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Show .a fut f.CJulQ from th JUNK Dear Ed. ov mi: i nitons disk kor a lor g tune now, the oiaoi h,.s bon looking at the pdf of jm.k mail and the m.inv tom of free publicity" that crmst'N our dt .k each. m ai Mm h of this free public it comes from government or bun aus a gene e.s, - mi ii i1 and giotips ir groups an tr;mg to piomotc a if it Mmiethirg-or-othc- r Painal or some other thing I hat they want promoted, but iLmt want to spend anything i w i this public sirvice deal ahight, and we dont mind b Iping out, but even a good tli n; (an be carried too far. 'In d do we havnt seen the f ft one of these groups that v inted to set up a Special n campaign to fund, or w; mc that the families of news- - ,i is vv j tom-tom- s, Yit they never hesitate to 7 take the name of the Must Tues. Wed. Thurs., Jan. High the most sacred names, SHOWDOWN AT ABILENE in vain or in a slanderous way Although this is another in Why should such sacred Universal s series of colorful nanus be used to express vio- Westerns and its stars are lent outbursts of temper. not as well known as the othmuch better-than- We would not throw our ers, it is a n average entry. A piarles or jewels to the swine, screen a good cast and play drag our best clother through w ho make the characters they Ihe mud or use a church for than more portray a bier parlor. Surely we can this picture as be Christian enough to use a sional, place to please Western sure one Holy Sacred name in a sacand plesantly surprise all red and reverent way. I of- fans A sheriff without a others. ten wonder what little childafter the Civil Abilene in ren think when they hear the gun cattle baron, a ruthless seme sacred words used in War, no waste material and no praver being used so carlessly gun battle or fist and unthinkingly in profanity. fights add up to a fine proThis profanity is uncalled duction. The characters are for and 50 kicked. I wonder more complex than is usually if men, yes and women too, found in We sterns like this more interesting. realize what they are doing and thu when they punctuate each Friday and Sat., Jan. 18 & 19 jsentance with the name of YOU CANT RUN AWAY jGod Christ, and Jeasus. FROM IT that along with all punt tins free stuff some of the fire loaders" ought to contrive to see that papers get a litth paid advertising to help off set the cost of pub-- h ation at least w from a Motived Washing-lu- n one-dime- " from 'Ac to 5c. to offset ism; costs of opergtion. S r ms to us that there may be other means of making the dip Iment more tog for instance bow about r eluting a higher post or mt on all the tons and tonof junk" marl udvit'Moe and other crap mad r ihit goes as fourth Has - to make it pay its way, or to eliminate it and cut down on the number of postmen ,t t,ikes to handle it. d Just our guess is !ha cvi rv time we have got-P- n i posin ra itc under the ut i It, r erv.ee serv o' got'eu not ts in exampF; our of Sundiy and halidy -. , tVe We lack mad serv to (Id in to 1,;57 EFFECTIVE JANUARY. IIION COUNTY Pnrownn. Utnli f ' t Will Pay n- j 3 Interest On Savings t her djy of cur subscribes Citv If; wanted, mu why 'Ii; two blank pa- - ev m the Times. We wore urn1 r th impression that we had vioned why but may but w - didnt This is why: Th fl tv r is the whole cheete in our plant, right from to linotype operator to h in i compositor, to makeup man to salesman, to pu Thu spreads one man a tnf!e thin since he just need-to be in at least three placs at once Second, it replaces several years to a proficient linotype a r ard the editor has only bet n iwratinr 'he machine for a f months .so ne is nn when it comes to sp set'ui'; tvpe and iH-- d it takes ur time tivmg ,i hit of qu ' is 50 ; car old mach-it inning and the fourtn hv ft is that we have a duce ' I j Dingle-Johnso- j COMPOUNDED SEMI - ANNUALLY Deposits Insured $10,000 F. D. Next Interest Payment July 1 I- - C. 1957 I Radosavich becomes a full time warden and field man in the Daggett County area. Ills home is Willow Creek in the Brow ns Park section of the isolated Three Corners Supt. Wright ha this to say )next tQ the when announcing the drive; nnes We expect World Clothing Steve has been employed by the Dept, on a part time basis over the past several a n ite the rron (" ) j I , continue through Friday and is part of a nation-wid- e cam- paign to raise used clothing, shoes and bedding for orphan- ed and needy children and "dulls 1" Ihc United Stales and overseas. World Clothing Week is conducted by the schools in cooperation with the Christian Childrens Fund, Inc , a charitable organization which assists orphans and other needy children in the United States nd thirty countries of the world. off-han- ha-- j I Beginning Monday, local school children will bring bun dies of used clothing to school during World Clothing week According to sput. of schools, Ianthus Wright, the drive will -- of o, j Appointment of Donald And riano and Steve Radosavich as rtah Dent of Fish and Ham, employes was announced to- (daby' Dlrector j. Perry Egan Andriano fills the position of Assistant Federan Aad Coordinator in chrrge of fisher- ,(s Jnvi siial ion under the n federal aid PS wont others express funds allocated to Utah for Jack Lemmon and June thur opinions too? star in this rollicking T1!h restoration Allyson A Citizen comedy of an heiress and a flom ,dah whcre reporter. A remake, of the)5eBSBHS has b,,n ompl(JtHl or ,hc past 6e vears by the Idaho Fish and Game Dept. I - .' son-in-la- ry self-suppo- rt f cross-counti- well-writte- n port, u heic the post off-ndepart nvmi Is thinking of first class postal raising i Jo BANK 15-1- api r were fed nr clothed The For the matinee on Saturdpopular 1934 comedy, 'Tit ay-at , the picture Happened One Night," the "SfNGIN'.i THE CORN" Cinema new version is in will bt the feature. The is an- .1 the popular aiding One the program Westerns. do with a runaway heiress wil be a cartoon and a chapand an unemployed reporter of fhp eetfal Batman." and their adventures together ter after they meet. They cruise Jes Cuy,iflon,r?turned dury on buses, sleep the week from Ukiah Cal. wals ing a with rooms motel in be and where Guymon of Jericho" curtain between with a daughter and visited their twin beds, quarrel, fuss Mr. and Mrs. and fume, and gravitate inThe Jones are JonPs. Mick other each evitably toward Able support proud parents of a new son romance-wise- . is given by troupers Charles bdbn to them on New Years Bickford, Paul Gilbert, Jim fact it was the first baby to Backus and others. Adult checkin after the new year at Ukiah. audience classification. Z;. - of public Mrvue The ii limit nt isn't the only hnwevtr, automobile a d appliance manufacturers of-jini- rds. note: this letter was ad dressed to Hems from the Junk column, but sirue that 1 and Mon., Jan, is t lit- column reserved for Sunday BACK FROM ETERNITY tin- editors personal opinion we are printing the litter In Heres a right lively packthe 'dear ed" column, width age of entertainment starring Robert Ryan, Anita Ekberg belongs to our renders. and Rod Steiger, The plot ts Somehow it shocks and holthe oldie about a plane crash ers me to lu ar so many peoin a South American jungle ple use profane language on and its effects on the lives of the stieeH and the passengers, who go primDuring the season of Christ, itive and passionate far from mas which should be a holy civilization but the treatment season, we hear sacred songs of writer Jonathan Latimer bung sung everywhere and is fresh, suspenseful and proright at the same time we vocative and John Farrow has laar the same sacred words produced and directed it with usi d in the songs being used an eye for all the values that can be squeezed out. The sulin a profane w ay. lady from Scandinavia, try Some men would fight to and Indian Ekberg, name of the mother, add all piutut murdered Steiger up wife or daughter if their to entertainment, suspnnseful Oanu s were being slandered. listed f or general audience, 13-1- iv is Reviews Of Coming Movie Attractions under r , ol PAROWAN TIMLS, PAKOWAN, UTAH, JANUARY 10, 1V57 I T k j Colorad-Wyomin- re-poi- Pr g ss-m- , j J of whom cant Three Corners section through even attend school regularly major reclamation projects on children-so- me i because they have no coats Green Riv er, management stales major or shoes. It goes to orphans i? one and other needy children in ,deer beards ranging in this the United States and over- - section, introduction of chukar seas Also, free clothing and PaIdridge mto the area, and bedding is distributed during other developemcnts in recent disaster emergency situations years resulted in the decission Every student has been giv- to employ a full time field en literature to take home ex. man to expedite the depts plaining the purpose of the program drive and asking the cooperation of parents and friends fortunate. I hope the citizens rf t ' getting ou: readers; Mr Wright continued The of our communities will get to ' M heir new, m on troe C C F. reports that good used behind the schools in this efM Mitchell and o ir son clothing is one of the most fort Send all of wearTf) ue getting o that they vital needs of children and able infants, types childrens and ' mni a lot of help now, adults the world over Through adult clothing and shoes to but due to the lezifclc nat World Clothing Week, the World Clothme ol much of tn opmation school children of Iron Co schooUiuring week." ing i mute t while to learn 'will s'f to that manv necdv tin topes Mavbe one day we'll bovs and girls will be warmlv clad this winter. At the same wlep it how ever. time our owm voung pcodIc We want to make a deal will be learning a valuable with you out readers If you lesson in humanitv and w ill get uiur news in to us on the joy. that comes me, well get the paper out with with those less sharing on time In fact were going to have to get out on tune, or paper cant have bunch 'f -- c gi t out completely Our aren't happv at all, .orters aicund to send rat and we have to depend on on assignment rep a ting hat ti'em I oi our bread and buil- to be a cooperative effort bet, i Our books show that dur-u- g tween you and us If we have our support we can do our 1956 we lost ncarlv $1 500 if we dont, we cant job, m n venue from ads that we Dossibly d improve service ; but couldnt charge i e Ik cause we didn t get a We just cant win we've deut in time for the ads cided If ue cant contrive to ipir ; ii of nv v He. This we have something g havw ire t ( land again ourselves we get help-ev- en M told you of our when we don't want it 't e for new's and auvs Wednesdav afternoon the i1, i c of times, but n case was (iff Eveiv time ' ' Ini power got' o here it is di srl.p j.oon i , t fie this happens it throughs our t take n w s, ,md a i heat adjustment otf on om 1! tv r i' sdav Ads linotvpe This week .t took I Wedntsdiv at 'j01 tcn hours to get adjusted so we could sot an we bit djjiu pie tvPc Oh (ton' is well, some davs are e mil' t,wn new-s-- i like that be-coi- ti op-ir- I n, i j 1 i The Del Rio Ranch Wagon The Ranch Wagon ce J FIVE NEW FORD glamour wagons long, low and loaded with Go ! 1 -- Izcavc it to the station wagon leader to nuke the big news (or 57! And what news' Wagons so big. so full of fine car pitstige that youll uondci howpuan be done at low Foul pi ices. Ityourchouc is die Countrv Squire, you'll be pi oud to pull up at the finest places in this glainom wagon with Us wood like trim. oui needs tall loi a passenget wagon with tom doois, sou'll love the niw Country Sedan. It has almost tunc It ot ot loadspate neai Iv a loot moit than ever btlorc. i i , new , II -- 1 i fi ie Theres still anothei ! -- dooi Country M wrap-aroun- d '57 I MR, IH MAIN ftr4t hurt Hmpkiii tithJttn trvitt fti hnHry! Th '57 Fwd bck 458 lutioiul and international rtcotdj from 1 kilomotor to 50 000 an lot at Bonneville Utak For 50 000 miles two '57 Fords averaged over 107 and 100 mpk rasooctiyaty Tkn ttmrmcIviM ad art stool tfco fleetest endurance feat of all time' Ask for Your FORD STATION WAGON THORLEY MOTOR COMPANY pos-.b'- i 1 Sedan It is the extia thud scat Im passen-g- t l mom nd, as m all I old wagons ior 57, the have ntw single control handle you Ii i i ( which opens both the liftgate anti tailgate with one motion. And they cant be opened from inside! Theres good news, too, about Ford's jMipuIar Ranch Wagon. This 6 passenger, 2 door model features Ford's new subdued tones, and smart interiors which defy muddy little shoes and drippy chocolate cones. In the wonderful way that Ford can take a fine thing and make it even finer, the Del Rio Ranch Wagon goes beyond the Ranch Wagon in stvle, fabrics and trim. Better take a Ford wagon for a spin. You'll agree that for styling its a sweetheart . . . for woik and power, its an obedient slave! Action Test Today CEDAR Cm, UTAH |