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Show D AROWAN TIMEs PAhOWAN Benefit Play jst Ward Fri. Night jmiii? Next i ' S. ! 1 . ,i ; - 4 I pr cscntatiun t l.mncd by critics ,(i , mie of the must - " J?- -'I b appear m u... jn.J r.i "ii commentatu! (1. Jf ' with real peo-- i l.iv It a v ; , vital plot, and ,,)! - veiy definite Js: .1 values. Gnpping r :aJ tertainmcnt." i oS'inr: J erst of the many I .. is but el.e the it accoule s West 8 the in A Fnin. Keb.uaiy 1 .ill n Depa o. m t e : : i i ar-- m-f- ! for a MT-.- seen atmn hall and Re-j- S East ward the ontin t ' ll seats as i5c sile next Monday , :riy t "is f !' the fcks the mpport of ie - jHit)'. Men Returned From Service This Week S Sgt. Ea:l W. Orton, h.iii ill fi 'lit f till H TllC'i pc pli gills h ainu IP men, daughti r 4 M: ui'i Mis. Edg.i:- lit risen, and Eugene t k. t i: n.i k. ..f ! ii ft to tile ouiek thinking ..'id .u I lull of M .,11,1 Mis Rill Ros, wh i .ml them m the car m f : nt ef tii. Bens, m home at ?:3ij S.i'a:-d..nio' ning. Bonnie and Eugene in enmp.im with two irnne young people, had lain to Cedar to a show oi ball game on Fiiday night, then stoppi d ill at till dance heie We undo stand Til. v were paikcd in fiont the of Benson home when Mr. and M:. 1! sc got home fiotn the dance M". Benson was out with his 'll. p , am Mis,. Benson was in San Eianeisio. When Mr. Rose got up . Me-- , Sunday, Fcbiuary 1(1, 9 a. m., General Priesthood meeting ,, M othei s and Daughter meeting i,,.. mg held at the same time: !) 8", fust genet a! session; 2 00 p, m. ond Clenei al session; 7:30 p m the.! gellei al session of the confidence It isnt known at this time who will be hoie to represent the general church authorities but this mation will be given next week The Stake Presidency is desirous of hall. as possible having as large turn-ou- t .tiarul. n Gusman states that to all of the conference. I ,p j,.., meetings tit is being put on ij .r.teita.ni: of ' campaign to raise a part .v' VOLUME XXXI CATTLE AND HORSE GROWERS Store To Bel TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Racing Assn. Organized; son of Mr. - ! M-s- . e'-'.- t - y . SaUuday morning and :een the car till tin :o he suspeeti d something he sSt.de Liquoi stun which has 1. sated m ialoWall foi the i . I six months, will be moved out ef Hus i immunity again m t Tucs-l- sice Oi ding to Wold gIVi n out by tin Uuh Liquor Contiol Commis- 11 liu.lllg the Week. The decision It dose the stole Was made by the n. mission aftei a petitiun, eaiiy-dt- g i the names of 4UU utieiis of this i.;y was presi nUJ asking that the 'I .e Oe taken out f Iaiowan The petition was piesented to the Liquor Commission by H L. Adams ot the lien county Commission, E. Ku Lym. n, Palawan's Mayor, and Bishop Jess W. Guynion. The petition was humiliated and canted to (he ciUcrs of the town by mcmbcis of mtei ested church gmups under ei.n Vt" tilt rF-a.-- . ; if ii mi'.e caily la t 9, lopi 1 ! Satin day, Fi biuaiy me. tings. I. 1 w m tin special ananfie-- . Km nch, Lo.s An- lit u f the Ea ,;i. .MtlU FEBRUARY The tegular annual meeting of the Will : I TAB, i Februaiy piesent tmtiedy d:ama ,is ; ., l):' I '' The legulur quartesh PAROWAN Young Couple Have Close! State Liquor 8. 4v.:i,ng. f STAKE CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN CEDAR FEB. riMKS, these men's leadership. Daily puss icports that Mr, Hurst chan man of the Liquor Board stated :...il win m ver a majority ef the citizens of any city aic shown to want liquor sales to stop m that city an uder lenioving the state store will he made. The commission figured mat 4UU signets weie moie than one n.ilf the adult population of this City mid they acted accordingly. In only one other instance has this be. n done and that was in the case of iiumeane, but it probably won't be tne last time it will happen. The store was taken out of Iaiowan a years ago when it wasn't paying its way for lack of trade stock, and was bi ought back in when liquor stocks become more plentiful, in July or August of last year. tah tattle and liaise Glowers As-- Parowan Gets Two Dates s A lung needed step toward better horse racing In Utah was taken at Richfield on Saturday of Lst wet k when representatives of the various cities and towns of Utah who have held race meets in the past and who are planning on holding race meets in the future met and formed a permanent Utah Racing Association An outline of the plans of the now organization was given to us by R L. Fenton of this city who attended the Richfield meeting last Saturday and was made secretary and treasurer of the new organization. Mr. Fenton said a satisfactory race date schedule for the different cities in in ApnI. The Foiest Reserve Cut question the State was drawn up at that will no doubt highlight the discus- time, and it is given at the clo.se of sions at this convention. We hope to this article. The schedule will eliminate g have something definite in that rerace dates and will allow gard to present at that time. The cards are signed by Mr. L. C, horsemen to enter their horses in all days of racMontgomery, president of the Utah meets. In all forty-thre- e ing for Utah under this organization Cattle and Horse Growers was outlined for the 1946 season, which is to open June 20th at Kanab and close September 23th at the Town Activity same place with three day meets at that place to open and dose the seaRevised and Added To son. notation, will bo held at the New House hotel m Salt Lake City, on Fuday and Satuida.v, Feb. 15th and l)th, according to notices received by some members of that association tesiding in this vicinity. Regular sessions will be held at 10 a ni. and 2 p 111. of each day. A cattlemens banquet will be held as usual on Satin day with the usual good entertainment features This is the fust convention held for two years, and the dates for this one have been advanced to get from the usual farniwork encountered m past conventions held ron-flictin- Calendar He went nut to the car to find and Mis. Ellis Orton of Ijmu.in, tairal both occupants out with the guls Ai-- i General admission "tab, was dischaiged from the Sp curt h'i'i-on January 23 at the Fort Dongbie.dhmg stopped He got them out y ,i .5 will he 5'ie and children will as Separation Center. He has serv- of the ear and began using artificial Parowan was the only other city The Parowan Activity Calendar u .V Mu'ir.il numbers and othei on the gnl. He and his ed months fourteen overseas with respiration in the State to schedule dates for be-, w:H be furnished for the lemainder of the season has it moment Air Transport Command in the wife and the latters b. other Joe, the two meets, one of which Is in tin of forinancc. r arts pel undergone several changes and a c theater of operations. winked on tlu prostmted people for under the sponsorship of the new number of for is dates which coming Cm for the pl.lV being Before 6. some time with Clark coming to in the Post of the American LegParowan May entering Army have been added to it, says is as ,P ted by Will L. Adams, 1912, he was employed as an nutomo about 20 minutes. ion. and second will be in conthe A. C. ting Hatch, calendar coordinator, , in order of appearance. Mr. Rose continued to work on ivc serviceman at Las Vegas, Nenection the Iron County Fair to with who be it that suggests published Button, a y ung artist, Bever-- ; vada. the girl for quite some time before be held here the first week-enin Rs in We form. revised are S ly MathO'on. T 5 Ross H. Barnck, husband of they thought of calling the Doctor, September. complying with his request and ahEuiton, her mother, Jean Mrs. Arlene Stubbs Barnck of and when Dr. Wilkerson arrived, The group at Richfield also drew urge our readers to use it in determboth continued to wotk with and adopted a constitution and up has from been they the is what next dischaiged in the IN RAMS WIN, LOSE STAY coming TIE ining ijr,t Burton, Ruth's brother, Mer-her 43 minand under these, stewards an and after hour and Ft. at the Douglas Separation Army way of school, church and civic actFOR LEAGUE LEADERSHIP ton Mitchell, of the utes she showed signs of coming out will have charge association in now is enter and here and Cedar as ivities: It is follows: 'jt.4 Burton, the oldest sister, E- - City of all race meets scheduled and will his people.. He has of it. Dr. Wilkeison with the aid of Team visiting Parowan-DixiFeb. 1, (Tonight) Standing loise DobiU'kie, conduct them under the same uniseived 14 months overseas in the Mr. Clifford Stiltz, druggist at FenBasketball game, tin Sandler, Nonnas boy friend, form rules and regulations. It is ala ton's administered Beof Pharmacy, theatre European operations. Feb. 8, East ward Benefit play, LaMar Jensen. so planned that a specially confore going into the service on May heart stimulant and she finally Feb. 13, West Ward M.I.A. Play, Burton, the head of the family, structed electric starting gate will too. came was home Claik taken 23, 1943, he was in the dry cleaning Feb. 15, High School Sweetheart Y.'ma Decker, be used at all meets. Officers of the and M'ss Benson put to bed where in Cedar City. Ball, ays Burton, the youngest, Carlr new organization are as follows: is as a precautionary nieas- she still Pfc. Chester Muir, husband of Parowan - Hurricane basketball Hulet, Frank Marlines, Richfield, presiboth are ure, but recovering very now set for same evening. Edna Peavcy, the Burtons Mrs. Norma Rasmussen Muir of this well now. Mr. Miller, Kanab, vice president; Mar. 1, Parowan-Ceda- r Basketball city, was released from the Army indlady, Meriam Moore, R. L. Fenton, Parowan, secredent; in The was heater which car the at Fort Douglas on Wednesday and game, r, a visitor, Will L. Adams, and treasurer; directors, Ches. Coach Claude Adam's Parovvan is now home with his wife and two connected with the exhaust, leaked Both ward old time dance set tary die Hendrix, Normas boss, J. to Beaver, Mr. Brown, Logan, rose Barton, team school basketball for same night sons. Muir has been serving over- the poisonous fumes in the inside of high Austin Adams. M. Sargent, Panguitch. and James of on new night Saturday heights bo overto car and caused them Mar. 8, East Ward M.I.A. play, seas in the Philippines with the Red the action Another of the group was to take there heretofore Mar. ISTIN HALTERMAN'S BUDDY 15, P.H.S. Junior Prom. Arrow division and took part in come and put them in the perilous last week to see all that be provided team from undefeated jockeys Valley high 15ITS HIS PEOPLE Mar. 16, Observance of Relief Socieseveral battles for those islands. Be- condition. HERE with similar uniforms. a decisive margin Orderville by fore entering the service he was ty annual When the following racing schedRECEPTION HONORS And then on Wednesday night of Mar. 26, Girls day, !r. and Mrs. R. L. Haltcrman and employed in Provo. Day at High school, ule was drawn worst COPULE their NEWLY MARRIED this up, the officers were week, they played Mar. 29, Senior Hop, High school, Jjnly enjoyed a few days visit over Kent R. Ward, son of Clair T,5 to season the of get requested the copies to all mem'k week end from game against John Shadoan, S. Ward of this city was discharged April, 12, P.H.S. Annual Day. A wedding reception was held on of the Utah State Press Assobers at this of Cedar the ' of their place High son Austin Halter-JiMay 3, Student body dance. at Fort Douglas during the week and Monday evening of this week in the to take a bad ciation as well as the daily papers beating. In spite of May who was lost in a P.H.S. Commencement prison ship is now visiting with his people in recreation hall, honoring, Mr. and this for the for tie a publication so residents of the in remained they Week. tag in October 1944 between the Salt Lake Before coming on home. Mrs. Ralph Hulet, who were mar-towns will1 know when each various Redmen the with leadership league Ihppines and the Jap Homeland. in June ried on Wednesday of last week in anci the service went into Kent meet comes; FEDERAL HOUSING DIRECTOR Mr. Shadoan Valley teams, who is still in the of 1943 and went overseas in May the St. George temple. A large num- Kanab, June 20, 21 and 22, ball' seaTO TALK IN CEDAR CITY ice had been of the best lht.ir e piaying home to Living-- of 1944, serving with the II. S. forces ber of relatives and fiiends of the Fillmore, July 3, 4 and 5, son last Saturday night, they passed Montana and was reporting in Southern France and into Germ- bride and groom, from Parowan and 11, 12, and 13, Gordon Weggland, state direcMr. Panguitch, k to the to and shot like outplay champions coast. and Austria. Before going into Cedar City were in attendance. Parowan is of scheduled tor Federal (American any Legion) July Housing the Valley team in every way. In e met Austin at an Albuquerque the service army he was a student 18, 19, and 20. A program was given at 8:30 in fact the outcome of the game was to be in Cedar City on Thursday evJjM. Airbase before our entry into at the Dixie college. Beaver, July 24, 25, 26, and 27. the Relief rooms with Clair Hulet in never in doubt in the minds of most ening, February 7th at which time war when both were stationed BAC at he will the an address Richfield, August 1, 2 and 3. give charge, consisting of short talks by spectators minds after about two re He was a cook and following LICENSE PLATE OFFICE TO 8 p.m. This announceAmerican at Fork, August 8, 9, 10, auditorium and John Evans W. Leonard Bishop minutes of play. The Rams jumped lr training hem both went over-f- s OPEN MONDAY IN CEDAR to Neil Mr. 15, 16 and 17, ment came us from BoyLogan, of August latter the 1 of the Wyo., Cowley, end 6 to lead by the Stevens, to a toEether and both were cooks Grim-shaof Cedar the Moroni, August 22, 23, and 24. er, secretary City musical numbers by George 7 first quarter, ran that lead to Clark Field S3County Assessor Hillman Dailey near Manila. Being states who of 31, Sept. 2 and 3 Chamber Aug. Payson, Commerce, Mrs. and Walter of Cedar City at the half and then proceded to run ' a us that a branch office of Parowan men of a number that (Iron unit, they didnt informs and County Fair) Sept. of Stevens by 24 canto Wyoming, Byron, in the third their score to Commission for action but were 5. 6 and 7. taken prisoner the Utah State Tax of this city has been inquiring in and hed Mrs. Arvilla scoreless. daughter Day visitors wHile the of selling automobile Bataan in holding April, 1942. They es-- , the purpose Cedar City, Sept. 11, 12 and 13. Vyonne of Cedar City, with Mrs. Valley garnet ed only one field goal that city about home building opwill the famous open license truck and plates, same. death march, but for and materials Manti, Sept. 19, 20 and 21. in the portunities Zona group Top'nam leading in those three quarters, the other e an in Cedar City next Monday morning d hike to Camp to The is invited Kanab, Sept. 26, 27 and 28. public Refreshments general In singing. foul from community pitches. points coming then were sent back to February 4. This office will be in were Mr. schedule This will give horsemen at this time which evof the meeting served and the rest the last quarter, Coach Adams made srk F..;d charge of Reed Esplin, former Cedar to start with the an will discuss the music Building to Weggland opportunity in was dancing spent numerous substitutions to even the of helping car ening ey e meets in this end of the state in put in the same bar-X- man, for the purpose and Priorities Materials question, Enoch orchestra. the 29 furnished was liscore by the final their game up and they occupied before and how soon they will be available June following them north and then the war owners of this section get to 19. - "le cense plates easier. and to the public. Parowan citizens are come back to finish in September. DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS TO Then came Wednesday nights mg for 2m ' invited to go over and hear Mr. MEET MONDAY. FEB. I1TH Mrs. Barbara M. Adams informs game with the Redmen in their gym. there for EAST WARD M.I.A. MEETING Weggland. us that at a meeting of the Women's :Ere 27 'ithoutu their ucoach TIME IS CHANGED The next meeting of the Parowan Going month, four other: Auxiliary of the Utah Woolgrowors Camp of the Daughters of the Pion- who was in bod as the result ot a ADULT EVENING CLASSES TO heart attack, and with three play- BEGIN NEXT MONDAY held in the Hotel Utah eers will come on Monday, Officers of the East ward M.I.A. 0,''or!! ff'nR down when association, i RrVe Decker and Dalton Robinson, ers, that the time for holding announce last Thursday, and which was athome at held p Rr)nk The the be will It other four were tended on the sick list and suffering with the music for the of Mrs. S. J. MIA meetings each Tuesday evwill the classes Adult her, begin by evening Barbara with pother ship Whitney didn't have a chance Vhl!e was furnished by Mrs. Fae M. Adams Monday February 4, at 7:30. Every ening has been set back to 8 p. in. giving the lesson on colds, they prisoners at Clark Field gathering of who couldnt of one interested will meet in the Ag. with the days growing longer. The the Redmen, Thornton Hutchings, daughter invian (aen care f haci Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thornton, former Pioneeris Day Advertising, team room first to arrange the details of Prayer meeting for officers and 'pleere extended to all ladies in been stopped that night by any tation of good food and sevAfter division. She or in e other sang this Parowan. of teachers of the organization will con the course and to register. residents any meetto attend this Seated quite kindly by their eral numbers, accompanying herself the community an exchange of baskets the Redmen Ptors A course in dairying will be of- vene at 7:40 p. m., just 20 minutes ing. 'vrre from the younger fho ss in three goals from the cen- fered. Those interested in this course before the regular meeting starts. on the piano or guitar for each and aPdnf-o- . The officers of the local camp of dropped . their on During stay also played several selections Ure ter went under the basket for will meet Mr. Brown and arrange and Adults of the ward are urged to the DUP would like all ladies who Ij s,11511!1Sh.Moanoretoldattack of ma-h- these instruments. Her mother was are registered members in the or- - more by faultless passing, to take a with him for the specific phases to attend the special interest group his people, there with her and asked to be relead by the end of the quarter. be covered. Those desiring work in classes on Tuesday evenings. The to please notify Lizzie A- iUstie tllan tJiat had good health. old friends in Par- ganization scored another 14 in the sec-t- o the shop courses, will go to the shop lessons for the rest of the year are to her They membered dams that such is the ease and to "th a large group of pris- d to 4 for us score taken from the book Evidences and after registering. owan. give her their registration num-- Thc quarter n AUg' 26 1944, thlr tlae end of,th score at of courses assurance The Reconciliations, written by Dr. John acbeing an that is very important to Bilibid prison to son of Mr. and ber It 12 and the final 40 to A. Widtsoe. Mrs. Carlena Morten-se- n was Kent fo number the Guymon, will depend upon garter given of this be obtained. ,w vVlks, and 'f onJ,a then took Mrs. Ross Guymon, was inducted in curate record 48 to 24, with the Rams registering, a miniimiuim of ten for score was is the instructor for this group. fa f i voyage on a ship to the Annv on January 9 and and 4 On Tuesday evening of next week Wm. Stubbs, B.M. 2c, son of Mr. playing their best ball in this quar-an- d each class is necessary. Women are mai kings of a prison is now stationed at Fort p Mrs. Alma Stubbs, is home on ter and with the Cedar coach using invited to come out and join either Brother Prisbrey, who gave a talk in on the Gospel of St. John will be course. Washington. Kent went a furlough visiting with his some substitute players, mrnhs at cla('k Field only one from here, but in company to repeat that talk in the East been in Last Friday night Valley beat the here He has friends. and family ' vo niad deliveries that Adams spent last week ward meeting, All adults of the I'.up-- t had been it after Augusta a couple of young men from the Navy for three yeais and served .Cedar teams with iw-- "rthnh 22 letter, the other end of the county, as the overseas for the past year. He was reported as a tie. Thus the three in Provo visiting with her daughters ward are urged to be there. sei-- i lost games Helen Hanson and Beverly Adams. Januarvquota under selective serving on a net tender in Asiatic leaders of the division all u b with the Mrs. Luella R. Adams arrived outside vice. d with The formers husband. Grant Hantie for in first are still the and lost was place his ship ,v;5tprs and in the first of the week after home to had a returned son cj'iieq lot ..I duty although just He has a few 5 wines and one loss apiece the they Jl ca:ljn nn,i Tvphoon off Okinawa, he d was tinted bv ed in 14 das a the past month in Salt a after service the armed furlough spending of rethe the half last schedule, Japan into go a m'0re months to go before being ',p"'PaE at Camp ts. and Lake with her children. held home. was vicinity to prisoner back page) (Continued Shud n and his group arriv- - for a year before being released. t EjEUeesj on it Cl., r Millets W;ii p i office in e .Viatic-Pacifi- mid-Jul- y A-- at- ( Par-iwa- n in d Hend-irk.'u- by-law- s, e r : Y Red-me- n -- n 13-1- 7, 1 j j w 16-- - t 1 ; at-en- el .ci S j wf-- Febru-aiyllt- I ' j j 14-- 4 28-- 1 j y 25-2- ' :!- - j. , . m-- W, -' 4 8. |