No 6 First the No.l pub.Dec.12. Kegiste r corner to place fe 600 I) l East W . . 1 8 horse P1 i a United States patent tor the Hidden Treasure, Gold Belt, Gold Belt Extension and Giles, 1319.7, 1500, mining claim, consisting of thereof 1434 find 1303 linear feet respectively and surf ate jrtund as shown on the plat posted situated on the claim, tiling survey no. 3273 and in the Ohio Mining fHsirlct.Plnte County Utah, Of the and described In the field notes and plat with magnetic In office, this file on official survey variation of 18 deg. 20 min. East as follows at corner No. 1 of the Hidden Treasure and running Thence South 16 deg. East 1000 feet to Tbenne South 10 aeg. r No.2 Schow s eil.lt IMi acres land sec 31 tp 34 tilkJHrhow as act- -s laliii dec M tp 34 s r 5 W lot a lilk 8 lot 3 hlk 3 four horses two cows meat shop lot 3 blk 7 imp bb tjr sit qr h17, e qr sec 32 nwqi sw qr sec 33 tp34 sr S W llni. two horses one eoM lo' 4 blk 8 Imp taw mill lot in hlngtllteh Imp. A four liorsef so qrse iir sec tp 34 s r 3 w lOwn lot 2 blin k In arid improvement iol I A 2 block 38 lot IDAUphlnJr on 3 hlk $ & MW 2 I 0. PROFESSI6NA1. - 02 94 1 cattle Imp boreea Itnp 2 horses 1 cow a Notice Is hereby given a corporation exU g Ing and Milling Company laws of the State of of the virtue under and by and authorized President LWtl.by J. J. SteWart office address agent, whbse residence and post for Is Salt Lake City Utah, has made application )4tp34srSw lots blkll Welch estate Sfl iwwtAwet " lots 1 Improvements Imp Office. 1 United States Land 1 aalt Lake City, Ltah. 1696( UethMer 12, that the Gol l.ursesoneeoW lot MllnNnvjr ('0 1 sue 10 Hen riev ills P. Lucy M Thompson Haiia Nelson John W Smith R M Thompson D J GoUlding block 4 lot Mathews lift Mai shall pbit bffireat Mrinsralc, l'tnh matter. Miiylotli, 198, thfi Kceond-elH- lot 3 hlk .Ttiseph Hi'pllcsiton. Kntered t acicsiaml T K Lambert A t Lee TJCRMri. three niHitihs ..i. Ky Advertising rates made known ' H Honry Lynn M Jdlm Lister lie) One copy, one yenr six months i8t sheep acre! of land tec lo tp ill a r5 Wciiy lo.s 2 3 20 acres laiol sec u tp M r 3 ta 4 horses aiid 3 loti blkll 4 tin- - Seattle SO JiiiM Criss Jacobs A Ucl 1 I, Khepkrd A Doe I county JOTbompaon Tiie following-namepersons are delinqueut for Hiotr, fi u ity and Sohnol on the described. If the said taxes together with hereinafter tnies property cost of puhlica1 Ion are not pild hy the third Monday In December, 1896, the said property will be sold according to law, or as niuoti thereof as may le neeissary to pay sa'd taxes wfth tiie interest accrued, together with the cos is, G. B. Wilson, Assessor and collector of Garfield County, Utah. Jlaied December 7th, 1898. Name Amountof taxes Pangnitch li 0. Description nf pnqierty Fllltabeth Haycbek loti In hlk SPangultch IS 00 Paper of the County hones ir.iD 2 D L E N 835 f,r the ne qr aw qr A lota 3 A 4 sec 7se qr ( Electa Nicholes nw qr Si lots 1 A 2 sec 18 tp 32 s r I w unsuryey. d on C'eotre Creek Garfield J 1 d Official 2 horaea 2 cattle Cbarlea Ellawotth Chancey Froet DELINQUENT TAX LIST 1'lOXEEU. Ofllcifil Paper of Piwre, Kaiie And Ofirlleld Co's, Wanted-- An Idea Who has tA'jak . . som simpi thin lo Mmll IS? r.. nw.. ' J Carpenter and Buifderj n 4 : J Estimates taken on alt kinds of worker ' ' Aarysvale - k th Utah? |