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Show PAROWAN IIML page 2 i.l .nd Printed at Parowan, Utah rath Thursday Ridtrt B. Mitchell, Publisher J J S nM SlAIfPktiA ASSOCIJIGJ Ii-l- uJ On the awtugi, ri's.dcntiul pr petty currently is being 15' and (i of its actual selling price assessed bctcM-cfor juiipt rty tax (imposes in Utah. This was one of the prm cijial findings diseloat-- m a 93 jiagv projxrty tax survey, just rek-cil by Utah Foundation, the private, nonprofit, tax organisation. Mmc than t 000 parcels of projxrty which recently either have been sold or appraised for J'HA loan jjujjsis weu examined by Foundation analysts who conducted the survey. 1 V N.nmJ Class Mail Matter in the Post Office iarouan, Utah, (X tuber 27, 1915, under the Act of a .u 'undress of March 3, Subset CX Utah Residential Property Asscssd Social Security Between 15 and 16 of Selling Price Changes Affect lAKOWAN TIRES I PAROWAN, UTAH, JANUARY 10, 1957 , ch 179. Rates $2.50 fxT year in advance Ad.crtis.n" rates ujxn request .J'tK n Women Of special interest to isone change which Con-- 1 gress made in the Social Se- crity law last year Wives, wo-m- en j NOTICK OF SALK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a lien for repairs to and Sestorage of a 1948 Kaiser owned 365768 dan, Motor No. by Larry W. Scott of Salina, Utah is, being foreclosed by Advertisement of Sale. The arnount claimed by the of widow., .ndempoyod women, unjcnljgn,j d IN 61 "" made' between Feb COMPLETE COVERAGE automobile if than rather other age 10; wise entitled to benifits. V tJ.Thi I (FARM BUREAU INS chnge is effective with the ?2 ln.g J00.0 ior t0tfl this . month.of November 1956. costs of FIRE For wives and women who sale, forehove their own social security The time and place of INSURANCE credits there is a reduction closure sale is Saturday the See in the amount of benifit if 12th day of January, 1957 at claimed before the age of 65. j the hour of One o'clock p.m. A. II H Orffli! The amount of the reduction at Smith Auto Service, Main dtjends on when she claims Street Parowan, Utah at her benifits, that is, right at which time and place the proage 62 or at some point be perty above described will be tween age 62 and 65. If sold by the Sheriff of Iron woman draws benifits before County, Utah to the highest ItcHi MRrheU age 65, her benifit is not rais bidder. ed to the full amount at age Dated this 21st day of Dec-- i ' 65. There is to reduction in ember, 1956. distributor of the amount of the benifit, at SMITH AUTO SERVICE age 62, tor widows who file by Eldon O. Smith or benifits on the earning reLienholder cord of their deceased hus-an- dw W' .!'This!" 9SatfZ UfeAa(eno)itle Other mijxrtant facts re scaled by the Foundation have made it virtually to complete the first study are: of the jirogram within cycle r 1. Only slightly more than the period pre- 1957 5',' of the properties surveyed j sen bed by the Legislature. in excess of 20 Tb board of County Commissioner! of Iron County, State were Foundation analysists also eir selling prices and criticized the lack of a uni- of I t di, ordain as follows: That the following be and the fom system of classifying .same is hen by adopted as budget appropriations of the funds jnly 18'.' and tween About 20','. and of lion County, Utah for the fiscal year ending December agricultural assessing 9 4b of the projxrties were 31 1337. projxrties and some shortassessed at less than 10' I of comings in the new manual their actual selling price. used for reappraisal purposes oeneral fund Another aspect of the Utah 2. In most cases, newer proTotal Fstimatcd Expendable revenue $124,783 67 Foundation dealing with loAmount i'lirpust of Appropriation: perties are assessed at a highadministration cal tax pointed Salaries Officers $ 40,490.00 County er percentage of their selling countof to tlu failure 275.00 many Fvjen.se of Chairman of Board price than are older jirojxr-tiemachine C' miriissioner Sevys Expense 230 00 modern This indicates an unreal ies to adopt Cenitmssioner lhglxe's Expense 230.00 methods in processing proper, NOTICE OF SALE istic depreciation allowance Cluk and Auditors deputies 3,380.00 tv tax records and notices. It NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN A Clerk and Auditor's Expenses policy. 200.00 representative of the oc that a lien for also observed that there is repairs to and COAL CAN BE PICKED UP ial Security Administration Assessors deputies 4,000.00 needand much wastefullness 3. assessof 1947 Studebaker t The a of percentage Assessor's expense will be at the Utah State Em- storage 550.00 AT THE YARD IN less duplication of effort No. Ser. Motor to 291191, on 6edan, ment Recorder's deputies selling price higher 2,700.00 ployment Service in Cedar adoffices the various Recorder's exjiense 100.00 priced projaerties generally is UUtah on fanuarv I No. G264345 owned by Don PAROWAN OR DELIVERED the projvcrty tax City, ministering 650.00 si Repairs to County Attorney's Office on than it lower rom 9:00 a. m. until 3:00 p.m B. Orton of Parowan, Utah is higher Weof the in counties. 180.00 many Salary. Deputy County Attorney being foreclosed by Advertisepriced properties. ber County' was cited as a 150.00 County Attorneys expense ment of Sale. NEWS RELEASE LISTS Phpne $641 or 2691 4. based on a limited sam-- I county where property tax 3,230.00 County Treasurers Deputies amount claimed by the The PAROWAN STUDENTS Coui tv Treasurers expense 200.00 has been administration mark pie. business property appears FOR PAROWAN AND First Security Hank (Tax Collections) 150.00 undersigned is the sum of to be assessed at a somewhat I (dlv improved through coop, ATTENDING USAC to made for 2.800.00 $70.00 Shir.Fs expense repairs CEDAR CITY amon? the several e According to a news release said automobile between Novn higher percentage of its S'unffs special (lej)uties 1,200.00 leeted officials. The 'rom USAC in the four report sug Logan, ket is value than residential lJ 1 1955 and November 1,800.00 .iy y tie riff Bensons expense gested that the State Tax ormer Parowan High School ember proxrty. 2,000.00 ,1ep i' v She riff Well'p expense 1955 and for storage of 10, Commission provide counties graduates are now enrolled 'Sheriffs' special equipment 600.00 in the amount , said automobile 5. The variation in with technical assistance in at' the USAC. They include, 5 200.00 Agi .cultural Extension Service & Stowe a total bill of j for of $20.00. was such matters as personnel Nils G. Bavles. senior, edusubstantially 165.00 Ag .euilural Inspector's expense of costs sale. LICENSED ABSTRACTERS in those areas where training and instruction in cation: Keith D. Benson se- $90.00 plus Koe! .it Control 140.00 the State Tax Commission has J modern management practices nior, industrial arts: Owen J. The time and places of the 550.00 Sue Association of County Officials Affiliated witk Couilhouse Maintainence 'oreclosure sale is Saturday, 1,750.00 completed all qr part of its J and techniques, Holyoak, junior, professional; Fri:i. ur's exjiense 1957 of 1,500.00 12th reassessment program. the SECURITY TITLE CO. January, day and Willis Robinson, senior, 700.00 Lights, Water and Fuel at the hour of One Oclock p.m Pam arts. wan industrial Times, J i.s! lev Court Costs 6. The State Tax Commiss-- I 1,250.00 Parevaa of said day at Smith Auto Office at Caart Only $2.50 per year Books, Stationery and Printing 4,500.00 ions reassessment program ap Service, Main Street. Parowan L500.00 Telej.lu.ne expense pears to have reduced assess-meJtah. at which time and place Freni um e.n Official Bonds 325.00 not only with disparities the property above described District Court Costs 1,500.00 in counties, but also between be sold by the Sheriff of NORTHERN COAL will 3,000.00 Advertising counties. ron Livestock and 3 Show Fair 000.00 County, Utah to the highCointy Immediate Delivery Mu i it nee Bub. est bidder. 7 Safety Bldg. (Cedar) 2,000.00 is There considerably Law Library Dec21st of Dated this 1,080.00 day The credit record of Utah veterans participating inthe more variation among counBROWNING Weed id a.lication 6,000.00 in of build federal Joan program is among the best in the country ember, 1956. ties the assessment Fiiv Control 700.00 HUNINGTON ing sites than there is in to- Senator Arthur V. Watkins is advised. SMITH AUTO SERVICE Si., 1,950.00 ity. Blue Cross, Blue Shield tal assessments. The analysis, SUNBEAM Wa r V t h.jnment 5,000.00 by Eldon O. Smith h of one percent of all home loans in Utah Only indicates that a complete re1 075.00 Civ.! D fen.se Lienholder valuation of land assessments have resulted in any claims payment under the Veterans ' Coev : eei expense 1,000.00 ALSO ' AI s G is needed in all sections of Administrations guaranty or insurance, John S. Patterson ral Fund expense 5.000.00 NOTICE OF SALE the state, and that this re- VA Deputy Administrator, told the Utah Senator. Upk n of Owne rship Plats 1,750.00 GENERAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Art F .mbit 100.00 valuation program should be to a for a lien that repairs HAULING Fin an Liability Ins. Premiums To date the number of home 530.00 made comparable to the pro- 1941 Buick Sjpecial Sedan, I ife Ins. four the (Ire Contributions programs 335.00 Recalling or insured grams already completed in larls guaranteed ALMA EVANS No. 44393460 owned by Eh 100.00 expense in Utah is 21,599, which VA has administered Motor Salt Lake and several anially 7301 West City Be i j me 2.000.00 of World War , a William Everling, Dept. Equipment of the counties of the state. representing a principal a- - since the close vocational re- 109th St. Worth Illinois, is Parowan, Utah Phone 24J1 Pul' IF Audit 550.00 for veterans II Pat-The mount of $167,170,134., Est r enue: in excess of appropriations 5,423.67 Foundation study notes tcrson ajso informed Senator habilitation and education, being foreclosed by Adver. Patterson pointed out that ap- tisement of Sale. If you want to keep drinkTO ' A I S $ 124,788.67 $124,788.67 The amount claimed by the thats your business. If proximately 65,000 veterans ing, have received such training undersigned is the sum of you want to stop, thats our COUNTY ROAD FUND benefits in Utah. He noted $80.00 for repairs to said auto- business. mobile made between Decem- For further information write that: Total Estimated Expendable revenue $ 95,174.79 ber 10, 1955 and December 15 Box 151, Parogonah, Utah Im i Amount Appropriation Of these, over 3 000 were 1955, plus costs of sale. Phone 2054 Ron Cnr.'d. and Maint. to be paid for disabled veterans who par-- I The time ?nd place of the from uth.r than Class B" Funds $25,648.41 re-ticipated in the vocational j foreclosure sale is Saturday, Bia 'i' and Fire Ins. Premiums 864.53. habilitation program. Most of the Uh day of January, 1957 SueS c. & Blue Cross Contributions 1,000.00 FOR SALE the disabled veterans were at One Oclock p.m. of said f Cre " Ins Contributions 135.00 FOR SALE; HOME in the World War II veterans; ap- ,r Road Funds (To be Auto Cla Service, day at Smith section of Parowan, alio -d proximately 300 were disabled Main Street. Parowan, Utah northwest later) 67,526.38 veterans of the Korea con- at which time and place the Large lot with full water right Call 4911 or See Clinton TOT A! S flict who have enrolled for $ 95,174.79 $ 93.174.79 property above described will T, training under the current be sold by the sheriff of Iron Public Law 894. COUNTY INDIGENT FUND County to the highest bidder. WASHING MACHINE: conDated this 21st day of DecOf the 62,000 Utah vetventional type. Good ConditIal Fstimatcd Expendable Revenue $ 21,416.09 1956. ember, erans who educat-inreceived of Appropriation Im ion, Call or See Ted Burton. Amount f Countv Physician & trained 46,000 assistance, Sal AUTO SERVICE 1.000.00 SMITH $ Deputy under World War II entitlePul 2.738.88 Nursing Program by Eldon O. Smith ment, and 16,000 have thus F;n r Welfare Board Members 175.00 Lienholder For the Best In All Kinds Of Mai ranee County Rest Home far taken advantage of Ko--j 2,000.00 Sora! Svuritv .Contributions rean conflict entitlement. 20.00 PROBATE & GUARDIANFir a a d Liability Ins. Premiums 493.42 LIFE - AUTOMOBILE Senator Watkins commentCare of Indigents v Miscl. ExDcnse SHIP NOTICE 14.988.79 ed that the record compiled For Further Information ConFIRE SURELY BONDS TOTALS for us in Utah is most grati- sult Clerk of District Court or $21416.09 $21,416.09 See fying. Such a credit rating Respective Signers of the speaks THE IN FIFTH admirably JUDICIAL qualiCOUNTY HOSPITAL FUND W. CLAIR ROWLEY ty of our States veterans and DISTRICT COURT OF THE Total Estimated Expendable Revenue of their fine desire to estab- STATE OF UTAH IN AND $ 177,181.33 Amount lish permanent homes. When FOR THE COUNTY OF IRON Purpose of Appropriation MALE HELP WANTED Maint. & Operation of Hospital $171,484.17 we think more than 65,000 Blue Cross & Soc. Sec. Contributions 3.650.00 too in our state have taken NOTICE TO CREDITORS Money making opportunity for 540.00 Group Life Ins. Contributions In the matter of the estate man or woman to call on, the opportunity to improve Fire & Liability Ins. Premiums 1,507.16 themselves through the nat- of JOHN S. MITCHELL, farm families in Iron County. ions education program it Full or part time. Year round, TOTALS $ 177,181.33 $ 177.181.33 No experience or capital respeaks highly of their intelli- ' ired Creditors will claims present and I write McNESS COMgence am capabilities. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND with vouchers to the undervery proud of our veterans, PANY, P. O. Box 14, for their war and thei post- signed at her residence at Par Total Estimated Expendable Revenue Station, Ookland 23 Cal $ 37,291.51 war of Purpose And owan, Iron County, State of Amount accomplishments. Appropriation Mood. & Operation of Co Libraries $ 8,345.55 most of all our disabled, who Utah, on or before the 16th , Y. B I, n m ut Fud Liquidation Rowlt-yClair 30.12 County Clerk and County have I know not found the day of February, A. D. 1957 !. l.i ng Fund Cedar Citv Library) Dated this 9th day of Deg. 24.510.04 in and for Iron Auditor, County, hereby certify that the fore- - wrav other than difficult. To 1 'O .Lure for Cedar A. D. 1956 4,405.80 City Library is a aN thcm we continue to owe full, true and correct copy of the original BUDGET going our APPROPRIATION thanks. ORDINANCE FOR THE YEAR 1957, as OLIVE MOORE MITCHELL S 37.291.51 TOOLS $ 37.291.51 passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Executrix Ms Burton received ?crtf. County CommisMoner- - of Iron County, Utah, held December COI NTY AIRPORT FUND " 0rd the flrst of the week DURHAM MORRIS 31 1956. now on file and of record in mv office hem mother Mrs. Zella Attorney for Executrix that I 'ii I! timat'd Expendable Revenue $ 4.594 28 irst Security Bank Bldg WITNESS of Panguitch had h.imi Piirp-i- - of Appropriation V,'orthcn, ami the seo! of my said office in my Amount Cedar r ' "o V M.i.nt. of fallcn and City, Utah broken her Iron larowan. 4,000.00 hip. Airports County, Utah, this 4th dav of January, - ' Mrs. Burton. Bp. and Mrs. t'o'f .a i M ess of appropreations 594 23 1957. im-p.N.- Budget Appropriation Ordinance For The Year I j five-yea- r' i -- s. Browning Coal d. I mar-lerao- ; j assess-Inven- 1 ts lnreells ed Dh, nt Utah Veterans Loan And Education Record Tops, Senator Watkins Told I i : one-tent- ! J j ti.-n ! . v ! . - I T j -d- I f ol INSURANCE Bay-sho- re io i I ' ' ( ' TOTALS , $ 4,391.28 $ 4,391.28 , air ou c' ( oum.y ( lerk & Auditor 1 'on Countv. Utah I George Rowley, an Mr. and WANTED. USED CREAM sep Mrs. Ronald Rowlev made a erator. Call 3101, or see Gray- son Gurr, Parowan. tr!p over t0 visit hr |