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Show - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lana A WOMANS DISCOVERY. Lake City, Utah. Sig. S. Marghieri, the well known archeologist, discovered and explored a herAugust, iSth, iSSS. hereby given that the metically sealed cave, at an) elevation of settler has filed notice of nearly 4000 feet on the eastern side of Office at Salt Noince lowing-name- ANCIENT RELICS. No. 3045 . is d his intention to make final proof in his claim, and that said proof will be made i, before the Clerk of luab County at on Wednesday, October 3d, iSSS, viz: Hyrum C. Kienke D. S. No. 10219 for the E i N W W J N E Sec. iS Tp. the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexco, about 200 miles south of Denting, between Corafitos and Casa Grande, about two years ago. The floor was nearly smooth, the sides rough and rugged, and the vault covered with stalactites.- I11 the far end of the cavern were found lour desicated human bodies. The bodies were in a sitting posture, with the hands crossed on the breast, and the knees approaching the chin with the head inclined forward. They were carefully shrouded. in their burial garments and placed facing the rising sun. The male and female vtere seated side by side. The older child, a boy, was at the right of the father, and the younger child a girl, at the lett of the nfother. In addition to the funeral shrouds, the little girl was enveloped in the skin ot an animal, similar to the method used in the island of Fuerte Ventura, the better to preserve its tender frame. The floor of the cavern and the remains were covered with a fine dust, but no footprints of man or beast could be found. TAie bodies were carried to San Francisco by Signor Marghieri, and were purchased byj. Z. Davis, president of the board of trustees of the state mining bureau, and by him presented to tthe bureau. No embalming process was used in the preservation of those bodies. They were dried by the air alone. The bodies are not of the Indians of the present day, because the fingers and hands and feet are smaller than the average, and the womans hair is brown and silken, and of the Caucasian type. The body of the man must have weighed in life form 180 to 200 pound, but it now weighs only 14 pounds, while the body of tire woman weighs only 12 pounds, in the globe of each of the small and well proportioned ears is a peice of hollow bamboo or reed as an ornament. The woman had a large forehead and well developed reasoning powers. The little hoy weighed but three pounds, and the little girl only four and a half pounds. The burial shrouds of the body are composed chiefly of cotton, hair, hide, grasses, and the bark of willows. The bodies may now be seen at the rooms of the State Mining Bureau. San Francisco L.ximiner. Ne-ph- 12SR1E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, .and cultivation, of saidjland, viz; Edwin iGoble. George W .Tolley, Charles Tolley, lEdward Jones Jr. all of Nephi, Juab Co. D. Wemi, .Utah..S. VV. Darke Atty. Register. Aug 24 Sep 28 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION,. No. 3039-Lan- Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, August 14, 18SS. Notice is hereby given'that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Juab County, at Nephi, on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1S8S, viz: fames V. Schofield D. S. roi9 for the S N W J E h S W i Sec. 23, Tp 15 S R 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John C. Witbeck, R. A. Lundy, Orson llowarth, Moroni Howarth, all of Little Salt Creek, Juab County, Utah. S. W. Darke, D. Werh. Atty. for App., Register. Iike-thos- NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tintic Mining District, August 10,' i833. To Heber Cloward, his heirs or assigns' You are hereby notified that I have expended Two Hundred Dollars nr labor and improvements upon the Fairview lode claim, situated in lire Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, for the years ending December 3rst, 1SS6, and Dec. ember 31st, 1SS7. m order to hold said claim under the provisions of section Revised Statutes of the United 2324, States, being the amount required to hold the sameir the years ending December 31st iSbo and December 31st, 1SS7, and if within ninety days after this notice by publication you fail to contribute your as coproportion of such expenditures owner, your interest 111 said claim will become the property of the subscriber under said section 2324. FORMS OF SALUTATION. The most common form of salutation is shaking hands. among Anglo-Saxon- s Men usually greet women by raising the hat, but no two men were ever found who observed tire courtesy in the same manner. There is no authorized manner for a , is to return a mans salute. lady BOOTS and SHOES made to or- what the fair sex seeks, and Novelty eacli one lias her own little way. der. Repairing neatelv done. Main Stket. Nephi. Among the Ficnch, and especially Sdb wth the Belgians, men think nothing ot embracing each other in public. A father and son, or other near relations, often kiss in public. A peasant in Spain gleets a stranger iie meets by generously offering him one PETERSON & CHAPPELL'S hilf the biead he cairies. It is never excepted without great astonishment to the donor. IN IIAWINS BOW, In India the Buddhists salute bv lowering the palm of the right hand and bringit up toward the face, at the same Is lis Lee to toy all Mats of ing The time saying: Ram, ram chair Mohammedans do the same, but simply This is only done in say' tSalaain either case by members of the same faith. The sulntiou is always made, too, with the right hand, to use the left being conother and jewel. y sidered Watches, Clocks, an insult. repaired on tire shortest notice. Two Items op Interest. There is an idle romance! out west somewhere who is keeping the east supplied with excellent items of interest. lere are a couple of them. Lightning played a queer V. T., caper on a ranch near Buffalo, recently. It struck a b.ub wire fence and for a distance of 4000 yards melted the barbs without injuring the strands, and pulled one end of the staples in, filing the wires to the posts. The extracted ends ware neatly turned into corkscicws and nickel plated. Jim Blevins, living near White Creek, Tex, killed a very large chicken snake a few days ago and noticing the snake's body was unusually huge and ill shaped made an incision and found it to contain a huge cow horn and 111 the horn a praiiie lat. It is supposed that the snake ciiased the rat into the horn, and to secure the rat swallowA'. V. Sr.n. ed the horn. Richard Tyner. J. Biackbum. j JEWELHY Another wonderful discovery has bsen made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its cluches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imiment. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. Kings New Dicovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get free trial bottle at Hyde & Whitmore's. THE VERDICT UNANIMOUS. V. D. 1 EZINES ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 RE?0ET ON ENTSIS3, CONTESTS, &s.,$3.C0 Procuring Land Patents. Filing Arguments, jtr.d Conducting Conlests, on Moderate Terms. Send Tor circular to HENRY IT. i' , Hon. Noal Dow takes a hopeful view of the situation. He thinks tile Prohibitionists will more than hold their large vote of 1SS6; and he looks for a I find, lip considerable improvement. FIGS HAMBURG the free trade racket is pretty that says, Are the sovereign remedy in all cases generally understood by the people to where excessive or insufficient nourish- be vvha it really is a frightful grinning ment, sedentary habits, sleeplessness, caricature, rudely drawn in phosphorus araveing or pregnancy produce a tend- upon a wall to scare children in tire dark. ency to CONSTIPATION, A That bane of the American people. neglect to remedy this conditon may Sponges are marine animals, not fishes, however. The breeding time is in the result seiiouslv. Hamburg Figs are a Iruit laxative loz- spring; the young sponges swim ahon enge, composed of fruits and vegetables. for some time, but finally become fixed Although mild, they are very effective, to rocks and grow. The sponges ve and their continued use keeps the bowels use are obtained principally in the Mediterranean Sea and among the Bahama in a healthy and natural conditon. BILIOUSNESS Islands. Is the result of ail inactive Liver, and its In an iritable condition of the sexual orsymptoms are manifested by headache, furred tongue, loss of appetite and a gans, Dujardins Life filssence is the only yellow skin. Hamburg Figs are the only remedy. It is quick, safe, sure. Hundreds s purgative that will effectually relieve th of testimonials prove its wonderful powcondition and remove the impurities that er in sexual debility. Price, 1,50 a bottle. clog the system- - Hamburg Figs are All druggists. harmless if their use is continued indefA well digger at fi'hnt found a silver initely. and a box should always be kept in the house. They are delightful to the thimble 25 feet kelow the suiface. Hta-- i veil onlv knows what has become of the taste. ' Dose, one Fig. Price, 25 woman who lei t it there. .9 box at druggists. D. C. hare Coppa Settler Gnidt, do cents (postage etamps. lit pages ; price only j. v (53 Suit, Druggist. . Ga TEASDAIB Bnrtoor. Hair dressing. Shaving and ShamAbraham Hare, druggist Bellville, Ohio, in the latest Style. affirms: The best selling medicine I have pooing ever handled in mv 20 years experience, . is Electric Bitters. Thousand of otheis have added their testimony, so that the with care. Teeth extracted verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Tlain and Sign Painting and Hyde it Whitmores. done at short notice. dentistry Painter, WE Paper hanging And all kinds of Upholstery done CAN AND DO HTfn 'JOUflDOHV Guarantee Ackers Blood Elixir for it has FRANCIS SELLS, been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other 1- 1 4 w preparations for blood diseases. It is a jj u u 11 j positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, In addition to a choice stock alEruptions and Pimples. It purihas just received a fies the whole system arid thoroughly ready on hand carload of builds up the constitution. hi uu Mure Sleepless nighis made miserable by ail u Wall Pap that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is which he is Direct from the the remedy for you. Sold by Miner & Lake Prices. Salt at offering Co., Druggists Nephi. New Store a few doors North of the National Bank, Mein Shilohs Vitalizer is what you need Street, Nephi. for Consumption, loss of Appetile, Dizzi-ne- s and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price Call ami examine prices before purchas10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold ing elsewhere, yon will save by Miner anti Co., Nephi. freightfron Salt Lake City. Croupe, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilohs Cure. Sold by Miner & Co., Nephi. Est GRACE BROS. Main IHd3N A HEALTHY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm asi Bat hold on the American people and is tobesupeiior to all other preparations. I; is a positive cure for a.ll Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical LUMBER YARD AND PLANING fraternity indorseand prescribe it .GuarMILL. anteed and sold by Dr. Miner. ed Shilohs Cough and Consumption Cure is. sold by us' on cures Consumption. a guarantee. Miner & Co., It Ne- phi. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark tide of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will cute the west form of Dyspepsia, Constipation and Idigestion, and make l.fe a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and .30 cents bv Dr. Miner Street, MO, Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware Such as Nails, Locks, 1 linges, etc. Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of at Also BURTON SUPT H. Cost for Cash, We have just received a car load of Will You Supper with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalizer is Doors, guaranteed to cure you. S jld by Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. Windows. Square, and Flat Pickets Fanc$ DIRECT FROM THE EAST. A CHILD KILLED. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Another child killed by the use of op-ialWhich we are prepared to sell giv en in the form of Soothing syrup. ot all. Why mothers gne their children such at prices to meet the wants when is surpiising they deadly poison can lelieve the child of its peculiar troubl- Cor. Main and S. P. V.Iiy.St.Nephi. The finest es by using Ackers Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Dr. M.ner. FURNITURE, URIIO LSERY,ETC. can be so We quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. guarantee it. Sold by Miner V Co., Nephi. That Hacking Cough GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. And always have a bottle of Ackers English Remedy in the house. You can-n- ,i tell how soon Cioup may strike you little one. ora cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cine. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its tieatment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Dr. H. J.MORTENSEN Frit DEALERS PA PLOD, 11 EAT Catarrh Cured, health line of life 33afoy Carriages IN a, COOK overseen in Nephi, at bot- - tom prices. Geese FEATHEBS anil IN FILMS, aiJ Moral FOLD-- IT STOVES and DADOES. Wc have just received fron the east FOUR CARLOADS of FurGrates, Crosspieces, Lids, Fronts, Backs niture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoves made. Southern dealers will do well to send their orders to us. We will guarIn ordering be sure to give name and antee them jSalt Lake wholesale prices, thereby saving freight and damexact number of stove. age on goods from fcialt Lake. All orders will receive prompt attention. AH Home made, and 20 per cent. below SUPT. Salt Lake prices. AH kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, SIGNS! CHAS. WASHINGTON, - PATENTS SIGNS! COPP, - ' The Dreaded Repetition Hi; minister sought to improve the lime by giving Bobby a lesson in morality. I have lived 45 .My boy, lie said, Before purchasing elsewhere give me years, and never used tobacco in any Satisfaction guaranteed. a call. nor a nor told nor lie, form, swore, played Miner. P. O. Box 69. Spanish fi'ork Utah. hookey, nor interHave you got any little boys, For kune hack, side or chest, use Shi-Joh- s rupted Bobby. Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents No, I have never had any little boys. Well, they are migiity lucky," said Miner & Co Druggists. Nephi. Bobby. San Francisco It af. PETERSON. trerr Settler shoald njh" . Obtained, and all Patent Business attended to Pronrply and for Moderate Fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, aud we can obtain Patents jn less time than those remote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make no charges unless patent is secured. We rtfer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order l)iv., and Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, fi'or Circulars, advice terms, references to actual clients in your own State or Country, write to C. A. Snow & Co., Opposite Patent Office. Washigton D. C. Bippus, Ind., I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was.cured of Rheumatism of ten years standing. testifies: lit LANDS " i'- - 1 ,- and sweet SIGNS SCENERY. Interior Decorating, all Kinds of Ornamental Painting, Gilding, etc.. Addross GO Center Street BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. Salt Lake City, The best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Or leave orders with Mr. Tingey of Furniture Co. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever the Nephi Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilPrices and estimates given on blains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and First class work. cures Piles, or no breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Trice 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Miner & Co., Neptyi. ' C. S. TINGEY, J ADAMS & SONS, COpjUMjS & BUILDERS LUMBER YARD AND Co-o- positively pay required guaranteed to give perfect satisPrice 25 faction, or money refunded. cents per box. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore. It is C.KA& TT, AMAlDj THE NEPHI DENTIST, CONSTIPATION Who has been practicing dentistry in Nephi for the last ten years is now at HIS OFFICE block souih One block eat and one-ha- lf of the Co-o- p store v heie he is prepared to do all work in his profession in the latest style. Gold anialgum and bone filling and extracting a specially. Prices reasonable. Part payment taken in pro--I LUMBER.LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. for many of tire more serious ailments with which you are altiicted. Hamhcrg Figs area specific for the cure of Habitual Constipation, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache and piles. T o travelers by sea and land they will be found invaluable; they are positively unfailing in their action, and tills is the only medicine ever duce. ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE offered to the public that is acceptable t N. B. lie is now fully prepared to ex-- I , s and that children tract tenth without pain by the use of tbetaste, pleasant SAN FETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEHIL Will eat the Figs as eagerly as candy, the Vegetable Vapor. lrire, 25 reals a box. Dose one Fig. Opvi at ions done on short notice. Is responsible |