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Show I 5f? OF :AtD ,L ,.h .0 , t L, :I thamks JrP gratitude jn;v' J 40 "V bwut.ful flowers. th.nk also th. 11,0 yl ,0 ut'n nJ wtK the in .nr wr fj, , n, . Tknk w men, , given that Bond of Educa- Co-- (.!l receive cho1 bu October ,it m City Office, Ced.e d (p.city ""k i.z 11:;,p ,98 avail- - ipecific.tio" are of Education inhabTANTS THEREOF HT AND ji! TmCe"y - " or FWn C? AKn rCEAR,NG C" c' .7 Prown -- ; 1..I - " ,h municipal ellric li.h. and power rm be conducted for ,he of purpose th. City and Ik. -- habitant. .hereof with electric light and power! X . f J ISP WHEREAS, e.t.m.t. to b. mad. a UTAH SEPTEMBER 24, I94S que.tiun : "Shall the revenue bond, of tbo City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah, in tho aggregate principal amount of $110,000.00. payable aolely from the net revenue, to be derived from tbe operation of lha municipal electric light and power system payable within thirty years from date be ia.ued and .old for the purpo.e of constructing a municipal electric light and power system to supply the City and the inhabitant. thereof with electric light and powar, aid system to be owned and controlled by said municipality ? Section 2. That .aid question, .hall be .ubmitted at said election by separate ballot. The ballot containing Queatioa No. I .hall he printed on white paper and shall be substantially in th following form: OFFICIAL the City Council he. caused a of th. ,0.t f ,h. construction comprehend of ..id muni- . of tbe bue i required cipa! eleetnc light and power .y.tem, the operation thereof and th. net operating revenue. o be derived therefrom iiber 1 5th, 1948. by a competent Lord reeervee the right to engineer approved by ,h. State Engineer of Ut.h and having BO connection with any manufacturer or .eller of ny quotation. jj or reject to he u.ed equipment of Education in .aid project or in in.tall.tion County Board thereof; and Clerk - Treaeurer I Jtobb WHEREAS, on the ba.i. of ..id e.tim.te it ha. been de termmed and i. hereby determined th.t ..id municip.l electric k !,fl 'y",m co.t of not exceed SPIRAL ing $150,000.00; .nd WHEREAS, it i. propo.ed to defray the co.t of BRISmCOMB conduction the Board Tolar btl! $40NESS PLVPTHEaTCJACNnUCJ,T Lila Dalton hereby s CRaU pSK ERAL OBLIGATION BONdTofHE C.IYHE MIOUN' OF $110,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PArAMOUNTOF roU nn. It T"E UTAHTOilf1rOF CONSRUCTlNr f fn u ONQCWNTy? nd 7 "I 7 ORDINANCE .11 h:' '7ipith'r hind much bought, r. Hi!, th.nk ."y PAROWAN TIMES. PAROWAA BALLOT Special Election, Held October 26, 1948 City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah General Obligation Electric Light and Power Bonde Shall tha general obligation bonds of tbo City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah in the aggregate principal amount of $40,000.00, payable within twenty years from date, he issued and told for the purpo.e of constructing a municipal electric light and power system to supply the City and inhabitant, thereof with eloctric light nd power, said system to he owned and controlled by the municipality? followt: 1. By the bond, of the City of Parowan and mm m 4 memory of tbe Utah a far that campaign jii During of the fcvtroor, the tax rolls Utah were used illegally out campaign material (Knmmioo goes back Governor Maw. of the people of Is betrayal 4 eu more than the cost of g ihdp involved. It was crystal-proof k,oe in that the dangerous control will atop at perpetuate itself. citizen of Utah, commission to refuse It is bad umiUr requests. gjh to have staggering costs h Government administra- and the added tvithout of using state fertv and employees in an Etopaying jin in 1 f "Shall the general obligation bond, of the City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah in the aggregate principal amount of $40,000.00, payable within twenty year, from date, he ia.ued and told for the purpo.e of con.truct-in- g a municipal electric light and power .y.tem to aupply the City and the inhabitant, thereof wih electric light and power, .aid .y.tem to be owned and controlled by the municipality? (2) For the purpo.e of .ubmitting to the qualified electors of the City of Parowan the following power. QSuJLa. jLL- Republic to Nominee - for Governor Political Ad?, by F. Henri Heoriod) "Pay ) t: Sincerely, , rais NsM purpo.e., (1) For the purpo.e of .ubmitting to .uch qualified elector, of .aid City a. .hall have paid a property tax therein in the year next preceding .uch election the following que.tion: to keep the Maw mpt lie etac - Mote 'Value in Performance with 9 Luxury! fiSet Economy! hi" Pr0ve more byrtFb0haUSe H iM',Flsher and 0f ed tr 'Jd Ride. Knee-Uld'- All-roun- na Chevrolets Worlds Champion" engines have delivered more miles, to more owners, than (any other motor-cpower plant built today I valve-in-he- ad ar 3EVROLET -- Ride plus Knee-Actio- n Hydraulic Brakes plus Fisher Unisteel Body Construction provide triple protection! Positive-Actio- n Mone Value in Tasteful Beauty street, c edar city, utah the opinion of said City Council of the necessary to the peace, health and ordinance shall take effect upon the and publication. PASSED by tbe City Council of the City of Parowan, Iron County, State of Utah and approved by the Mayor of aaid City this 20th day of September, 1948. E. Ray Lyman Mayor of the City of Parowan, Iron County, State of Utah Attest: Verda E. Adame City Recorder (SEAL) The adoption of the foregoing ordinance was seconded by Councilman R. Taylor Miller and upon being put to a vote was carried hy the affirmative vote of all Councilmen present, the vote being as follows: Claude E. Burton Aye A. C. Hatch Aye Howard Joseph Aye Edgar Benson Aye R. Taylor Miller Aye AND APPROVED this 20th day of September E. Ray Lyman Mayor of the City of Parowan, Iron County, State of Utah Attest: Verda E. Adams City Recorder October, Parowan, (SEAL) world-famo- beauty-leadersh- ip elector the year GLASS CUT TO ORDER municipality? ! Its smooth design and its Body by Fisher assure Chevroas let of well as fine workmanship and sturdy construction. over-a- ll Bradshaw Chevrolet company nrth main Section 10. That in the City of Parowan, Utah, it i safety of said City that this date of its passage, approval, to-w- it: IS FIRST.! and On, Section 9. That tha City Council of tha City of Parowan, Utah shall moot at its regular meeting place at 12:00 oclock Noon, on Monday, the let day of November, 1948, being tho first Monday following the election, to eet aa a canvassing hoard to canvass the return of said special election. No of for the vote to desires issue the If voter Electric Light and Power Revenue Bonds in the amount of $110,000.00, he shall place an MX" If the in the space after the word "Ye. of issue the vote voter desires to against Electric Light and Power Revenue Bonds in the amount of $110,000.00, he shall place an X in the apace after the word No. On the reverse aide of each ballot shall be printed following: Official Ballot for the City of Parowan, Utah, Special Electric Light and Power Bond Election Tuesday the 26th day of October, 1948. Verda E. Adams City Recorder, City of Parowan, Utah October 26, 1948 Public notice is hereby given that on the 26 day of limits of 1948, a special election will be held within the the following purpoaea, Iron County, Utah for such qualified (1) For the purpose of submitting to of said City as shall have paid a property tax therein in next preceding such election the fallowing question : Shall the general obligation bonds of th City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah in the aggregate within principal amount of $40,000.00, payable told for and issued twenty years from date, he electric a municipal the purpose of constructing and the light and power system to supply the City inhabitants thereof with electric light and power, said system to be owned and controlled by the r Mow Value d in Safety! Chevrolets Unitized Section 7. That Hie City Recorder he, end he ia hereby authorized and directed to commnniaete such instruction to said judges of auch election as may be necessary to enable them to properly conduct such election, canvas the votes and certify thereof to said City Council of Parowan aa required by law, and the City Recorder hall cause ballots to he printed ia the form aet forth in aaid notice and furnish to the judge of said election, the laid ballotf to he furniihed to the qualified elector, and the City Recorder hall also provide a ballot box, poll book and all stationary necessary for tbe use of tbo judge at said election. Section 8. That tho City Recorder be, and he ia hereby authorized and directed to publish thia ordinance in the Parowan Times, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Parowan. Utah, in one issue thereof. NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION CITY OF PAROWAN, IRON COUNTY, UTAH ar Value Special Election, Held October 26th, 1948 City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah Electric Light and Power Revenue Bonds Shall the revenue bond of tha City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah, in tho aggregate principal amount of $110,000.00, payable solely from tbo net revenues to be derived from tha operation of the municipal electric light and power system payable within thirty year, from date be issued and sold for the purpose of constructing n municipal electric light and power system to supply tbo City and the inhabitant thereof wih electric light and power, said system to be owned and controlled by said municipality? Section 6. That the polling place for all qualified electors of aid City end the judges of election, and the hours during which the polls shall remain open shall he the lams as designated in the foregoing notice of election. to-w- Chevrolet alone gives the Quality and Big-CValue that have caused more people to buy Chevrolets than any other car! Chevrolet alone gives these Big-Ca- r Advantages at lowest cost! . . . BALLOT Section 5. That aaid election shall be conducted according to the statutes and law of the State of Utah, and shall be held in manner and form provided thereby. Section 3. Notice of aaid epeqiajl bond election shall he printed and published by the Miyor and by the Recorder of the and of City of Parowan in Parowan Times, a newspaper published full week of four ADOPTED a for aaid prior in perod City general circulation et intervals, insertions 1948. fivo weekly election aaid of date by the to it I which notice shall be in substantially the following form, M CHEVROL Yes OFFICIAL Yea Durability... the Dependability... Big-Ca- If the voter desires to vote for the issue of General Obligation Electric Light and Power Bond, in the amount of $40,000.00, he shall place an X in the space after the word Yes. If tho voter desire, to vote against the issue of General Obligation Electric Light and Power Bonds in the amount of $40,000.00, he shall place an "X in the apace after the word No." The ballot submitting Que.tion No. 2 shall be printed on colored paper and eball be in substantially tbe following form: For the issue of Eelectric Light nd Power Revenue Bonds day, nuym and. nuyut p&oyila cta the Dollar-Valu- e Section 4, The registry agent fop the City of Parowan shall, at least five daye prior to the election herein provided for, post copies of the foregoing notice in at least five con- spicuous places within the City of Parowan. No WHEREAS, under the law. of the State of Ut.h. it i. nece..ury to aubmit the question of the i.tuance of the general cbligaticr bond, to a vote of .uch qualified elector, of the City of Parow.r a. .hall have paid a property taa in the year preceeding aurb election; and WHEREAS, under the law. of the State of Utah and, in o.rticular, Title 76A, Chapter 2. Utah Code. 1943, the que.tior of the ia.uance of revenue bond, may be .ubmitted prior to the adoption of the ordinance authorizing their i.iuanee to a vote of the qualified elector, of the municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PAROWAN, IRON COUNTY, UTAH: Section 1, That a .pecial election be and the tame i. hereby called to be held in the City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah on Tiie.d.y the 26th day of October, 1948. for the followin e clock A. (SEAL) the issue of Ceneral Obligation Electric Light and Power Bond. $40,000.00 2. By the i.tuance of the revenue bonds of the City of Parowan in the amount of $110,000.00. At said election, the polte shall ba opened at the hour of M. end remain open until and be closed at the hour of B o'clock P. M. of tbe election day. The voting piece for all of the qualified electors of the City hall be District No. 1. Courthouse; District No. 2. Library; Precinct No. 3 Grade school house and the judges of election at said polling place shall ha District No. I; Pearl Russell; Kathleen Clark and Zella Whitney; District No. 2 Alberta Evans, Nellie Pritchard and Msnus S. Orton; District No. 3; Florence Benson, Ida P. Smith end Lillie M. Word. Datel et Parovan, Lran County, Utah thia 20th ;Uy of September, 1948. E. RAY LYMAN Mayor of the City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah 7 Verde E. Adame City Recorder For in the amount of Official Ballot of tbe City of Parowan, Utah, Special Electric Light and Power Bond Election Tuesday the 26 day of October, 1948. Verda E. Adame City Recorder, City of Parowan, Utah Attest: Ye. ixuance of the general obligation If the velar desires la vata far either issue of bonds ba shall X ia tha space after the word Yes. If the voter desires to vote against either Issue of bends, be shall place an X in the space after the word No. Unless both questions so submitted ere approved hy a majority of those voting thereon no bonJs will be issued. Oa the reverse side of each ballot shall ba printed the following i pi electors (2) For the purpose of submitting to the qualified of the City of Parowan the following question: Shall the revenue bonds of the City of Parowan, Iron County, Utah, in the aggregate principal amount of $110,000.00, payable aolely from the net revenues to he derived from the operation of the municipal electric light and power system he issued payable within thirty years from date a municipal of constructing and sold for the purpose the City to supply and system power electric light and the inhabitants thereof wit h electric light and power, said system to he owned and controlled by said municipality? The official ballot after the statement of Question No. 1 shall contain the words For the iss ue of General Obligation Electric Light and Power Bonds: Yes. No. The official ballot after tha statement of Question No. 2 shall contain the words For the issue of Electric Light and Power Revenue Bonds: Yas. No. Thera will ba separate ballots for each question submitted. The ballot containing Question No. 1 shall be printed on white paparr and tha ballot containing Question No. 2 shall ba printed on colored paper. For Homes & Automobiles! Replace that broken Glass on TREASURED See EXPERT PHONE 2918 PICTURES US for INSTALLATION PAROWAN, UTAH ORTON GLASS CO. |