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Show 1 IWROWAN TIMKS, IWKOWAN. t'TAII r CLASSIFIED 7T X DEPARTMENT . AUTOS, . ESCKSi t.lM VALE L. Ayres announced U' JThr S a conscientious , ibitors just didn t Dr. Kildare" jtt.t Vn.l to be 3;r!it h Hot his four years J jjy v r , IP X I V re-ma- won h.s public slated to re- . t. j he 4fcJ" ! vJreen in Intemntion-Tle- " Da.ic Mirror with Olivia V ,n , D- - vy .', V ? a Am wi per If ii n: Some of the Itio.ulwiv brain trusters utif s. !v :ig the wot Ids problems The gib switched to tie .f Joe St.t.in d I dont get it, said ore reliable ti.uicrs reported Joe was veiv si. k -- s tie said dying or dead Now he tor: s up. and they m I e hrt tl health and say was Merely et yoyu g a vacation Oh. I dtinno," ui served another Thirker "1 her St.d.n is far from well and rig t row is suffering from a terrific i,ri pe " "Yc h yeh," interrupted a third The wtio made the most sense same temtlc grip I es always had on every ttung ft, , ) "So-calle- I" - jrt m r ,t t IQ l;L from next akin Sop-L- bi she wants to January; to aul-wa- teon Vmji 10 descrt fa.. " temporarily. c.trviu - erFox- Dinctor Marc 1: Frenrh ,0 ,10'e ' -- - - s r i , ... A high hat. battered cage containSAVES n.KSONAL BLLONGIM.S AS HOOD WATERS RISII ON ing pet cat, and several pail and containers which held her most cherished possessions, were saved from the home of Mrs. C. W. oyles, Atlanta, (la., as the swollen Chattahoochee river flooded her home. r i AUCTSS. BOOKKEEPING TAX RECORD These arc in.luiJu.il!) tailored to fit all type of Businesses and Farms. Farm Records $3.50 Mail or tier iromjitvih'if SAIT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE SaM lata Cilf. Ilta W. M U. y ETRV, CHICKS pot U. )4 A S "y & ElU'll. .1 lr I - A A r m I itvtvt A K i A A ts 1.10lfI itiitrin'm!) 6 l COLORADO HAIlMlftV. WANTED TO III The elder Edison hated wearing a dress suit Mis Edison, however, talked him into putting one on for alfair was . The a reception. . , stuffy and Edison squirmed in dis-comfort. . . . lie finally told Mrs. I cant Edison he was going home stand this doggone straitjacket! he groaned as he left. h At home, to make sure the apparel would never bother him again, Edison took hammer and nails and nailed live suit to the wall. he said when finished, . . . "There. I hope you suffer as much as I did! V . I LAM Ol S two-een- n MK,n 1 SYSTEM . IV ' I IDEAL sales-ta- x t Mayor ODwver the to finance help plan retails the tm e Jimmy Walker was a State Senator and the legisla- tue at Albany was arguing a raie . State Serator in subway taritf Nichol was against raising tbe fare. "Dont you ttnr k, orated Set ator Nichol, "that t e people of New York City go too far for a nukel "Youve gone Walkers retort pretty far for a Nirhol!" season following rat!e f'l'Kill Waterfield. around i n .b de quarterback for C.cve.anJ Harris. a-- MIM Its W- ,wi I KS St Aofit bJ' f III SflSHiouM ! f I rt,'. Ha r , il uit iJ .C4 Y Ship at) of your f tiw lot, r ihhil -1 uti.1 Soil 1HMI huh ASIA MR lOMI'Wt. 4nl Hllt It Real hall 1 ak lilt, receiva luithrat liwarkrt ata nkln. 1 HN 1 H(h w(U prk. . P V N . .a A Safe, Sound Investment-B- uy U. S. Savings Bonds! soup-end-fis- It Could Happen: A group of brass hats gathered to consider the formation of a Society for American Participation In World War III and IV. . . . The first speaker keynoted the meeting by declaring: Regardless of the agreements made by the Big Three, we know sooner or later we will have to fight We will have to another war! over Russia many things or fight Britain over markets! And From the audience a voice hesiBut, gentlemen, tantly Inquired: isnt there something we can do to PREVENT another war? roared the chairman. What! out! Throw that BLAINE VIVIAN her Allegret was so impressed by that he wants work m "Nob Hill to borrow her for the first French postwar technicolor Vivian Be"e Amour on her French. La musical, is brushing up Eduards will be the next girl glamourized by Hollywoods famous George Hurrell, whose helped sell the public on Marlene Dietrich, Ann Sheridan Joan spent six and Jane Russell. full days under the lights. Joan to be pho-tograp- 1 June Havers a movie star, but shes still a fan at heart. Her is Harry favorite dance band At 18 so James, commander HAILED IN NEW YORK CITY . , . Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin, AIRRORVF up the canof troops his 13,000 Stblrne the lead staff his and parade division, ffie 82nd forces. our of victorious fighting the hailed symbolic troops, York City. Thousands avenue, yon of This is be .eved to 1,000 have resisted more than of discharged, although been have Ast them the armed forces. record and has proven a big boost to new be a postwar battle-seasone- her delight imagine Iie The her fourth picture, she was Dolly Sisters, with Harrys uufe, Betty Grable. The first day on the set June exclaimed, Tm living for the day when he visits the setl Then I can when in an ask for d autographed picture!" F In A Scandal in Landis has a song Paris Carole with the line, "Ive got a flame thats too hot to handle. The Johnston (Hays) office objected. So a lyric writer changed the words meaning. Colonel Effinghams Raid at 20th Century-Fo- x Bill Eythe went home to Mars, Pa., for a vacation. While there he was finishing ... IT I 3 the most interesting things new Follies of 46, Johnrv Desmond, DLCMfELLS SENNA LAXATIVE CONTAIN! 0 IN SYRUP PEPSIN , O.I.'S LIFE INSURANCE Robert S. Johnstone. evenings, are under "the G.I.s C''ENp . Wilson Mizners balm to newcomRemember this in the theater: most of the time the stumbling in your way will which LOAFERS GLORY . . . This fellow blocks be the get dust you leave behind was on his way to Loafers Glory, merely tomorrow. this to turn decided N. C., when he crossroads into his own private Faces About Town: Elliott Rooseloafers glory. The name was given velt being mobbed by admirers by more or less spiteful neighbors while leaving the Show Boat prehold of former days. The name took miere at the Ziegfeld Theater. . . . S,d kmed "SSX.'i VS2U S23 iA hJs,one ,8 ho ob and stuck. James Stewart introducing Marie McDonald to Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. . . George Jean Nathan with a padre in the Cub Room of the Stork.of Reforming? . . . Former Secy War Henry Stimson unrecognized by the Pierre passersby. . . . Damon Runyon putting down candidates for a column about celebs who talk about themselves. . . Marion Murray, whose betrothal to a General was cancelled suddenly, trying to be Candy Jones, who gay about it. has a cold, at the Zanzibar ringside, a wearing (among other things) baby's teething ring, the inscription Dont Kiss Me! on which reads: . y & J Gray, who was Glenn Mili-aj- s arranger theyre all in their S A W , , v v fyir '"rf rt tv IT rurtnw - ers omatra, Margaret Whiting (whos wgaged to Bill Eythe), Herb hriner, a radio favorite before he Kuned tl e army, and Bandleader erry v The the on NBC Tuesday that all the principals r'Vto to be society. One of chipper again. DR. CALDWELLS la the wonderful senna laxative contained in good old Syrup Pepsin to make it so easy to taka. MANY DOCTORS ose pepsin preparations in prescriptions to make the medicine more palatable and agreeable to take. So be sure your laxaUve ia contained in Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELLS the favorite of millions for 50 years, and feel that wholesome rebef from constipation. Even finicky children love it. CAUTION i Uae only as directed. ... Flights. Its an unusual program because it has been the first transcribed time an name has outstanding done this. Hes asked the sponsor t turn over all fees that he would feceive to the army air forces aid about heard poet ignored him. . . . Well, continued the bore, dont you think a cook is more important than a poet? The poet pondered and then said: "Im sure there isnt a dog in town who wouldnt agree with you. taste, (assy upset, taka Dr. Caldwells famous median to quickly pull the trigger on lazy innards and help you (eel bright and ... hed never have had if he gone 2,500 miles away. Capt. Eddie Rickenbackers featured in a new radio series, Worlds Most Famous . . mikei yon feet the dickens, bnnes on stomach u sour discomfort, ... interviewed by Pittsburgh newspapers, and said his Hollywood home had been sold and he couldnt find another. The interviewer had friends Hollywood who were going to move, and told Bill. So he found a hadnt . punk U the DiaSounds in the Night: mond Horseshoe: Relax, dearie, or that halo will choke you to death. At the Embassy: They wrote a song about her, O, What a BeauAt the Zanzibar: tiful Moron! Dull? They named a butter-knif- e At Versailles: Hell after him! do anything for me, and I for him. But I'm running out of right arms! George At the Golden FiddleJean Nathan doesnt dislike actors. . Only those he sees in shows. . . She was in a terrible At Ciros: accident. She was having her face lifted and the derrick broke. j home his The who told him he could spend time more usefully cooking. Well, it looks like the honeymoon between Truman and Congress is over. Yeah, now he has good reason for going home to mother. slaved till hed but kept the After The mail brought this unsigned contrib. A poet was irked by a pest WHEN CONSTIPATION Many doctors recommend ffood-tasti- ng Scott's Emulsion bench in natural A AD Vitamins and oil children need for proper growth, strong bones, eourd came its energy-buildin- g teeth, sturdy bodies Helps build up restetonrs to eoUls too if diet is A&D deficient. Buy Scottu today ! AU druggists. nCOIT'SlEMUCSIOrC KinmMujsmMimm 666 USE COLD PREPARATIONS LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, CAUTION-U- SE WNU ONLY NOSE DROPS AS DIRECTED 0546 V . Sylvia son, Sidney took her Jody, to visit her on The arching Wind set. He watched wifn Cld a lon8 dialogue scene 11 Young and when she od what he thought of her All right, but mother, you talk too much. six-year- -d . d Z WV .n i n j. FADS Barry Fitzgerald retire to Ireland Club Jan,0O Un eil, tar, has si,,,, r Breakfast heir ed he fights with everybody. in d up fur a course of boxing his tutor by his s.irpused u Iwt the result of years of buck aim dure mg Rockie and David Asun, "n (, Ozzie and Harriet, 'ently . tuo moiia ojer$Mhich Pn'tnis turned down. . . - . Oz marNflon says with many people Hank WINNING FRIENDS . . . Mrs. with but a is gamble, thur Vandenberg, wife of the U. S. riage Greenberg its a Gimbel. . . Alan ,aAe W,ne Music.. th e ' I'ou der Box Theater he . Sallies in Our Alley: A ham ac tress, famed for her conceit, visited . . the Hartmans at the Waldorf. I had a big season in Hollywood, including three tershe boasted, . rific scenes with Errol Flynn. Hartman, Grace quipped Yeh, eyentu--. icause there they know best how to "li egus, . . . Millions hate ed to 4, ,fly star o Bussell, Joun linns Show singing now they can -non S tork to , . Ar- . Calif., has CAREER for models. Bill YOUTH CARVES a B,sJgrwinimaii hobby pav. latest order was fromade his wood carvingon in cash to background for a new p.cias begun h.s home. a a buck and two fawns at has three live deer, rS fJe.iic J senator from Michigan and delegate Gale tells of the big advertising to the UNO, is shown making exec who died and at his friends with a London tot. Mrs. agency everybody sang sojourn funeral Vandenberg is spending her in London studying social conditions. May VI am of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with it hurry end worry, and IrrpRjlar habits, improper eating and mfec-to- n drinking H8 risk of exposure work on tne throws heavy strain of the kidneys. They are apt to become and fail to hler excess acid over-taxe- d and other impuntiea from the blood. You may suffer nacicng backache, headache, dizziness, gitting up nights, lee pa ns. swelling feel constantly signa tired, nervous, all worn out Other of kidney or bladder disorder are om times burning, scanty or too frequent urination help the Try Doans Pitts. Doansexcess n ly kidneys to pass off harmful nail than more had have wa.re. They recomAre century of public approval users everywhere. mended by Ask your n eighlforl |